
  • One of the greatest markers of our adult life is when we fully come to realize that we were designed with intention, created for a specific purpose and mission. Nothing God has ever done has been an accident, and He knows every part of you, even the talents you might not have realized yet. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” No matter where life takes you, you can trust that He knows where you’re headed, and is guiding you through every step.

    Our guests this week each have beautiful abilities that they consider to be gifts from God. Aaron Tippin is a country music star who enjoyed great popularity in the 90’s, but before that, grew up on a family farm, where he learned to fly planes with his father and absolutely fell in love with being in the air, and being “closer to heaven” as he likes to describe. Eleven year-old Jude Kofie, who experiences autism, surprised his family—especially his father Isaiah, who worried about his future—when he walked in to hear Jude playing their portable keyboard like a seasoned pianist, though he’d never played before in his life. When piano tuner Bill Magnusson heard their story on the news, he was compelled to help this family and gave a gift that would allow Jude to realize his potential in a bigger way, and a beautiful relationship was born that has been a gift to them all.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Jodi Stuber

    Upcoming interview: Walker Zimmerman

    Proverbs 19:21 NIV

    Aaron Tippin


    Future Farmers of America

    Elvis Presley

    Loretta Lynn

    Clint Black

    "You've Got to Stand for Something"

    Bob Hope Show Christmas in 1990

    "Where the Stars and Stripes and Eagle Fly"

    Tennessee Flying Machines

    Jude Kofie

    Isaiah Kofie

    emergency C-section

    G tube


    Local news segment on Jude and Isaiah

    The Kelly Clarkson Show

    CeCe Winans

    Interview Quotes:

    “From four years old, I first put my hands on the controls in an airplane. And when I looked out the window and I saw those cars on the ground looking like Hot Wheels toys, I said, ‘This is it. There's nothing greater.’” - Aaron Tippin

    “Getting close to Christ during those [early days in Nashville], was very, very comforting. You find out you're not as alone as you think you are.” - Aaron Tippin

    “I don't know where my next blessing is going to be. I'm not sure I want to know or need to know. I believe that He does have a plan. God's not through me yet.” - Aaron Tippin

    “I know how important it is to have a good instrument to practice on and how lovely it is to have a wonderful piano to play on to make beautiful music.” - Bill Magnusson

    “That wonderful gift [of a piano], that selfless act, is what secured Jude's future. It was taking all our worries away.” - Isaiah Kofie

    “We seem to live in a world where people are utterly desperate for a little bit of good news and to feel a little better than they feel right now.” - Bill Magnusson

    “I just bought a piano and that was all I did. All the rest of this stuff is God, it's not me.” - Bill Magnusson


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling







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  • When we think about our problems, it can sometimes look like things are only happening to us. Our struggles may appear one-sided or like God has left us to deal with it on our own. But when we draw near to God, He plants people in our lives to show us that our pain is not meant to be carried alone. And when He does that, we have a comforting reminder of a God who will never leave us nor forsake us.

    Pastors Jimmy and Irene Rollins have a passion to reach all people for God, no matter their background, ethnicity, or life circumstances. As they dreamed of building a diverse congregation, the stress of being leaders of a growing church began to negatively impact them both, and Irene took to coping with alcohol. They share how together, they faced her addiction and the problems that made it come to a head. Author of Confronting Christianity Rebecca McLaughlin shares why it’s important to encourage young people to dig into the Word of God. She believes that reading the Bible with her children and helping them work through their questions helps them make sense of their faith, and also teaches them a way to live that is steeped in compassion for others.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Deb Liu

    Upcoming interview: Luke Weaver

    Jimmy and Irene Rollins

    Two Equals One

    Great Commission


    Romans 8:28 NIV

    PTSD [Post-traumatic Stress Disorder]

    Love Outside the Lines

    Reframe Your Shame

    Rebecca McLaughlin

    Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion

    10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity

    Cambridge University

    Veritas Forum

    Harvard University

    Yale University

    University of Oxford

    Exploring the Earliest Gospel: A Kids Bible Study on Jesus and His Good News

    Interview Quotes:

    “We felt like God put on our hearts that if we were going to reach a diverse city, we were going to have to have a diverse church.” - Jimmy Rollins

    “We got accountability that helped us get to the space of needing to get healthy and to get help. And then as we began to get healthy, we stopped doing the dance of shaming one another and judging one another. And we started to embrace the fact that we both needed grace.” - Jimmy Rollins

    “We began to look at addiction as not something that I was doing to Jimmy, but rather something I was doing to really medicate pain. And as we began to develop new ways of communication, new ways of embracing pain and grief. We began to approach healing and we did it together.” - Irene Rollins

    “Connecting with God on a daily basis, a moment-by-moment basis, was a lifeline for me in the beginning of my recovery. And as a leader, as a mother, as a child of God, it is my lifeline still. It was a non-negotiable and still is in my recovery journey.” - Irene Rollins

    “Divorce has no color. Alcoholism has no socioeconomic temperature. Grief is colorblind. And what we've discovered is that as we begin to stay transparent with our story, as we begin to steward the path of where we are to this greater purpose, pain has been the unifier.” - Jimmy Rollins

    “It seemed like Jesus provided the most satisfying way of looking at the world, the most satisfying way of understanding my relationships, my intellectual life, my personal life. And I just never looked back from that point.” - Rebecca McLaughlin

    “Every seeming roadblock to faith in Jesus, when you look more closely, becomes a signpost.” - Rebecca McLaughlin


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling







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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    Have you ever wondered what God wants from you? The Bible is a big book that can be hard to understand, and sometimes we’re at a loss as to what God is calling us to do with our lives. This episode will empower you with the three specific, yet simple guidelines God has given each of us as we seek to make an impact for His Kingdom.
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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    Are you weary and exhausted by the end of each day? Do some parts of your life feel mundane and insignignifcant? Many of us are running through life like it is a sprint rather than a marathon. Living in this way will eventually leave you feeling tired and disillusioned. In this episode you will be empowered to slow down and shift your perspective so that you can restore your strength, realign your focus, and reignite your passion and purpose.

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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    Do you love your life? Do you feel equipped in your body, soul, and spirit to be who God made you to be and do what He’s called you to do? Your well-being matters. And while you may become fatigued and you may need to heal, there is a path to strength and recovery. This episode will empower you to beat burnout so you can run your race with joy and fulfill every purpose God has for you.

    Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.

  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    What worries you doesn’t have to hinder you. What stresses you doesn’t have to exhaust you. There is hope. There is a better, more peace-filed life possible. There are shoulders ready and willing to bear your burdens of stress, anxiety, and fear. You simply need to look up. This episode will empower you to trust God and receive His peace through the practice of prayer and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

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    S 3, E 11: Let's welcome 2023 with affirmations that match our expectations. We can expect a certain assurance because of God's love:

    💜 God's love is with us, even when we are going through a challenging or difficult time. Psalm 9:9

    💜 God's love is eternal, it lasts forever. Isaiah 54:10

    💜 God's love is gentle, we can find rest in Him. Matthew 11:28-29

    💜 We cannot be separated from God's love. Romans 8:38-39

    As we affirm 2023, we can embrace confidence - not in our own abilities, but in God's abilities first, thanking Him for empowering us to do all things through Christ, where we are strengthened.

    2023 will be powerful, it will be clarifying, it will be elevated and you - and everything concerning you - will be in God's hands.

    Foundational Scripture For Today: “’For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,’ says the LORD, who has mercy on you” Isaiah 54:10

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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    We all have a desire to be satisfied, live life to the fullest, and find meaning; yet we so often fall short in that pursuit. In our quest for what’s best, we can be blindsided by the unexpected — disillusioned, discouraged, and unsure of how to carry on. But while life with Jesus isn’t marked by comfort or convenience, it does lead to hope and fulfillment. This episode will empower you to confront some critical questions so you can walk in new levels of purpose each day.

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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    Your thoughts don’t have to run endlessly. Your heart can come to a place of rest instead of feeling like it will beat out of your chest. You can move from a place of helplessness in the face of your fears to a place of confidence no matter what happens to you. This episode will reveal God’s heart to give you peace — empowering you with practical keys to calm your mind and quiet your heart. 

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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    In this life, you will face becoming disillusioned and discouraged, aimless and apathetic about your purpose and future. Pain can do that. Abuse, loss, and failure can drain your hope and steal your joy. But you were never meant to get stuck in your hurt. Even now, God is calling you to a race you were born to win. And this episode will empower you to run with passion, vision, and expectation for what He can do in and through you despite any challenges of your past.

    Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.

  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    Has life ever turned out the opposite of what you expected it to be? Have you been left feeling hopeless, forgotten, and forsaken? In those moments, it’s easy to think God has missed you. But He hasn’t — and He never will. Even when our circumstances look different than we anticipated, God is aware of what’s going on and will see us through it. This episode will bring hope to your soul and empower you to walk through difficult seasons without being overwhelmed by them.

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    S 3, E 10: What is the anointing? It simply means FAVOR. Biblically, to be anointed is something of great significance, as it symbolizes the Lord’s favor. What God has put in motion with you cannot be undone. Any door the Lord has opened MUST remain open according to His will for you.

    This is why you can rest. This is why you can rejoice! What God has for you is outside of man’s construct, and it’s because you are are ANOINTED!

    There is an overflow for you from Heaven, and it's time to receive it. If you're ready, say YES!
    Encourage your friends to find out more and join our community at:, follow on Instagram @manifestherdaily and @bwfwoman and visit to find out more.

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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    Have you noticed how our world loves options, looks for shortcuts, and promotes fast tracks to success? It’s undoubtedly a challenge when the life Jesus calls us to clashes with everything culture celebrates. Yet, even in the middle of this struggle, there is a way for us to not only stay the course in our purpose but also dwell in peace and blessing on the journey. This episode will empower you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly — from start to finish — so you can experience all the awesome things He has in store for you.

    Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.

  • There is something called the nice girl syndrome which is an idea and expectation that you have to be nice to be loved and accepted. It leaves the mark of not feeling good enough. Being pleasant, agreeable, and accommodating doesn’t mean that you have to make yourself less than someone else.
    “Becoming and remaining a nice girl, is a kind of malnutrition to the soul of a woman.” -Asia Suler
    What happens to you when you’re always put last on your own list or lucky if you even make your own list? In this episode Lisa is channeling all of her badass energy into exposing how you can be nice and prioritize yourself and communicate your needs. You don’t have to be afraid of speaking up and worried about being rejected or thought less than by the right people in your life.
    Do a gut check with yourself on which one of these myths hit the hardest and come up with a plan to restore your power and balance where there is none.

    Women of Impact is sponsored by Growthday Network:

    0:00 | Introduction to Nice Girl Myths
    0:12 | #1 Nice Girls Aren’t Needy
    8:15 | #2 Nice Girls Listen to Their Parents
    21:12 | #3 Nice Girls Aren’t Rude
    25:14 | #4 Nice Girls Don’t Push Back
    31:02 | #5 Nice Girls Don’t Swear
    31:16 | #6 Nice Girls Don’t Rattle Cages
    39:12 | #7 Nice Girls Are Not Confrontational
    47:11 | #8 Nice Girls Take Their Friends’ Advice
    52:05 | #9 Nice Girls Don’t Show Their Emotions
    1:02:46 | #10 Nice Girls Don’t Disagree
    1:16:45 | 5 Biggest Myths About Love

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    Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?
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    And of course, weekly boosts of mini-motivation from Lisa herself that'll have you strutting through life with your head held high on the Badass Boosts playlist 

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  • Ep. 27: When you have believe in yourself, it makes God smile. He blesses those who believe in Him. In the Bible, it says that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Sometimes, to believe what God says about us is challenging, because for years, we’ve believed thoughts and ideas that were incorrect. But God has already declared that we are royalty!
    Consider that you need faith to even believe that truth about what God says about you---that you are of a royal priesthood, that your value is greater than rubies and gold. That’s ok. God wants you to come to Him, believing that He can even help you in your areas of unbelief. He can help bridge the gap between what you’ve heard and what He’s said.
    When you choose to have faith, know that you aren’t doing it alone – God is with you, in you, beside you, helping you to make the connection. He wants to do great things in your life, and requires one thing from you…your faith in Him. Self-love says “I’m going to believe the best about ME.” And the best ideas about you come from one source – God.
    Foundational Scripture for Today: "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9)

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  • We live with so many rules and ideas around diet that stem from effective marketing from food companies with one agenda, increase sales! The downside is that people have adopted these marketing messages as dietary facts. Eating processed grains for breakfast, 6 small meals a day, and avoiding fats are just a few examples. 
    Jessie Inchauspie is a biochemist better known as the Glucose Goddess on her Instagram and the international bestselling author of the book, Glucose Revolution. She is blowing our minds today in the crash course on all things glucose.
    You want to get off the energy roller coaster, stop the monstrous carb cravings and rebalance your hormones, then grab a pen and take notes. Jessie has hacks that anyone can do and with minimal effort, you can start using these hacks to lower the glucose spikes your food causes without completely changing your diet. The best part is that weight loss is a symptom of fixing your glucose spikes.
    Learn how to make food decisions for pleasure and enjoy the foods that you like guilt-free. You can be healthier and more balanced in energy mind and body with these simple hacks and knowledge that makes you unstoppable.
    Check out her book, Glucose Revolution: 

    Women of Impact is sponsored by Growthday Network:

    0:00 | Introduction to Jessie Inchauspie
    1:00 | Crash Masterclass on Glucose
    4:00 | Signs of Too Much Glucose
    7:00 | Reduce Sugar Spikes For Good
    14:45 | Fruit Juice vs. Coke
    22:30 | Get Rid of Bad Labels on Food
    29:42 | Calories Are B.S. for Weight Loss
    40:58 | Healthy Sugars & Sweeteners
    44:49 | Use Your Muscles to Lower Glucose
    48:18 | Becoming the Glucose Goddess
    55:55 | If You Must Do Carbs, This Is Best
    59:55 | Tips for Fasting & Eating Before Bed
    1:03:48 | Following Diet Trends & Habits
    1:09:02 | Glucose Isn’t The Full Picture 
    1:12:07 | The Magic of Vinegar
    1:17:41 | What Your DNA Can’t Tell You
    1:23:18 | Science of Artificial Sweeteners
    1:26:31 | Hormone Connected Glucose Spikes 
    1:33:22 | Do You Really Want Wrinkles?
    1:34:45 | White Or Brown Doesn’t Matter

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    Want to repair and heal your relationships? Start with Love Lab. 

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    And of course, weekly boosts of mini-motivation from Lisa herself that'll have you strutting through life with your head held high on the Badass Boosts playlist 

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  • More than half of all teenagers are totally uncomfortable discussing the same thing that nearly a third of adults are uncomfortable discussing. Sex! The question that Tom and Lisa tackle today is if waiting to have sex before marriage is the right thing. Yes, there are religious and cultural beliefs that will provide the answer and wisdom you need should you subscribe to those beliefs, but in this episode Tom and Lisa take a practical perspective about sex before marriage, living together first, and discovering compatibility and a common baseline in one of the most important aspects of your relationship. Their advice for a long-term healthy and happy relationship acknowledges the importance of feeling safe physically and emotionally, but more importantly being open to communicate and discuss sex together.

    Sex Before Marriage | Tom why waiting for marriage to have sex is madness [0:35]
    Living Together | Tom explains why living together 1st is a best practice for longevity [1:25]
    No Fireworks | Lisa on the disappoint of first sexual experience and missing the fireworks [3:41]
    Safe Exploration | Connecting and having safety to physically and emotionally explore [5:28]
    Compatibility | Being on the same page, shared electricity, and know your sex flavor [8:05]
    Frequency | Having open communication about frequency and feeling neglected [9:02]
    Orgasmic | Tom on the neuro chemistry and power orgasm has for antidepressant [11:33]
    Fetishes | Important of openly discussing fetishes and having no judgement [13:07]
    Growing | Tom shares the value evolving in the sexual relationship and journey together [15:27]
    Real Talk | Real time communication Tom’s intention vs. Lisa’s values on “experiment” [16:06]

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    Follow Lisa Bilyeu:

    Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?
    Calling all Badasses!! If you really want to level up your confidence game, check out the WOMEN OF IMPACT SUBSCRIPTION, specially designed to turn you into the badass you were born to be! 
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    Looking to boost your confidence? Check out the Get Confident playlist. 

    Want to repair and heal your relationships? Start with Love Lab. 

    Curious about your health? We’ve got you covered in Health Hub. 

    And of course, weekly boosts of mini-motivation from Lisa herself that'll have you strutting through life with your head held high on the Badass Boosts playlist 

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  • S2, Ep. 6: Did you know that your purpose is not something you "find" but something you are shown? Often, you'll hear people saying that they have to find their purpose. However, God already crafted your purpose--He assigned it to you when He created you and literally "set you apart" for it before you were born. Just rest in this knowledge today, that what you are to accomplish, God has already mapped out for you. Your success in life will be largely based on your belief in this, otherwise known as you faith.
    Since faith is belief followed by action, the question is: what actions can you take to go deep into God's purpose for you? When you invest in your purpose, you are committing to your belief in what God has already said is possible for you. Investing in your purpose looks like spending time with God to study His word, thereby gaining the wisdom to apply to your life, including your purpose. Practice making investments by seeking God. This literally means reading the Bible, praying about what God is showing you, watching for God's revelation of His word in your life and implementing what He's guiding you to do.

    God appreciates when we seek His wisdom and draw close to Him. James 4:8 says to "Come near to God and he will come near to you. " It is only in God's revelation of His purpose to you that you really can go deep into God's purpose for your life. As you walk with God and do more and more of what pleases Him, you will see your purpose more clearly.

    Invest in your purpose by establishing your belief in God, your trust in God, your value of yourself, your dedication to fulfilling your purpose, and your love of life. Decide to relax, breathe and smile--God’s got you, and if He’s got you, EVERYTHING is going to work out in your favor.

    Foundational Scripture for Today: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    Wouldn’t it be great if life was just a bed of roses, with one victory followed by another achievement followed by another success? Unfortunately, we all know that life has no shortage of challenges. We’re in a fight of faith, and it oftentimes feels just like that — a fight. But that doesn’t mean we’re without hope, help, or a reason to celebrate. This episode will empower you to embrace seasons of preparation — even when they are painful — so you can fulfill every purpose God has for your life.

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  • Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here.

    We are daily bombarded with messages telling us who we should be, what we should do, what we should get, and how we should act. But when the abundant life of Jesus can’t be quantifed by anything of this world, what do you do? How can you experience it? This episode will empower you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly so you can experience the abundant life He has for you.

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