
  • Have you ever wondered why certain foods trigger unexplained symptoms in your body? Do you experience frequent headaches, unexplained fatigue, or bouts of dizziness?

    Maybe you suffer from digestive issues like bloating, stomach cramps, or diarrhea after eating certain foods. Have you noticed skin reactions such as itching, hives, or flushing that seem to appear out of nowhere? These could all be signs of histamine intolerance.

    Many people live with these mysterious symptoms, often misdiagnosing them or attributing them to other conditions. The frustration of dealing with chronic nasal congestion, sinus problems, or asthma-like symptoms without a clear cause can be overwhelming.

    In this episode, we explore how histamine affects your health and discover strategies to manage it effectively.

    Key Points:

    Understanding Histamine and Its Role: Histamine is more than just a factor in allergies. It plays multiple roles in your body, and its imbalance can cause a range of symptoms.

    Identifying Histamine Intolerance Symptoms: Learn about the myriad of symptoms that histamine intolerance can cause. From digestive issues to skin reactions, the effects are widespread.

    The Gut-Histamine Connection: Discover how gut health directly impacts histamine levels in your body and the importance of a healthy gut microbiome.

    Genetic Factors in Histamine Intolerance: Genetics can influence your susceptibility to histamine intolerance. Find out how your genes might be playing a role.

    Dietary Influences on Histamine Levels: Learn which foods can aggravate histamine intolerance and tips on managing your diet for better health.

    Strategies for Managing Histamine Intolerance: Explore various approaches like dietary changes, gut healing, and lifestyle modifications to keep histamine levels in check.

    As we uncover the mysteries of histamine intolerance, remember, that while challenging, it can be managed with the right knowledge and strategies. Recognizing its symptoms and understanding its root causes are crucial steps toward improving your overall health and well-being. Let's embark on this enlightening path together!

    Join us for the Reversing MCAS and Histamine Intolerance Summit: CLICK HERE. You don’t want to miss this event it is packed with 40 hours of insightful education from top experts in the field.

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: Essential Guide to Histamine Intolerance for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Do you often feel inexplicably tired, or find yourself struggling with unexplained health issues like allergies, digestive problems, or skin conditions? If so, you might be surprised to learn that the culprit could be closer than you think. In today's episode, we delve into the often-overlooked sources of toxins we encounter daily. These hidden hazards lurk in our homes, our diets, and even in the very air we breathe, undermining our health in ways we might never have imagined.

    Key Points:

    The Air Inside Your Home

    Surprisingly, indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. From cleaning products and air fresheners to off-gassing from furniture and building materials, our homes might not be the safe havens we believe them to be.

    Personal Care Products

    Shampoos, lotions, and makeup often contain phthalates, parabens, and other chemicals that can disrupt our hormonal balance and contribute to health issues over time.

    Plastic Containers and Bottles

    Bisphenol A (BPA), a common component in plastic products, can leach into food and beverages, posing risks to our endocrine system and overall health.

    Non-Organic Foods

    Pesticides and herbicides used in conventional farming can accumulate in our bodies, leading to an array of health problems. Organic foods, while not entirely free of toxins, present a safer alternative.

    Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

    In our digitally connected world, EMFs from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices are constant companions. While the full impact of EMFs on health is still being studied, reducing exposure might be prudent.

    Recognizing and minimizing our exposure to these sources of toxins can significantly enhance our health and well-being. Whether it's opting for natural cleaning products, choosing organic foods, or simply ventilating our homes more effectively, small changes can make a big difference. Remember, it's not just about avoiding harm; it's about creating an environment where our health can thrive.

    By being informed and proactive, we can take meaningful steps toward detoxifying our lives and safeguarding our health for years to come.

    About our Guest: Julie Michelson

    Julie Michelson is a National Board-Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, best-selling author, international speaker, and the host of the Inspired Living with Autoimmunity Podcast. She is the founder of Julie Michelson Coaching and the co-founder of Navigate Wellness. Through her journey of overcoming more than a decade of decline with Rheumatoid Arthritis, she became passionate about Functional Medicine and using lifestyle to create healing. Julie is an expert in supporting others achieve the changes necessary to experience true wellness.

    How to contact Julie Michelson





    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: 6 Essential Steps for an Effective Detox

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

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  • Are you struggling with fatigue, brain fog, or other health issues despite trying numerous remedies? Your body’s drainage pathways might be the key you’ve been overlooking. Let's explore how you can unlock your body's full detox potential, ensuring you’re addressing not just the symptoms but the root cause of your health concerns.

    Key Points:

    Understanding Toxins and Detoxification

    We live in a world riddled with toxins—from heavy metals and pesticides to plastics and environmental pollutants. These toxins can overload our systems, leading to a variety of health issues. However, detoxification is more than just eliminating toxins; it's about ensuring our internal pathways are primed for efficient toxin removal.

    The Importance of Opening Drainage Pathways Before Detox

    Before initiating any detox regimen, it's crucial to ensure our body's drainage pathways are open. These include our liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and more. If these pathways are blocked, toxins can re-circulate in the body, exacerbating health issues rather than alleviating them.

    Lifestyle Changes to Support Detoxification

    Simple lifestyle adjustments can significantly impact our detoxification efforts. Hydration, fiber-rich foods, regular exercise, and supporting liver health through optimal nutrients are foundational steps. Additionally, reducing toxin exposure by choosing organic foods and natural products can lighten our toxic load.

    The Role of the Gut and Liver in Detox

    The health of our gut and liver is paramount in the detox process. Ensuring optimal gut health and liver function can facilitate the removal of toxins more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of them causing harm. Incorporating foods that support liver health and gut function is a step toward better detoxification.

    Mental and Emotional Aspects of Detox

    Detox isn’t just physical; it's a holistic process that involves our mental and emotional health. Engaging in practices that support our limbic system and reduce stress can enhance our body's detox capabilities, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach to detoxification.

    Detoxification is a complex but crucial aspect of maintaining optimal health. By focusing on opening our body's drainage pathways before pushing toxins out, we can ensure a more effective and beneficial detox process. This holistic approach not only addresses immediate health concerns but also lays the foundation for sustained well-being. Remember, detoxification is a journey, not a destination. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you’re taking proactive steps toward a healthier, more vibrant you.

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Ultimate Energy Handbook for simple steps and protocols you can start today to skyrocket your energy.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Acne is not just a teenage dilemma but a skin challenge that many of us face. In today’s episode, I'll be unraveling the mysteries of acne and sharing five essential tips that promise not just a temporary fix, but a journey towards truly radiant skin. Whether you’re battling persistent breakouts or just looking for ways to maintain healthy skin, this episode is your guide to understanding and overcoming acne from a functional medicine perspective.

    Key Topics:

    Understanding the Root Causes of Acne: An in-depth look into why acne occurs and how it's more than just a surface-level issue.

    The Gut-Skin Connection: Explore the critical link between a healthy gut and clear skin, and how simple changes in your diet can make a big difference.

    Balancing Hormones for Clearer Skin: Uncover the role of hormones in skin health and learn strategies to balance them for better skin.

    Stress and Your Skin: Discover the surprising impact of stress on your skin and learn effective, manageable ways to reduce its effects.

    Effective Skincare Practices: Get practical advice on skincare routines and products that support your skin’s health.

    Join us in this enlightening discussion to combat acne and embrace the path to radiant, healthier skin. It's time to transform your skincare routine with these functional medicine insights!

    How to Connect with Maria Marlowe:


    Instagram: www.instagram.com/mariamarlowe

    TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@glowbymarlowe

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlowbyMarlowe/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/glowbymarlowe

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Have you ever felt like your health is out of your hands, that despite your efforts, you're not achieving the vitality and energy you desire? Imagine if you could unlock your body's full potential, turning the tide in your favor. Welcome to "What is Biohacking? The Key to Unlocking Your Body's Full Potential," where we dive deep into the art and science of biohacking – your blueprint to optimize health and well-being.

    Key Points:

    Biohacking is about taking control of your biology. Rooted in the concept of creating an optimal environment both around and within you, it empowers you to make precise, informed, and conscious choices towards a healthier life.

    Intermittent fasting isn't just a trend; it's a science-backed approach to enhance autophagy, your body's natural renewal process. It's about timing your meals to give your body the break it needs to heal and rejuvenate at the cellular level.

    Never underestimate the rejuvenating power of sleep. It's during these crucial hours that our body repairs itself, releases growth hormones, and resets for the day ahead. Optimize your sleep environment for a deeper, more restorative slumber.

    Personalize your nutrition based on your genetics. Focus on foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and nutrients that support mitochondrial health – the powerhouse of your cells.

    Physical activity, especially high-intensity interval training (HIIT), signals your body to produce more mitochondria, boosting your energy and endurance. Incorporate bursts of activity throughout your day to revitalize your energy levels.

    Cold showers or plunges can significantly improve your mental and physical resilience, enhance circulation, boost immune function, and even aid in weight loss through thermogenesis.

    Understand how your body responds to food in real-time. Adjusting your diet based on glucose monitoring can lead to better blood sugar regulation and overall health optimization.

    Embrace red light therapy for its skin and tissue repair benefits and prioritize stress reduction through mindfulness and gratitude practices to keep your body in a state of balance and healing.

    Biohacking isn't just a passing trend; it's a comprehensive approach to take charge of your health journey. By understanding and applying these strategies, you're not just surviving; you're thriving. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring how we can harness our body's innate capabilities to live fuller, healthier lives. Remember, it's not just about adding years to your life but life to your years.

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Ultimate Energy Handbook for simple steps and protocols you can start today to skyrocket your energy.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Are you tired of struggling with painful periods each month? You're not alone. In today's episode, we're diving into the empowering world of cycle syncing and uncovering the secrets of minerals for achieving pain-free periods. Discover a holistic approach that resonates with your body's natural rhythm.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Understanding Cycle Syncing:

    We discuss the concept of cycle syncing, its importance in hormonal health, and how leveraging different phases of the menstrual cycle can enhance your health and well-being.

    The Role of Nutrition in Hormonal Health:

    We dive into the significance of diet in supporting hormone balance, emphasizing the power of zinc-rich foods, omega-3 fatty acids, and warm, easy-to-digest meals in managing menstrual discomfort.

    Lifestyle Changes and Supplements:

    We share insights into effective stress management strategies and the impact of reducing toxic intake on your hormonal health, offering practical tips for a healthier lifestyle.

    Exercise and Hormonal Health:

    We explore how tailoring your exercise routine to align with your menstrual cycle can positively influence hormonal balance and alleviate menstrual symptoms.

    Learn key takeaways on the transformative power of cycle syncing, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments for menstrual health. Join us in embracing these holistic practices for a journey towards enhanced hormonal balance and pain-free periods.

    How to connect with Leah Brueggemann:



    Balancing Hormones Naturally Podcast Instagram

    Facebook Group - Balancing Hormones Naturally

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.HormoneFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Have you ever walked into a room and completely forgotten why? Or struggled to recall a familiar word? If these moments of mental haze sound familiar, you're not alone. Today, we're diving into the all-too-common issue of brain fog. It's a condition often normalized in our fast-paced world, but it's certainly not something we have to accept as our new normal. In this episode, I'll unravel the surprising reasons behind brain fog and share actionable steps to help you regain mental clarity. So, if you're ready to combat forgetfulness and clear the mist in your mind, let's explore how.

    Key Points:

    Understanding Brain Fog

    Brain fog is not just a forgetful moment; it's often a symptom of underlying issues. We'll look at how nutrient levels, gut health, and hormone balance play a role in brain clarity.

    The Stress and Cortisol Connection

    Chronic stress leads to adrenal fatigue, contributing to brain fog. We'll delve into the role of cortisol in our bodies and how its imbalance affects our cognitive functions.

    Importance of Sleep

    Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality directly impacts our brain's ability to function optimally. I'll discuss practical tips for improving your sleep habits.

    Nutrition and Brain Health

    Eating a diet rich in essential nutrients like B vitamins and omega-3s is crucial. But it's not just about what you eat; it's also about how well your body absorbs these nutrients.

    Thyroid and Metabolism

    A sluggish thyroid can slow down your metabolism, affecting your brain's sharpness. We'll explore the connections between thyroid health and brain fog.

    Medication Side Effects

    Some medications, like antihistamines, can induce brain fog. We'll examine how to be more aware of the medications you're taking and their potential cognitive impacts.

    Environmental Factors

    Toxins in our environment, including mold and heavy metals, can significantly affect our brain function. Learn how to identify and mitigate these factors.

    Dehydration and Cognitive Function

    Staying hydrated is more crucial than you might think. I'll discuss the impact of dehydration on your brain and how to ensure you're adequately hydrated.

    Simple Daily Practices

    Implementing small daily practices can lead to significant improvements. I'll share easy-to-incorporate tips to help clear the fog and enhance brain function.

    Brain fog is a complex issue with various contributing factors, but the good news is that there are plenty of steps you can take to tackle it. From managing stress and improving sleep to optimizing nutrition and staying hydrated, small changes can make a big difference. Remember, it's not just about tackling the symptoms; it's about understanding and addressing the root causes. If you've found this episode helpful, share it with a friend who might be struggling with brain fog. And don't hesitate to reach out on Instagram at @drmegmill or find me at www.megmill.com – I'd love to hear how these tips are working for you. Here's to clearer, sharper days ahead!

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Ultimate Energy Handbook for simple steps and protocols you can start today to skyrocket your energy.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Ever wonder why sticking to those healthy habits feels like a chore? It's because we've been missing a key ingredient: the joy and satisfaction that should come with living well. In "Brainwaves to Bliss," we're diving into how pleasure, this powerful yet often ignored force, shapes our health decisions. This isn't just about the occasional indulgence; it's about finding those moments of joy in everyday choices, from the food we savor to the movements that energize us.

    Key Points:

    The Human Instinct for Pleasure and Health Choices: We explore the natural tendency to gravitate towards joy and how it significantly influences our health decisions. Understanding this can revolutionize the way we approach diet and exercise.

    Science of Pleasure: Alexa delves into how our bodies and minds are wired for pleasure, distinguishing between natural and artificial forms. This understanding is pivotal for reshaping our health routines.

    Perception's Power Over Health Choices: Our discussion uncovers the critical role perception plays in what we deem beneficial or harmful to our health, highlighting the potential for transformative change in our wellness journey.

    Practical Steps to Incorporate Pleasure: We discuss simple yet profound strategies to incorporate joy into our daily routines, emphasizing the importance of finding pleasure in movement and savoring the experience of eating healthily.

    Pleasure isn't just for special occasions; it's a vital part of a happy, healthy life. So let's redefine our approach to health, not by sidelining pleasure but by placing it right at the heart of our wellness journey. Ready to find out how?

    Alexa’s Links



    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Ultimate Energy Handbook for simple steps and protocols you can start today to skyrocket your energy.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Have you ever wondered why some people sail through cold and flu season without a sniffle, while others seem to catch every bug going around? The key might just lie in how they boost their immune system. In today's episode, "Immunity-Boosting Tips To Stay Healthy in Cold and Flu Season," we're going to explore the most effective ways to strengthen your immune system naturally. Join me as we discover the power of vitamins, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies to keep you healthy this season.

    Key Points:

    Understanding the Immune System
    A deep dive into the intricacies of our body's defense mechanism, distinguishing between innate and adaptive immunity.

    The Role of Essential Nutrients
    We discuss how vital nutrients like vitamin C, D, A, zinc, selenium, and B6 play a pivotal role in bolstering immunity and reducing inflammation.

    Probiotics and Gut Health
    Exploring the connection between a healthy gut and a strong immune system, including the benefits of probiotics.

    Natural Remedies: Elderberry and More
    Diving into natural remedies like elderberry, which have been used for centuries to fight off colds and flu.

    Lifestyle Factors Impacting Immunity
    Understanding how hydration, sleep, exercise, and stress management are crucial for maintaining a robust immune system.

    Good Hygiene Practices
    A reminder of the importance of maintaining good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of illness.

    Today, we've journeyed through the landscape of immune-boosting strategies, uncovering the essential roles of nutrition, lifestyle, and natural remedies. Remember, staying healthy during cold and flu season is not just about reacting when you're unwell; it's about proactively building a strong immune system. Share this episode with friends and family, and let's all stay a little bit healthier this season. Remember, the power to stay healthy lies in our hands – and in our immune system.

    Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Ultimate Energy Handbook for simple steps and protocols you can start today to skyrocket your energy.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    This content is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.

  • Have you ever considered intermittent fasting as a part of your health and wellness routine but felt overwhelmed or uncertain about how to start? Maybe you've tried it before but didn't see the results you hoped for. In today's episode, we'll explore the intricacies of intermittent fasting, address common misconceptions, and share practical tips to make it a sustainable part of your lifestyle. Let's unravel the truth behind this popular health trend and discover how it can transform your relationship with food and your body.

    Key Points:

    The Concept of 'Clean Fasting' and Its Importance

    We discuss the need for 'clean fasting,' which involves consuming only black coffee, plain water, and sparkling water. She explains how this approach helps in maintaining low insulin levels, a key aspect of successful fasting.

    Understanding the Science Behind Fasting
    The conversation shifts to the physiological aspects of fasting. We discusse how fasting aids in lowering insulin levels and promotes fat burning, thus explaining why certain foods and drinks can disrupt the fasting process.

    Customizing Fasting to Individual Needs
    This segment addresses how intermittent fasting can be tailored to individual lifestyles and health goals, emphasizing bio-individuality in dietary choices during the eating window.

    The Role of Fasting in Weight Loss and Plateaus
    The discussion navigates through the challenges of weight loss plateaus in fasting and how altering fasting patterns, like alternate-day fasting, can reignite weight loss.

    Fasting and Women's Hormonal Health
    Stephens dispels myths around intermittent fasting and women's hormonal health, particularly during menopause, citing experts and research to support her claims.

    Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your approach, keep in mind that your journey is unique, and the key to success lies in finding what works best for you.

    About our Guest: Gin Stephens

    Gin Stephens is the author of the NY Times and USA Today bestseller Fast. Feast. Repeat., and Delay, Don’t Deny: Living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle, an Amazon #1 best seller in the weight loss category, as well as Clean(ish): Eat (Mostly) Clean, Live (Mainly) Clean, and Unlock Your Body's Natural Ability to Self-Clean (2022), another Amazon #1 bestseller in several categories. Gin’s new book, 28 Day Fast Start Day-By-Day, comes out on 12/26/23, and is currently available for preorder. Gin has lived the intermittent fasting lifestyle since 2014, losing over 80 pounds. She is the host of 2 top-ranked podcasts: Intermittent Fasting Stories and the Fast. Feast. Repeat. Intermittent Fasting for Life podcast (w/Sheri Bullock). You can join her private community by going to ginstephens.com/community.

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    New Free Guide: Fatigue to Fabulous: Your Ultimate Energy Boosting Handbook: CLICK HERE

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    To get the 30 GUT FIX for free leave a rating & review on the show OR share this podcast in your IG story (tag me @drmegmill) OR send it to 3 friends - DM or email ([email protected]) me a screenshot and I'll send the course your way!

  • Are you struggling to stick to your New Year's resolutions? Do you find yourself setting ambitious goals at the start of the year, only to lose motivation and direction within weeks? You're not alone. In this episode, we'll explore why many of us falter in our New Year's resolutions and, more importantly, how to break this cycle. We'll talk about nine crucial steps that will not only help you set realistic and achievable goals but also maintain the motivation to see them through. This isn't just about making resolutions; it's about transforming them into lasting changes. So, are you ready to turn your New Year's resolutions into a real, sustainable part of your life? Let’s dive in!

    Key Points:

    Setting Realistic Goals: Understand the importance of setting achievable goals. Overambitious goals often lead to disappointment and demotivation.

    Planning and Time Blocking: Learn the significance of planning and organizing your time to integrate new habits or goals into your life seamlessly.

    Maintaining Motivation: Discover strategies to keep your motivation high as the initial excitement of New Year's resolutions wanes.

    Finding Accountability Partners: Uncover the power of accountability and how having someone to share your progress with can significantly impact your success.

    Avoiding the All-or-Nothing Mindset: Learn to navigate setbacks positively and understand why a flexible approach can be more effective than a rigid, all-or-nothing mindset.

    Environmental Influences and Relationships: Explore how your environment and relationships play a crucial role in sustaining your resolutions.

    The Power of 'Why': Understand the importance of aligning your goals with your personal 'why' to make them more meaningful and sustainable.

    Dealing with Setbacks Positively: Learn how to handle setbacks in a constructive way, ensuring they don't derail your progress.

    Listening to Your Body: Gain insights on tuning into your body's signals and how this awareness can guide your journey towards achieving and maintaining your resolutions.

    Remember that the journey to achieving your New Year's resolutions is as important as the goal itself. It's about small, consistent steps that lead to big changes. Embrace the process, learn from the setbacks, and celebrate each victory, no matter how small. It's the little things you do every day that add up to big transformations. So, what small step will you take today towards your New Year's resolution? Stay motivated, stay focused, and most importantly, stay true to yourself. Your journey to a better you starts now!

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:


    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

  • Have you ever wondered how something as small as your gallbladder can have such a huge impact on your overall health and hormones? In this episode, we delve deep into the vital role of the gallbladder and bile in maintaining our well-being. You'll be surprised by the connections we uncover!

    Key Points:

    The Essential Role of Bile for Health: Bile isn't just for digestion; it plays a crucial role in detoxification and hormone balance. (01:32) Common Gallbladder Issues and Symptoms: Discover the often-overlooked signs of gallbladder problems, like bloating and pain after eating fatty foods. (03:45) Impact of Gallbladder on Hormones: Learn how gallbladder issues can lead to hormonal imbalances, particularly in women. (05:20) Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Gallbladder Health: Practical advice for maintaining a healthy gallbladder, including dietary changes and supplements. (10:15)

    Today's insights reveal the deep interconnections between our gallbladder, digestive health, and hormonal balance. Understanding and addressing gallbladder health can lead to significant improvements in our overall well-being. Remember, it's not just about managing symptoms; it's about getting to the root cause. Let's continue our journey towards holistic health together!

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:


    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    To get the 30 GUT FIX for free leave a rating & review on the show OR share this podcast in your IG story (tag me @drmegmill) OR send it to 3 friends - DM or email ([email protected]) me a screenshot and I'll send the course your way!

  • Are you on a quest for better hormonal health? Your diet might hold the key! Our latest episode, "The 5 Foods To Eat Daily For Happy Hormones," is a must-listen for anyone looking to naturally balance their hormones.

    Today, we're exploring the top five foods that can significantly impact your hormonal balance. Dive into how incorporating these foods into your daily diet can lead to happier, more balanced hormones.

    Key Points:

    Understanding Hormones: Explanation of hormones and their role in the body, along with common hormonal imbalances and their symptoms in women

    The Power of Diet on Hormonal Health: We discuss the influence of diet on hormonal health and the connection between food, gut health, and hormone regulation

    Food #1: Leafy Greens: Benefits of leafy greens like spinach and kale, and their role in liver detoxification and estrogen balance

    Food #2: Nuts and Seeds: The importance of nuts and seeds, particularly flaxseeds and almonds, in providing essential fatty acids and supporting hormone production

    Food #3: Fatty Fish: We highlight the benefits of fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, focusing on Omega-3 fatty acids and their impact on hormonal health

    Food #4: Avocados: Avocados as a source of healthy fats and fiber, assisting in hormone synthesis and maintaining hormonal balance

    Food #5: Fermented Foods: The role of fermented foods like yogurt and kefir in promoting gut health and their impact on hormonal equilibrium

    Incorporating These Foods into Your Daily Diet: Practical tips and meal ideas for including these hormone-friendly foods in everyday meals

    Leisha Drews is mom of 3, RN, FDN-P and Holistic Hormone Coach and host of the Happily Hormonal Podcast. She brings a unique understanding of how our body systems work together and how stress on the body and mind impact overall health.

    How to connect with Leisha:

    Instagram: @leishadrews

    Website: www.leishadrews.com

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

  • Struggling to maintain a healthy diet during the holiday season? You're not alone. The holidays often mean indulgence, but how can we enjoy this festive time without compromising our nutrition? This podcast episode is dedicated to answering just that. Tune in as I share my insights and practical tips to navigate the holiday season with your health and nutrition goals intact.

    Key Points:

    Boosting Immunity: Learn about effective ways to strengthen your immune system with the right supplements and lifestyle choices. Prioritizing Sleep: Understand the crucial role of quality sleep in maintaining your health during the hectic holiday period. Effective Planning and Time Management: Discover how a little planning can go a long way in keeping your health goals on track amidst the holiday rush. Mindful Eating and Safe Dishes: Get tips on how to eat intentionally and bring dishes that cater to your dietary needs to gatherings. Managing Portion Sizes: Find out how to control portions, particularly in party settings, to avoid overeating. Smart Snacking Before Events: Learn why eating a healthy snack before parties can help you make better food choices. Strategic Positioning at Parties: Tips on how to avoid mindless eating by choosing where to stand at gatherings. Moderating Alcohol and Staying Hydrated: Guidance on how to enjoy alcohol responsibly and the importance of staying hydrated. Respecting Cultural and Family Traditions: Strategies for navigating dietary preferences and needs during family and cultural gatherings. Stress Management and Staying Active: Insights into managing stress and the importance of regular physical activity during the holidays. Supporting Liver Health: Tips on simple practices to support liver health during times of indulgence.

    Eating healthy over the holidays doesn't have to mean missing out on the fun and flavors of the season. With these 11 tips, you can fully enjoy the festivities while keeping your nutrition and health in check. Remember, it's about finding a balance, being intentional, and planning ahead. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies to enhance your health and well-being on the "A Little Bit Healthier" podcast. Wishing you a happy and nourished holiday season!

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health. You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    To get the 30 GUT FIX for free leave a rating & review on the show OR share this podcast in your IG story (tag me @drmegmill) OR send it to 3 friends - DM or email ([email protected]) me a screenshot and I'll send the course your way!

  • Today we dive deep into the intricacies of the female body, focusing on the pelvic floor so we don’t have to pee our pants or worry about leakage. Join us as Erica Ziel shares her personal journey and expert insights.


    The Power of Movement: How consistent movement eradicated helps eradicate pain.

    Deep Core & Pelvic Floor: The importance of understanding the pelvic floor and its connection to the deep core.

    The Role of Fascia: Discover the connective tissue that binds our body and its significance in overall health.

    Breathing for Pelvic Health: The connection between deep breathing and optimal pelvic floor function.

    Key Takeaways:

    The pelvic floor is more than just a muscle; it's an integral part of the deep core. Proper breathing techniques can significantly improve pelvic floor function. Fascia, the connective tissue, plays a crucial role in overall body health, including the pelvic floor.

    Resources & Links:
    Free Pelvic Floor Guide: A comprehensive guide by Erica Ziel to understand and strengthen your pelvic floor.

    About our guest: Erica Ziel

    Erica Ziel, mom of three, received her Health and Human Performance degree from Iowa State University, is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Board-Certified Holistic Health Coach, personal trainer, Pilates instructor, deep core and pre/postnatal exercise specialist.

    How to Contact Erica:


    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    To get the 30 GUT FIX for free leave a rating & review on the show OR share this podcast in your IG story (tag me @drmegmill) OR send it to 3 friends - DM or email ([email protected]) me a screenshot and I'll send the course your way!

  • Are you constantly feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list that comes with managing your home, work, and meal prep? If you're nodding your head, then you're in the right place. Today, we're diving deep into the transformative power of time-blocking, specifically focusing on how it can revolutionize your meal planning game and more.

    Key Points

    Unlocking the Power of Time-Blocking: Discover how time-blocking can be a game-changer in optimizing your meal planning and elevating your daily productivity.

    The Five-Block Method: An overview of a unique time-blocking method that has helped thousands of people, from working moms to college students, bring order to their chaotic lives.

    The Importance of Fundamental Needs: How to make meal planning and prep non-negotiables in your life.

    Survival Mode vs. Thriving: How time-blocking can be your anchor in times of crisis and help you get back on track.

    The "What's for Dinner?" Dilemma: If you find yourself scrambling to figure out dinner plans after 4 PM, you need a system.

    So, there you have it. Time-blocking isn't just a productivity hack; it's a lifestyle change that can bring sanity back into your life. It's the framework that allows you to be your best self, whether you're at home, at work, or anywhere in between. And when it comes to meal planning, it's the secret sauce to ensuring you and your family eat well without the last-minute stress.

    About our guest: Chelsi Jo

    Chelsi Jo is the host of the top 10 ranked Systemize Your Life Podcast, CEO and Founder of ChelsiJo.Co, and the queen of systems for work from home moms.

    Her core three systems are the reason why she has been able to grow a business from idea to multiple six figures and never neglect her family in the process. You too can take your life and your business from overwhelmed to organized with the strategic systems Chelsi Jo teaches.

    Chelsi’s Links

    Find out which system you need to go from overwhelmed to organized. Start the 60 second quiz to get custom results delivered to your inbox now. http://chelsijo.co/system https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/systemize-your-life-work-from-home-mom-tips-task-management/id1488424047 https://chelsijo.co/



    [email protected]

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    Weekly Newsletter with health trends, recipes and more CLICK HERE.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed or puzzled by ADHD? Perhaps you're on the hunt for actionable hacks to navigate it better? You're in the right place. ADHD is a topic shrouded in misconceptions, and today, we're about to unveil the truth. If "ADHD insights" or "Managing ADHD" have ever been your search queries, this episode is crafted just for you. Let's dive deep, shall we?

    Key Points:

    The Root Causes of ADHD: Beyond genetics, we explore the undeniable role of gut health in ADHD symptoms. We uncover the intricate link between ADHD symptoms, gut imbalances, protein malabsorption, and vitamin deficiencies.

    Nervous System Dysregulation & ADHD Discover the repercussions of being perpetually in a fight or flight mode and its impact on ADHD. We also share practical techniques to soothe the nervous system, highlighting methods like box breathing and meditation.

    Genetics, Toxins, and ADHD We discuss the genetic predisposition to toxin overload and its profound influence on ADHD. Emphasizing the significance of detoxification, we highlight the importance of supporting the liver in this journey.

    Dietary Impact on ADHD, Especially in Kids Learn about the effects of food additives, MSG, and food dyes on ADHD symptoms in children. For the parents out there, we offer invaluable tips, such as the advantages of starting the day with protein-rich morning smoothies filled with healthy fats and fiber.

    Wrapping up this insightful episode, it's evident that ADHD is influenced by more than just our genes. From our dietary choices to daily stressors, various elements shape ADHD symptoms. But here's the silver lining: there are natural, holistic strategies to manage and even mitigate these symptoms. Knowledge truly is power. By grasping the root causes and arming ourselves with the right tools, we can confidently and clearly journey through the ADHD landscape. Until our next deep dive, prioritize your health and keep seeking the truth.

    About our Guest:

    Kelly Rompel is a Pharmacist and Functional Medicine Consultant specializing in the natural management of ADHD and anxiety. She is the author of “Don’t Tell Me To Relax!”, host of the Rebel Whitecoat podcast, and founder of WildRoots Wellness.

    Kelly focuses on helping her clients uncover the root causes contributing to their difficulty with focus, anxiety, and fatigue so they can correct them and avoid unnecessary medications.

    IG: kelly_rompel

    Tik Tok: kelly.rebelwhitecoat

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:


    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    To get the 30 GUT FIX for free leave a rating & review on the show OR share this podcast in your IG story (tag me @drmegmill) OR send it to 3 friends - DM or email ([email protected]) me a screenshot and I'll send the course your way!

  • Ever felt that relentless wave of exhaustion, even after a full night's sleep? You're not alone. Dive into this episode as we unravel the mysteries of our body's energy production and the real culprits behind that constant fatigue. If you've ever wondered, "Why am I always so tired?", this is the episode for you.

    Key Points:

    The Mystery of Mitochondria - Discover the role of these cellular powerhouses in our daily energy production and why they're crucial for keeping us active and alert.

    Stress vs. Energy - It's not just about the mental weight; understand the balance between external stressors and our body's innate ability to generate energy

    The Backpack Analogy - Visualize the cumulative effect of stress on our body and how it's similar to carrying a heavy backpack filled with rocks.

    Hormesis: The Good Stress - Learn about this biological phenomenon where a bit of stress can actually be beneficial, strengthening our body's resilience.

    Diet's Role in Energy Production - Uncover the essential nutrients and foods that fuel our mitochondria and boost our energy levels.

    Lifestyle Factors for Optimal Energy - From quality sleep to managing chronic stress, delve into the lifestyle changes that can revitalize your energy reserves.

    Supplements to Consider - A brief overview of potential supplements that can support mitochondrial function and overall energy.

    Our journey today takes us through the intricate pathways of our body's energy production. We explore the delicate balance between stress and vitality, and arm ourselves with actionable hacks to reignite our energy. Remember, it's not just about pushing through the fatigue; it's about understanding its root cause and addressing it head-on. So, the next time you feel that familiar wave of exhaustion, tap into the knowledge from this episode and empower yourself to live a more energized life.

    GUT STRONG PROGRAM: GetGutStrong.com $100 coupon code: PODCAST

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

  • Ever felt that uncomfortable bloating after a meal or wondered why your skin just doesn't have that glow anymore? It might be your gut signaling for some help. In today's episode, we're diving deep into the world of probiotics and gut health. We'll explore the telltale signs that your body might be craving a probiotic boost and guide you on how to pick the perfect one tailored just for you.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Importance of Probiotics: Dive into the world of probiotics and understand their vast benefits for our holistic well-being.

    Gut-Brain Connection: Explore the profound relationship between our gut and brain and how they influence each other.

    Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: Decode the differences between these two and their unique contributions to our gut health.

    Natural Probiotic Sources: Unearth foods abundant in probiotics and strategies to incorporate them into your daily regimen.

    Choosing the Right Probiotic: Navigate the sea of options and learn how to pinpoint the best probiotic tailored to your needs.

    Myth Busting: Dispel common myths surrounding fermented foods and probiotics.

    Health Benefits of Probiotics: Appreciate the multifaceted benefits of probiotics, from bolstering immune function to enhancing skin health and weight management.

    What a journey through the intricate world of probiotics and gut health! Remember, tuning into your body's signals and understanding its needs can be a game-changer for your overall well-being. By now, you should be equipped with the knowledge to make informed choices about probiotics. Keep those good vibes flowing, and may your gut always be in harmony!

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    GUT STRONG PROGRAM: GetGutStrong.com $100 coupon code: PODCAST

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com

    To get the 30 GUT FIX for free leave a rating & review on the show OR share this podcast in your IG story (tag me @drmegmill) OR send it to 3 friends - DM or email ([email protected]) me a screenshot and I'll send the course your way!

  • Ever found yourself clutching your stomach, battling discomfort, and thinking, "Why is this happening to me?" If so, you're not alone. In today's episode, we're diving deep into the world of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). What causes it? And more importantly, how we can heal our gut for good. If you've ever typed "IBS relief" into a search bar, this episode is for you.


    Introduction to IBS: My firsthand account of living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the transformative path to functional medicine.

    What is IBS? It's more than just occasional discomfort. Dive into the complexities of this condition that affects so many, and why it's about more than just the food we eat.

    The Stress Connection: Exploring the profound link between stress, our nervous system, and the overall health of our gut].

    Dysbiosis - The Gut Imbalance: How stress and compromised digestion can lead to an overgrowth of harmful microbes in our gut.

    From Leaky Gut to Leaky Brain: Unpacking the cascading effects of dysbiosis on our overall health and well-being.

    The Power of Comprehensive Stool Tests: The undeniable importance of understanding the microbial imbalances in our gut.

    Managing IBS: Offering practical tips and dietary recommendations for those, like me, who are navigating the challenges of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

    Unraveling the root causes of IBS and embracing the intricate web of connections within our body systems is the cornerstone of true gut healing.

    How to Connect with Dr. Meg:

    GUT STRONG PROGRAM: GetGutStrong.com $100 coupon code: PODCAST

    Apply to work 1:1 with Dr. Meg: HERE

    Free Guide: www.TheGutFixer.com for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health.

    You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

    Website: www.megmill.com