A podcast dedicated to discussing the classic anime and manga Shaman King by Hiroyuki Takei!
פודקאסט אנימה ישראלי
ברוכים וברוכות הבאים להסכתת הטיטאנים!
פודקאסט שהוא יומן צפייה של סדרת האנימה "מתקפת הטיטאנים".
בפודקאסט נעבור על כל פרק בסדרה, נתאר את המתרחש ונסקור את הפרק מנקודות מבט שונות. אנחנו מזמינים אתכם להצטרף אלינו למסע המרתק של המלחמה בין האנושות שחיה בתוך החומות לבין האויב שבחוץ. -
A weekly discussion of the biggest Vtubing news! We’ll also have a rotating focus on an individual Vtuber each week!
The Senpai Kouhai Podcast is a weekly podcast show where Steven the Senpai and Trea the Kouhai talk and discuss their weekly updates for anime and gaming, and a topic for the week ranging from favorite shonens to the worst metroidvanias.
Explore the world of anime like never before with "Anime Uncensored".This is not your average anime discussion show hosts RaSxx & David bring you the most explicit and unfiltered takes on everything anime. From dissecting intricate power scaling, thrilling team fight battles, to staying updated with the latest in anime news – nothing is off the table. And be prepared for some sizzling debates RaSxx & David are known to get heated and lock horns, offering perspectives that will make you question your own fandom.
Here on Anime Talk we talk about anything anime related
A couple friends who read One Piece talking about the latest chapters, S-class and F-class crackpot theories, pop culture, and modern romance.
פודקאסט הוואן פיס של ישראל.
עידן, קורא וואן פיס ותיק, מלווה את מתן, שהתחיל וואן פיס ממש עכשיו, במסע הגדול, המרתק ובעיקר ארוך שייצר אייצ'ירו אודה.
בכל פרק נדון, לפי הסדר, בסיפור של וואן פיס, מהאי הראשון עד הפרק האחרון שיצא. -
بودكاست متخصص ب مانجا شكل خفيف و الانمي بشكل عام
Podcast creado para compartir opiniones acerca de las series animadas que me gustan.
Welcome to our podcast in this podcast you'll find motivational, horror, love story,and other kind of story.
This podcast is owned, operated and managed by "My Digital Friend"
Follow us on 👇👇👇
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Подкаст о том, как наладить свой быт и жить дома в удовольствие. Команда «Горящей избы» рассказывает, как стирать, готовить, убираться и не утонуть в море рутины и гендерных стереотипов. А ещё делится личным опытом и советами экспертов!
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Следите за новостями в телеграме:
פודקאסט האוכל של גיל חובב עם המלצות על המסעדות הכי טובות בארץ, מתכונים עונתיים ועוד שפע טיפים טעימים
Achieving the clutter-free organised home of your dreams can be a tough, emotional journey. Decluttering is never about the stuff. It's all about the emotions that sit behind the stuff. In this podcast, we bring a bit of light-hearted fun to the serious business of decluttering with hints, tips, insights and guest experts to help you every step of the way.
Kieran, Kwame, Steven and Yaf have over 40 years of combined experience in sports, culture and entertainment, working for some of the biggest brands in the world. Listen in as the four creatives break down interesting topics each week - from dope guests, to purposeful conversations, and unique insight, be prepared to laugh out loud and take in some real talk!
Instagram - @outofhome
Twitter - @outofhome_ams
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Struggling with Football Manager? Leaking goals and dropping points? You need The Football Manager Show. Every week, Tony Jameson and Arron Falloon speak to the people who know the game best; the people who literally made the game. We give you the lowdown on tactics, recruitment, training, and anything else that might give you an edge. Don't sigh and quit without saving. Get better. Listen now.
The STOL Collective is a podcast about STOL, backcountry and mountain flying in Europe. But most of all, about the people sharing this passion. Presented by Maxime Compagnon aka vieux_bandit .