Through interesting conversations (or at least I hope so!), I want to help you improve your French listening skills or maybe just get you familiar with the French language. If you like my podcast and you wish for some more content, you can help me by contributing on :
For some questions, you can contact me on my instagram account : -
Velkommen til “Dansk i ørerne” - en podcast på dansk, til personer med et andet modersmål end dansk. Denne podcastserie består af korte afsnit, hvor jeg på langsomt og tydeligt udtalt dansk, vil fortælle om emner med relation til Danmark og danskere. Målgruppen er skandinavere, og personer på DU2Mo5-6, samt DU3Mo3-6 (A2-B2). Du finder teksten til episoderne på
Du kan støtte podcasten her: For €5 i måneden kan du få adgang til episoderne før tid samt ordlister.
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You can download the entire audio course on our website:
Boost your fluency in Syrian Arabic with LinguaBoost!
Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers. -
How Americans use English grammar in everyday conversation.
Sifjuð er örhlaðvarp um orðsifjar. Í þáttunum rýnir Halla Hauksdóttir í áhugaverð orð; rekur ferðir þeirra, fjallar um notkun þeirra og merkingu, greinir frá því hvernig þau eru á frændtungum o.s.frv. Hönnuður myndefnis er Ragnheiður Björk Aradóttir og hún býr til eina mynd fyrir hvern þátt sem birtist á Instagram-aðgangi hlaðvarpsins, @sifjudhladvarp. Komiði með!
This podcast focuses mainly on Spoken English , English Grammar, vocabulary building. Reading skills , book Reading .
Also join us to improve your communication skills. -
Learn English with Jayson and Jin on the Tastee English podcast! Authentic English speaking tips, dialogues, practice, and even teacher tips and discussions. Make sure you subscribe so that you always get the latest episodes as soon as they come out!
News presented in a simplified language for Turkish language learners to improve listening skills and vocabulary. Read the script as you listen to the episode!Hear how the words are pronounced in Turkish!Learn new phrases in the context! To enjoy all 100+ episodes, please subscribe on publish new episodes every weekday! #TurkishLanguage #LearnTurkish #TurkishLesson #TurkishCourse
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is a free online course called "Turkish Conversation".You will learn Turkish language, through dialogues. You will also learn new vocabulary. And be familiar with the Turkish language. Every week, a new episode of "Turkish Conversation" will be published.
The Podcast for Those Who Want to Speak Spanish Like a Pro!
¡Hola! ¿Cómo vas? Alex De la Paz here! I'm a native speaker, journalist, professor with over 15 years of experience, and I will be your host while you have fun learning Spanish.
Each episode, I cover a different topic, such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and culture. I also interview native Spanish speakers and give you tips on how to improve your Spanish skills.
This podcast has a wide variety of series. I use travel journalism to teach you Spanish in context, and to show you the cultures of Latin America and the world.
Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, there's something for everyone on the Learn Spanish with a Native Speaker podcast. So if you're serious about learning Spanish, subscribe for free today and start your journey to fluency!
Visit my website at to schedule a free appointment and learn more about Spanish conversation classes and my immersive experience in Colombia: The Academic-Cultural Journey. Get there the free scripts as well!
I'll help you create a personalized learning plan to fit your needs and goals, and you'll be speaking Spanish fluently in no time.
Who knows, maybe you'll even be helping me host this podcast one day!
Follow me on Instagram at @spanishwithanativespeaker for daily Spanish tips and inspiration.
¡Disfruta de las cosas sencillas de la vida y feliz aprendizaje! -
An everyday "word" can mean a lifetime of experiences and sensations. Every word you hear or see in its different forms has no emotional meaning..............unless we pass judgment!
YOU CAN change your world by learning one English word each day!
Just listen carefully to LIGHTNING ESL daily and you will learn/understand English better than before. -
Your shortcut to the Swedish language! A Swedish for beginners podcast focusing on grammar and pronunciation. Speaking Swedish can be fun and easy - that's Sweasy!
Hello! I'm Waka, a Japanese instructor. 27 years of teaching experience. Online Japanese private lessons and Japanese support for foreign high school students. I have been a fan of Arashi for 14years.
I'm talking about Johnny's idol, Slam dunk, Jujutsu Kaisen etc.
This program for N3 level and above.
教育的価値はないけれど、好きなものについて、ただ楽しく愛を語っています。 -
Learn English at the English Language Institute (ELI) - College of Staten Island/The City University of New York (CUNY). Listen to podcasts to practice your English or find out more about our English programs.
Students have courses such as reading, writing, grammar, conversation, and TOEFL test preparation workshops with a final TOEFL ITP test, which lets students apply for any CUNY school degree.
Web site: -
This podcast channel brings together open talks about interesting and cultural topics with guests from native Spanish speaking countries and non-native, as well as interviews with medical specialists and subspecialists in Spanish.
Medical Spanish
Intermediate Spanish
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Chinese recordings in and out of class
単語を5単語ずつ一緒に学んで行きましょう^ ^放送中は日本語と英語で喋りながら新しく単語を学んでいきます。
●ご興味ある方はお気軽にお問い合わせください😊 -
Rex Academy is a world class Computer Science and Technology leading platform in which we offer curriculums to schools across the nation and teach many students from grades K-12.
Our podcast follows conversations with a variety of EdTech leaders about their thoughts on the current state of Education Technology in our schools across the nation and their ideas for our future!
Email: -
Polish Your English aims at bringing up some English language tips for advanced learners who not only want to become more fluent in English but also need to improve their C2-level language repertoire. If you are studying for the Cambridge Proficiency Exam, (known as the CPE), you will listen to the structures and vocabulary normally expected in the exam. I am Flávia Pini, a Brazilian English teacher, who managed to pass the CPE exam while I was still a student, and now, I help students to polish their English and also pass the Cambridge exams.