In this episode, I sit down with Magda Miu, Senior Engineering Manager at Adobe Romania and a passionate career coach, to explore her intentional journey from mobile developer to tech leader. We discuss the key skills for leadership, the power of mentorship, sponsorship and coaching, and how women in tech can navigate career growth with confidence. Plus, we dive into the impact of AI on the future of work and the key skills to stay ahead. If you're looking to grow your career, step into leadership, or thrive in tech, this episode is packed with insights to help you level up. Tune in now! ✨ Connect with Magda on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/magdamiu/ ✨ Book your free 30-min discovery coaching session with I-Lien: https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ Support my podcast here: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ Chat with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ Reach me at: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
五年前,我開啟在巴黎科技業的夢想職涯,但在法國的求職過程並不容易。做為一個外國人,好幾個月我經歷了無數次的拒絕、自我懷疑,甚至一度覺得這根本不可能、默默開始查回台灣的機票⋯⋯直到我學會調整心態、有意識的修正求職策略,機會才終於來臨。 在這集節目裡,我會分享我如何透過心態轉變與實際行動,顯化這份理想工作;如何在職場上克服「冒牌者症候群」;以及我在巴黎科技業五年來學到的三個關鍵職場心得。 如果你正在找工作、考慮轉職,或想知道如何在國際職場發光發熱,這集會給你滿滿啟發和實用策略,幫助你突破自我限制、勇敢追夢! ✨ 與依蓮的教練對話 30 分鐘免費諮詢:https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG:https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
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5 years ago, I landed on my dream job in tech in Paris. But the journey to get there was far from smooth. As a foreigner navigating the French job market, I faced countless rejections, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs that made the process feel impossible—until I shifted my mindset and took intentional action. In this episode, I’m breaking down the mental and practical steps that helped me manifest my ideal job, how I overcame imposter syndrome in the corporate world, and the three biggest lessons I’ve learned from my tech career in Paris. If you’re in the middle of a job search, considering a career change, or looking for new ways to approach your professional growth, this episode will give you insights and strategies to help you move forward with clarity and confidence. Tune in now! ✨ Book your free 30-min discovery coaching session with I-Lien: https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ Support my podcast here: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ Chat with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ Reach me at: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
What if your greatest strength lies in your softness? In this heartfelt episode, I chat with Veni Ulti, a systemic and relationship coach from Amsterdam, to explore how healing your inner child and embracing vulnerability can transform your life and relationships. We dive into why connecting with your inner child is key to authentic relationships, and how courageously showing up—flaws and all—can lead to deeper connections with yourself and others. Veni also shares thoughtful advice for anyone considering hiring a coach, offering tips on finding the right fit for your personal growth journey. Plus, we unpack the concept of ikigai—your reason for being—and how it can help you uncover a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy. Don’t miss this powerful conversation to uncover the tools, insights, and courage you need to heal, grow, and build the authentic relationships you truly deserve. ✨ Discover Veni's coaching offerings: https://innerbridge.nl/ ✨ Book your free 30-min discovery coaching session with I-Lien: https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ Support my podcast here: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ Chat with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ Reach me at: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
你願意過上十天與世隔絕的生活嗎?沒有手機、不能交談、早上四點起床、每日冥想超過十小時、食宿全包不收取任何費用⋯⋯「內觀 Vipassana」究竟是什麼樣的體驗? 在這一集,我邀請到我的大學好友貞儀,來聊聊我們各自在台灣和法國兩地的十日內觀體驗。從觀息法到觀察全身所有的感受,我們在這段靜默的旅程中,不僅面對內在的種種挑戰,也從中領悟到生活的藝術。 這門古老的冥想技巧,可以怎麼幫助我們覺察當下、根除痛苦?又如何能在生活中實踐平等心、接納無常?跟著我們一同揭開內觀的神秘面紗吧! ✨ 貞儀的 IG:https://www.instagram.com/dear.soul_diary/ ✨ 與依蓮的教練對話 30 分鐘免費諮詢:https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG:https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Tune in to this episode of Intentional Living Chats as I chat with Chester, the founder of TourMeAway, Taipei's #1 free walking tour. From studying Ocean Engineering to creating a top-ranked travel experience for over 70,000 guests, Chester’s journey reveals the power of intentional living through culture and entrepreneurship. Join us as we explore the inspiration behind TourMeAway, the cultural impact of walking tours, and how each step connects travelers to Taipei’s unique stories, culinary scenes and hidden gems. ✨ Check out TourMeAway, Taipei's #1 free walking tour: https://tourmeaway.com/ ✨ Book your free 30-min discovery coaching session with I-Lien: https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ Support my podcast here: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ Chat with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ Reach me at: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
這一集《有意生活》是久違的獨白真心話,分享我最近人生中 3 個重要的變化,和伴隨而來的感悟及成長。一起來探討擁抱未知的勇氣、全新開始的美好,以及那些塑造我們生命的深刻連結。收聽這一集,為生命中的轉折時刻注入一點靈感,找回屬於你的內在力量! ✨ 30 分鐘教練對話免費諮詢:https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG:https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
In this solo episode of Intentional Living Chats, I’m sharing some personal reflections on the changes I’ve been navigating and the insights they’ve brought me. I’ll be diving into the power of embracing the unknown, the beauty of starting fresh, and the deep connections that shape our lives. This is a heartfelt episode filled with self-discovery, growth, and a few exciting updates from my own life that I can’t wait to share with you. Tune in for some inspiration and a fresh perspective on navigating life's transitions! ✨ Book Your Free 30-min Discovery Coaching Session with I-Lien: https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ Support my podcast here: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ Chat with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ Reach me at: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
在身心靈成長的旅程中,如何找到適合自己的療癒及療癒師,引導我們回到內在、轉化人生的課題?在不斷積極進取的社會中,沈澱與休息有多重要? 這一集邀請到瑜珈分享人與療癒實踐者 Sylvia,她涉足的療癒領域涵蓋了瑜伽、占星、古埃及靈氣、頌缽、能量解讀等等。Sylvia 將與我們分享她的療癒旅程、如何利用不同的療癒工具來認識自己並保持身心平衡,我們也討論了高敏感人能如何穩定自身狀態與回到當下,以及給予初次接觸靈性療癒的人的建議,期待這次的對話能為你帶來啟發和療癒。 ✨ Sylvia 的 IG:https://www.instagram.com/sylvia_yogaheals/ ✨ 與依蓮的 30 分鐘教練對話免費諮詢:https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG:https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
什麼是領導力?領導力是可以訓練的嗎?如何透過學習領導力,替人生及職涯開創更多潛能? 這集邀請到旅居德國的領導力講師 Dave,他是 Lead2Potential 領導力訓練的創辦人,結合德國多年工作經驗與歐美領導力觀念,提供領導力訓練。他將替大家破除領導力的常見迷思,並分享領導力的定義與實踐,以及如何培養在 AI 浪潮下無可取代的人際領導溝通技能。 ✨ 了解的 Dave 的領導力訓練:https://portaly.cc/lead2potential ✨ Dave 的領導力粉專:https://www.facebook.com/Lead2Potential ✨ 與依蓮的 30 分鐘教練對話免費諮詢:https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG:https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
「自由」對你來說是什麼?如何從全職工作過渡到創業,實現工作及旅居自由?如何在情感關係中接納彼此、認識自己?長期閱讀又能帶來什麼樣的改變? 來賓 Chelsea 是創業訪談 Podcast《喬西咖啡沙龍》的主持人,並創辦共讀社群《Creative Guide 閱讀配方》,她也為想建立及優化品牌事業的人,提供獨立品牌顧問服務。 Chelsea 分享了她對工作及情感自由的看法、在巴黎和東京數位遊牧的心得,以及一人創業心法。熱愛自由、想打造理想生活的你,這集節目不容錯過! ✨ 了解更多 Chelsea 提供的服務:https://imchelsea.com/ ✨ Chelsea 的 IG:https://www.instagram.com/imchelseacom/ ✨ 與依蓮的 30 分鐘教練對話免費諮詢:https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG:https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Join us on Intentional Living Chats as I chat with Joy Donnelly, the founder of Joy Worldwide, a non-profit organization providing study abroad opportunities for African-American students. She also works as Marketing Manager at American Express Global Business Travel. Explore Joy's transformative study abroad experiences in Milan and Paris, and how her intentional living practices can inspire you to live more purposefully. Learn practical steps to begin your journey, gain insights into overcoming challenges, and the power of morning routine and staying grounded in your WHY. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will motivate you to take action, trust the process and live your best life! Episode Highlights: 🌎 Dream Big: Explore how cultural experiences can inspire and shape your aspirations. 🌎 Gratitude and Give Back: How Joy Worldwide is making a meaningful impact on the next generation. 🌎 Overcome Challenges: Learn resilience strategies to tackle setbacks and achieve your goals. 🌎 Expand Your Perspective: Discover the transformative power of cross-cultural understanding. 🌎 Take Action: Gain practical insights to start your journey toward personal growth and fulfillment. ✨ Learn more about Joy Worldwide: https://www.joyworldwideinc.com/ ✨ Connect with Joy Worldwide on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joyworldwideinc/ ✨ Book Your Free 30-min Discovery Coaching Session with I-Lien: https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ Support my podcast here: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ Chat with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ Reach me at: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
你想實現財務自由嗎?FIRE 到底是什麼?如何有計劃地管理財務,減少金錢焦慮,讓生活變得更有意義?在這一集裡,財務自由教練 Alice 莉絲將跟大家分享如何一步步實現財務自由、以及成為財務自由教練的心路歷程。 本集五大重點: 💰 FIRE 概念與實踐:如何從月入三萬的月光族開始,打造六位數被動收入? 💰 財務自由:通過試錯的過程,找到心靈上的自由 💰 有意識的消費:如何區分「需要」、「喜愛」和「想要」? 💰「快樂成本」的實驗:認識自己真正想要的生活方式 💰 財務規劃四步驟: 每個人都該知道的投資理財技能 ✨ 財務自由教練 Alice 莉絲 IG:https://www.instagram.com/alicecw07/ ✨ 與依蓮的 30 分鐘教練課免費諮詢:https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG:https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
在我 33 歲生日的這天,一刀未剪的分享 33 歲體悟到的 3 件事:從個人成長、擁抱變化、練習用教練學的角度過好生活,這些體悟都塑造了我的旅程,並持續指引著我。無論你是否處於相似的人生十字路口,還是對有意生活主理人的碎碎唸感到好奇,都歡迎你收聽這一集真心話,並透過 IG 評論互動、跟我分享你的心得 ❤️ [English starts at 25:12] Join me on this special birthday episode of Intentional Living Chats, as I celebrate turning 33 by sharing the three most impactful life lessons I've learned along the way. From navigating personal growth to embracing change and finding balance from a coach position, these insights have shaped my journey and continue to guide me. Whether you're at a similar crossroads or just curious about my milestones of intentional living, tune in for a heartfelt and honest reflection on the learnings gained over the years. - ✨ 30 分鐘教練對話免費諮詢 / Book Your Free 30-min Discovery Coaching Session with I-Lien: https://cal.com/ilien/30-min ✨ 歡迎贊助支持本節目 / Support my podcast here: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/2e79533b-64eb-4d10-9890-fd148afdbe29 ✨ 有意生活 IG / Chat with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨ 跟我聯絡 / Reach me at: [email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
歡迎來到有意生活!我是你的主持人,依蓮。不管你是有意還是無意來到這裡,都非常感謝你的收聽! 邀請你來探索——如何有意識地創造你想要的生活,當你活出自己最好的模樣,周圍的世界也會變得更正向、更豐盛。 每一集我們都會深入探討,如何有意識地打造充滿愛、熱情和使命感的生活,並邀請不同來賓分享他們的人生故事,給你滿滿的勇氣和靈感,在平凡中活出自己的不凡。 讓我們一起探索正念、身心靈成長、生涯教練等豐富主題,踏上自我覺察與成長的旅程吧! [English starts at 1:40] Welcome to Intentional Living Chats! I'm your host, I-Lien. Join us as we explore how to intentionally create the life you love, because when you prioritize your personal development, the world reflects back to you a more positive and uplifting reality. Each episode, we dive into the practice of consciously curating a life filled with love, passion, and purpose. We'll hear from inspiring individuals who embrace intentional living, and witness the profound impact it has on their lives and the world around them. Follow along as we explore topics like mindfulness, personal development, and life coaching, and embark on a journey of self-awareness and growth together! ✨✨ https://www.instagram.com/intentional.living.chats/ ✨✨ --Hosting provided by SoundOn