As mothers who need to add money to the family budget, we thought we only had two options. Get a job and put our kids in daycare, or start a home daycare.
But what if there was a third option…
A better way that would allow you to create a consistent income AND make a difference in children’s lives… and still stay home with your kids?
I’m Joy Anderson and this is the Preschool All Stars podcast where I’m going to share exactly how myself and thousands of other moms have created successful preschools, so you can do the same.
Learn more about starting your own preschool by going to -
The No Problem Parenting Podcast is your gateway to becoming a confident, effective parent.
Seasoned Parenting Coach Jaci Finneman empowers you to manage things like:
1. Behavioral Challenges - ”toddler tantrums,” ”teen defiance,” ”attachment issues in children,” ”building trust with kids,”
2. Parental Well-being and Self-Care: self-care for parents, ”parenting burnout relief,” stress management for parents, and ”balancing parenting and personal life.”
3. Educational and Developmental Challenges: ”support for learning disabilities,” ”school anxiety help,” ”educational milestones,” and ”developmental support for children.”
4. Financial Strains of Parenting -”budgeting,” ”financial help for parents,” ”cost-effective parenting,” ”teaching your kids to manage money.”
5. Family Dynamics and Communication - ”improve family communication,” ”deal with sibling rivalry,” ”strengthen family relationships,” and ”effective family therapy techniques.”
Transition from anxiety and uncertainty to a position of strength and clarity as you lead your family with support from services and products you can access right from home.
Tune in to the No Problem Parenting Podcast to transform your parenting approach, strengthen family connections, bring back the fun and become the confident leader your kids crave you to be.
#ParentingPodcast #ConfidentParenting #FamilyDynamics #NoProblemParenting
Join our community here: -
The Real, The Raw Life Women, Wife, Mother & Everything in between
Making parenting easier by helping you understand your child through the science of childhood development and the Montessori Method. Follow for short, encouraging, and educational episodes that will help you become the parent you want to be.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Подкаст для мам в декрете, которые ищут себя и свое призвание.
Меня зовут Светлана Сорока и я ведущая подкаста «Куда из декрета?» Мне 30 лет и я до сих пор не знаю кем стану, когда вырасту:) Сейчас я нахожусь в декрете и постоянных переездах.
За последние 2 года мы успели пожить в Турции, Грузии, Таиланде и скоро снова переезжаем.
В этом подкасте я буду общаться со своими подругами и экспертами, которые уже нашли свое призвание. Мы будем говорить о том, как реализоваться в декрете, найти себя и свое призвание.
Заходите в Телеграм-канал подкаста, там мы говорим не о детях, а о мамах.
В моем Инстаграме* @sveta.shv можно посмотреть на фотографии наших постоянных переездов:)
Рада, что вы присоединились к подкасту, давайте искать выход из декрета вместе!
Если вы совмещаете работу и материнство и хотели бы рассказать о своем опыте, пишите мне в Телеграм @svetasoroka
*Инстаграм является продуктом компании Meta, эта организация признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории России.
Join hosts Patrick and Andrew as they search for timeless wisdom through maxims and aphorisms of old.
Wir sind Julia und Jasmin, die Hebammen hinter Momallie - der Plattform zur Begleitung der besonderen Art, während und nach der Schwangerschaft. In unserem Podcast wollen wir (werdende) Väter zu Wort kommen lassen. Wir sprechen mit ihnen über Themen, über die sonst keiner mit ihnen spricht. Es geht um ungewohnte Situationen, Unsicherheiten, Ängste, No Goes und skurrile Erlebnisse, sobald es heißt „WIR sind schwanger!“
Join Jai Flicker, Educator and Founder of LifeWorks Learning Center and Deb Blum, Parent and Life Coach, as we help re-awaken your natural parenting instincts. Each week we’ll bring together wisdom from the past and scientific and psychological research from the present to support you in your parenting journey. Parenting 3.0 isn’t a fad or a quick fix. It’s a set of principles that allows us to respond to our kids and life from an informed and empowered place AND raise emotionally healthy kids. Listen in!
Have you been looking for a kind, warm, non-judgmental parenting community?
Join MegAnne while she shares stories, tools, and tips from her nearly 20 years of helping parents enjoy raising strong-willed children!
As the creator of The C.L.E.A.R. Method of parenting, her mission is to build a community of parents who are ready to stop yelling and enjoy raising their strong-willed children by supporting parents in taking action to create a calmer home environment. Welcome to Be Kind Coaching, a Positive Parenting Method that works. -
Helping modern moms achieve balance - in motherhood, career, wellness and life - from the inside out, through mindfulness, simple self-care habits, integrative nutrition and holistic health & wellness.
Do you feel like you’re constantly drained trying to figure out how to balance it all - pursuing your career or running a business while juggling your kids schedules and still finding time to prioritize your well-being?
Do you wish you could stay consistent with eating healthy, self-care habits and achieving your wellness goals?
Do you want to have more fun, build healthier habits, and make more aligned choices, so you can feel less stressed, more rested and more present everyday?
I hear you mama.
Mommy's on a Call is a podcast dedicated to educating, empowering and inspiring YOU, the modern mom, to get the most out of your life - yourself, your family, your work, and your relationships - with more intention, more laughter and more self-care every single unpredictable day.
Through real and honest conversations with working moms (mom entrepreneurs, mom founders, CEO moms, career moms), subject matter experts, solo episodes, and more, the podcast goes behind-the-scenes to uncover the daily rituals, life lessons, real-life tactics and favorite tools to help you thrive in wellness and motherhood.
My mission is to bring you the top working parent experts in multi-dimensional wellness, holistic, integrative and alternative health, career and entrepreneurship, mindful parenting, mindfulness, relationships, personal finance, spirituality and more.
I’m Stephanie Uchima-Carney, a serial entrepreneur, MBA & business strategist, certified Integrative Nutrition health coach, and “xennial” mom of 3 little ones. I left a corporate career to follow my intuition and embark on a mission to help other working moms, mom entrepreneurs and moms in transition succeed and flourish in their new season of life: motherhood.
Along my journey of self-discovery, I uncovered a passion for multi-dimensional wellness, Ayurveda, meditation, breathwork, mindful parenting and entrepreneurship. Through this podcast I hope to share my experiences, insights and knowledge with you, so that you can discover what fires you up inside!
So grab your headphones, tell your kids you’re on the potty, and tune in weekly for some laughs, knowledge bombs and plenty of real talk with real moms (and maybe a dad or two).
Come join me in my sandbox of life and in this podcast to explore, play and discover something new every single week.
And make sure to subscribe and tune in weekly because I know you've yelled "Mommy's on a Call" at least once in the last week!!!
@StephanieUchima & @MommysonaCall
The Modern Mama Society - Health & Wellness for Modern Moms -
When you’re an innovative black parent with a special needs child and find yourself having more questions than answers. The Parenting Cipher Podcast supports parents with navigating the intersections of special education and family lifestyle to increase your child’s ability to make progress. While providing shortcuts to successfully navigating the education system to empower you and your child with a side of humor and real talk so that you can advocate for the best possible education and support your family deserves.
Genie Dawkins is a best-selling author, who doesn't believe in the word “can’t” and has used that motto to broaden her children’s view of themselves, enroll them in private schools using scholarships, and travel across the world to expose them to a world without limits.
Every week Genie invites a wide range of professionals and other parents to break down topics related to special education, parenting, holistic lifestyle, entrepreneurship, and our cultural experiences. You’ll walk away from each episode feeling empowered to make changes in your life so your entire family and most importantly your child will make academic progress.
To empower you to decode the information that keeps your child from making progress so you can connect the dots and lead your child's journey.
Support this show
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vet Candy delivers world class content, with engaging voices and inspirational messages curated by a network of top influencers and experts.
In jeder Folge gibt Bildungsexperte Helmut Hochschild 3 Impulse zu Fragen rund um das Programm „Schulerfolg sichern digital“. Akteur:innen aus Schule, Jugendhilfe und Kommune oder alle Interessierten können ihre Fragen stellen. Haben auch Sie eine Frage, die Sie Helmut Hochschild stellen möchten? Rufen Sie den Anrufbeantworter an und hinterlassen Sie Ihre Nachricht nach dem Piep: 0176- 1257 6785
„Nachrichten nach dem Piep“ ist ein Bildungspodcast der Landesweiten Koordinierungsstelle Schulerfolg sichern. Das Programm „Schulerfolg sichern digital“ wird aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds gefördert. Die Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung ist Trägerin der landesweiten Koordinierungsstelle Schulerfolg sichern.
Entdecken Sie mehr auf „Out of the Box“ - der Wissensplattform für Schule, Jugendhilfe und Kommune: -
Author of over 15 books, including the latest 'Empower your kids! - a coaching guide for parents' and 'Understanding children and teens - a practical guide for parents, teachers and coaches', Judy shares relatable and practical ideas for parents, teachers and coaches. She specifically focuses on issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety and anger. Judy is an NLP, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer who also uses Reiki, crystals, art and play therapy and ............whatever works! -
Useful tips and advice for moms of children ages 0-5, delivered every other Wednesday by a mom who loves her job raising her own kids, Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez, an expert in early childhood development.
Sharing colorful stories; providing happy times.
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Our kids learn so much at home through life’s everyday moments. Join Hillary Einboden - mom of two, teacher, and homeschool coach - as she explores the rich learning opportunities that form a vital part of daily family life.
We are just three blokes doing a deep dive into individual species / genera of geckos with guest sound bites. We will cover everything about geckos including: Natural history, keeping, breeding, and herping for geckos.
Bear老師有20年的語文教學經歷。希望小朋友能跟Bear老師一起聽故事學語言,了解不同文化,發展良好品格。有什麼想法,都歡迎留言給Bear老師,也歡迎社會各界洽談合作項目。請訂閱Bear老師的播客,每個月15、30晚間上架,讓我們一起學習成長。如果需要「各集逐字稿PDF」或進一步了解英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的ⒻⒷ或🅘🅖。📧:[email protected]🅘🅖:bear.bilingual ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (💝贊助連結: provided by SoundOn