
  • Laurie Taylor talks to Becca Voelcker, Lecturer in the Art Department at Goldsmiths, University of London, about her research into the relationship between sight and power. Everyday life is full of moments where we are seen, often without our knowledge, even in the virtual world, where cookie trails and analytics make us visible to profit making companies. Going back in time, Jeremy Bentham's panopticon depended on seeing its occupants to control them. If we cannot control who sees us today are we also being controlled? How does that square with the many moments when being seen is also a means of social recognition?

    Also, David Lyon, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Law at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario explores the surveillance which permeates all aspects of our lives today. Every click on the keyboard, every contact with a doctor or the police, each time we walk under a video camera or pass through a security check we are identified, traced, and tracked. So how does surveillance make people visible, how did it grow to its present size and prevalence, and what are the social and personal costs?

    Producer: Jayne Egerton

  • Eigentlich kann man sich innerhalb des Schengen-Raums frei bewegen. Doch seit kurzem gibt es an den deutschen Außengrenzen wieder Grenzkontrollen. Wir sprechen darüber, wie es dazu kam und wie die Kontrollen konkret ablaufen. Außerdem: Manuel erzählt, wie er einem Online-Scam zum Opfer gefallen ist. Und: Wie viel Geld ist zu viel Geld für ein Konzert-Ticket?

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    Nächste Woche startet der Easy German Book Club! Ihr könnt euch noch anmelden unter

    Darüber redet Deutschland: Grenzkontrollen für 6 Monate How Do People Live on the Border? (Easy German 571) Lage der Nation Folge 398 Eure Fragen Petra aus Tschechien fragt: Findet ihr die horrenden Ticket-Preise für Konzertkarten angemessen? Hast du eine Frage an uns? Auf kannst du uns eine Sprachnachricht schicken. Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode die Grenzkontrolle: Überprüfung von Personen und Waren an der Grenze eines Landes das Abkommen: Vereinbarung oder Vertrag zwischen zwei oder mehr Parteien die Kettenreaktion: Reihe von Ereignissen, bei denen jedes Ereignis durch das vorhergehende ausgelöst wird die Stichprobe: Auswahl von Einzelpersonen oder Elementen aus einer größeren Gruppe, um Daten zu sammeln und Schlussfolgerungen über die gesamte Gruppe zu ziehen der Scam: Betrügerische oder irreführende Handlung, oft mit dem Ziel, Geld zu erlangen oder jemanden zu täuschen das Widerrufsrecht: Recht eines Käufers, einen Vertrag innerhalb einer bestimmten Frist ohne Angabe von Gründen zu kündigen das Impressum: Pflichtangaben eines Anbieters, insbesondere im Internet, über seine Identität und Kontaktmöglichkeiten

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  • In this episode I'm talking to my friends Amber and Paul about cultural differences, particularly in the ways we communicate with each other in different countries.


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  • Amber and Paul are back on the podcast as we catch up with their recent news and the conversation goes off on many tangents covering subjects such as: pollution and fog in Paris, a possible new word - 'pog', other potential new words of the year, Harvey Weinstein, wanking in the office, 'human pollution in the swimming pool', Paul's recent showbiz news, seeing The Rolling Stones on stage and a slightly worrying email from a LEPster. Includes a cameo appearance by young Hugo, saying his first words on the podcast.

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  • It's a catchy title! Episode 900 is here, and what better way to celebrate than by inviting my pals Amber & Paul back onto the podcast? Amber & Paul have been regular guests on this podcast for 10 years. We usually have light-hearted and tangential conversations and these episodes are often very popular with long-term listeners. This time we talk about Episode 900 celebrations 🎉 the title of this episode 🔁 Paris Olympics 2024 🏟️ encounters with dead animals in Paris 😢 Paul's Olympic marathon run 🏃 the dangers of sneezing 🤧 and more...

    👉 Episode page

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  • Time for the 2nd dose of the week. Here's an email from an anonymous DL who is open to suggestions regarding his hair loss.

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  • Heute sprechen wir über interessante deutsche Ausdrücke wie "einen Steinwurf entfernt", "Fernweh" und "neugierig". Cari erklärt, warum es im Hause Schmidski "Knatsch" wegen der Mülltrennung gibt und Manuel hat eine Lied-Empfehlung des Berliner Künstlers "Lampe". Zum Abschluss beantworten wir, was wir vom (fehlenden) Tempolimit auf deutschen Autobahnen halten und ob wir auch außerhalb des Podcasts miteinander reden.

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    Unsere Hausmitteilung: Easy German Book Club 2024

    Der Easy German Book Club ist zurück. Wie ihr mitmachen könnt, erfahrt ihr hier:

    Ausdruck der Woche: Es gibt Knatsch Knatsch (Wiktionary) Lied der Woche Lampe - Immer muss ich alles alleine machen (YouTube) Eure Fragen Alex fragt: Was denkt ihr über die deutschen Autobahnen und fehlende Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung? Tempolimit (Deutsche Umwelthilfe) Tempolimit auf Autobahnen - CO2-Einsparung offenbar höher als gedacht (tagesschau) Do Germans Want a Speed Limit on the Autobahn? (Easy German 300) Julien aus dem Libanon fragt: Reden Cari und Manuel auch außerhalb des Podcasts miteinander? Family Relationships in Germany (Easy German 420) Hast du eine Frage an uns? Auf kannst du uns eine Sprachnachricht schicken. Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode einen Steinwurf entfernt sein: sehr nahe sein, nur eine kurze Distanz entfernt das Fernweh: ein starkes Verlangen oder Sehnsucht, zu reisen und ferne Orte zu besuchen neugierig sein: ein Interesse oder Wunsch haben, mehr über etwas zu erfahren oder etwas Neues zu entdecken der Knatsch: ein kleiner Streit oder eine Auseinandersetzung die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung: die maximal erlaubte Geschwindigkeit, mit der ein Fahrzeug auf einer bestimmten Straße fahren darf die Lichthupe: ein Signal, das ein Autofahrer gibt, indem er kurz das Fernlicht seines Autos einschaltet

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  • And just like that, they're back! Hilary & Michael, back on the sofa at Whitehall Towers answering your emails in the way only they can. Balance is restored. So what have they been up to and more importantly, how did that dinner party from the emailer last series, with all the dietary requirements go? Let's find out!

    You can email your questions, thoughts or problems to [email protected]

    This episode contains explicit language and adult themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

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  • Trevor and Christiana are joined by travel journalist Rajan Datar to tackle the perennial summer question around the world: what’s with all these tourists, anyway? Governments, water gun-toting Spaniards, and 10,000 Elsas weigh in.
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  • What connects a notorious 1827 murder case with the Detection Club’s cosy Soho clubrooms?
    There are minor spoilers for the books listed below in this episode. Also, please be aware that there are passing references (without description) in this episode to infant death.
    Support the podcast by joining the Shedunnit Book Club and get two extra Shedunnit episodes a month plus access to the monthly reading discussions and community:
    Mentioned or consulted in the making of this episode:
    — The Red Barn, A Tale Founded On Fact by Robert Huish
    — The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
    — Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
    — BBC News report of William Corder's cremation in 2004
    — Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red Barn, an anonymous play
    — Maria Marten: The Murder in the Red Barn by Peter Haining
    — William Corder and the Red Barn Murder: Journeys of the Criminal Body by Shane McCorristine
    — The Mysterious Murder of Maria Marten by James Curtis
    — The Invention of Murder by Judith Flanders
    — The Red Barn Mystery by Donald McCormick
    — The case report in the Newgate Calendar
    Related Shedunnit episodes:
    — Florence Maybrick I & II
    — The Murder At Road Hill House
    — Crippen
    NB: Links to Blackwell's are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell's is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.
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    Find a full transcript of this episode at
    Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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  • Ep. 430: Andreu Buenafuente y Berto Romero aún están estrenando la 12ª temporada de ‘Nadie Sabe Nada’ en la SER, en podcast y en vídeo y poco a poco van cogiendo de nuevo la soltura... y recuperando la ignorancia. 

    Ignorancia en tratar temas como si se pueden disecar las abuelas, cuál es el orden correcto para lavarse al ducharse, padres que tiran huevos crudos a sus yernos o si llegará un día que los pañales y compresas absorban el mar. 

    A todo esto,

  • SUGAR: Laurie Taylor explores the ways in which the sweet stuff has transformed our politics, health, history and even family relationships. He’s joined by Ulbe Bosma, Professor of International Comparative Social History at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, and author of a tour de force global history of sugar and its human costs, from its little-known origins as a luxury good in Asia to transatlantic slavery and the obesity pandemic.

    Also, Imogen Bevan, Research Fellow in Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh, considers the bittersweet nature of sugar consumption and kinship in Scotland. During extensive fieldwork in primary schools, homes and community groups, she traced the values and meanings attributed to sugar – its role in cementing social bonding, marking out special occasions and offering rewards to children, in particular. Far from being a simple and pleasurable choice, she found it often had a fraught, morally ambivalent presence in family life.

    Producer: Jayne Egerton

  • Anonymity and self creation: Laurie Taylor talks to Thomas DeGloma, Associate Professor of Sociology at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, about hidden identities and how and why we use anonymity, for good or ill. He explores a wide range of historical and contemporary cases, from the Ku Klux Klan to 'Dr H' the psychiatrist who disguised his identity in a meeting which changed his profession's regressive attitudes towards homosexuality. In recent years, anonymity has featured widely in the political and social landscape: from the pseudonymous artist, Banksy, to Hackers Anonymous and QAnon. What is anonymity, and why, under various circumstances, do individuals act anonymously? How do individuals use it, and, in some situations, how is it imposed on them?

    Also, Tara Isabella Burton, Visiting Fellow at George Mason University's Mercatus Center, on the crafting of public personae, from Beau Brummell to the Kardashians. She finds the trend for personal branding, amongst ordinary people as well as celebrities, originated with the idea that we could shape our own destiny, once the power of the church had waned. What are the connections between the Renaissance genius and the Regency dandy, the Hollywood 'IT' girl and Reality TV star? Might there be social costs to seeing self-determination as the fundamental element of human life?

    Producer: Jayne Egerton

  • Digital intimacy - Laurie Taylor asks how the algorithms embedded in digital technologies are transforming our relationships. He's joined by Anthony Elliott, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of South Australia and author of a new book which suggests that that machine intelligence is changing the nature of human bonds, from sexual partners to friendship and therapy. Also, Carolina Bandinelli, Associate Professor in Media and Creative Industries at the University of Warwick, discusses her study of Tinder, and other dating apps, and the surprising finding that sex and love are not at the core of how people use them.

    Producer: Jayne Egerton

  • John Curran joins Caroline to read Christie’s third novel, her first (sort of?) to appear as a green penguin.
    My new book, A Body Made of Glass: A History of Hypochondria, is out now. To find out more and get your copy, visit my website
    Join the Shedunnit Book Club for two extra Shedunnit episodes a month plus access to the monthly reading discussions and community:
    A full list of titles in the Penguin series can be found at
    No major plot spoilers until you hear Caroline say we are "entering the spoiler zone", at 25:52. After that, expect full spoilers.
    Mentioned in this episode:
    — Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie
    — Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks by John Curran
    — Murder in the Making by John Curran
    — The Big Four by Agatha Christie
    — Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie
    — The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
    — The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie
    — The Clocks by Agatha Christie
    — Third Girl by Agatha Christie
    — Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie
    — Seven Dials Mystery by Agatha Christie
    — An Autobiography by Agatha Christie
    — Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie
    — Peril at End House by Agatha Christie
    — And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
    — Crooked House by Agatha Christie
    — Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie
    — The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie
    — Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
    — The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie
    — The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux
    — The Leavenworth Case by Anna Katharine Green
    — Why Didn't They Ask Evans? by Agatha Christie
    — Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie
    — Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie
    — The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie
    — Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie
    — Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie
    — "How Does Your Garden Grow?" by Agatha Christie, collected in Poirot's Early Cases
    — "The Cornish Mystery" by Agatha Christie, collected in The Under Dog and Other Stories
    — The Hollow by Agatha Christie
    — The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L Sayers
    — The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett
    — A Body Made of Glass by Caroline Crampton
    Related Shedunnit episodes:
    — The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (Green Penguin Book Club 1)
    — Death Under Par
    — Agatha the Adventuress
    NB: Links to Blackwell's are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell's is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.
    To be the first to know about future developments with the podcast, sign up for the newsletter at
    The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.
    Find a full transcript of this episode at
    Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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  • Wouldn’t sleuthing be so much easier if the dead could speak to the living?
    This episode was first released on 18th September 2019.
    Be aware: there are no major (ending!) spoilers in this episode but there are plot descriptions given of the books listed below.
    Books mentioned:
    — Strong Poison  by Dorothy L. Sayers
    — Peril at End House  by Agatha Christie
    — Murder Most Unladylike  by Robin Stevens
    — The Plague Court Murders  by John Dickson Carr
    — When Last I Died  by Gladys Mitchell
    — The Sittaford Mystery  by Agatha Christie
    — Dumb Witness  by Agatha Christie
    — “The Last Seance” in The Hound of Death  by Agatha Christie
    Become a member of the Shedunnit book club and get bonus audio, listen to ad free episodes and join a book-loving community at
    To be the first to know about future developments with the podcast, sign up for the newsletter at
    The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.
    Find a full transcript of this episode at
    Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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  • Come with me on a tour of Greenway.
    Special thanks to Clive and everyone at the National Trust for making me and my microphone welcome at Greenway, and to Sarah Thrift for arranging it. I'm also grateful to my friend Elizabeth Minkel, who spent the afternoon doing this even though she has only read one Christie novel in her whole life. She has her own podcast, Fansplaining, which I highly recommend.
    Books mentioned in this episode:
    — Dead Man's Folly by Agatha Christie
    — Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie
    — Ordeal by Innocence by Agatha Christie
    — Towards Zero by Agatha Christie
    — Agatha Christie An Autobiography by Agatha Christie
    — Tied Up In Tinsel by Ngaio Marsh
    Related Shedunnit episodes about Agatha Christie:
    — Agatha Christie Writes Alone
    — Agatha's Archaeologists
    — The Dispenser
    NB: Links to Blackwell's are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell's is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.
    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at
    To be the first to know about future developments with the podcast, sign up for the newsletter at
    The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.
    Find a full transcript of this episode at 
    Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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  • A portrait of a writer via her addresses.
    My new book, A Body Made of Glass: A History of Hypochondria, is out now. To find out more and get your copy, visit my website
    Join the Shedunnit Book Club for two extra Shedunnit episodes a month plus access to the monthly reading discussions and community:
    Mentioned in this episode:
    — The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie
    — The Hollow by Agatha Christie
    — Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie
    — The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie
    — The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie
    — After the Funeral by Agatha Christie
    — The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie
    — Hercule Poirot’s Christmas by Agatha Christie
    — Murder in the Mews by Agatha Christie
    — The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
    — The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie
    — Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie
    — Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie
    Sources consulted:
    — Agatha Christie’s Complete Secret Notebooks edited by John Curran
    — Agatha Christie: A Biography by Janet Morgan
    — Agatha Christie: An English Mystery by Laura Thompson
    — Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman by Lucy Worsley
    Shedunnit episodes referenced:
    — At Home with Agatha Christie
    — Agatha The Adventuress
    — Agatha's Archaeologists
    NB: Links to Blackwell's are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell's is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.
    There are no spoilers in this episode.
    To be the first to know about future developments with the podcast, sign up for the newsletter at
    The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.
    Find a full transcript of this episode at
    Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See for more details.
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  • Manuel und Cari teilen heute ihre besten Haushalts-Hacks: Manuel erzählt, welche Dinge er immer doppelt zu Hause hat, warum er Geschenke auf Vorrat kauft und wie er seinen Keller organisiert. Cari hat Tipps zum Einkaufen und erzählt, wie sie Haushalts-Aufgaben und Bestellungen mithilfe von Apps überblickt.

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    Manuels Manual + Caris Corner: Unsere Haushalts-Hacks Accidental Tech Podcast Simple Germany Staubsaugen hat mir den Tag ruiniert (Easy German Podcast 106) Parcel YNAB (Freundschafts-Link) Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode der Temperatursturz: schneller, starker Abfall der Temperatur innerhalb kurzer Zeit kollabieren: plötzlich zusammenbrechen oder versagen kollaborieren: zusammenarbeiten der Haushalt: alle Tätigkeiten, die zur Pflege dieses Wohnraums stattfinden, z.B. staubsaugen, aufräumen oder putzen; auch: alle Personen, die zusammenleben die Drogerie: ein Geschäft, das Produkte für die Körperpflege, Kosmetik und Haushaltswaren verkauft auf Teufel komm raus (ugs): etwas mit größter Anstrengung oder Entschlossenheit machen

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