Hello hello lovelies! Welcome back to the pod :) This week’s episode is all about beauty standards and how we deal with them! Have a very special guest in here too! Hope you enjoy xx (ps: don’t forget to connect over instagram @aestheticsoflife_podcast )
Hello hello friends! I am back with an interesting chat with my amazing bestie. We talk about patriarchy, what it means to be growing up in a patriarchal world and our individual experiences with patriarchy. Hope you find it interesting xx Don’t forget to holler at @aestheticsoflife_podcast on insta! Lov ya!
Estão a faltar episódios?
Happy Valentines lovelies! In this episode we dive into al things Palentine’s - pals and valentines! Hope you enjoy! Write to me [email protected] xx
Hello hello everyone! It has been a long silence from my end. But, i have missed you! I am back in this episode, kick starting season 2 with a tea-time sip and chat with a good friend. It is a perfect fly-on-the-wall style conversation for you to tune in! We are talking about all things new in our lives, including moving out, starting new, creating your own life and being a parent to yourself! Hope you enjoy! Love, yours truly xx
Hello hello friends! Missed you dearly! But, here we are diving deep into self love and the growth mindset! Come join me? - xo, yours truly! Ps: if you want to reach out to me - IG:@aestheticsoflife_podcast / email: [email protected]
Hello hello! Are you seeking for some time management tips? Ways to be efficient and maximize the use of your time? Curate your day to stay mindful and feel fulfilled? I got you covered! Let me know what you think over IG @aestheticsoflifepodcast or reach out over [email protected]. Sending love, yours truly!
In this episode we are diving into sustainability and conscious consumerism. Do you say no to plastic? Are you into fast fashion? More of an outfit repeater? Well, this one is for you! -Xo, yours truly!
Here’s me sharing some big sister experience/ advice on vision boards, the law of attraction and manifestation! Hope you enjoy! Write to me over [email protected] or reach out vi @aestheticsoflife_podcast over Instagram. -XO, yours Truly!
This episode is all about finding your inner wholesome-ness and curating a wholesome circle of people around you. Spreading kindness and positivity is a huge part of finding the aesthetics of life. In this episode we are going to dive deep into finding what wholesome-ness is all about! Do reach out over [email protected] or @aestheticsoflife_podcast on Instagram. Sending love and positive vibes- XO, yours truly!
In this episode, we are talking about gratitude and the simple appreciation of good things in life. Can the secret to an aesthetically pleasing life be ‘gratitude’? Here’s hoping you enjoy this chat! Reach out to me over the @aestheticsoflife_podcast on Instagram or [email protected] - xo, Yours Truly!
This episode is all about finding joy and happiness everyday by practicing the art of developing a healthy mindset. How do you really curate things that spark joy into your day? Let’s chat! Ps:If you want to reach out, please come say hi over [email protected] - xo yours truly!
Hello everyone! Welcome to this podcast - which really does not fit into a genre of sorts. We are all about the aesthetics of life and that pretty much covers everything and anything under the sun. Come join me. Excited to talk to you soon. - xo, yours truly.