
  • In this episode Nicholas unlocks the specific structure of language for programming your subconscious mind. If your affirmations haven't been working its because you aren't using the correct structure of language, including verb tenses, adverbs and identity statements. Don't worry Nicholas covers it all in his return episode, which is one you can't afford to miss!

    The applications for this command structure are endless, you can use these commands as a public speaker, therapist, parent, teacher, copywriter or salesperson! Master this pattern and you will master influence and more importantly your own subconscious mind!

    Get on the waitlist for my upcoming Hypnosis training


    Learn self hypnosis and master theta brainwave state


  • 3 years ago I had a vision for a transformational event.

    The outline came to me piece by piece and somehow every piece fit together perfectly like a puzzle.

    In 3 weeks Sandra Grace and I and our support team will put together the 3rd RESONANCE event in less than a year. That year has been one of the most challenging in my life. Physical setbacks, business setbacks, my own mental and emotional barriers, the structures of my ego have been crumbling to make way for something bigger.

    But no matter how I feel on a daily basis something happens to me at RESONANCE. All the fire, all the passion, all the certainty, all the presence I could ever imagine flows through me. And as I'm preparing for what’s to come I'm starting to feel it. My doubts, my fears, my hesitations subside as I am filled with that vision and purpose. I would love for you to experience what that feels like with us.

    What would you do if you had a belly full of fire, you walked with impenetrable certainty, you loved with no conditions and your visions felt like they were already a reality to the depths of your subconscious mind?

    I've had a lot of people reach out wanting more information about the event so we created a podcast episode explaining it, and in the episode I share a few of the scores of testimonials from attendees with a new lease on life.

    This episode is filled with testimonial after testimonial of people taking new energy, new perceptions, new emotions, new neural connections, new subconscious patterns into their life to reach new levels of success and fulfillment.

    These testimonials are literally the fuel for my fire, some bring me to tears, and I'm so grateful for those that have taken the leap of faith in us and invested their time and money to come to this magical experience.

    Listen to the podcast episode here: https://www.spohntrained.com/nicholas-spohn

    Sign up for the event here: www.spohntrained.com/resonancehtl

    Join me at my “Game changing” event RESONANCE
    Join the 3 Day Subconscious Programming Challenge: www.spohntrained.com/subconscious

    Get on the waitlist for RESONANCE www.spohntrained.com/resonance
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  • What is really holding you back? Do you ever feel like you are a rocket ship with a massive anchor holding you down? Listen in on my discussion with the world’s number one NLP trainer and polymath Dr. David Snyder as he unpacks how to release energy, traumas, and limiting beliefs from your nervous system. As a doctor of acupuncture, Pranic healer, Reiki master, hypnotist and NLP trainer there isn't much Dr. David Snyder hasn’t studied in his pursuit of transformation.

    David helps people transform their lives everyday in his clinic where he puts techniques from around the world to the test in real life scenarios. Removing phobias, releasing trauma, healing from chronic health issues and releasing internal conflicts and blocks are all possible when you’re in “David’s world”. I had the opportunity to spend 6 days training with him a few years ago and it was transformational for my work as a coach, speaker and hypnotist.

    You don’t want to miss my discussion with one of the brightest minds in the field of transformation today. Join David and myself in Las Vegas for for the worlds largest hypnosis convention - Hypnothoughts Live!

    Train with Dr. David Snyder DavidsnyderNLP.com/events

    (858)282-4663 to learn more about how to work with David

    Join me at my “Game changing” event RESONANCE

  • "Biology is destiny unless you know what it is doing to you."

    Millions of years of evolution have sculpted the human brain and nervous system to be the most refined and complex computational system in the universe.
    One of the least understood and most fascinating aspects of the human brain is the differences in tendencies, skills, emotions, development and even perceptual filters between the two genders.

    I'm joined by Dr. Louann Brizendine the pioneering author of the New York Times bestselling books "The Female Brain" and "The Male Brain" and most recently "The Upgrade: How the Female Brain Gets Stronger and Better in Midlife and Beyond". Our explosive conversation unveils the development differences in the boys and girls and how that shows up in the brain and filters out into every area of life.

    After this episode you will know how to be a better man, woman, partner and parent just by understanding your own biology.




    Join the 3 Day Subconscious Programming Challenge: www.spohntrained.com/subconscious

    Get on the waitlist for RESONANCE www.spohntrained.com/resonance

  • "I know I should be investing in crypto, I'm just not sure how to." Have you ever said this? Cryptocurrencies meteoric rise can't be ignored and those who don't act now are going to get left behind. Listen in on my conversation with guest expert Blair Halver fielding my questions about how to get started investing in crypto, how to protect yourself, how to have the right mindset for success, and the part I really brought him on for... how to make massive yields - think interest or dividends - from his favorite crypto strategy. I'm not smart enough to figure this stuff out on my own so I brought Blair in to help me out, I thought you could benefit from it as well!

    Learn more about Blair's crypto coaching program blairhalver.com/crypto Join the 3 day subconsicous programmaing challenge Get on the waitlist for RESONANCE

  • Do you feel like your freedoms are slowly being taken from you and there is nothing you can do about it? Learn the steps that John Bush of Live Free Acadamy and Freedom Cell Network is taking and teaching. From setting up intentional communities to using specific cryptocurrency technologies you can start to take back your freedom and peace of mind. John and I discuss wealth building, entrepreneurship, cryptocurrency investments and utility, community building, economics and of course.. liberty. All freedom starts in the mind. Once you decide to be free... Take these steps...

    Attend the Exit and Build Summit

    Build Wealth and Opt Out Webinar

  • Marketing expert Chris Crawford went from selling door to door barely scraping by to pulling in millions in revenue from the World's largest brands. He spent years obsessing about, learning and applying the principles of marketing to build a true lifestyle business.

    If you're a solopreneur, coach, healer, course creator or aspiring influencer you don't want to miss the marketing gems we cover in this episode, including...
    -Why 95% of businesses don't gain traction -How to find out who your ideal customer is

    -How to talk to your customer based on what kind of traffic they are and where you are meeting them in their journey

    -The top mindset shifts to stop procrastinating your sales and marketing

    -Why you should think long and hard before outsourcing your marketing

    -How to claim and communicate your identity to the marketplace

    -How to use stories to impact, inspire and sell!

    I had the good fortune of getting stuck in Panama with Chris for 2 months during covid and the insights I got from him helped me build my brand and can help you too!

    Free workshop: https://training.chriscrawford.ca/workshop Free book: https://training.chriscrawford.ca/free-book-signup Mastermind: https://training.chriscrawford.ca/mastering-your-mission-sign-up-page
  • "Change your vibe, change your life." Join Nicholas on this solocast episode where he dives into how to shift your "vibrational state" or "frequency" using visualiazations and hypnosis. This epsisode is a sneak peak into what goes on in his exclusive coaching program METAMORPHOSIS. What does it even mean to shift my frequency? And how would I even go about it? Nicholas explains why and how to shift your frequency using your body and mind as an antenna. When you change your frequency you change your thoughts, emotions, capabilities, motivations, and even what you attract into your life. This is the framework and philosophy that sets the #Spohntrained method apart from everything else. Stick around for a short process to experience a profound shift in your vibrational state.

    Join us at an upcoming #Spohntrained Event

  • Creator of the "Win With Hypnosis" and "Attitude of a Champion" systems, Caryn Bird, joins me to discuss sports and performance psychology. Coaching and Athletics were my main entry point into visualization and hypnosis and Caryn and I dig into the principles that make it effective for athletes and how those principles carry over into every area of our lives. Learn about the techniques and framework Caryn uses when working with champion athletes of any sport and learn how you can apply them to yourself, your clients and your team. Are you ready to help your clients or athletes unlock the power of their subconscious minds? Or perhaps your own? Build your own sports hypnosis practice at Carynbird.com

    Learn more about "Win with Hypnosis at winwithhypnosis.com

    Join me at an upcoming live event: www.spohntrained.com/events

    Listen to my Chakra Clearing Meditation Here: www.spohntrained.com/chakraclearing

  • Something we all do, although most do it poorly, is deal with and invest money. There is a reason most people stay poor and its because the computer between our ears does not come out of the box programmed to understand money. Hedge fund manager, author of the book Hacking Money and wealth architect, Mark Yegge, dives into all things finance and the psychology of money. We unpack the state of the market, how to navigate our financial system, how to invest for "asymetrical risk", why our emotions lead us astray and even where the current market bubble is (its not bitcoin). Learn how to identify your own investment bias and find the only real shortcut to wealth. "There is a fast way to get rich. And there is a slow way to get rich. and the fast way is the slow way."

    "Emotions goes up, intelligence goes down."

    Mark's Cash Flow Machine: https://markyegge.com/inside-my-cash-flow-machine-mastermind-program/


    Mark's Books
    Hacking Money

    Negotiate to Win Win

    The Secrets of Business

    Join me at an upcoming live event: http://www.spohntrained.com/resonance

    Learn to buy real estate with nothing down: https://www.spohntrained.com/nothingdown

  • Have you ever heard of regression therapy? My guest in this episode, Roy Hunter, is an inductee into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame and highly accredited hypnotherapist and trainer. He is the author of The Art of Hypnosis, Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution, The Art of Spiritual Hypnosis, and The Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy.

    After initially using self hypnosis for pain managment after from a serious accident Roy spent close to 40 years mastering his craft as a hypnotherapist and trainer. Roy opens up and shares his stories from therapy sessions and how he's helped people uncover what was holding them back and reprogram their subconscious minds for success.

    Our conversation explores using "parts work" to overcome internal conflicts, we dive into ideas around spiritual hypnosis and tapping into information beyond ourselves and of course regression therapy.

    Do you think past life regression is real? Don't worry we touch on that as well.

    Learn how to be a better hypnotist, coach or therapist as well as how to uncover your own hidden powers from my guest, hypnotherapy icon: Roy Hunter.


    Listen to the Meditation that won Roy "Hypnotic Voice of the Year".

    Take Roy's Online Workshops

    Download the Free Regression PDF

    About Roy Hunter, DIMDHA, DAPHP

    Roy Hunter is a published author and hypnosis trainer recognized around the world. He was originally trained by Charles Tebbetts, the pioneer of parts therapy and a pioneer of client centered hypnotherapy, who asked Roy to continue his work. Roy’s highly praised text books are used at hypnosis schools around the world. He has given lectures and workshops in over 20 countries. Roy has received numerous awards through the years, including lifetime achievement from three different organizations. He was inducted into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame for his written contributions to hypnotherapy, and is a Life Diplomate of IMDHA and APHP. His website is www.royhunter.com

    Join me at an upcoming #Spohntrained live event
    Learn the #Spohntrained system to Buy Real Estate with Nothing Down

  • Join me and my guest Ivan Tyrrell as we dive into the basic fundamentals of what it means to be a thriving and emotionally healthy human being. Based on his co-authored work "Human Givens: a New Approach to Emotional Health and Clear Thinking" Ivan shares the fundamental necessities that all humans share. We dive into what doesn't work about modern psychotherapy, why REM state and dreaming is essential for our health, how trance and hypnosis is essential for learning and even into the nature of consciousness. Ivan Tyrrell worked for many years as a psychotherapist (specialising in brief therapy for depression and anxiety). He now spends most of his time lecturing and writing.

    As a Director of Human Givens College, editorial director of the Human Givens Journal, and board member of the Human Givens Institute, his influence in (and knowledge of) the field of psychotherapy and counseling is considerable.

    In 1992 he and a group of psychologists and psychotherapists established the European Therapy Studies Institute (ETSI), whose aim was to discover why some psychotherapy approaches appeared to work and others didn’t. ETSI quickly gained several hundred members from a wide variety of professions whose support enabled them to publish a journal, The Therapist, the forerunner of the Human Givens journal.

    The human givens approach to psychotherapy and psychology developed out of the work and research of this group as they endeavored to bring greater clarity to the way people who become depressed, anxious, traumatized or addicted are helped, as well as making such help more reliably effective.

    Ivan is also co-author with Joe Griffin of numerous, influential titles, including:

    Human Givens: the new approach to emotional health and clear thinking
    How to lift depression… fast
    Why we dream: the definitive answer
    Freedom from Addiction: The secret behind successful addiction busting
    How to Master Anxiety
    An Idea in Practice: Using the human givens approach
    Release from Anger: Practical help for controlling unreasonable rage
    Godhead: The Brain’s Big Bang – the explosive origin of creativity, mysticism and mental illness View all here >
    and five ground-breaking monographs on psychology and counselling including The APET model: patterns in the brain, which brings cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and SFBT approaches into line with new scientific discoveries about how the brain works, and The Shackled Brain: how to release locked-in patterns of trauma and Hypnosis and Trance States which gave the first psychobiological explanation for hypnosis.

    Other titles include: The Survival Option, published by Jonathan Cape and Back from the Brink: Coping with stress, published by Virgin Books, which he co-wrote with Nick Leeson.

    He is a founder member of The Conciliators Guild. Join me at my upcoming 4 day event RESONANCE or another event: spohntrained.com/events

  • We've all heard that "where focus goes energy flows", and I've said for years, that what you focus on is what you experience. But thats only partially correct. For years I've been missing a very important piece of the puzzle that I unlock with my podcast guest Susan Shor Fehmi. This is one of the most important podcasts I've ever recorded. You see, its not just what you focus on, its maybe more importantly HOW you focus, HOW you pay attention that has the biggest affect on your nervous system, health and perception of life.

    Listen to Susan Shor Fehmi, the Director the Princeton Biofeedback Center teach you how to navigate through different styles of HOW you pay attention. Through learning how to open your focus while immersing into a feeling or experience you will learn to have dramatic changes in the following ways

    -Reduce physical and emotional pain

    -Access alpha brainwaves to boost creativity

    -Learn to bring on more parts of your brain immediately

    -Reduce or eliminate stress from your body

    -Utilize open focus training to access states of flow

    I was exposed to her late Husband, Dr. Les Fehmi's, work after attending a Joe Dispenza retreat and I quickly realized the massive impact his work on Joe's meditations and content. Dr. Les Fehmi was a pioneer in brain wave states and biofeedback training. This work has implications for meditation, spirituality, creativity, physical and mental health and it impacts literally every area of your life!

    Are you ready to finally learn how to pay attention?

    Change your focus. Change your life.

    To buy open focus training recordings visit openfocus.com (worth every penny!)

    To contact Susan susan@openfocus.com

    Books written by Susan or her Husband Dr. Les Fehmi

    The Open Focus Brain

    The Open Focus Life

    Dissolving Pain

    Join me at my upcoming 4 Day subconscious programming retreat: spohntrained.com/resonance

  • The gut is often called the second brain because of the amount of neurons it possesses and the 2 way connection it is has to your 1st brain. In our high stress, highly toxic modern way of life our gut health is often the first thing to suffer. Join Sherry and I as we go over the gut health journey we are currently undertaking. Together with some clients we are in the middle of a 21 day gut health reset ending with a 3 day water fast. Join the conversation as we share principles of health and integration of diet, biology, mindset, energy and lifestyle. Learn how to finally overcome the symptoms of low energy, brain fog and irregular digestion. If you've been struggling for years with any of these symptoms you do no want to miss this episode! To join the 21 day Gut Health Reset at anytime: https://www.sherryshaban.com/spohntrained Sherry is a certified Athletic Therapist, an Osteopath, and a health and life coach from Montreal, Canada with over 20 years of experience helping people transform their health, fitness and athletic identity. When she was 16, she was hit by a car and severely damaged her spine. To avoid paralysis, she had two major surgeries on her back and told that she would never play sports again. (You can read her full story here.) Unable to accept this as her fate, she committed to healing herself by learning everything there was about injury management and prevention, training and conditioning, nutrition, gut health and mindset. She believes we all have an obstacle, whether it be an injury, a disease, or a struggle with weight loss. And her purpose is to serve and help others to shift their identity and become who they are meant to be.

    To learn more about Sherry: https://www.sherryshaban.com/about

    To listen to Sherry's Podcast: "Fall in Love With Fitness"

    Join me at my upcoming 4 day subconscious programming event: spohntrained.com/RESONANCE

    Apply to be a part of my Metamorphosis Coaching Program: spohntrained.com/metamorphosis

  • Take a deep breath in (through your nose) and get ready for a groundbreaking podcast revealing how we've all been breathing the wrong way! I've been doing "breath work" for years, studying physiology, nervous system response and I've never come across information like you are about to hear. You won't find this information in any book or from any other source. With a background in physical therapy combined with endurance racing, Dr. Amy Novotny uncovered a way to eliminate pain, increase stamina and create some amazing physical transformations in her clients. Eliminate chronic pain, think better, have more energy, recover faster and release anxiety, all with this new paradigm of breath.

    You can work with Dr. Novotny by setting up a free consultation by emailing her at amy@pabrinstitute.com.

  • Touted by his peers as the World's Greatest Stage Hypnotist, Michael C. Anthony has become the industry standard for putting on mind blowing performances and leaving audiences enamored. Tune in to hear his secrets for captivating an audience, carrying yourself with Charisma and the three pillars of a fantastic performance. Michael is a body language expert, entrepreneur, magician and mentalist and in this episode he shares what creates success in any area of life, not just on the stage.

  • After finishing a recent book, "Hypnosis Without Trance" I was inspired to Interview the Author for my comeback Episode. James Tripp is world renowned hypnotist who brings experience in magic, Qi Gong and NLP among other things to bring new light to what "hypnosis" is, how it works and how to use the principles on the street and in your life. He has taught these principles around the world and in his book. His perspective is unlike any out there. Enjoy :)

  • Ready to learn to conquer your fears? Join me and Akshay Nanavati as he shares his experience overcoming fear in all aspects of life. Utilizing the latest science and ancient spiritual principles Akshay shares how to step through fear and experience true bliss and freedom on the other side. He coined the term “Fearvana” to describe the experience of what waits on the other side of your fears. Fear is not the opposite of love, in fact facing fear is the path to love. Hear his inspiring story from alcoholic to marine, to ultramarathoner and adventurer. And get his must read book Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear into Health, Wealth and Happiness. Enjoy!



  • Psychonaught and spiritual guide and coach Oliver Martin joins me on this episode to uncover the power of psychedelics to shed layers of the ego, access new parts of ourselves, change our perceptions and raise our consciousness. Olli is experienced in guided retreats with mushrooms, ayahuasca and bufo. He even helps me unpack my most recent experience with the sonoran desert toad, or bufo. If you’ve ever been curious about what we can learn from other worldly experiences with plants, fungus and even toads then you don’t want to miss this episode. For more information check out Olli’s page


  • Despite what the mainstream media might be telling you, masculine and feminine energy are not the same! Each type of energy has dramatically different attributes that you can harness to be your best self and to show up your best in any relationship! Polarity, or the difference between the two energies, is the basis for all attraction. Join energy and relationship coach Katie Carlson as we dive into the attributes of masculine and feminine energy, why women test men, what turns women on, and how to show up as your true self! You didn't learn this in your college psychology class!