Travel with us as we visit Scotland's gin distilleries. Listen as we chat with the distillers and their teams about the stories behind their gins. Learn what makes Scottish craft gin the wonderful creation that it is.
フードエッセイスト・平野紗季子がお届けするおいしい Podcast。毎週異なる食 (メニュー) をテーマに様々なトークを繰り広げていきます。食に対して全力で愛を注ぐ彼女にしか表現できない描写や発する言葉で、日頃私たちも食している「ごはん」の楽しみを新しい切り口で紹介していきます。この音声を聞きながら登場する料理を実際に食べると、料理がもっとおいしく、もっと魅力的になる?おしゃべりなごはん好きが繰り広げる、新しいフードトークをお楽しみください。
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🛍️味マート BASE支店
店主 平野紗季子が毎週ポッドキャスト内で紹介する美味しいモノ・楽しいモノを販売中!
▼味マート BASE支店はこちらから!
■SPINEAR Contact
Drink Beer, Think Beer is a weekly conversation with brewers, growers, and other brewing industry professionals that explores the art, culture, and business of craft beer. Hosted by John Holl and recorded on location, this podcast gets to the bottom of every pint and offers insight into the dynamic world of beer.
Food is intertwined with every emotion we have, from the happiest days to the saddest nights. Food is always around! from making dinner reservations to take out, from power lunches to drunk brunches, from Postmates to the drive through. We can’t avoid it... it’s everywhere!
But what if you had to make the most important reservation of your life — I’m talking about your very last reservation on Earth. Where would it be? What would you eat? I mean, would your last meal be something off your favorite “Keto menu” or maybe from your gramma’s house?
This podcast asks that question and dives into the connection between our lives and our food, how we grow, and how our food taste changes as we do. Whether it’s before death by firing squad, an alien abduction, or taking the blue pill, I’m asking my guests what their final meal would be, and why?
Created by: Chef Alisa Reynolds and Ali Brown
Producing team: Geoff Walker, Dakotah Rae, and Morgan Rojas
Engineers: Sergio Cabrera and Kyle Rapps
Music by: Ras Austin & Taj Austin
Cover Art by: Michael Dozal
Recorded at Pink Cloud Studios and PRETTYBIRD -
“偏愛”ある物や人だけをかたよって愛すること。また、その愛情。ー 広辞苑明鏡国語辞典
静岡の食、文化、芸術、商業などを偏愛するママがいるスナックに訪れるお客様との偏愛トーク番組。あなたの静岡への偏愛っぷりもお聞かせください。番組への感想や質問は[email protected]まで -
☕️「COFFEE TALK SESSION」 鎌倉のカフェ「ヴィヴモンディモンシュ」のマスター・堀内隆志がお送りするコーヒーをもっと楽しむ番組。コーヒーの器具や淹れ方のコツから、コーヒーカルチャーまで。ときには、コーヒー業界を代表するゲストをお迎えして、ここでしか聞けないコーヒーの話をお届けします。 コーヒー好きも、これからコーヒー好きになる方も必聴のプログラム。ぜひお聴きください。
☕️番組の感想や、あなたの心に残るコーヒー店の思い出、一杯のコーヒーにまつわる エピソードなど、是非教えて下さい。 [email protected]☕️
☕️「COFFFEE TALK SESSION」は、第2・第4木曜日の17時頃配信します。
お楽しみください! -
2023年10月から、DJ光邦による朝の生放送番組「ちょうどいいラジオ」で毎週火曜日にお届け中。 -
Japanese traditional style comedy~is a program featuring Shinoharu Tatekawa,a famous Rakugo performer. He will introduce to us what Rakugo is, the history, and how to enjoy it. Once in a while he will even perform us a Rakugo episode. RAKUGO ~Japanese traditional style comedy~は、落語家立川志の春さんが日本の伝統的な大衆芸能である『落語』の歴史、魅力、楽しみ方、などを紹介する番組です。ときには、英語で落語も披露します。
Stories of Disney’s most beloved titles that made their way to Broadway & beyond.
Please follow us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music.
■SPINEAR Contact
Surviving The System is a podcast created to shed light on the hypocrisy and injustice of “the system” in our nation today. I founded this podcast after first hand experience of how the system works - the shady tactics by law enforcement, the blatant disregard for the law by the legal system, the ever increasing attempts to crush the human spirit by the prison industrial complex and so called “re-entry” efforts. All of it appearing to be designed to keep people beat down, with no opportunity to learn and grow from their past mistakes. Since my experience with the system, I’ve learned that things are almost never cut and dry, right or wrong. So called “criminals” are some of the most compassionate, talented and intelligent individuals this world has to offer. On the flip side, there are some people who appear to lead the perfect life are all too often miserable human beings who are simply better at hiding their crimes from the rest of the world. My goal by starting Surviving The System is to reach as many people as possible who have been through the system, or are currently going through the system, and remind them that they are not defined by their worst mistake! You are a being of incredible power who has been conditioned by the system to forget. You can have the life you want, you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Throw off the shackles and remember who you are!
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.
J-WAVE 深夜1時からのロックプログラム「THE KINGS PLACE」
Join host Kris Krüg on an enigmatic journey of disruptive ideas, gripping interviews, and mind-bending explorations. Welcome to MØTLEYKRÜG the cyberpunk symphony that challenges the status quo and unites rebels of art, technology, and alternative living
Tune in to MØTLEYKRÜG and become a part of the extraordinary movement that dares to rewrite the rules and paint a canvas of change.
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現在、東京国立博物館で開催中の「日タイ 修好130周年記念特別展 タイ~仏の国の輝き~」。そのみどころや知られざる情報を、タイ仏像大使のいとうせいこうさんとみうらじゅんさんが面白おかしく解説。これを聴いてから行くもよし、館内で聴きながら鑑賞するもよし。2人の仏像愛があふれ出す番組。