
  • In this episode of 'After the Affair,' join me, your host Luke Shillings as I discover how limiting beliefs can keep you stuck in negative patterns and how shifting your mindset can open up new possibilities for growth and recovery.

    Whether it’s about self-worth, trust, or what you think you deserve in love, your beliefs shape your reality in powerful ways.

    Learn practical steps to challenge and change these beliefs to create a more empowered and fulfilling life.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The definition and power of beliefs.How limiting beliefs hold us back and affect our relationships.The cost of maintaining limiting beliefs and their impact on our mental and emotional health.Strategies for transforming beliefs, including cognitive restructuring and mindfulness.Real-life stories of individuals who changed their beliefs and transformed their lives.Practical steps to identify, question, and replace limiting beliefs.

    Special Mention: Thank you to everyone who has joined our Facebook group! Your engagement and support are incredible. If you haven’t joined yet, search for 'After the Affair Community' on Facebook and become part of our community.

    You can join here -> https://www.facebook.com/groups/aftertheaffaircommunity

    Subscribe & Follow: Don’t forget to subscribe to 'After the Affair' on your favourite podcast platform and follow us on social media for more insights and support.

    Listener Interaction: We love hearing from you! Share your thoughts, questions, and stories with us at [email protected] or in our Facebook group. (@mylifecoachluke)

    There is also a ton of useful tips on my Instagram page - www.instagram.com/mylifecoachluke

  • In this episode of 'After the Affair,' host Luke Shillings takes a deep dive into the neuroscience behind trust and betrayal.

    Understanding these processes can be crucial in healing from infidelity and building stronger relationships. Join us as we explore how our brains process trust, the impact of betrayal, and practical strategies to foster healing and resilience.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The brain regions involved in trust and betrayal: the limbic system, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex.The role of oxytocin in promoting trust and bonding.How early experiences shape our trust patterns.The neurological impact of betrayal and its similarity to physical pain.Techniques for healing the brain post-betrayal, including mindfulness and EMDR.The importance of memory in processing trust and betrayal.Evolutionary perspectives on trust and betrayal.Practical applications for rebuilding trust and emotional resilience.

    Special Mention: A big thank you to everyone who has joined our Facebook group! Your participation and support are invaluable. If you haven’t joined yet, search for 'After the Affair Community' on Facebook and become part of our community. or you can join here ->


    Subscribe & Follow: Don’t forget to subscribe to 'After the Affair' on your favourite podcast platform and follow us on social media for more insights and support.

    Learn more at www.lifecoachluke.com

    Join me over on IG at @mylifecoachluke


    Listener Interaction: We love hearing from you!

    Share your thoughts, questions, and stories with us at [email protected] or in our Facebook group.

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  • Welcome to another episode of "After the Affair." I'm your host, Luke Shillings, and today we're tackling a crucial aspect of recovery that many people might not even realise they're struggling with: unhealthy coping mechanisms. After experiencing the emotional upheaval of infidelity, it's easy to fall into habits that seem helpful in the moment but actually hinder your healing process.

    In this episode, we'll explore:

    What coping mechanisms are and why they are important for your recovery.Real-life examples of unhealthy coping strategies that people often resort to after infidelity.Personal anecdotes from my own recovery journey and the lessons I learned.Signs to look out for to identify if you’re engaging in unhealthy coping behaviours.Practical tips on how to replace these harmful habits with healthier alternatives.

    Whether you're in the midst of your recovery or supporting someone who is, this episode is packed with insights and actionable advice to help you move forward on your healing journey. Join me as we uncover the coping mechanisms that might be holding you back and discover healthier ways to cope and thrive after betrayal.

    Key Points:

    Understanding Coping Mechanisms: Learn what coping mechanisms are and their role in managing stress and emotional pain.Identifying Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Recognize common unhealthy coping strategies, such as isolation, excessive drinking, and dwelling on the past.Real-Life Examples: Hear relatable stories and examples to see if you might be engaging in these behaviours without realizing it.Healthy Alternatives: Discover effective and healthy coping mechanisms to replace harmful habits.Practical Advice: Get practical tips and strategies to facilitate your recovery and promote emotional well-being.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Books on mindfulness and self-helpJournaling techniquesMeditation and mindfulness apps

    Join the After the Affair community here - www.facebook.com/groups/aftertheaffaircommunity

    Connect with Me:

    [email protected]/mylifecoachluke

    If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with anyone who might benefit from it. Your support helps us reach more people who need guidance on their recovery journey.

  • In this insightful episode of "After the Affair," host Luke Shillings delves into the complex phenomenon of hysterical bonding that often follows infidelity. Discover what hysterical bonding is, how common it is, and the differences between healthy and unhealthy forms. Learn practical strategies to manage this intense emotional response and ensure it doesn't cause further damage to your relationship. Join Luke as he explores these crucial aspects and provides actionable advice for couples navigating the aftermath of betrayal.

    Show Notes:

    Episode Highlights:

    Introduction to Hysterical Bonding: Understand the concept and emotional dynamics of hysterical bonding in the context of infidelity.Prevalence and Duration: Insights into how common hysterical bonding is and the factors influencing its intensity and duration.Behavioural Examples: Real-life examples of how hysterical bonding manifests in both betrayed and unfaithful spouses.Healthy vs. Unhealthy Hysterical Bonding: Learn to differentiate between constructive and destructive forms of hysterical bonding.Effective Strategies: Practical tips and strategies to manage hysterical bonding and foster genuine healing in your relationship.Key Question for Listeners: Reflect on your experiences and take actionable steps towards a healthier relationship.

    Key Takeaways:

    Hysterical bonding is a natural response to the trauma of infidelity, marked by an intense desire for physical or emotional closeness.It is relatively common and can vary in intensity and duration based on several factors, including the nature of the affair and individual personalities.Recognizing the signs of healthy and unhealthy hysterical bonding is crucial for ensuring that this phase supports rather than hinders healing.Implementing strategies like open communication, seeking professional help, and setting healthy boundaries can help manage hysterical bonding effectively.

    Engage with Us:

    Key Question: Have you or your partner ever experienced hysterical bonding after a crisis? How did it impact your relationship?Share your thoughts and experiences with us on social media using the hashtag #AfterTheAffairPodcast.Follow us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/mylifecoachluke for more insights and updates.

    Subscribe & Review:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to "After the Affair" and leave us a review on your preferred podcast platform.

    Join the After the Affair Community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/aftertheaffaircommunity


    For personalized support, visit https://www.lifecoachluke.com to learn more about our coaching services.Email us at [email protected] with any questions or topic suggestions for future episodes.

    "Thank you for joining me on this episode of 'After the Affair.' Remember, understanding and addressing hysterical bonding is a crucial step towards healing and rebuilding a stronger, healthier relationship. Until next time, take care and stay strong." Luke

  • In this episode of 'After the Affair,' join me Luke Shillings, as I take a look into the fascinating world of polyamory to uncover valuable insights that can aid in healing from infidelity. Polyamorous relationships, known for their emphasis on open communication, emotional intelligence, and the unique concept of compersion, offer profound lessons for monogamous couples recovering from betrayal.

    Join Luke as he explores:

    The definition and history of polyamoryPsychological perspectives on managing jealousy, fostering emotional intelligence, and cultivating self-awarenessThe impact of polyamory on traditional monogamous marriagesLegal and ethical considerations surrounding polyamorous relationshipsCultural narratives and media representations of polyamoryPractical tools and strategies from polyamorous practices that can enhance trust and communication in any relationship

    Special Mention: A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has joined our Facebook group! Your support and engagement are invaluable. If you haven’t joined yet, search for 'After the Affair (with Luke Shillings)' on Facebook and become part of our community.


    Key Takeaways:

    Emotional intelligence and self-awareness are crucial in managing complex relationship dynamics.Effective communication and regular check-ins can prevent misunderstandings and strengthen bonds.The concept of compersion can shift perspectives on jealousy and foster mutual happiness.Conflict resolution techniques from polyamorous practices can benefit any relationship.

    Tune in to discover how the principles of polyamory can help you rebuild trust and heal from infidelity.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Join our Facebook group: After the Affair CommunityArticles and books on polyamory and emotional intelligenceTools for effective communication and conflict resolution

    Subscribe & Follow: Don't forget to subscribe to 'After the Affair' on your favourite podcast platform and follow us on social media for more insights and support.

    Listener Interaction: We love hearing from you! Share your thoughts, questions, and stories with us at [email protected] or in our Facebook group.

    Thank you for tuning in to 'After the Affair.' Remember, healing is a journey, and together, we can navigate the path to recovery. Until next time, take care and keep moving forward.

  • Why don't affairs last?Drawing on both research and personal experiences, join me, Luke Shillings as I discuss the psychological, emotional, and social factors that contribute to the inherent instability of relationships that begin as affairs. Allow me to unpack the foundations of trust, the escape mechanism, emotional tolls, and the broader impacts of secrecy and isolation that define and often doom such relationships.

    What You'll Learn:

    The Reality of Affairs: Understand the statistical likelihood of affairs turning into lasting relationships and why the odds are low.Trust Issues: Discover how the initial deceit in an affair can continue to affect trust even when the relationship comes into the open.Escapism and Consequences: Explore how affairs often serve as an escape from existing problems, which eventually resurface in the new relationship.Social and Emotional Isolation: Learn about the isolation that accompanies affairs and how it affects relationship dynamics.Emotional Costs: Consider the psychological and emotional strain that secrecy exerts on all parties involved in an affair.Paths to Healing: Gain insights into how understanding these factors can be a crucial step in the healing process for anyone impacted by infidelity.

    Episode Resources:

    Personalised 1:1 Coaching: I can help you build a future you can trust. Visit the website to learn more - www.lifecoachlukecomAdditional Reading: Explore articles including: Why Do People Cheat? - https://www.lifecoachluke.com/post/why-do-people-cheat**JOIN the After the Affair Community here - > www.facebook.com/groups/aftertheaffaircommunity

    Subscribe & Share:

    If you found this episode enlightening or think it could help someone you know, don't hesitate to subscribe for more deep dives into relationship dynamics and share this episode with others. Your support helps us reach and help more people through tough times.

    Connect with Me:

    Website: www.lifecoachluke.comEmail: [email protected] Media: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @mylifecoachluke for updates, tips, and community discussions.
  • Ever feel like you're fumbling in the dark when it comes to relationships? You're not alone. Many of us never received a clear guide on how to manage and nurture our romantic partnerships. This episode of "After the Affair" serves as your missing manual to better understand the basics of romantic relationships.

    What You'll Learn:

    Communication Essentials: Discover the art of effective communication, from active listening to avoiding common pitfalls like assumptions and passive aggression.

    Setting Expectations and Boundaries: Learn how to set realistic expectations and healthy boundaries, the silent builders of strong relationships.

    Conflict Resolution: Get practical tips on handling disagreements constructively without losing your cool.

    Emotional Intelligence: Find out how to enhance your emotional intelligence to better understand and connect with your partner.

    Understanding Love Languages: Explore the five love languages and how recognising your partner’s primary language can transform your relationship.

    Maintaining Individuality: Uncover the importance of preserving your own identity and how it contributes to a healthier, more balanced partnership.

    Featured Segments:

    Why You Suck at Relationships: A candid look at the common areas where many of us falter in romantic relationships and why.

    Building Blocks of a Better Relationship: Step-by-step guide on mastering the foundational aspects that lead to a fulfilling and enduring relationship.

    Work with Luke: www.lifecoachluke.com

    Contact Luke: [email protected]

    Join the After the Affair Mailing list: www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

    ---XX JOIN THE AFTER THE AFFAIR COMMUNITY XX--- --> www.facebook.com/groups/aftertheaffaircommunity

    Let's catch up on socials:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/mylifecoachluke

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/mylifecoachluke

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mylifecoachluke

  • In this episode of "After the Affair," Caz Grant joins me to explore the intricacies of infidelity within the context of military life. We delve into how the unique challenges of the military lifestyle can impact personal relationships and communication, leading to profound isolation and unmet needs.

    Caz shares her personal journey through the aftermath of an affair, the painful but enlightening road to divorce, and the invaluable lessons learned about self-reflection and growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Infidelity in Context: Infidelity often stems from unmet emotional needs and poor communication rather than a desire to hurt the partner.Impact of Military Lifestyle: The rigid structure and frequent relocations inherent in military life can exacerbate communication barriers and hinder the resolution of relationship issues.Communication Breakdown: Cultural norms within the military may discourage open emotional expression, contributing to relationship strains.

    Topics Covered:

    Military Lifestyle and Relationships: How the demands of military life can dominate personal relationships and hinder emotional connection.The Affair and Its Aftermath: The circumstances leading up to the affair, its discovery, and the subsequent communication breakthrough.Healing and Growth After Infidelity: Strategies for recovery and personal development post-infidelity, including the importance of understanding oneself and meeting one's own needs.

    Bio: Caz Grant, a RAF veteran, found love and got married amidst the challenges of military life. However, her transition from service into civilian life brought unexpected changes and the painful reality of her own infidelity. Now, Caz shares her story to offer support to other military couples facing similar struggles, hoping to shed light on the unique challenges they may encounter. Find @cazgrant84 on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cazgrant84/Work with Luke: www.lifecoachluke.com

    Contact Luke: [email protected]

    Join the After the Affair Mailing list: www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

    ---XX JOIN THE AFTER THE AFFAIR COMMUNITY XX--- --> www.facebook.com/groups/aftertheaffaircommunity

    Let's catch up on socials:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/mylifecoachluke

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/mylifecoachluke

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mylifecoachluke

    References in the episode: Region Beta Paradox - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Region-beta_paradox

  • In this introspective episode of "After the Affair," join me Luke Shillings as I take a closer look at the impact of our innermost thoughts on our relationships, especially in the context of infidelity. "Contemplating Infidelity" explores not just the actions that betray trust but the unseen thoughts that precede them.

    I examine the moral and emotional weight these thoughts carry, their influence on our relationships, and how understanding them can lead to deeper connection and healing.

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    The Nature of Thought in Relationships - How every action in a relationship begins as a thought, and the implications of this process.The Ethical Dimensions of Thoughts - A philosophical perspective on whether thoughts can carry the same moral weight as actions, particularly in terms of fidelity.The Impact of Unacted Thoughts - How unvoiced desires and considerations can influence relationship dynamics, often more than we realize.Transformative Power of Thoughts - Strategies for acknowledging, managing, and transforming thoughts to strengthen relationships and foster intimacy.Proactive Communication Techniques - Practical advice on creating a dialogue about needs and desires to prevent emotional distances before they start.

    If today's topic resonated with you, consider sharing your thoughts with us through our social media channels or directly via email [email protected]

    If you're navigating similar challenges in your relationships, remember, you're not alone, and discussing these thoughts is the first step toward reshaping them. Schedule your free discovery call here -> www.lifecoachluke.com

    Subscribe & Review:

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe at www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe and leave a review on whichever podcast platform you are listening on. Your feedback not only helps us improve but also helps others find us.

  • In this transformative episode of "After the Affair," hosted by me, Luke Shillings I take listeners on an enlightening journey, connecting the vast, expansive nature of the universe to the deeply personal path of growth after betrayal. Discover how embracing a growth mindset can lead you from the darkness of betrayal to the light of newfound strength and resilience. Join me as I explore the universal truths that guide us through our most challenging times, offering insights and strategies to help you navigate your journey of healing and growth.

    What You'll Learn:

    The Nature of Growth: How the concept of a growth mindset can transform your understanding of betrayal and recovery.Universal Parallels: Drawing parallels between the endless possibilities of the universe and our capacity for personal evolution.Navigating the Aftermath: Practical tips for applying a growth mindset to heal and grow stronger in the wake of betrayal.

    Connect with us:

    Visit our website for more resources and episodes at https://www.lifecoachluke.comSubscribe to the After the Affair mailing list: https://www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribeFollow us on Instagram @mylifecoachluke for daily inspiration and updates.Join our supportive community on Facebook to connect with others on their healing journey.

    Special Note: If you or someone you know is struggling with the aftermath of betrayal, remember, you're not alone. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a step towards understanding and empowerment. Let's explore the universal truths of growth together, finding strength in the vastness of our potential.

  • Join me Luke Shillings as I question the moral and emotional dilemma of whether to inform an affair partner's spouse about the infidelity.

    This is a deep dive episode where I explore the topic from both sides. Well worth a listen if I do say so myself!

    This complex topic is unpacked through personal stories and a thorough examination of the pros and cons of telling the AP's spouse. You will gain insight into the ramifications of such a decision, alternative healing paths, and how to move forward with integrity.

    Whether you're directly affected by infidelity or seeking to understand its impacts, this episode offers a compassionate, comprehensive look at a situation no one hopes to face, providing valuable perspectives for those wrestling with this difficult question.

    Join the After the Affair mailing list: https://www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

    Work with me: https://www.lifecoachluke.com

    Book a free discovery call today: https://api.leadconnectorhq.com/widget/bookings/talkwithluke

    Articles referenced in the episode:



  • In this potentially uncomfortable episode of "After the Affair," join me Luke Shillings as I ask one of the most complex and emotionally charged questions faced by individuals navigating the aftermath of infidelity: Should I contact the affair partner? This episode unpacks the myriad of emotions, potential outcomes, and ethical considerations surrounding the decision to reach out to the person involved with your partner.

    I aim to guide listeners through the pros and cons of initiating contact, offering a balanced view on seeking closure, the quest for the unfiltered truth, and the need for personal healing. From the risk of reopening old wounds to the dangers of misdirected anger and unwanted complications, this episode sheds light on the intricate dynamics at play. With a focus on self-reflection, personal growth, and the importance of prioritising one's own healing journey, I provide invaluable insights and advice for those wrestling with this decision.

    Whether you're seeking closure, contemplating reconciliation, or striving for personal empowerment, "Should I Contact the Affair Partner?" is an essential listen. Join me as we explore the delicate balance between seeking answers and focusing on self-care, offering listeners the tools and perspectives needed to navigate this challenging aspect of infidelity recovery.Join the After the Affair mailing list: https://www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

    Work with me: https://www.lifecoachluke.com

  • In this episode of 'After the Affair,' I, Luke Shillings, dive deep into the heart of healing after infidelity. We explore two unique approaches to navigating the complex emotions and challenges that arise in the wake of betrayal. Without getting into the specifics of personal stories, I share insights into how we can tackle the overwhelming feelings by breaking them down into manageable parts, as well as the power of focusing on other areas of life to build resilience before facing the tough stuff directly.

    I discuss the importance of understanding that healing isn't a one-size-fits-all journey and highlight the value of having a diverse set of strategies at your disposal. Whether you're directly confronting the aftermath of an affair or building up your strength through other facets of your life, this episode offers guidance and support for anyone on the path to recovery.

    Join me as we navigate the foggy forest of infidelity recovery, finding clarity and strength in the process. For those walking this difficult path, remember, you're not alone. With time, patience, and a lot of self-compassion, healing and growth are within reach. Tune in to discover how to make your journey through the aftermath of betrayal a little less daunting and a lot more hopeful.Work with me: www.lifecoachluke.com

    Join the After the Affair mailing list: www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

  • Dive deep into the heart of healing with 'A Story of Betrayal: No Place Like Home,' a poignant episode of the 'After the Affair' podcast. In this episode, I'll take you on a journey that parallels the beloved tale many of us are familiar with, artfully connecting this age-old adventure to the emotional landscape of recovering from betrayal. Explore the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions that follow infidelity, the shared struggles and solidarity found in the company of others on similar paths, and the daunting encounters with personal fears and doubts that challenge the journey toward healing.

    'A Story of Betrayal: No Place Like Home' offers a unique perspective on finding the power within to rebuild trust, love, and peace after betrayal. This episode is crafted for those traversing the difficult terrain of emotional recovery, providing insights into the process of turning pain into strength and reclaiming a sense of self.

    Whether you're seeking solace, understanding, or strategies for healing, this podcast episode is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that, indeed, there's no place like the home we find within ourselves after the storm. Tune in to begin your journey back to self, guided by the wisdom and empathy of those who've walked this path before.Work with me - www.lifecoachluke.com

    Contact me - [email protected]

  • Join me, Luke Shillings, whilst I unpick the intricate dance between people-pleasing tendencies and the aftermath of infidelity. I offer a deep dive into how our fears and insecurities can shape our perception of our partners, leading us to create imaginary versions of them that fuel our self-judgment and people-pleasing behaviours. This episode shines a light on the intensified patterns of self-doubt and narrative crafting that emerge when infidelity shatters the relationship, challenging you to reflect on the authenticity of your actions in the quest for healing.

    I carefully unpack the complexities of responding to betrayal, highlighting the risk of losing oneself in the desperate attempt to 'fix' the relationship or to become what we perceive as 'enough' to prevent future indiscretions. Through examples, I illustrate how individuals might misinterpret their partner's actions and attribute them to personal flaws, thereby overlooking the multifaceted reasons behind infidelity.

    Offering an alternative perspective, I encourage you to differentiate between genuine healing actions and those driven by a need for approval. This episode is a call to embrace our vulnerabilities, confront the reality of our situations, and ultimately, find a path to healing that honours our self-worth and authenticity. Join me in "After the Affair" for an insightful exploration of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the journey towards rebuilding after betrayal.Want to work with me? visit www.lifecoachluke.com

    Join the mailing list at www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

  • Join host Luke Shillings on 'After the Affair' for an enlightening Episode 76, featuring the renowned counsellor and relationship expert David Essel. Dive into a conversation about personal healing, overcoming the victim mindset, and the path to meaningful relationships. David shares the necessity of addressing past resentments through therapy before embarking on new connections, and the importance of self-love and inner peace as the foundation for partnership. Uncover the detrimental effects of labeling in relationships and learn from David's personal journey of breaking societal expectations. Experience a candid discussion on the complexities of infidelity, betrayal, and the transformative power of forgiveness and open communication. David's advice on intimacy in long-term relationships and combating addiction with conversation offers invaluable insights for anyone seeking to improve their love life. Discover how understanding your partner's love language can prevent dissatisfaction and infidelity. Reflect on David's diverse background in sports psychology, mental health, and his struggles that propelled him to success. Draw inspiration from David’s and Luke's exploration of introversion, overstimulation in society, and the impact of extreme media voices on our lives. Don't miss this episode full of strategies for triumphing over adversity, rekindling passion, and embracing honesty in relationships. Visit our website for free resources and special offerings as mentioned by David Essel in this must-listen episode of 'After the Affair'.Learn more about David: www.davidessel.com or find him on Instagram @david_essel

    To learn more about working with me, check out www.lifecoachluke.com and be sure to subscribe to the After the Affair mailing list at www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

  • In this compelling continuation of our journey through healing, "8 Steps to Healing: Part 2 - Rebuilding and Renewal" takes us deeper into the transformative process of recovery from infidelity. Building on the foundational steps of Clarity, Belief, Forgiveness, and Growth discussed in Part 1, this episode explores the latter stages of the healing journey, where we begin to reconstruct our lives and visions for the future.

    Step 5: Rebuilding Trust Trust is the foundation of all relationships, including the one we have with ourselves. In this step, we delve into the intricate process of rebuilding trust, highlighting strategies for fostering a sense of security and reliability in our relationships and within ourselves.

    Step 6: Vision With a foundation of trust in place, we turn our gaze forward, crafting a vision for our lives post-betrayal. This step is about dreaming again, setting goals, and aligning our future with our deepest values and desires.

    Step 7: Connection Healing is not a journey to be walked alone. In this step, I emphasise the importance of connection—building and nurturing supportive relationships that uplift and sustain us through our healing process.

    Step 8: Celebration Every step forward on this journey is a victory, and in this final step, we learn the importance of celebrating our progress. Recognising and honouring our achievements, no matter how small, fuels our continued growth and resilience.

    This episode is not just a continuation but a deepening of your commitment to healing and growth. Whether you're rebuilding a relationship, forging new ones, or discovering a renewed sense of self, these steps offer a guide toward a future filled with hope, purpose, and joy.

    If you're ready to take these next steps on your healing journey, join me as we explore the paths of rebuilding, envisioning, connecting, and celebrating the life you deserve.

    Work with Luke: www.lifecoachluke.com

    Contact Luke: [email protected]

    Join the mailing list: www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

  • In this first part of a two-episode series, I begin outlining the 8 steps I took to heal from betrayal and then dive deeper in to the first four crucial steps to recovery. With personal insights and practical advice, I aim to guide you through the process of gaining Clarity, establishing Belief, embracing Forgiveness, and fostering Growth. This episode is an essential listen for anyone navigating the aftermath of betrayal, offering a roadmap to understanding, healing, and ultimately, empowerment.

    Clarity: Uncover the importance of seeing through the fog of emotional turmoil to understand the reality of your situation and what truly matters to you.Belief: Learn how to rebuild your shattered self-esteem and confidence, affirming your worth and cultivating a belief in a brighter future.Forgiveness: Explore the complex journey towards forgiving yourself and, potentially, your partner, understanding that forgiveness is a crucial step towards personal peace.Growth: Discover how the painful experience of infidelity can be a catalyst for significant personal growth, offering insights into yourself and your relationships.

    Join me as I not only draw from my professional expertise but also open up about my own journey and the wisdom I've gained along the way. I aim to offer a compassionate and insightful guide for anyone seeking to heal and grow from the pain of betrayal.Learn more at: www.lifecoachluke.com

    Subscribe here: www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

    Contact me: [email protected]

  • In this week's episode of "After the Affair," with infidelity recovery expert, Luke Shillings.

    He dives deep into the heart of relational conflicts, exploring the profound impact of empathy and understanding.

    With his signature warmth and relatability, Luke shares insights into how our unique life stories shape our perspectives, often leading to misunderstandings in our closest relationships.

    Drawing on personal anecdotes and a down-to-earth approach, he challenges listeners to adopt an "empathy-first" mindset, offering practical tips for turning everyday disagreements into opportunities for deeper connection.

    Whether you're navigating the complexities of infidelity recovery or simply seeking to strengthen your bonds, this episode is a heartfelt invitation to view conflicts through a new lens.

    Join Luke on this journey of healing and discovery, and take the first step towards transforming your relationships one empathetic conversation at a time.

    Learn more at: www.lifecoachluke.com

    Contact Luke: [email protected]

    Keep up to date: www.lifecoachluke.com/subscribe

  • In this heartfelt episode, I sit down with the renowned Breakup Coach, Dorothy AB Johnson, to tackle one of the most challenging journeys one can face: getting over an ex after infidelity.

    Dorothy, with her compassionate approach and expertise, shares invaluable insights and practical strategies for healing and moving forward.

    We delve into the complexities of betrayal, understanding the identity change experienced and the challenging concepts of desire and attachment in the aftermath of infidelity.

    Whether you're in the midst of navigating your own path to recovery or seeking to support someone who is, this episode offers a beacon of hope and a roadmap for reclaiming one's strength and sense of self.

    Learn more about Dorothy:

    5 day how to get over your ex training! (Feb 12-15): https://dorothyabjohnson.com/5daylivetraining

    Instagram: @breakupcoachdorothyTikTok: Breakup Coach DorothyThe How to Get Over Your Ex podcast: https://dorothyabjohnson.com/howtogetoveryourexpodcast/

    Learn more about me:

    Instagram: @mylifecoachluke

    TikTok: @mylifecoachluke

    Website: www.lifecoachluke.com