
  • Episode 9 // Season 5

    מיר רעדן װעגן די סאָװעטישע ייִדן װאָס מען האָט דערהרגעט דעם 12טן אױגוסט 1952. און איך לײען אַ ביסל פֿון אַ ליד פֿון פּרץ מאַרקיש.

    An episode in honour of the 12th of August, when people remember the Soviet Jews murdered by Stalin's regime on this date in 1952. Why is this night referred to as “The night of the murdered poets”? I discuss the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and a little about the fate of the 13 Soviet Jews who were executed. I also read an excerpt from a poem by one of the murdered poets, Peretz Markish. Markish read this poem at the funeral of his friend Shloyme Mikhoels who was also on the committee and was the first to be murdered.

    This is a bit of a complex topic so don’t forget to read the transcript if you get confused. There are also links there to find out more about the history, and a translation of the poem excerpt.


    Find all the relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

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    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on youtube, instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

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    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 8 // Season 5

    מיר הערן פֿון צװײ געסט װעגן אַרומפֿאָרן. מאַרני האָט רעקאָרדירט אַ קלאַנג־טור און מלך רעדט װעגן פֿאָרן אױף ייִדיש סוף־װאָך.

    Today’s episode is all about travel. Our social-media maven Marnie, leads us on a wonderful audio tour of Yellowstone and Yiddish student Melekh describes his trip to Yiddish Sof-Vokh UK.


    Find all the relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

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    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on youtube, instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 10 // Season 4 
    מיר הערן פֿון עמאַ ברעסלאָן װעגן איר פֿאָרשונג און אַ ביסל װעגן כאַװער פּאַװער.
    In this episode we hear from Emma Breslow about her research on Jewish-English and other topics! And in Vos Leyent Men I talk a little about the Communist writer of children’s literature, Chaver Paver.
    See more about Emma and her research here:
    This episode is the end of Season 4 so there will be a little break and then we’ll be back with Season 5. Get in touch if you want to be a guest on the show!
    Find relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:
    Send us a recording!
    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script. 
    Follow the Yiddish
    We are on instagram and facebook. Check out the links here
    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by, & ⁠ Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.
    Support the Show
    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles! 
    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!
    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 3 // Season 5

    מינע־ליפֿשע רעדט װעגן אַ פּאָר פֿאַרװײַלערישע ביכער און איך רעד װעגן אַ װיכטיקן פֿיגור פֿון געשיכטע - אַ מענטש װאָס איז געװען אַ גרױסער מאַכער אין די אוניאָנס.

    This episode our guest is Meena-Lifshe Viswanath who tells us about a few Yiddish page-turners - fiction in some surprising genres. And in our Mysterious Person I describe someone an important figure from American labour history, a big player in the unions. Can you guess who it is?


    Find all the relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

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    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on youtube, instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 5 // Season 5

    די מאַמע רעדט װעגן װען זי איז אָנגעקומען אין אױסטראַליע און געגאַנען אין שול אַרײַן. און איך רעדט װעגן מײַנע טײַערע חבֿרטע אַני, און װי זי האָט געבױט איר אײגענע הױז.

    My mum is back and this time she talks about when she arrived in Australia and was sent straight off to school. And I talk about my dear friend Annie and how she built her own home, despite having no experience in house building! You can see some great photos of Annie’s place, the rugs she makes and my Mum as a pitsi kind, in the transcript. Or check out


    Find all the relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

    Send us a recording!

    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on youtube, instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 4 // Season 5

    אין דעם עפּיזאָד רעדט יוסף לאַנדאַו װעגן פּרוּװן צו דערציען זײַן קינד מיט ייִדיש און איך רעד אַ ביסל װעגן ייִדישפּאָפּ.

    Joseph Landau is our guest, and he talks about raising his son with Yiddish, even though it’s not his own first language. And following our recent star moment in the Forverts article about free Yiddish learning materials, I talk about another of the listed resources, Yiddishpop.


    Find all the relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on youtube, instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 7 // Season 5

    אַ ליטעראַרישער עפּיזאָד. אונדזער גאַסט לאָרענץ רעדט װעגן אַ נײַ בוך און איך רעד װעגן באַשעװיסען.

    A literary special - our guest Lorenz talks about an English book, “When the Angels Left the Old Country” by Sasha Lamb (2022) and I talk about the sometimes controversial Yiddish literary figure, Isaac Bashevis Singer.


    Find all the relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

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    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on youtube, instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 6 // Season 5

    אונדזער גאַסט הײַנט איז אַנדרײ און ער רעדט װעגן ביראָבידזשאַן - אַ סאָװעטישע ייִדישלאַנד? און איך רעד װעגן שפּאַצירן און װאָס איך האָב געזען לעצטנס אין אַ פֿאָרשטאָט נישט װײַט פֿון מײַן הײם.

    Our guest this week is Andrey @andreymilo, a Moscow-born Yiddish student who tells us a little about the history of Birobidzhan, a very interesting part of Soviet and Yiddish history. And well, I’ve gotten really into walking again lately so I talk a bit about that and something special I saw in a suburb not far from my home.


    Find all the relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

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    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on youtube, instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 2// Season 3

    אַ גאַסטשטערן אױף פּראָסטע ייִדיש - שולי אלישבע רעדט װעגן ייִדיש. מיר האָבן אױך אַ פֿילם רעצענזיע - איך רעד װעגן דעם נײַעם ייִדיש פֿילם, שטטל.

    A guest star on this episode - Shuli Elisheva speaks about her changing ideas about Yiddish. And our first film review - I discuss the new Yiddish film SHTTL.

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Please get in touch!

    Social Media

    Yes by popular request and with the help of a wonderful new social media helper we are on instagram, X and facebook. Check out the links here


    Reading while you listen is a wonderful technique for language learning that helps build the associations between words and their sounds and improve your vocabulary acquisition! Access the transcript and a vocabulary list here:


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles! You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).


    Welcome to Proste Yiddish, the only Yiddish podcast especially for Yiddish students.

    Each episode features simple texts to help you improve your Yiddish listening skills. Listen in and learn Yiddish!

    Prost פּראָסט = simple, ordinary, of the masses!You can find a transcript and vocab notes for this trailer here.

  • Episode 2 of Proste Yiddish - the only Yiddish podcast especially for Yiddish students and anyone wanting to learn a bisl Yiddish.Apologies that the audio quality is a bit uneven - equipment upgrade coming soon!In this episode:

    Intro אַרײַנפֿיר A childhood friend אַ חבֿרטע פֿון די קינדער־יאָרן Coco: About Me קאָקאָ׃ װעגן זיך

    You can access a full ⁠transcript and vocab list here.

  • Episode 9 // Season 4

    אַ באַזונדערער עפּיזאָד און אַ ביסל װעגן עספּעראַנטאָ.

    It's kind of a special anniversary.. well not too big a deal. Indulge me as I talk a little about starting the podcast. And a section about Esperanto and it’s connection to Yiddish.


    Find relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

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    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 8 // Season 4

    פּסח איז אױס אָבער איך טראַכט נאָך אַלץ װעגן פּסח. אין דעם עפּיזאָד הערן מיר װעגן הגדות, סדרים און אליהו הנבֿיאן.

    Pesach is over but I’m still thinking about Pesach! In this episode we hear about haggadahs, seders and a very important figure in Jewish culture, Elijah the prophet.


    Find relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

    Send us a recording!

    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on instagram and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 7 // Season 4

    טאַמאַראַ גליסאָן־פֿרידבערג רעדט װעגן ייִדיש אין מעקסיקע און לײענט פֿאָר אַ ליד פֿון יענקב גלאַנצען. איך װעל אײַך געבן אַן ענטפֿער צו מיסטעריעזער מענטש.

    Tamara Gleason Freidberg is our guest in this episode, with a great segment about Yiddish in Mexico. Tamara talks a bit about Yiddish culture in Mexico and reads a poem from Yankev Glants.

    And of course, there’s the answer to last week’s “Who am I?”


    Find relevant links, improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

    Send us a recording!

    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on instagram, X and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 9 // Season 3

    איך רעד אַ ביסל װעגן מײַן ליבע - זומער! און מיר הערן אַ מעשׂה פֿון אַ צוהערער װעגן צװײ הינט.

    In this episode I talk about my love of summertime and we hear a funny story from a listener about a misunderstanding and two dogs.

    I also talk a little bit about the contributions of our growing community of listeners including one listener’s project to make bilingual (English/Yiddish) transcripts for the show.

    You can check out this project here and contribute by checking the English translations:


    Improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

    Send us a recording!

    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic... all contributions welcome! Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on instagram, X and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles! You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 9
    אונדזער גאַסט איז חבֿר דניאל גאָלדבערג װאָס רעדט װעגן דער עטימילאָגיע פֿונעם װאָרט װאָקזאַל.
    און איך רעד װעגן מײַנע עלטערן
    In this episode I talk a little about my parents.
    Our guest is Daniel Goldberg, who talks a little about the etymology of the word vokzal

    As always you can find vocabulary notes and a full transcript at ⁠
    There's also a link there to leave us feedback or get in touch. Perhaps you'd like to be a guest?

    Apparently it helps people find us, when you leave a review on Apple Podcasts. So that's something you can do to support the show! אַ דאַנק!

  • Episode 3 // Season 4

    אַ פּורים עפּיזאָד - איך רעד װעגן די טראַדיציעס פֿון פּורים אין מײַן משפּחה און מיר הערן פֿון אַ אלישבע, אַ צוהערער װאָס רעד װעגן װאָס מען טראָגט אױפֿן קאָפּ!

    A Purim episode! I speak a little about Purim traditions and the beloved Purim plays in my family. Plus we hear from returning guest Elisheva, a Yiddish student who tells us all about the variety of headcoverings in Jewish culture.


    Improve your reading, find links to other Yiddish Purim content and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

    Send us a recording!

    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on instagram, X and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 6 // Season 4

    אַ מעשׂה װעגן אַ הינטל פֿון זוני גאָנזאַלעז און מיר שפּילן אין מיסטעריעזער מענטש!

    It’s our 36th episode (double chai!) and we have an adorable story about a dog called Maple from Maya “Zuni” González and learn about a Yiddish cultural figure in another round of Misteriezer Mentsh.


    Improve your reading and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

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    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on instagram, X and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles!

    You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).

  • Episode 1 // Season 4

    אין דעם עפּיזאָד אַ מעשׂה װעגן מײַן קאַץ פּרינץ - אײנע פֿון מײַנע באַליבסטע מעשׂות צו דערצײלן. און אַ קלײנער באַריכט װעגן דער געשיכטע פֿון ייִדיש און אירע דיאַלעקטן.

    We’re back with a fourth season of Yiddish listening practice on Proste Yiddish. This episode: my favourite story to tell about my cat Prince, and a short report from a listener about the history of the Yiddish language and its dialects. If you find it a bit challenging remember you can adjust the playback speed in your player and follow the transcript to help with your comprehension.

    Do you want easier or harder episodes? Any topic or vocab in particular you’d like to hear more of - let us know!


    Improve your reading, find links to all the videos and learn new vocab in the Yiddish transcript:

    Send us a recording!

    Send us a little story about yourself, a review, something on a favourite topic. Get in touch, I’m happy to help you edit a script.

    Follow the Yiddish

    We are on instagram, X and facebook. Check out the links here


    All the music in our show is from the Free Music Archive. The tunes are by Tres Tristes Tangos, ⁠ ⁠Crowander, ⁠⁠Danny Bale⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠The Underscore Orkestra⁠⁠. Full details ⁠⁠in the transcript⁠⁠.

    Support the Show

    Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles! You can also leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show. אַ דאַנק!

    Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).