Artes – Indonésia – Podcasts recomendados
This is an audiobook based on the unofficial English translation of Heaven Official's Blessing/ Tian Guan Ci Fu by MXTX. Read by me, Crimson Rain.
Podcast Puisi Cinta. Menyebarkan, membacakan, membincangkan puisi-puisi cinta dari para penyair Indonesia dan Mancanegara. Selain puisi juga ada kisah cinta yang nyata, fiksi percintaan, serta obrolan fenomena Budaya dan Masyarakat. Juga tak menutup suara untuk membagi kiat, tips, dan motivasi seputar asmara. Ini #podcastpuisicinta yng dipandu oleh @selendangsulaiman, penulis Antologi Puisi "Omerta". Support this podcast:
BookTok is a podcast book club with your new best friends! Follow along with us as we read sections of books and chat about them each week. Hosted by Katie Chaney and Erica Bailey, new episodes drop every week on Sunday nights.
IG: @booktok_podcast
Tiktok: @booktokpodcast -
What’s Cooking with Chef Noel is a weekly podcast hosted by international multi-award-winning chef and best-selling cookbook author Noel Cunningham. Listen as Chef Noel takes you on a culinary journey through conversations with culinary experts, celebrities, and chefs as he delves deeply into various food topics, food trends, dishing on the food and beverage industry, the entrepreneurial spirit, and everything relevant to being a chef. If you love to cook or eat this is the show for you. The show is definitely witty, real and informative.
Hub acara podcast Fuad Abdullah dari channel "fubidon" dan "fubilosophy" di YouTube. Kunjungi channel-channel nya di
Dengarkan aneka diskusi seru tentang seni, sastra, budaya dan filsafat di Siniar Salihara. Ada "Stay A(r)t Home Talk" serta satu segmen terbaru "Ngomong-Ngomong Soal" yang akan rilis di bulan Juni. Kunjungi untuk program menarik lainnya
Cerita Dewasa adalah konten tentang buku, obrolan atau cerita pendek yang dekat dengan jiwa saya. Jiwa manusia biasa dengan segala pergolakannya.
Saya bingung kasi deskripsi apa ini barang.
Channel Alif Bosku menyediakan kisah-kisah seram untuk anda.
What’s your favorite romance book?
We’re here to talk about the romance books we love, about the amazing and talented authors that write them, and so much more.
We’re two friends who love to read, we spend most of our time reading and reviewing romance books. We decided to do a podcast that focuses on our reading journey, a journey that we love do much.
If you love romance books and want to find your next book obsession, follow and listen to us because we have so many recommendations for you. -
Book Spider (previously known as The God Setebos) is a book-of-the-week podcast primarily covering novels, with the occasional detour into nonfiction, literary criticism, poetry, and music. We pride ourselves in running a smart podcast for the discerning listener, and we strive for the highest level of intellectual rigor.
Our mascot, the book spider, sits in its cold corner, gathering its web of text, looking at the world with its calm, chilly eyes. -
Call me, Babas. Podcast ini tidak selalu tentangmu. Bisa tentang dia dan mereka bahkan aku.
Follow instagram saya @babas.story dan dukung semangat berkarya saya dengan -
The Comic Book Yeti team interviews comic creators of all kinds on this one-of-a-kind podcast. Hosted by Byron O'Neal and Jimmy Gaspero.
VO work by Minerva Fox. Yeti logo by Norm Konyu.
New episodes every Friday and most Tuesdays.
2022 & 2023 Grantie Award Winner. -
aduh ribet suruh bikin deskripisi, mikir lagi mikir lagi. ga ah gamau, anda siapa nyuruh” saya, pokoknya ini cerita ttg keseharian gua ngapain aja gt, gapenting emg tp ini bisa jd kenangan di kemudian hari ,dadah.
Podcast by في القطار
Khusus untuk kamu yg ingin ditemani hingga tidur nyenyak
Berisi bagian dari buku yang ku bacakan.
selamat mendengarkan, semoga suaraku bisa menemani kalian menuju lelap ternyaman - 💖 🔥 👍 💣 💎 #tmtbellc
A culture, arts, race, and society rooted conversations with unique guests and engaging talk and discoveries.
Shasmerta by Nawadanna merupakan sebuah podcast yang mendedikasikan diri sebagai titik temu sastra. Shasmerta menjadi wadah diskusi karya sastra dengan sudut pandang sastra yang bertujuan untuk menyebarkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam berliterasi.ShasmertaTitik Temunya SastraHalo Warga Shasmerta, kami kembali di SEASON DUAFind us in 6 available podcast platforms and in our home; youtube NawadannaUntuk komentar, saran dan request buku serta ingin turut serta berdiskusi bersama Shasmerta, dapat menghubungi kami melalui IG @shasmerta . Terima kasihPANJANG UMUR LITERASI Support this podcast:
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