
  • Selitän sulle filosofiaa. Aluksi 30 jaksoa Deleuzesta ja filosofian klassikoista. Kaukana influenssereista ja kivasta äänijournalismista. Palaute & selityspyynnöt: [email protected]

  • Veikka Lahtinen puhuu Salainen päiväkirja -podcastissaan itsestään ja maailmasta. Joka toinen jakso Patreonissa osoitteessa: Ruumiillisuus, politiikka, addiktiot, feminismi, you name it. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The Always Sunny Podcast is a look back on the past sixteen seasons of the hit show, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, hosted by Glenn, Charlie, and Rob. The guys are going back to where it all began: 2005. Starting with the very first episode, they’ll rewatch every season and give us a deep dive into their memories of creating the show, reveal how they first met, and discuss how they created a lasting partnership that has endured the better part of two decades. That is, if they can remember any of it.

  • Podcast politiikasta, taloudesta ja poliittisesta taloudesta. Vakiopuhujina Timo Harjuniemi ja Lauri Holappa.

    Podcastia tuotetaan yhteistyössä Uuden talousajattelun keskuksen Utakin kanssa.

    A podcast on political economy by Timo Harjuniemi & Lauri Holappa. Mostly in Finnish but some episodes in English too.

  • Omaa luokkaa on podcast feminismistä, yhteiskunnasta, kulttuurista – ja kaikesta siitä mikä meitä kiinnostaa. Äänessä Taija Roiha ja Mia Haglund. Podcast toteutetaan yhteistyössä Radio Helsingin kanssa.

    Ensimmäinen tuotantokausi, jaksot 1–11
    Intromusiikki: Ina Kauranen.
    Kuvat: Kalle Erkkilä.
    Leikkaus: Kaisa Eranti (jaksot 8–11)

    Seuraa meitä Instassa @miahaglund ja @taijaroiha
    Twitterissä @miahaglund ja @roihataija

  • Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.

  • Season 12 premiered October 20, 2024 – a nonfictional account of The Martian Revolution of 2247.

    Mike Duncan is taking everything he's learned from 12 seasons of historical revolutions - the repeating arcs, characters, ideas, events, and patterns which all revolutions seem to follow - and created a fictional history of the Martian Revolution of 2247. The series is written from the point of view of a historian working hundreds of years after the Martian Revolution and will be presented in the style and format of previous seasons of Revolutions. It will look, sound, and feel like a Mike Duncan history podcast…but will instead be a fictional narrative of a gripping science-fiction epic.

    Revolutions is a podcast that covers the great political revolutions that have defined the modern world. Each season is a long-form narrative covering a different defining revolutionary epoch across three hundred years of history. It explores in great detail the people, ideas, and events that challenged and toppled outdated regimes and replaced them with new governments. After more than 350 episodes over ten seasons of narrative nonfiction, the 12th season is a fictional account of the Martian Revolution of 2247.

    In the fall of 2025, the Revolutions podcast will return to its roots by diving into the great revolutions of the 20th century. The new run of episodes begins with the story of Irish Independence, a dramatic upheaval in the wake of WWI that saw Ireland free itself from centuries of English rule. Full of inspiring personalities, tragic events, and thrilling triumphs, Irish Independence is one of the most gripping events in revolutionary history. Future seasons will plunge ahead through the turbulent 20th century, and include the Spanish Civil War, the Cuban Revolution, and the Algerian War of Independence.

  • Comedian Cody Johnston hosts this always fair, always well-researched, but most importantly, always entertaining take on the topical news of the week. Every Tuesday, Some More News dives into the world's weekly events with a mix of wit, dread, hope and compassion. Since the news cycle never stops spinning, Johnston returns every Friday for Even More News, co-hosted by Katy Stoll. Together, they present an informative and comedic spin on the viewers’ frustrations with the news that week.

  • What do an Iraqi, a Balkan Slav and a Texan have in common? A burning hatred for the system. Oh, and a podcast. Say no to eating out of the trash can of ideology. Join us on a journey exploring and critically assessing the perceived “normalcy” of late-stage capitalism. The only truly international, global, and anti-capitalist podcast you’ll find. SUPPORT US on PATREON: FOLLOW US on Twitter @TheDeprogramPod

  • Prekaarisuus, taide, feminismi ja ilmastokriisi. Podcast, joka antaa voimaa kamppailla arjessa. Äänessä Veikka Lahtinen ja Pontus Purokuru.

    Yhteydenotot ja yhteistyöehdotukset: [email protected]

    Arvostelukappaleet yms. posti:
    Mikä meitä vaivaa / Purokuru, Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, PL 14, 00530 Helsinki
    (huom. iso B oleellinen)

  • Books & Stories from independent authors brought to life by Russ Johnsonemail: [email protected]: me a Coffee: