Students Supporting Israel is a rapidly growing pro-Israel international campus movement that supports the State of Israel. Founded at the University of Minnesota in early 2012 by Ilan Sinelnikov and Valeria Chazin, it currently has multiple chapters across the United States and Canada.
On the heels of her bestselling book, Heather McGhee embarks on a road trip across Covid-era America, unearthing stories of American solidarity and hope in a time of great division and peril for our democracy. Join Heather as she travels from rural Maine to the California coast and everywhere in between, meeting extraordinary Americans who are crossing demographic, cultural, and political lines to build a better future for all of us.Organize with us. Take action @
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From the team that brought you Voices of America In One Room, this is Voices of Shaping Our Future.
Imagine a world where forming policy was less about cutting through red tape, and more about listening to people for building a better tomorrow. Two of the most widely discussed social issues facing our society today center around our CLIMATE and ECONOMIC INEQUALITY. While many people are divided on these issues, and there are a variety of ideas involving how they should be handled, we were curious to know what the younger generation thought about these topics.
In May 2021, more than 600 young people from across the country were brought together online to discuss their insights on these issues in small groups, listen to panel experts answer their questions, and interact with each other regardless of whether or not they agreed on the topics being discussed. In this podcast, we speak with some of those participants and get their thoughts on the conversations they had during the 2021 "Shaping Our Future" event. -
2024년 10월29일(화)부터 중국문화대학교 한국어문학과 최세훈 교수님이 '타이베이 토크' 프로그램에 합류합니다.
2024년 9월 24일(화)부터 '타이베이 토크' 프로그램은 백조미가 단독 진행하며 10월 하순쯤 합류 예정인 타이베이 중국문화대학교 한국어문학과 최세훈 교수와 함께 타이베이 토크 시즌2를 시작하게 됩니다. 2024.9.24. 백조미
[종료] 대만 생활 10년차 한국인과 한국어 기자생활 34년차 대만인이 함께하는 -- 대만과 한국의 다양한 문화이야기" -- 타이베이 토크-臺灣真趣味
‘타이베이 토크’라는 프로그램 명칭으로 한국 성균관대학교 정치외교학과 학사, 연세대학교 정보시스템관리학 석사, 현재 타이완에서 남십자성 주식회사를 경영하며 회화와 서예 등 예술에도 뛰어난 한국인 노혁이와 프로듀서 백조미가 함께 타이완과 한국 간의 문화적 공통점과 차이점을 주제로 방송한다.
타이완-한국 의 문화적 공통점과 차이점에 대해서 궁금하신 분들께는 유익한 프로그램이 될 수 있도록 진지한 태도로 이야기로 풀어나가겠다.
Are you liberty curious? Join us in discussing ideas of liberty, sound money, economic freedom, and the dangers of collectivism. Engaging discussions with leading economists, historians, entrepreneurs, bitcoiners, and friends of liberty.
Hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research. -
Tüm dünyadaki çözülmüş ve çözülmeyi bekleyen cinayet ve kayıp vakalarını beraber incelediğimiz Karanlık Dosyalar'a hoş geldiniz!
Ben Sezgi Aksu, Podbee Media ile beraber hazırladığımız bu podcast serisinde dinleyici olarak sizleri davanın içine bir üçüncü şahıs olarak yerleştireceğiz. Meraklısını fazlasıyla doyuracak, daha önce deneyimlememiş olanlar için de bağımlılık yaratacak. Ne dersiniz? Hazırsanız başlayalım.
At a time when our nation is portrayed as increasingly polarized, media often ignore viewpoints and stories that are worthy of attention. American Thought Leaders, hosted by The Epoch Times Senior Editor Jan Jekielek, features in-depth discussions with some of America’s most influential thought leaders on pertinent issues facing our nation today.