Это подкаст про аниме, технологии, видеоигры и другие интересные вещи. Трое ведущих Балашов Савва, Юра Поздняков и Васильев Никита в домашней обстановке обсуждают все, что им интересно в форме беседы.
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Join Emma as she sits down with friends and family to discuss her daily thoughts and occurrences as a not so normal 20 something-year-old in Austin, Texas.
Bazars Pie Vītola ir podcasts kur katru nedēļu ierodas kāds interesants viesis
un mēs pēc labākajām bazara tradīcijām apspriežam dzīvi, gan paša dzīves, gan notikumus pasaulē un tepat Latvijā.
Galvenais cenšamies to darīt brīvi un bez cenzūras, pieskaroties tēmām par ko cilvēki izvairās publiski runāt. -
Nightmare bosses! Ungodly hours! Creepy Craigslists! Nick and Chase interview hilarious guests about their first jobs, worst jobs, and everything in between.
The reality of the single life of girls over 35.
Sandy and Carolyn talk about the reality of being single after 35 from wanting to stay home at night and wear your favorite scrunchie to bed to finding that first grey hair down THERE! You'll want to make fun of them until you realize you can totally relate! -
The podcast about Controversial Reddit Posts hosted by Charlie (@styledape), Gus (@doulbedoink), and Griffin (@GiantToilet)
Cover art is done by Ty -
Anime, Manga and Light Novel discussions on Boogiepop. (Backlog for Baccano!)
#1 Podcast in Clintonville Wisconsin
Topical Comedic Interviews
Hosted by Hayden Wojo -
Thanks For Coming In is a bi-weekly podcast hosted by actor/director Jillian Clare. Each episode features a new guest who shares their journey as an actor and one or two memorable audition stories.
The most interesting topics and guests, according to Darren.
We will be discussing about Asians in America. The guest Andy Tran is a Vietnamese American, here's his story and thoughts on some of the most trending Asian topics.
Carcast Moms is a weekly podcast of
2 childhood friends, now moms, locked in the only peaceful place they have ‘the car outside’ Bringing you explicit interviews with the melancholy mommy, ridiculous rants, social awkwardness and ALL the laughter that comes with everyday life! -
We say giggly things
So your bored cant seem to find anything funny on social media well you came to the right place
Подкаст с обсуждением самых свежих новостей из мира видеоигровой индустрии. Все самые интересные новости с моим самым прекрасным диванным мнением можно прослушать тут, а если очень хочется, то обсудить и подискутировать.
Selamat pagi dunia.
Welcome to "Hey Baby, I'm Gay!" The podcast was born out of an iconic fashion moment. Lui and Patrick - two Berlin-based standup comedians - were performing on a show for Pride. When they arrived at the show they realised that they had dressed Identically from head to toe, and in 2023 if that isn’t a sign from the stars to start a podcast they didn’t know what else was. Lui’s a lesbian, and so are Pat’s moms. But besides the fashion sense and rainbows the thing they share the most in common is being very serious about being silly. Don’t miss exciting headlines from their lives each week, and silly riffs on headlines from the news. So, grab your headphones, hit play, and get ready to say, "Hey Baby, I'm Gay!"
Trailer Psychology is a comedic podcast that attempts to do interviews but invariably goes off the rails into insanity and personal problems the host gets himself into .Lead by trailer park educated psychologist and former rapper Brooks Buford. This podcast will be an in-depth exploration of topics as far reaching as Trans rights, Conspiracies, Criminal Enterprise and of course Abnormal Psychology.
Brooks Buford is a former MTV Host (Trailer Fabulous, Bustamove UK) and Mid 2000s SoSoDef Atlanta Rapper from the group REHAB ,an American Southern Southern Hip Hop group mainly known
for their hit, "Bartender Song (Sittin' at a Bar) “ -
Ох, не спешите додумывать - здесь всё гораздо проще ;) В нашем подкасте мы делимся, рассказываем, исследуем и обсуждаем моменты, в которых речь заходит о чем-то действительно приятном: мы погружаемся в атмосферу комфорта, экстрима, радости и уюта, которые приносят нам лёгкие и сложные путешествия, восхитительная еда, редкие напитки, занятия...
спортом... и компьютерные игры, увлекательные гаджеты и захватывающие книги. И одежда - конечно! любимая одежда и ботиночки тоже находят своё место в этом списке.
Короче, этот подкаст - о том, что делает нашу жизнь насыщенной и интересной.