Esportes – Croácia – Novos podcasts

  • Hard Smart Together is for High School and College Student-Athletes. I help players develop the growth mindset required to achieve their goals while improving as an individual player and the positive mindset needed to enjoy their athletic journey. Basketball has been such a wonderful part of my life and I've created Hard Smart Together for all of you athletes and your families that support you, who feel just as passionate about the role sports plays in your lives!

  • Dobrodošli na TRČKAST specijalizovani podkast o trčanju, vaš izvor inspiracije i informacija za trčanje! Naš podkast je posvećen svim trkačima, od početnika, iskusnih maratonaca, trail trkača, triatlonaca, OCR takmičara, atletičara, čak i planinara. Svake druge nedelje donosimo vam duge i kratke video forme sa gostima koji dele svoje priče, iskustva i savete. Pridružite nam se dok istražujemo sve aspekte trčanja, od treninga i ishrane, do opreme i motivacije. Subscribe na naš kanal i postanite deo naše trkačke zajednice!

    Trčanje | Maraton | Triatlon | Atletika | OCR | Trail | Planinarenje

  • A skydiver's podcast covered from the perspective of a newly licensed skydiver and an AFF-I who is also a BASE jumper. A place where open discussions and interviews are conducted on a variety of topics mostly geared toward the sport of skydiving and BASE jumping, but ultimately any goes!

  • This podcast provides an in-depth look at the life and racing career of Lando Norris, the 23-year-old British Formula 1 driver. It chronicles his early start in karting as a child before detailing his rapid progression through the junior motorsport ranks. The biography highlights Norris' record-breaking arrival in F1 with McLaren in 2019 as the youngest British driver ever. It covers his impressive initial seasons, securing podium finishes and his first pole position. The article focuses on his breakthrough 2022 campaign, where he claimed his maiden F1 race win at Imola. Beyond the on-track accomplishments, it explores Norris' engaging personality, huge fanbase appeal through platforms like Twitch/YouTube, philanthropic diversity initiatives, and his promising future potential as an F1 superstar. It paints a complete picture of Norris as both an elite racing talent and influential character in the sport.

  • Sunday Table Tennis Live is a brand new show where Ryan Jenkins, John Murphy and Keith Knox discuss all things table tennis and carry out some fantastic interviews with top players and coaches in the table tennis world!

  • Fed up with the glitz, glamour, and outrageous transfer fees of modern football? So is Nick Thomson, a die-hard fan and podcast producer on a mission, leaving the luxury boxes behind and hitting the road, travelling to the hidden corners of the football world. Together, we'll explore the rich history, quirky fan cultures, exciting locations and untold stories of teams you’ve probably never heard of (but soon won’t forget). This isn’t your typical football podcast—it’s all about finding the real meaning behind the beautiful game, one mispronounced team at a time.

    You can follow the adventure on social media...

    Twitter / X : @90minsPod

    Instagram: @nickthomson1989

    Feel free to get in touch with the show. Share your thoughts and recommendations for future destinations / football clubs: [email protected]

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Join Steve Stockton as he explores Missing Persons, Strange Appearances, Cryptids, National & State Parks, the Appalachian Trail, and more!

    Become a supporter of this podcast:

  • Sve o F1 u jednom pit-stopu. 🏁

    Podcast o rezultatima i memeovima s prošlih utrka, trenutnim glasinama na F1 tržištu i najavama sljedećih utrka. Ponekad bude i nešto potpuno random, no sve je vezano uz Formulu 1.

  • A coach’s impact isn’t limited to the playing field. Inspiration, knowledge, support: all of these lessons can benefit athletes far more in all aspects of life, not just sport. Former U.S. Women’s National Team member Courtney Thompson takes us beyond the court to share insight and wisdom from the nation’s top athletes and coaches.

  • You heard right! Dan Besbris is BACK with his BRAND NEW fantasy basketball podcast and the flagship show of the ALSO brand new Old Man Squad Sports Network!
    What is it, you ask? It's the appropriately named Old Man Squad Fantasy Basketball Podcast, of course!

    This daily full season fantasy basketball show breaks down every angle. Who are the draft day sleepers? Who are the best pickups? Who can you stash, and how should you bob and weave your way to another fantasy hoops title?

    Dan prides himself on never missing a show and taking a patient, analytical approach to fantasy basketball. But more than anything, Dan loves to roster old players who always perform.

    Come grab a seat in your coziest lounge chair, pop an earbud in, and join Dan year after year on this nerdy journey we love so much.

  • Podkast „Crno-beli randevu” je projekat dva autora - Vlade Ćujića i Donalda Čuke. U podkastu koji će se objavljivati jednom nedeljno, autori će analizirati aktuelni trenutak u kojem se nalaze fudbalski i košarkaški klub Partizan.

  • Was sind die geheimen Weisheiten und Tipps der erfolgreichen Menschen aus dem Bereich Sport ,Business oder Entertainment ? Genau diese Sachen versuche ich in diesem Podcast meinen Gästen zu entlocken und dabei den Zuhörern (und Zuschauern bei Youtube) den Alltag meiner Gäste hinter der Szene näherzubringen.
    Jeder der in seinem Leben den nächsten Level erreichen möchte wird sich was aus jeder Episode etwas rausnehmen können.
    Meine Motivation bei der erstellung dieses Podcast hat ein Humanitäern Karakte weil ich durch das Jahr mehrere Charity Projekte und Evente promovieren möchte und selbst unterstützen werde.
    Der Name Play the GAME ist symbolisch für das LEBEN -weil ich sehe das Leben als ein wichtiges Spiel bei welche wir manchmal gewinnen aber auch verlieren und es geht darum das man das beste aus diesem Spiel macht und jeden Moment des Spieles geniest und aus jeder Niederlage was lernt ,deswegen wird es mich auch am meisten freuen, wenn alle meine Zuhörer aus jeder Episode in diesem Podcast etwas mitnehmen können und lernen werden

  • A monthly podcast with coaches, athletes, and race directors to answer all the questions you have about inline skating/rollerblading, is but never knew who to ask.

    Sarai Pegram is a New York City-based inline street and speed skater. She's a staff member for Wednesday Night Skate NYC and a member of the Empire Skate Club helping plan annual event Big Apple Roll, August 1-4, 2024. For speed skating, she skates for Ohana Racing. She's also a brand ambassador for Picky Bars and Athletic Brewing Company.

    Produced by Jo Schonewolf / Cover art by Seth McCay

  • The #1 podcast on planet Earth to discuss all things Croatian sports.

  • Dark Horror Diaries is a horror story narration channel. We daily upload real, new and untold scary stories. We talk about home alone and scary craiglist experiences, weird and creepy neigbourhood encounters and as always real cryptid and creature sightings.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • On Tuesdays and Fridays, we'll have in-depth analysis and lively discussion about everything happening in the NHL. Whether it’s trade rumors, player development or season predictions, it has expert takes and fresh perspectives on every episode.

  • If you are looking for a rapid-fire insight into some of the more intriguing technical aspects in the motorsport and automotive industries, then the AVL Racetech Tech Talk is for you.

    A perfect accompaniment to a working lunchtime whether it be in the office or at home, our interviews with some of AVL Racetech’s leading engineering managers will inform, answer, and entertain.

  • American Hosts "Greeny and The Cheese" bring you the best and (sometimes worst) of Formula 1 all year long! High octane and hilarious. A must-listen-to show for all F1 fans.

    Email us: [email protected]
    YouTube: Greeny and The Cheese - YouTube

  • Welcome to the Pick and Roll podcast! We provide real information and real journalism about the real NBA. This podcast was made by the hoopers and for the hoopers, as we break down all kinds of NBA action to a science, giving you as the listener everything you need to know weekly!

  • Welcome boxing fans to the Propa Podcast. Grab a cuppa tea (or a beer) and listen to the chaps dive headfirst into the bumhole of the boxing. Expect to hear us shootin' from the hip and delivering our unfiltered, unbiased views on the boxing scene with a few giggles in between.

    Whether it's the latest heavyweight showdown or a featherweight underdog story, we've got it covered, and we're gonna dissect it like a Propa Sunday roast. Bosh x

    📲 Follow us on our socials - Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram

    🗳️ Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts & Spotify you absolute legends

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.