
  • In this episode, Jonny Fry (co-founder of TEAM BLOCKCHAIN) and David Parsons (founder of NiftyOne) discuss the challenges and solutions related to storing and managing digital assets, especially with the rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and stablecoins. Together they highlight how, in the past, banks managed physical assets and accounts, but with digital assets, individuals now bear the responsibility of managing their own assets, which requires reliable hardware and software.

    David addresses these challenges by talking about possible solutions for digital assets. This includes devices that are radiation-hardened and can withstand extreme conditions, resembling a large coin for physical security. They offer redundancy through twin devices stored in secure locations to prevent loss. The system also incorporates two-factor authentication and spending limits to prevent theft and unauthorized transactions.

    The technology behind Nifty One comes from the defense industry, ensuring high security. It uses NFC for easy transactions, making it practical for everyday use, like buying coffee or a car. The solution aims to provide a tangible, secure way to store and use digital assets, addressing the need for infrastructure as digital asset adoption grows. For more information, visit https://niftyone.co.uk/index.html.

    NiftyOne enables institutionally compliant liquidity for any Real World Assets (RWAs) on its digital asset wallets. It provides the necessary tools, systems, infrastructure and global liquidity for the creation, management, titles of ownership of real (tangible or intangible) ‘property’. NiftyOne has created business processes and liquidity enabling the title of assets to be used in real time for the payment of goods and services. Its software technology and systems have been developed to support the creation of legally recognised and institutionally compliant titles of property in a process known as RWA ‘tokenization’.

    Jonny Fry: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonnyfry/
    David Parsons: [email protected]

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  • This episode is only available in Dutch.

    In deze aflevering bespreken Arash Aazami, oprichter van Unify.Energy en co-founder van de Synergy Hackathon, Mirjam Langenhuijsen Davidson en Michiel Sintenie hun rollen en verwachtingen tijdens de hackathon. Het evenement richt zich op systeeminnovatie in de energiesector, met 170 deelnemers die 48 uur samenwerken.

    Mirjam is een senior adviseur publieke zaken bij Essent, en legt gedurende de podcast uit dat haar werk bestaat uit het omzetten van praktijkervaringen naar beleid. Ze benadrukt dat veel beleidsmaatregelen in de praktijk niet functioneren omdat ze in isolatie zijn bedacht. Ze hoopt dat de hackathon helpt bij het loslaten van bestaande systemen en bij het bedenken van innovatieve lange termijnoplossingen voor energie.

    Michiel, innovatiemanager bij Vattenfall, beschrijft zijn rol in strategische innovatie voor de energiemarkt. Hij spreekt over het belang van intuïtie bij innovatie, waarbij hij parallellen trekt met muzikanten die hun instrumenten op nieuwe manieren gebruiken. Hij waardeert hackathons omdat ze creativiteit stimuleren en nieuwe samenwerkingsverbanden creëren die verder gaan dan concurrentie.

    Beiden benadrukken dat de hackathon een omgeving biedt waar men buiten de bestaande kaders kan denken en nieuwe systemen kan verkennen. Ze hopen dat dit leidt tot doorbraken en praktische prototypes voor decentrale energiesystemen, waarbij ook het beheer van data en de sociale inclusiviteit van energievoorziening centraal staan. Luister de hele podcast om achter de waardevolle conclusies van dit panel te komen.

    Arash Aazami: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arashaazami/
    Mirjam Langenhuijsen Davidson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mirjam-langenhuijsen-davidson-82a9494/
    Michiel Sintenie: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msintenie/

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  • In this session, we delved into the fascinating world of tokenization alongside our partners Carbify, Celebratix and SBAN.

    What can you expect in this video? We'll take you through the key moments of the session, highlighting the vibrant discussions, the questions posed, and the key takeaways. But that's not all! We've also created valuable content, including an inspiring podcast and a "What's Next" document, to further support you on your journey through the world of tokenization.

    Curious about what was discussed? Watch the video and discover how tokenization is shaping the future of finance, investments, and beyond! Don't forget to check out the "What's Next" document, available on our website through the link in the description.

    So grab some popcorn and be inspired by the boundless possibilities of tokenization. Remember to subscribe to our channel for more exciting updates and stay informed about the latest developments in the world of digital assets.

    What's Next: https://www.2tokens.org/knowledge-session-tokenization

    Alex Bausch: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexbausch/
    Olivier Rikken: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olivierrikken/

    Celebratix: https://celebratix.io/
    Frank Roskam: https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankroskam/

    Carbify: https://www.carbify.io/
    Jaap Harmsma: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaapharmsma/

    Student Blockchain Association Netherlands: https://sbanetherlands.nl/

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  • Today's podcast revolves around the topic of energy sharing within communities and its implications for the energy market. The episode was recorded during the growth Hackathon "Synergy" at TU Delft, were the focus lied on finding solutions for mainly the lower voltage grit. The podcast is led by Michel Chatelin, with his two guests: Job Swens and Peter Hermans. Together they delve into the complexities of energy sharing, including legal and regulatory issues, as well as the role of grid operators and energy suppliers. The conversation touches on the need for clear definitions and regulations to ensure a level playing field for all participants, including individual consumers and energy communities. They also discuss the balance between market competition and empowering consumers in the energy transition. Overall, this podcast episode emphasizes the importance of creating a legal framework that enables and supports energy sharing while addressing the interests of all stakeholders involved.

    Michel Chatelin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/michel-chatelin-ab5a59/
    Job Swens - https://www.linkedin.com/in/job-swens-a0b8816/?originalSubdomain=nl
    Peter Hermans https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-hermans-4478831/

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  • De podcast van vandaag gaat over een gesprek tussen Erich Schoeckel, Sven Jense en Alexander Enthoven over verschillende initiatieven gerelateerd aan klimaatoplossingen, blockchain-technologie en CO2-compensatie.

    Sven is betrokken bij Climate Cleanup, een stichting die zich richt op het aanpakken van het klimaatprobleem door CO2 op te ruimen. Ze werken samen met ondernemers die innovatieve oplossingen bedenken, zoals het produceren van bouwmaterialen die CO2 opnemen. Climate Cleanup streeft ernaar om 1500 gigaton CO2 op te ruimen.

    De tweede gast, Alexander, vertegenwoordigt Krya, een organisatie die zich bezighoudt met blockchain-technologie. Ze hebben projecten uitgevoerd om de koolstofstromen in producten transparant te maken, zoals bij Unilever. Ze hebben prototypes ontwikkeld om de herkomst van koolstof in producten te traceren.

    Het gesprek gaat verder over de rol van blockchain en tokens in het project. Er wordt besproken hoe tokens kunnen worden gebruikt om informatie over de CO2-uitstoot van producten vast te leggen en te verhandelen, en hoe dit kan leiden tot compensatie van CO2-uitstoot.

    Er wordt gesproken over de uitdagingen op het gebied van privacy en schaalbaarheid bij het gebruik van blockchain-technologie. Krya richt zich op het ontwikkelen van infrastructuur voor privacybescherming in blockchain-netwerken.

    Sven bespreekt de toekomstplannen van Climate Cleanup, waaronder het opschalen van hun projecten en het betrekken van meer boeren en bouwers bij het opslaan van CO2.

    De discussie eindigt met een vooruitblik op hoe de projecten zich over de komende jaren zullen ontwikkelen en de uitdagingen die ze onderweg zullen tegenkomen.

    Sven Jense - Climate Cleanup
    Erich Schnoeckel - 2Tokens
    Alexander Enthoven - Kryha

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  • This podcast highlights the complex landscape of energy transition, the importance of real-world experimentation, and the need for flexible, secure, and customer-centric solutions in this evolving industry.

    This podcast was recorded at the Green Village during the Synergy Hackathon, with Ralf Taegener, Joep van der Weijden and Leon Gerard Vandenberg. The Green Village, located at the TU Delft campus, serves as a hub for sustainable innovation with experimental housing and various projects exempt from regular regulations.

    The conversation revolves around projects related to energy transition, particularly focusing on hardware and infrastructure requirements. The discussion expands to include topics such as industrial data processing, software development for energy markets, and regulatory challenges, especially in Germany regarding data privacy. The importance of having a test environment like the Green Village for real-world experimentation is emphasized, enabling practical learning and engagement with industry stakeholders.

    Ralf, Joep and Leon discuss the challenges of evolving energy grids towards bi-directional systems and the need for flexible solutions. The evolving role of energy providers, with new opportunities for distributed energy providers and challenges related to customer experience and security is also mentioned.


    Leon Gerard Vandenberg - Director Sunnified (https://www.linkedin.com/in/leongvandenberg/)

    Ralf Taegener - Manager Ritter Technology (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralf-taegener-6517198/)

    Joep van der Weijden - Project Manager Digital Energy at The Green Village (https://www.linkedin.com/in/joepvdweijden/)

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  • The episode delves into the potential of DAOs for organizing and managing energy production and distribution.
    The episode highlights the significance of tokenization in attracting investors and the necessity of regulatory support for transitioning into these spaces. The complexity of energy as a low-interest commodity is discussed, emphasizing the importance of education and social inclusivity. Furthermore, the structure of the IFA Dao and its potential pilots this year are explored, emphasizing the need to adapt to a rapidly changing world. Tokenizing energy is seen as a means to democratize decision-making and foster transparency and efficiency in the energy market. While some express doubts about the feasibility of tokenizing energy, others propose innovative token models based on smart meter data to create local economies.

    Olivier Rikken - chief Research 2Tokens
    Jos Röling - Executive IT Architect at IBM and Captain of the 2Tokens Energy Use
    Alex Prate - Co-Founder & Growth Strategist at Hypha DAO

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  • Empowering Local Energy Sharing: The 2Tokens Podcast with
    - Kennard C. Brandenburgh (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kcbrandenburgh/) CCO at Distro Energy
    - Bart van Velthoven (https://www.linkedin.com/in/bart-van-velthoven/), Progamma Manager at Slimme energie Living Lab Scheveningen and Project Manager at Power of The Many (2Tokens)

    Welcome to the 2Tokens Podcast, where we dive deep into the transformative world of local for local energy sharing.

    Discover how surplus solar energy can be efficiently stored and shared within local communities, reducing reliance on external networks and fostering a more sustainable and resilient energy ecosystem. Kennard sheds light on Distro Energy's pioneering approach to decentralized energy resources, while Bart discusses the role of tokenization in enabling secure and transparent energy transactions.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the potential of blockchain and tokenization to revolutionize the way we think about and manage energy. Whether you're a homeowner with excess solar power, an energy enthusiast, or a professional in the field, you'll gain valuable insights into how local for local energy sharing can mitigate network capacity issues and pave the way for a greener, more interconnected world.

    2Tokens Podcast, Energy Sharing, Local for Local, Solar Energy, Energy Tokenization, Blockchain, Sustainable Energy, Distro Energy, Kenneth, Bart van Velthoven, Decentralized Energy, Energy Distribution, Green Technology, Energy Transition.

    Do you want to join one of the use cases? Contact us via [email protected]

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  • In this episode of 'Energizing the Future,' Captain Jos Röling from Power Of The Many explores the dynamic world of programmable energy.

    Joining him are two experts: Niels Bakker, Decentralized Marketplace Lead & Consultant at Noviqtech, and Andrea D'Intino, co-founder of Forkbomb. Together, they talk about how programmable energy is revolutionizing the way we manage and distribute electricity, using advanced digital technologies to optimize efficiency and sustainability. The discussion also contains the concept of tokenization where energy units are converted into digital tokens facilitating flexible and transparent energy transactions. Don't miss this episode if you're keen on understanding how technology is shaping a smarter, greener energy future.


    Jos Röling

    Niels Bakker

    Andrea d'Intino

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  • Welcome to our latest episode about loyalty tokens; an in-depth discussion on the use of tokens to foster community engagement and loyalty. We now see that many companies are using loyalty programs and tokens, such as in the gaming industry, sports (FOOTBALL), and consumer goods (ADIDAS). This podcast highlights the legal and business aspects of tokens used in communities.

    We've teamed up with the experts from the 2Tokens community:
    - Arie Van Den Bergen; Owner at Finnick
    - Nils Gerlant Veenstra; Initiator and Global Steering Council Member at IMMA;

    Our focus is on presenting a well-rounded view of tokenization in the digital economy, ideal for community leaders, entrepreneurs, and digital economy enthusiasts. By the end of this podcast and our accompanying whitepaper, you'll have a comprehensive toolkit to navigate the multifaceted world of tokenization in communities. Join us as we explore these vital topics, offering you the knowledge to make informed decisions in the evolving landscape of digital economies.

    The whitepaper will be released in early 2024. Keep an eye on: https://www.2tokens.org/loyalty-token

    In this episode, we cover a range of crucial topics:

    Introduction to Loyalty Tokens and Legal ConsiderationsUnderstanding Legal Rights and ObligationsTransfer of Ownership IssuesConsumer Protection LawsData Protection and GDPRIntellectual Property ConsiderationsRegulatory Aspects:The classification of a token (security, utility, etc.) affects its regulatory status.Need for compliance with financial regulations, like the US how they test for securities.The upcoming regulations under MiCAR (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation) and its implications.Privacy and Security of User DataHandling International Legal Variations

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  • In our latest podcast episode focused on Energy Communities in Europe, we talked about decentralized energy systems with our special guests Alex D'Elia from Prosume and our new partner, Forkbomb with Andrea D'Intino.

    Prosume, a leader in energy trading platforms, highlighted how their technology empowers individuals to both produce and trade energy within their communities, fostering a more self-sufficient and sustainable approach. Forkbomb, bringing their expertise in blockchain and smart contracts, illustrated the transformative potential these technologies hold in ensuring transparency and efficiency in energy distribution. Their collaboration with us marks a significant step towards innovating the European energy landscape, emphasizing the importance of community-driven, technologically advanced solutions in the quest for a greener future.

    Michel Chatelin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michel-chatelin-ab5a59/
    Alex D'Elia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/acmesh/
    Andrea D'Intino: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-d-intino/

    Do you want to join one of the use cases? Contact us via [email protected]

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  • Today's participants:
    Kai Siefert (CPO at Riddle&Code) https://www.linkedin.com/in/kai-siefert/
    Leon Gerard Vandenberg (Founder at Sunified) https://www.linkedin.com/in/leongvandenberg/

    This podcast was recorded during our expert session around energy tokenization. During this workshop, the participants worked together in teams, each team dedicated to crafting a blueprint that aligns with the concerns and aspirations of the problem owners.

    In today's podcast we will discuss programmable energy; an innovative concept in the world of renewable energy, focuses on the integration of technology to manage and optimize energy usage. Companies like Sunified and Riddle&Code are at the forefront of this movement. Sunified specializes in utilizing solar energy more efficiently through advanced technology, enabling users to harness solar power in more effective and sustainable ways. Meanwhile, Riddle&Code brings its expertise in blockchain technology to the table, offering solutions that secure and streamline energy transactions. By combining their unique strengths, these companies contribute significantly to the development of programmable energy, ensuring a smarter, cleaner energy future.

    Find us at the Enlit conference in Paris, at the Dutch Pavilion! The Dutch Pavilion will be a hub of interaction between industry leaders, utility experts, government bodies, academic minds, and R&D pioneers. It's where ideas meet execution. At Enlit Europe, we're more than exhibitors; we're part of a movement. A journey to #Connect industries, #Inspire action, and help Europe #Evolve into a unified, decarbonized, and digitalized energy system. See you there!

    Do you want to join one of the use cases? Contact us via [email protected]

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  • Blockchain technology, along with AI, IoT, big data, and machine learning, promises enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, automation, and increased transparency. While MiCA provides some clarity for EU crypto markets, further regulatory guidance is necessary to foster the expansion of tokenization. This podcast earlier appeared in the Digital Bytes podcast with Jonny Fry and Erich Schoeckel.

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  • This podcast is a presentation given during the symposium on June 1st, 2023 in The Hague.

    This is a symposium brought to you by the 2Tokens Foundation and the University of Groningen with support from ecosystem partners.

    We have invited distinguished legal experts and tokenisation professionals to come together at the Haagse Hogeschool during the symposium to explore the complexities of property law as it pertains to tokenisation.

    During the presentation, the aim was to answer questions such as;

    - What is Tokenisation and how will it it take hold in the economy?

    - How Liechtenstein did it and what are the learnings for the rest of Europe?

    Presentation given by: dr. Thomas Dünser, Director Office for Financial Market Innovation and Digitization, Government of Liechtenstein

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  • In this Podcast, Olivier Rikken (2Tokens), Meindert Jansberg (Assetblocks) and Martijn Siebrand (ABN AMRO) discuss their joint use case for the European Blockchain Sandbox. The partnership between these companies, including Rabobank, aims to legally explore the use case of tokenized financial security and stablecoin integration. Together, the goal is to bridge the gap between the physical world and the digital economy by tokenizing real assets and euro’s.

    The existing base case presented by Assetblocks offers an unique investment opportunity by allowing individuals to invest in renewable energy sources through tracking stocks. Investors acquire tokens representing solar, wind, or battery parks, entitling them to share in the profits generated by these assets. The ownership proof comes in the form of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), classified as a security under MiFID II regulations, ensuring compliance and investor confidence.

    In the mentioned sandbox setting, the joint use case aims to explore the use of stablecoins tied to Euro’s or bank deposits. Both non-hosted and hosted wallets provided by banks will support these stablecoin transactions, ensuring new ways of accessibility and convenience for investors, offering new levels of accessibility and convenience for investors. Additionally, the project explores the possibility of tokenizing these assets as security tokens, compliant with EBS standards, allowing discussions on regulatory matters with EU and individual European member state frameworks.

    The NFTs include embedded metadata, providing crucial information about the underlying assets. Investors can verify each NFT at a detailed level, enabling them to track production and access real-time value data. To comply with regulations, investors undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure during onboarding. Once whitelisted, investors can easily purchase NFTs using Euros, with a focus on exploring payment in Euro-based stablecoins.

    Host: Olivier Rikken, 2Tokens
    Meindert Jansberg, Assetblocks | https://www.linkedin.com/in/meindert-jansberg-8251481/
    Martijn Siebrand, ABN AMRO | https://www.linkedin.com/in/martijn-siebrand/

    Do you want to join one of the use cases? Contact us via [email protected]

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  • How tokenization of Carbon Credits supports positive climate action initiatives, social engagement and inclusion.

    In this podcast, Junaid Rahim and Maarten Kuulkers, Co-Founders of Pando Exchange, and Erich Schnoeckel (2Tokens) talk about The Carbon Credit Token use case. With our working group, we aim to design, develop, and implement a carbon credit token standard that facilitates the efficient and transparent trading and transferring of carbon credits.

    The Working Group aims to convincingly demonstrate the relevance of asset backed tokenization for the provision, distribution and use in accounting & reporting of carbon credits, by developing and promoting a working and sustainable solution in conceptual, organizational, technical and commercial terms that benefit those whose contribute most to mitigating global warming potential.

    Host: Erich Schnoeckel, 2Tokens
    Junaid Rahim, Co-Founder Pando Exchange https://www.linkedin.com/in/junaid-rahim/
    Maarten Kuulkers, Co-Founder Pando Exchange https://www.linkedin.com/in/kuulkers/

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  • In this episode, Frank Verstijlen talks about tokenisation and how it relates to property law; there is still a lot of confusion about this topic.

    ‘Property law’ is one of the focal points within the widely supported analysis initiated by 2Tokens. This extensive study delves into the Netherlands’ suitability for businesses utilizing ‘tokens’- digital units like cryptocurrency. Our objective is to comprehend the nature and significance of this concept. The analysis assesses current opportunities and challenges while drawing comparisons with global practices: what are other countries doing? We actively seek innovative ideas to enhance the appeal of the Netherlands for such enterprises. The research findings will be condensed into conclusions, accompanied by actionable recommendations. The ultimate aim is to position the Netherlands as an ideal hub for companies engaged in token-based activities.

    Want to know more about the widely supported analysis? Sign up now via https://share.hsforms.com/1aHTnQbxdReWZ1g7OQFNqWg4tojo

    This podcast is part of the recording of the symposium that was held on June 1st. In the next episode, Frank will explain more about the topic. 👉 https://open.spotify.com/episode/1gdTpFS1FYtKGLnFleNZ4k?si=9b7d0207621941db

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  • Get ready for an engaging and enthusiastic conversation as we bring together Alex Bausch, the leader behind 2Tokens.org, and Jonny Fry from Team Blockchain. In this candid exchange, they delve deep into the captivating world of stable coins.
    Join them as they explore the ideal characteristics that make stable coins such a game-changer in the financial landscape. Discover the secrets behind their stability, transparency, and versatility, which have revolutionized digital currencies.
    Alex and Jonny share their incredible journey, reminiscing about the times they've spent knowing each other in the industry.

  • With the "Power to the Many" initiative, we are paving the way for the emergence of local energy communities, empowering individuals to become partial owners of a solar farm. We do this in collaboration with partners like Evershed Sutherland, who is on our podcast today.

    The "Power to the Many" program facilitates citizens in acquiring a share of solar energy production capacity from the Ballumerbocht solar park in Ameland, a client of Eversheds Sutherland. This energy can then be utilized within their homes or exchanged with fellow users, promoting sustainable utilization of solar power and fostering self-sufficiency. This visionary project fosters the development of a new local, eco-friendly energy market, enabling communities to generate, distribute, and consume energy—a concept enshrined in European legislation designed to expedite the transition to cleaner energy sources.

    Eversheds Sutherland is providing invaluable support to the 2Tokens foundation, leveraging pro bono legal expertise to navigate the initiative's legal complexities. In this episode, Alex Bausch (Board Chairman, 2Tokens), Michel Chatelin (Partner at Eversheds Sutherland), and Bart van Velthoven (Project Manager, Power to the Many) delve into the intricacies of the "Power to the Many" initiative.

    Podcast Guests: Michel Chatelin, Partner at Evershed Sutherland, and Bart van Velthoven, Project Manager Ameland Project and Energy Token Use Case - Power of the Many.
    Podcast host: Olivier Rikken, Board Member 2Tokens

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  • Join the Masterclass Token Economy via: https://www.2tokens.org/masterclass

    The Token Economy Unveiled - Exploring Social-Economic Impact, Token Taxonomies, and Decentralized Tech

    Welcome to a captivating podcast episode featuring Antony Abell from TPX Global, Jonny Fry from The Digital Bytes, and Alex Bausch, Chairman at 2Tokens. In this intriguing discussion, we delve deep into the world of tokenization and its social-economic impact.

    Discover how various companies are actively implementing token taxonomies and gain insights into how property exchanges are embracing this transformative technology. As the tokenization trend continues to gain momentum, the importance of education becomes paramount. We explore the significance of upskilling professionals and creating a common understanding through Masterclasses as a means to empower individuals within the industry.

    Emphasizing the technology driving this revolution, we touch upon decentralized tech and trusted systems at the core of the token economy. Moreover, we examine clear use cases across diverse sectors, from finance to real estate, supply chain, and healthcare, highlighting the practical applications of tokenization.

    If you seek to stay informed about the latest developments in the token economy and understand its potential impact on businesses and society, this podcast is a must-listen. Join our podcast guests as they unravel the complexity of tokenization and its profound influence on our world.

    Podcast Guest:
    - Antony Abell, CEO, Director / Co-Founder of the TrustMe™ / TPX™ Property Exchanges Group of Global Companies in London. Author. https://www.linkedin.com/in/antonyabell/

    - Jonny Fry, CryptoAM Influencer of the year 2022 Editor Digital Bytes a weekly NEWSLETTER about how, where, why Blockchains and Digital assets are being used globally. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonnyfry/

    Podcast Host:
    Alex Bausch, Chairman 2Tokens

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