
  • Nando Brown and Jo-Rosie Haffenden are my wonderful and often hilarious guests on this episode, and we unpack some interesting and sometimes controversial constructs when talking about aggression, including things like drive, arousal, and predatory behavior. We also discuss the need to understand breed specific behaviors and the genetics involved, with a focus on bully breeds.

    Nando and Jo-Rosie's Website
    Nando and Jo-Rosie's YouTube Channel

    If you want to learn more about helping dogs with aggression, we offer webinars, courses, conferences, and more!
    Aggressive Dog Educational Offerings
    Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

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    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • I’ve been wanting to catch up with Suzanne for quite some time, and finally get a chance to chat with her about her Relationship Centered Training approach, and why the relationship between a dog and owner can be so crucial in aggression cases. We also unpack the Treat and Retreat protocol, and some of the common issues that can creep into our progress if used incorrectly. Suzanne never disappoints, and this show is packed with her amazing insight.

    Suzanne's Website

    If you want to learn more about helping dogs with aggression, we offer webinars, courses, conferences, and more!
    Aggressive Dog Educational Offerings
    Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • Dr. Melanie Cerrone is my very special guest for this episode and we get to chat about the human side of behavior consulting, as well as some of the common issues we might encounter in our work, because after all, we are working mostly with people when it comes to aggression cases.

    We discuss the “helping alliance,” which is a powerful tool to build trusting relationships with our clients and why it is so crucial for successful outcomes.
    Melanie and I also chat about lack of client participation which is another hot topic for trainers, and why there are often valid reasons why this might be happening in aggression cases, and we unpack those in this episode.

    Melanie's Website

    If you want to learn more about helping dogs with aggression, we offer webinars, courses, conferences, and more!
    Aggressive Dog Educational Offerings
    Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • You know we had to have an episode on puppies and aggression! In this episode I have the pleasure of chatting with Janet Cutler, who is an expert on puppies and has researched puppy socialization while earning her PhD. We discuss why puppies may display aggressive behaviors at such a young age, and what factors might influence aggression. We also chat about things like the secondary imprint period and littermate syndrome….or the lack thereof.

    And this episode is sponsored by, where you can find a variety of educational offerings with a focus on helping dogs with aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course, the most comprehensive course available anywhere in the world on helping dogs with aggression, and The Aggression in Dogs Conference, a three day virtual event happening from Oct. 2-4, 2020 with ten amazing speakers, all experts in their field. You can find out more about the conference by going to If you are listening to this episode on the day it was released, there is only one week left to register for the conference:

    Janet Cutler Ph.D., CAAB

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • This episode is the season finale for The Bitey End of the Dog, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for listening, sharing the podcast, and for your wonderful feedback! It has been an incredible experience for me to chat with such amazing and enlightening guests.
    With that being said, stay tuned for Season 2 where I will be bringing on some more fascinating experts from around the world to talk about all things aggression. Season 2 will be launching early 2021.

    In this episode, I chat with my good friend and colleague, Trish McMillan about some very necessary, and sobering topics that need to be discussed in the dog training, rescue, and shelter world, and I hope this podcast can allow for some self-reflection within our industry.

    And this episode is sponsored by, where you can find a variety of educational offerings with a focus on helping dogs with aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course, the most comprehensive course available anywhere in the world on helping dogs with aggression, and The Aggression in Dogs Conference, a three day virtual event happening from Oct. 2-4, 2020 with ten amazing speakers, all experts in their field. You can find out more about the conference by going to
    September 28th, 2020 is the last day to register for the conference.

    Trish McMillan MSc, CDBC, CCBC, CPDT-KA

    Trish McMillan is a certified professional dog trainer (through CCPDT), certified dog behavior consultant and associate certified cat behavior consultant (through IAABC) who holds a Master’s degree in Animal Behavior from the University of Exeter in England. She specializes in training and behavior modification work using positive reinforcement with dogs, cats, and horses.

    During her seven years with the ASPCA, Trish gained a wide variety of experience in the field of animal behavior. For three years she was the director of the animal behavior department at the ASPCA’s New York City shelter, helping staff, volunteers, and adopters work with animals and make great matches. Trish has also helped assess and rehabilitate animals from cruelty, hoarding, and dogfighting cases, as well as pets rescued from natural disasters. In addition to writing for the ASPCA’s Virtual Pet Behaviorist and other publications, she helped create and present several very popular webinars on dog and cat behavior and handling for the

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • I have to say, recording these podcasts has been an incredible experience for me, as I am learning so much from each and every guest.
    Jen Shryock is another passionate expert that I had the pleasure of chatting with, and learned more about children and dogs, and how we can keep both safe.

    We talk about what to look for as red flags for potential problems between kids and dogs, how we can help to educate the public about dog bite safety with children, and even discuss the rare, but serious topic of predatory behaviors directed at infants.

    Aggression in Dogs Conference

    The Aggression in Dogs Master Course

    Jennifer Shryock is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), owner of Family Paws™ LLC in Cary, NC and holds a degree in Special Education. Jennifer is also former VP of Doggone Safe a non-profit dedicated to dog bite prevention and victim support.

    Jennifer also has proudly served on the board member of the International Childbirth Education Association. A recognized expert on dog and baby/toddler interactions and safety, Jennifer has written and spoken extensively about these topics. Her two programs, Dogs & Storks® and Dogs & Toddlers™ have been featured in national media such as The Wall Street Journal, Martha Stewart LIVING along with many TV and radio appearances.In 2000 The Shryock family adopted their first German Shepherd Rescue dog. Subsequently Jennifer became involved with the rescue organization as a counselor and trainer finding herself supporting families with babies or young children who, overwhelmed by the challenges of their situation, were often on the verge of surrendering an otherwise beloved dog.

    As a Mother, dog behavior consultant and teacher… Jennifer recognized a need for support and education for these families and began building resources for new and expecting families through her own business Family Paws. A consistent need for this specialized service led to the creation of the highly endorsed international program Dogs & Storks® for expecting and adopting families and then years later Dogs & Toddlers™, for families with babies 3 months of age and up. All of these passions and ideas have led to the creation of Family Paws™ Parent Education now offering programs all of the United States, Canada and beyond! Jennifer has mentored and supported hundreds of dog trainers all over the world and continues to support families in her community and beyond.
    Jennifer lives in Cary, North Carolina, with her husband,

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • If you get a dopamine rush when geeking out to the science of behavior, this episode is for you. I literally could not wait to release this show because it is packed with so many mind blowing insights!

    Dr. Simon Gadbois is someone I’ve been wanting to interview to get his take on aggression, and he does not disappoint. I pick Simon’s brain about topics such as behavioral endocrinology and how hormones relate to aggression; continue to explore predatory behavior as I have in previous episodes; and we chat about the behavior sciences that might be best suited for learning about and addressing aggression. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg for this episode!

    And this episode is sponsored by, where you can find a variety of educational offerings with a focus on helping dogs with aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course, the most comprehensive course available anywhere in the world on helping dogs with aggression, and The Aggression in Dogs Conference, a three day virtual event happening from Oct. 2-4, 2020 with ten amazing speakers, all experts in their field. You can find out more about the conference by going to

    Simon Gadbois Ph.D.

    Simon Gadbois integrates ethology, animal experimental psychology, and behavioural neuroscience to study wild and domestic canids. He completed his Ph.D. in behavioural endocrinology at the Canadian Centre for Wolf Research (CCWR) examining the hormonal correlates of social behaviour in wolves, as well as action sequences in wolves, coyotes and red foxes. When the CCWR closed in 2007, he started the Canid Behaviour Research Lab at Dalhousie University and focussed his research on coyote-human conflicts and canine scent detection and search. He is interested in the fundamental science of olfaction and olfactory learning, as well as some applications: His lab has focussed on environmental/conservation, biomedical, and forensic applications of scent processing in dogs.

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • One of the most important aspects of successfully working aggression cases is often collaborating as a team with a veterinarian or veterinary behaviorist.

    I’m super excited to bring in another Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist for this season. I get to chat with Dr. E’lise Christensen, who is the chief medical officer for Behavior Vets, with locations in NYC and Colorado. We talk about how to know if behavior meds are actually working, the effects of spaying and neutering on behavior, and how noise sensitivities can affect aggressive behavior, and much more!

    And this episode is sponsored by, where you can find a variety of educational offerings with a focus on helping dogs with aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course, the most comprehensive course available anywhere in the world on helping dogs with aggression, and The Aggression in Dogs Conference, a three day virtual event happening from Oct. 2-4, 2020 with ten amazing speakers, all experts in their field. You can find out more about the conference by going to

    Dr. E'lise Christensen

    Behavior Vets NYC

    Behavior Vets Colorado

    Dr. E’Lise Christensen DVM is a board-certified veterinary behaviorist and an international lecturer and author. Dr. C received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University in 2002. She first became interested in veterinary behavior as a high school student when she worked at a veterinary practice and began training animals for pet therapy at a local substance abuse facility. While in veterinary school she researched separation anxiety in shelter dogs, was an assistant trainer at an animal shelter, and studied with numerous board-certified veterinary behaviorists.

    After veterinary school Dr. C began a rotating small animal internship at SouthPaws Veterinary Referral Center in Springfield, Virginia. While working there she continued her studies in veterinary behavior. She practiced feline-only medicine in Arlington, Virginia and general medicine in Bloomingdale, New Jersey before entering the Behavior Residency Program at Cornell University in 2004. During her residency she researched the behavior of dogs, cats, and horses and treated behavioral problems in a number of different species. Her most cited research involved evaluating the efficacy of canine temperament tests in the shelter system.

    Dr. Christen

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!

  • Katenna and I chat about dog to cat directed aggression, the differences between training cats and dogs, the proper use of muzzles, and the revolution of online behavior consulting. Educational Offerings
    Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Animal Behavior is not a new field for Katenna nor a hobby turned into a career - it's all she's ever done. While earning a Bachelor degree in biology, she became a shelter volunteer in 1998, then went on to earn a Master's in Psychology, with a focus on animal behavior, from Brown University.

    ​Katenna is Rhode Island's only Associated Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Cat Behavior Consultant, and is also a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, Certified Pet Dog Trainer, and is Certified Fear Free. Katenna works with families and their cats and dogs in their homes, her office, or virtually. She also provides professional development locally, internationally, and online.

    Katenna lives with her husband, dog, cat, chickens, ducks and honeybees in Cumberland RI.

    Limited time offer! The Aggression in Dogs Master Course and Expert Webinar Bundle! Only 50 will be made available.

    Learn more about options for help for dogs with aggression here:

    Learn more about our annual Aggression in Dogs Conference here:
    The Aggression in Dogs Conference

    Subscribe to the bonus episodes available here:
    The Bitey End of the Dog Bonus Episodes

    Check out all of our webinars, courses, and educational content here:
    Webinars, courses, and more!