Ficção – Israel – Podcasts recomendados

  • The mythical village of Chelm is where, in the mid- to late-1800s, the Wise Fools lived. Where everyone was a fool, no one was aware of being foolish. These are their stories--unlike other stories in the Chelm genre, very short-form tales as read aloud in synagogue over many years. (But you don't have to be Jewish! All are welcome.)

  • New to DUST? Start with Season Three: CHRYSALIS, starring Corey Hawkins, Toni Collette, and more!

    DUST is the premier destination for immersive science fiction audio stories.

    Previous Seasons:

    Season Three, CHRYSALIS: When an AI awakens after the genocide of the human race by an unknown alien species, it sets off on a path of vengeance across the known universe...and beyond.

    Season Two, FLIGHT 008: Eleven of the biggest writers in science fiction, through eleven unique stories, follow one single thread: a non-stop flight from Tokyo to San Francisco that passes through a wrinkle in spacetime and lands in the year 2040.

    Season One, HORIZONS: An anthology of audio stories ranging from Philip K. Dick and Ray Bradbury to the new voices of today.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • הספר "הארי פוטר והשיטה הרציונלית" הוא פאנפיק שנכתב על ידי אליעזר יודקובסקי, המבוסס על ספריה של ג'יי קיי רולינג. זהו לא חלק מהקנון המקורי אלא יקום חלופי: מה היה קורה לו הארי פוטר, במקום לגדול אצל זוג דודים מרושעים ובורים, היה גדל אצל פרופסור באוקספורד ומתחנך על מיטב המסורת המדעית המוגלגית?
    סדרת הספרים (שאורכה כחמשת הספרים הראשונים של הארי פוטר) נכתבה במקור באנגלית, ותורגמה לעברית על ידי קהילת 'רציונליות ישראל'. למידע נוסף ולקריאת הספר בעברית:
    לספר המקורי באנגלית:

    קרדיט לאיור הקאוור: CatoPhilosophus

    ליצירת קשר: [email protected]

  • All Nerdy, No Dirty! We are a group of pop culture addicts who love to talk scifi and pop culture with our guests! Support this podcast: Buy us a Coffee!

  • لو بجد مدمن رعب ده احسن بودكاست ممكن يعيشك الرعب على اصوله
    عيش تجربة رعب حقيقية بعيدا عن كلاسيكيات القصص المتداولة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بوعدك بلحظات مثيرة وغامضة واسلوب سرد فريد واحترافي مصحوب بزخات المطروصوت الرياح الصحراوية او احتراق الحطب والمزيكا التصويرية الغريبة هاينقلك لعالم غامض غريب وممتع

  • True Urban Legends is a collection of totally true made-up stories passed down by generations of made-up people.

  • Московский театр родом из Зеленограда, как он есть

  • A Christmas carol is a festive song, typically imbued with seasonal themes, that is associated with the Christmas season. Carols are often rich in history, originating from medieval times and evolving over centuries. They are characterized by their joyous melodies and lyrics that celebrate the nativity of Jesus Christ, the spirit of giving, the warmth of family gatherings, and the wonders of the winter season.Traditional carols like "Silent Night," "O Holy Night," and "Joy to the World" have religious roots and retell parts of the nativity story, focusing on themes like peace, hope, and divine love. Others, such as "Jingle Bells" or "Deck the Halls," are more secular, highlighting the merriment of the holidays with references to sleigh rides, festive decorations, and winter activities.The music of carols ranges from simple, catchy tunes that are easy to sing along to, to more complex arrangements suited for choirs and orchestras. They are often performed in a variety of settings during the holiday season, including church services, family gatherings, carol services, and public events. Carols can also be a communal activity; caroling involves groups of people traveling from house to house, singing and spreading Christmas cheer.

  • Читаю, что написано, и рассказываю, как это написано.

  • צפריר וחיים צוללים לתוך סדרת ספרי הפנטזיה האפית "ספר הנופלים של מאלאזן" מאת סטיבן אריקסון, מגלים שזה לא פשוט בכלל (אבל לגמרי שווה את זה), ושואלים את עצמם בכל פרק מחדש: "מאלאזן קורה פה?!"

  • פודקאסט המדמיין איך דברים היו נראים, אם ההיסטוריה הייתה מתרחשת קצת אחרת

  • - 1000+ audiobooks, all ad free!

    Wharton Cameron is a young American of Creole descent hired to engineer a spur line for a Mexican railroad. The business folds and he is stranded near Hermosillo. His preferred route to the Rio Grande is barred by marauding bands of the fearsome Hernando Luca, so Wharton heads toward the hacienda of Santa Eulalia where he seeks the protection of its hacendado (proprietor), Don Fernando Gutierrez. Don Fernando has no legitimate heir. He adopts Wharton and the transformation of Wharton to Don Pablo Gutierrez begins. Before long Don Pablo becomes hacendado, a man of wealth and station with grave responsibility for the livelihood of thousands. Don Pablo must marry to ensure their future by producing an heir. Whom shall he choose for his spouse? Will it be Wharton's college sweetheart, Dorry? Doña Flora, the fiery star of the Teatro Español? Or even, perhaps, Manuelita, a lovely maiden born to Santa Eulalia?

  • Welcome to And the Heavens Burn (AtHB), a narrated fantasy series based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop. Kinsmen Die is the first book in my series. It retells and adapts some of the major events in Norse mythology through the lens of six main characters:

    Odin, the Alfather and his wife, Frigg, the Almother. Together, they rule over the Aesir city of Gladhseim.Vidar Odinsson, jarl of the district of Vithi.Hodr Odinsson, the blind son of Odin and Frigg.Loki, son of Farbauti and Laufey.Vafthrudnir, high shaman of the Jotunn, the ancient enemies of the Aesir.

    In Kinsmen Die, Frigg, Almother of Gladsheim, fears that her son Baldr, afflicted by a strange malady, is dying – which should be impossible since Frigg used ancient magics to make her son immune to all harm. As Baldr’s condition worsens, Frigg summons her husband Odin, Alfather and master of magics, back from his wanderings. On the eve of Odin’s return, however, the Jotunn attack an Aesir town thus breaking the forty-year peace between Aesir and Jotunn.

    These events initiate a search for answers. Odin sends his son Vidar to learn how and why the Jotunn attacked. Through mystical and mundane means, Odin strives to figure out what affliction ails Baldr. Frigg learns of a witch’s plot against herself.

    Meanwhile, Loki agrees to help the Jotunn in their renewed war against the Aesir. Their plans help further his own plan of revenge against Odin and everything he holds dear. But, Loki must tread carefully. If he is exposed then he loses all hope of freeing his three children and avenging his dead wife.


    Everything you’ll hear is based on my interpretation of the two main source materials of Norse mythology – the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, along with a stack of books that discuss the myths … and another stack of academic articles that do the same.

    Kinsmen Die has 93 chapters; that story is now complete. Dark Grows the Sun, the second book in this series, is about half that. I will begin publishing the chapter by chapter narration of DGtS in October 2024.

    You can find me online here.

  • Dicussions of literature from a philosophical perspective.

  • – Всё по классике = НЕскучный подкаст 🎧

    – Литература is hot AGAIN 🔥

    – От филологов с любовью ❤

    – Одобрено ФГН НИУ ВШЭ ✅

    «Все по классике» – нескучный литературный подкаст, который ведут студенты и выпускники НИУ ВШЭ. Филологи разбирают некаконические произведения русских и зарубежных

    классиков и беседуют на разнообразные литературные и окололитературные темы.

    ✅ Какие тропы мы можем встретить в музыке Дайте Танк(!)?

    ✅ О чем писал Джон Стейнбек?

    ✅ Кто такой американский психопат, и как творчество Брета Истона Эллиса повлияло на мировой кинематограф?

    Об этом и многом другом вы узнаете в последних выпусках «Всё по классике». В новых сериях подкаста вас ждут не только стандартные обсуждения мировой классики, но и множество интересных интервью с известными спикерами и преподавателями ВШЭ.

    P.S. Несмотря на то, что заявленные в выпусках темы претендуют на академичность, формат подкаста является развлекательным. Ведущие высказывают личное мнение в дружеской беседе, общаются и немного хихикают 😺

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  • חלל. הגבול האחרון. זה מסעם של עידן זיירמן וארז רונן בעודם צופים בכל הפרקים של ״מסע בין כוכבים״ בסדר כרונולוגי, מדברים על כל אחד מהם במשך כרבע שעה, וצועדים בעוז למקום בו רגל אדם לא דרכה מעולם!

  • תיקים באפלה - פודקסט פשע אמיתי, בו סיפורי פשע ותיקים בלתי ייאומנים אשר נותרו באפלה מסופרים על ידי הצמד, אב וביתו, אריאל ונתנאל סמריק