
  • About Jack Schaefer

    I am a life long practitioner of asian martial and has spent decades in the study and practice of Chinese medicine and Daoism. I am an ordained Daoist priest and co-founder of Parting Clouds Daoist Education. We are a recognized Daoist temple organization located in the US with students in the US, Canada, France, England, Russia, Mexico, Australia, and Scotland. We aim to bring authentic Daoist teachings to the western word.

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  • Saqib melds mysticism with science, drawing insights from traditions like Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism, Hinduism, Christian Mysticism, Non-Dualism, etc. Before his Awakening, he had a background in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration. He later received training in meditation at Dharamsala's Tushita Center and worked at Delhi's Zorba The Buddha. Since then he has hosted many programs across India and Canada. A spiritual mentor for many seekers, Saqib himself remains a student of Mysticism, blending logic, emotional intelligence, and ethereal wisdom to elevate consciousness.

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  • Emma Rowena is a musician, performer, intuitive reader, healer, meditation guide, and emerging social entrepreneur, helping people find peace, purpose, and healing in their lives.

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  • Today I want to introduce you to a very good friend of mine, Pierre Motor. He is the go-to guy for all things productivity. As a coach he instructs his students in a host of ways how to become their ultimate focused self. And while it isn’t his main secret weapon, meditation has aided him in his journey and those of his clients for many years.

    Meditation Coaching

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    Links from the Episode:

    Click here for Pierre's Distraction Shield: A Guide to Minimize Distractions and Maximize Focus.

    It’s FREE!

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  • Most of the times when I speak to my Mom, I keep the lessons to myself. Mainly, because the value they hold is more personal than communal. But today, I had a talk with my Mom that may be beneficial for all people to hear. Come Listen. It’s a short one. :0)

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Many people meditate to relax and minimize stress. And of course, that is a great reason. As we all know, there are several benefits to meditating. Today I talk about the less common ones. Come listen.

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    Visit Heroic Productivity and sign up for an amazing resource for killing distractions

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • We have talked about the meditation practice know as Tonglen, but today’s article talks about it in a deeper way, helping us better understand what it is, but also why it is beneficial for the “giver and receiver”. Come listen.

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Joy is a wonderfully light energy that lifts our spirits, helps us appreciate the beauty of the world around us. Hopefully, you know that experiencing and observing the joy of others brings about the same result; a lightness of being. If you were unsure, today’s post by Scott Tusa will make it wonderfully clear.

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Karma is an often used word in our culture. However, many times it is referenced incorrectly, veering from its Buddhist roots. Today though, Thanissaro Bhikkhu talks about it in its true sense; and how it helps pave a path to freedom.

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Another day of Tricycle and another day of wisdom. :0) In today's post by Katherine Griffith, she discusses how to experience peace in a world that is seemingly chaotic, to say the least

    Join Me Tomorrow for a Live Meditation Talk on Insight Timer

    Live Insight Timer Event - Developing Compassion for Yourself and Others

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • What a great way to start off Tricycle week. Today I share a post with you about an unlikely meditator and how he came to appreciate his practice.

    Join Me Tomorrow for a Live Meditation Talk on Insight Timer

    Live Insight Timer Event - Developing Compassion for Yourself and Others

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  • Sarah Chauncey has written and edited for nearly every medium over the past three decades, from print to television to digital. Her writing has been featured on EckhartTolle.com, Modern Loss, as well as in Lion's Roar and Canadian Living. She lives on Vancouver Island in British Columbia (with her current cat, Ariel), where she divides her time between writing, editing nonfiction, and walking in nature.

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • It's been a while since I have recorded a meditation strictly for Zen Commuter. But the time has come. The 16 minute meditation I created is to help practitioners connect to universal consciousness. The recording starts with breath work, then transitions to body awareness and ultimately with a visualization. Please head out to www.patreon.com/zencommuter to avail yourself to the MP3 file. Enjoy.

  • Rudy Daniel is the creator of a great app that helps us rewire our subconscious, to realize a more fulfilling and positive life. The app is called Affirmate, and its effectiveness is the result of meditation, ancient wisdom and modern psychological principles. With it, in just 90 seconds a day, you can start to reprogram negative thought patterns that are holding you back from experiencing an amazing life.

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Constantin Morun is a meditator, coach and host of the popular Unleash Yourself podcast. Today we talk about how to live a calmer life by understanding what has meaning for you, as opposed to what others feel should have meaning for you. Our discussion talks about turning inwardly to glean the wisdom that will transform your life.

    Links from the Episode:

    Attend the Calm Success Live Event - Register here

    This is not just any event; it's a chance to learn innovative strategies from Constantin Morun, an expert in peak performance.

    His unique approach empowers professionals to achieve more, stress less, and create time for what's truly important - without sacrificing what they love, their success, relationships, or health.

    Event Details:

    Date: Thursday, May 9th, 2024

    Time: 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST / 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST

    Location: Virtual

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  • As Rudy puts it…

    My journey of self-exploration accelerated in my mid-thirties, a point in life where I questioned the deeper meaning of existence. At that juncture, I sensed a desire for more profound experiences, realizing that accumulating possessions and following the same patterns lacked depth and meaning. In this quest, I delved into the philosophies of Eastern traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, Tao, and more, alongside exploring Western philosophy, science, and the arts. Engaging in extensive reading and embracing various mindfulness practices, I gradually uncovered a profound approach to living—a deeper connection with the universe that changed my perception of life.

    Meditation Coaching

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    Links from the Episode:

    Get the Affirmate App for iPhone and Android (phone link only)

    Read "Behind the Mask, Behind the Mind: Discover who you really are” on Amazon

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Martin is “a man on the mend”, a recovered alcoholic with a debauched and materially-immersed past life of spilt milk under burnt bridges. Moments from suicide, his Beagle talked him out of it. This rock-bottom moment launched a phenomenal journey of self healing and personal transformation. "If you told me I had five minutes left to live, I'd spend that time basking in gratitude for the incredible gift of life. I want others to have that choice too.” - Martin O’Toole Through his experiences of the “pointless pursuance of success”, Martin uncovered the alchemy of everlasting happiness. Understanding the depths of depression and contrasting heights of delight, his compulsion to share his story has resulted in a podcast and brand new book, How To Die Happy.

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Pema Chodron is a Buddhist nun who is known for compassion and grace. Today I read an article of hers that discusses a form of meditation that centers on empathy; taking in the pain of others and sending out comfort and relief. It's called Tong Len. COme listen

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • Jeremy Van Wert is a trained psychotherapist who helps individuals create their most amazing life. In his work as a life coach he helps his clients break through the barriers that hold them back from experiencing the richest life possible. In our talk today we talk about the benefits of plant based medicines to facilitate personal growth and to assist us in seeing the hurdles that society places in front of us.

    Meditation Coaching

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    Mindful Mutiny Podcast on Apple Podcasts

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    Linked In - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thom-walters-5636391b

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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  • In waking life and in our meditative experiences, we can experience difficult emotions. So what do we do when challenging feelings come up in a session? The answer may surprise you. I'll also talk about how meditation can help us become a little bit more equanimous, a fancy word for even-tempered; not rattled easily by outside things. Come listen.

    Meditation Coaching

    Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation)

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    Linked In - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thom-walters-5636391b

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    Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience. The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes. Of course that means more peace in the world. So please let me know what you think. I read ever one of them.
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