
  • In this episode, we get to hear from Alloy’s COO, Suzanne Robb. She was interviewed by Cameron Herold on the Second in Command podcast.

    The COOs position is important for the success of any business, and Alloy is no exception. Suzanne works closely with Rick to help Alloy stay true to its core values and main goal. Their complementary skills facilitate strong leadership and a clear division of responsibilities.

    So far, Alloy has awarded close to 250 franchise locations. 45 of these are already open. 85 others are in the process of opening. This has been a huge success despite the challenge of launching the franchise just before the pandemic disruption of 2020.

    We get to hear from Suzanne on what it takes to grow a fitness franchise from the perspective of the COO. She talks about what it takes to ensure franchisees get all the tools and support needed to succeed.

    Tune in for a COO's perspective on building a fast-growing fitness franchise and get to know more about Suzanne Robb!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Personal training business model and franchising (01:59)

    Franchise sales and support for franchisees (8:48)

    Onboarding franchisees with a focus on training and culture alignment (13:43)

    Navigating franchisee stages, roles, and responsibilities (17:58)

    Entrepreneurship, leadership, and personal growth (22:38)

    Additional Resources

    Connect with Suzanne: LinkedIn

    Connect with Cameron: LinkedIn


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • The franchise fitness space has so many options, which makes standing out from the pack a challenge.

    But Rick built the successful Alloy Personal Training fitness franchise by taking a unique approach, focusing on a niche market with a scalable model and a selective franchisee selection process.

    Alloy’s story began with a proven fitness concept that thrived corporately for years. He saw a gap in the market for personalized, small-group training specifically targeting active adults aged 45-65.

    This demographic is often underserved by traditional gyms or large group fitness classes.

    This focus on quality personalized training over mass classes makes it perfectly scalable and allows us to replicate the success across franchised locations.

    Tune in to this episode as Rick is interviewed by Michael Benso of the Sweat Success Podcast on the strategic decisions behind Alloy's franchise success.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Importance of aligning individuals with suitable roles (14:43)

    Significance of evaluating leadership background in candidates (20:37)

    Overview of the franchise process leading to Discovery Day (23:15)

    Emphasis on choosing the right partners and following a structured sales process (25:45)

    Calculation and optimization of session bookings (34:22)

    Balancing membership allocations and operational constraints (35:12)

    Importance of accountability in personal training (38:24)

    Additional Resources

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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  • In this episode, Joe Steele interviews Rick Mayo on his journey from a personal trainer to a successful entrepreneur.

    He takes us through the evolution of the personal training industry, the challenges of entrepreneurship, and the strategic decisions behind expanding Alloy into a franchise.

    In the early 1990s, personal training was not common at all. In fact, most people had not heard about it. Rick had to educate clients about its benefits.

    Rick’s business continued to grow and eventually transitioned from one-on-one personal training sessions to small group training. This was the key moment because he could now scale and also offer a better experience to clients.

    Fast forward to today, Alloy is a fast-growing franchise with numerous locations opening up. The journey to this point has been challenging but rewarding and Rick reveals it all in this episode.

    Tune in to learn of the strategic moves that led to the growth of Alloy and the lessons entrepreneurs can pick from them.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Concept of personal training in the early 90s (02:15)

    Managing financial and psychological aspects of starting a business (05:50)

    Building a team and initial business operations (10:26)

    Balancing growth, time management, and financial goals (14:44)

    Evolution of marketing strategies over the years (19:50)

    Handling competition and staying ahead with innovation (24:17)

    Establishing and maintaining the target customer avatar (32:28)

    The decision to franchise and its implications (39:24)

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the business (47:10)

    Lessons learned and future goals for Alloy (52:32)

    Additional Resources

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Entrepreneurship isn't always the dream job it's often portrayed to be. Elon Musk famously described it as "staring into the abyss while eating glass."

    In this episode, Matt and Rick break down this quote to discuss the real challenges of running a business. You'll learn what the "abyss" and the "glass" represent – the constant awareness of potential failure and the unpleasant tasks that come with leadership.

    We discuss why some entrepreneurs struggle: it's not always about having bad ideas, but often an unwillingness to consistently tackle the difficult parts of the job.

    We'll also share practical tips to help budding business owners stay motivated and navigate the inevitable "eating glass" moments – like leveraging support systems and focusing on your "why".

    If you're ready for a real talk about building your own business, tune in!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Dealing with operational issues in entrepreneurship (04:16)

    Challenges of switching focus from creative to operational tasks (06:37)

    Leadership's role in handling personnel and operational challenges (08:08)

    The importance of accountability in management (11:16)

    Personnel issues as a core entrepreneurial challenge (13:27)

    Balancing entrepreneurial optimism with the reality of tough decisions (15:44)

    The impact of avoiding tough conversations on business health (18:17)

    Persistent problem-solving and resilience in business (20:10)

    Additional Resources

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • The fitness industry is often obsessed with member acquisition, but Alloy Personal Training Franchise stands out with a metric that truly matters: client retention.

    Sure, we love seeing new faces walk through our doors, but one measurement of success that stands out is how long they stay a part of our community.

    Our average client sticks with us for a remarkable 36 months, and there's a reason for that.

    One of these reasons is that we intentionally keep our studios small to make it really personal training, not just in name.

    This means the trainers know more than just the client’s fitness goals—they will know much more about the clients, which helps foster real friendships between members, turning sessions into something to look forward to, not dread.

    Accountability is way more powerful when it comes from other members. This kind of community makes consistency a whole lot easier (and more fun!).

    Building this type of gym culture isn't a quick fix. It takes a relentless focus on the member's experiences. But the results are powerful: loyal clients who become your best advocates, reduced churn, and the satisfaction of knowing your gym truly makes a difference in people's lives.

    Tune in to this episode to learn more.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Insights on fitness industry evolution and personal training's role (03:12)

    Discussion on client retention and personalized training advantages (06:34)

    Economic analysis of personal training costs (10:22)

    Impact of a personalized approach on long-term client engagement (15:39)

    Comparisons between group and personal training retention rates (18:00)

    Details on session structure and customer interaction (22:52)

    Importance of community and client connection in fitness settings (27:19)

    Strategies for ensuring high client retention and satisfaction (34:19)

    Additional Resources

    Follow Jerry Scarlato

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerryscarlato/

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jerryscarlato


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Picture a franchise where everyone cares deeply about meeting standards, teams are motivated, and businesses flourish.

    The secret ingredient? Accountability.

    In this episode, Matt and Rick discuss accountability as the highest form of care. Sincere Candor is an Alloy core value. We explain how accountability is threaded into an organization and give real-world examples of how it can manifest itself positively or negatively.

    When everyone—from investors to front-line coaches—feels accountable, the franchise develops a culture of both care and operational excellence. Accountability is not just about following rules, but about showing care. Everyone within the organization contributes to overall success.

    Effective franchises have a clear, top-down accountability structure. Investors hold managers accountable, who in turn hold coaches accountable, ensuring consistency in client quality.

    This structure isn't just about metrics, it's about culture. When everyone grasps their responsibilities and strives for high standards, the entire franchise thrives. Commitment to accountability leads to seamless operations, enhanced customer experiences, and ultimately, better retention rates.

    So, how do we cultivate this accountability?

    Tune in to this episode to learn more.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Importance of accountability in business (00:35)

    Accountability as a form of care (05:22)

    Structure from investors to coaches (10:18)

    Impact on franchise quality (15:47)

    Enhancing operational success (20:56)

    Benefits on retention rates (25:30)

    Additional Resources

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Consistency in fitness programming isn't just a nice to have; it's the difference between a thriving business and one that's constantly scrambling to please everyone.

    In this episode, Rick and Matt discuss the why's of Alloy programming and the importance of sticking to the script.

    It might be tempting for trainers to think they can improve things with a few tweaks here and there – a little extra cardio tacked on at the end of a fancy new exercise they just learned.

    But here's the thing: when the foundation of your business is inconsistent, things start to crumble.

    Think of it like this: your workouts are your product, just like a pizza recipe is to a pizza shop. If people could walk into your gym and receive drastically different experiences depending on their trainer, it breeds confusion and distrust.

    Plus, all that stuff trainers try to add is completely unnecessary! Alloy programming is built on solid scientific principles. If you run it with integrity, focusing on proper form and the right intensity, the results speak for themselves.

    Think long-term – when your whole team is on the same page, it makes running and scaling your business so much easier and ensures all clients receive the same quality of workout, which is crucial for client retention and business stability.

    Tune in to learn more about the ‘whys’ of Alloy programming!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Principles of programming for personal training (04:13)

    Importance of a standardized approach (08:33)

    The business impact of uniform training approaches (11:11)

    Creating consistent customer experiences (14:02)

    Full-body training vs. body part splits (20:33)

    Why gym owners and coaches need to follow their programs (23:30)

    The importance of following a strategic workout plan for clients (26:50)

    Additional Resources

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • We all strive for those 'wow' moments for our clients – you know, the experiences that make them leave feeling impressed and raving about your business.

    But while the occasional "10 out of 10" is fantastic, did you know that consistency might be even more important?

    Sure, it's fantastic when your team occasionally pulls out all the stops for a client. But think about those between times. If a client never knows what to expect from the moment they walk in, even the best workouts can feel disappointing in comparison.

    As business owners and trainers in the fitness industry, we sometimes chase those exciting 'extras' - client outings, rewards programs, etc. While valuable, these can't make up for a core experience that wavers wildly between fantastic and mediocre.

    Consulting giant McKinsey found that consistent, even just moderately good, customer experiences have huge payoffs:

    - 15% reduction in the cost to serve those clients

    - 20% higher profit margins

    How do you make consistency your thing in a fitness business? Tune in to this episode to find out!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Importance of consistent customer experience (01:04)

    Financial benefits of consistency (03:15)

    Leadership's role in reinforcing consistency (05:42)

    Real-life analogy of haircuts to explain consistency (07:30)

    Consistency's impact on customer retention (09:26)

    Additional Resources:

    Jim Collins Books

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • In fitness marketing, it's easy to forget the power of traditional marketing efforts that have driven lasting success and ensured a constant flow of organic leads.

    While important, digital marketing should not be the sole focus. Your marketing efforts must be diversified across multiple channels.

    In this episode, Rick chats with Alloy franchise business coach Adam Blankenship about 3 key organic marketing strategies. These are simple, critical techniques for improving your organic marketing efforts.

    He emphasized that success in organic marketing is an ongoing effort, not just a one-time action. It’s critical for gyms to maintain an active and visible presence in their local areas.

    Click and listen to harness the power of effective, persistent organic marketing and drive your gym memberships!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Importance of continuous organic marketing (02:09)

    Deep dive into flyering and community engagement (03:34)

    Strategies for effective referral programs (08:23)

    Hosting open houses for community engagement (22:47)

    Emphasis on effort and persistence in marketing (29:14)

    Additional Resources:

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • The difference between a struggling entrepreneur and a wildly successful one often lies in unexpected factors.

    In this episode, Matt and Rick explain the less obvious yet crucial elements of entrepreneurial success. They emphasize that the keys to unlocking business growth lie in self-reflection, a curated information diet, and prioritizing personal well-being.

    Understanding yourself as an entrepreneur is paramount. It's easy to become the bottleneck in your own business. Be ruthlessly honest with yourself to pinpoint where your limitations might be hindering growth.

    Additionally, the information you consume matters! Curate the advice and news you take in to stay focused and prevent decision paralysis.

    Lastly, your physical and mental health are non-negotiable. As the foundation of your business, your well-being should be a top-line item in your business plan.

    If you're ready to take a hard look at your entrepreneurial approach and level up your game, tune in to this episode and learn more about these concepts!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    The concept of understanding business as a game (03:01)

    The importance of self-reflection for entrepreneurs (03:58)

    The dangers of chasing new ventures without resolving existing issues (09:45)

    Emphasizing the significance of selective information consumption (14:57)

    The critical role of personal health in entrepreneurship (21:21)

    Summary of key entrepreneurial strategies (25:49)

    Additional Resources:

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • The Director of Training role is often misunderstood in the fitness industry, but it’s very important in driving success in any fitness facility.

    In this episode, Rick speaks with the Director of Training at the Alloy corporate location, Cian Roche. Cian explains the 3 critical skills needed to succeed as the Director and how he maintains a 97% retention rate.

    With a background that blends rigorous exercise science training with impactful customer connections, Cian reveals how he steers the flagship Alloy corporate gym to unprecedented success.

    He explains the multifaceted responsibilities of a Director of Training, from driving sales and marketing initiatives to fostering client care and retention.

    Cian shares his unique approach to leadership and team management, illustrating how building genuine relationships within the gym community leads to remarkable outcomes.

    Cian and Rick also explore effective community engagement strategies, the importance of personal touch in client interactions, and tips for nurturing a motivated and cohesive team.

    If you're a gym owner who wants to understand the pivotal role of a Director of Training or seek insights on making that critical hire, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Cian's educational and professional background (03:08)

    Sales and digital lead management (06:27)

    Importance of referrals and community engagement (12:13)

    Retention strategies through personal care (15:12)

    Leadership and team management for consistent client experience (20:38)

    The impact of customer service and feedback on training quality (24:02)

    Building a community through events and social gatherings (27:48)

    Additional Resources:

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Have you ever considered taking your successful business and expanding it into a franchise?

    While the idea is exciting, it's important to understand the complexities involved.

    In this episode, Rick chats with Suzanne Robb about whether or not someone should franchise their business. We reveal the realities of formulating, marketing, and running a successful franchise business.

    They highlight the significant investment of time, money, and emotional energy that goes into franchising.

    It's important to thoroughly understand your market, build robust support systems for franchisees, and ensure rock-solid operational processes are in place.

    One key takeaway from the episode is that the focus of franchising shifts from the success of your individual business to the success of your franchisees.

    Your entire model needs to be designed to support and empower them for a mutually beneficial relationship.

    If you are considering franchising, be sure to listen to the full episode to get a glimpse of what it takes!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Understanding franchising complexities (02:15)

    The necessity of market research (06:13)

    Financial challenges in franchising (10:55)

    Operational processes for success (14:41)

    The journey to royalty sufficiency (21:35)

    The emotional aspects of franchising (25:14)

    Final advice: Have a sense of humor (27:40)

    Additional Resources:

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Are no-shows plaguing your personal training consultations? You probably think the solution lies in technology, but a human touch makes all the difference.

    In this episode, Rick and Matt explain how ditching automated booking systems for personalized interactions can dramatically improve your show rates and transform your business.

    While convenient, automated booking systems lack the personal connection that fosters commitment. They treat potential clients as transactions, not individuals. This disconnect can lead to a lack of urgency and, ultimately, missed appointments.

    By engaging with potential clients directly, you can:

    - Create urgency

    - Follow up with care

    - Build rapport early on

    By using the power of personal connection, you can not only increase your show rates but also lay the foundation for long-term client relationships, ultimately leading to a thriving personal training business.

    Tune in to the full episode and learn some strategies to increase show rates and turn those leads into loyal clients.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Book rate vs. Show rate (01:46)

    Automated vs. Personalized booking (05:39)

    Personal touch in the booking process (10:13)

    Creating urgency and engagement (12:44)

    Follow-up mechanisms for increased show rate (24:02)

    Additional Resources:

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Many businesses face the ongoing challenge of finding the right person to fill specific roles within their teams. Accurately evaluating a candidate's skills and ability to execute the unique responsibilities of a position is essential but often tricky.

    In this episode, Rick speaks with Chuck Russell, the founder of BestWork Data. Chuck explains the value of a scientific process in evaluating the ability of candidates to perform the specific tasks of a certain role in a company.

    With a rich background in management consulting and a revolutionary approach to personality assessments, Russell explains why you need to make data-driven hiring decisions that match the job's demands with an individual's hardwired traits.

    We debunk common myths about personal development and explore how understanding inherent traits can lead to better job performance and satisfaction.

    Plus, learn about the critical role of "coachability" in evaluating potential hires.

    Best Work Data is the exclusive provider of screening for Alloy Personal Training, and Chuck explains the why behind his particular screen and why it's so relevant in the hiring process.


    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Importance of personality assessment in the hiring process (02:51)

    BestWork Data and its foundations in behavioral science (07:20)

    Differentiating between qualitative and quantitative assessments (13:19)

    Matching individuals with specific roles and responsibilities (15:10)

    Customizing interview questions based on assessment results (24:08)

    Dealing with people faking good (33:28)

    Additional Resources:

    Learn more about BestWork Data: bestworkdata.com


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Ready to attract more fitness clients and boost your gym's membership?

    Look no further than the power of digital marketing! In this episode, Ben Stocks from KISS Marketing, a digital advertising expert specializing in the fitness industry, drops some gems on how to make your marketing resonate and convert.

    With firsthand experience from running his own gym to helping gyms nationwide thrive, Ben shares his wealth of knowledge on crafting offers that truly attract and convert data into actionable strategies.

    We'll explore everything from the importance of adapting your marketing approach to the nuances of creating content that supports your paid campaigns.

    Don't miss out on learning how to refine your digital marketing strategy to not only reach but exceed your business goals. Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Ben's background and transition from gym owner to marketing expert (00:32)

    The first key to successful digital marketing (05:27)

    Data interpretation in digital marketing (17:28)

    Solving the right problem the right way in advertising (25:55)

    The effect of organic content on paid advertising success (33:12)

    Final thoughts (38:20)

    Additional Resources:

    - Unlock A FREE VIP Marketing Strategy Call For Your Gym: https://kissmarketing.net/alloy


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Tired of setting goals that only end up collecting dust? This episode might just change your perspective and approach towards success.

    Rick sits down with Alloy COO Suzanne Robb to discuss the merits of goal setting and why behavior change and systems might be a better approach.

    With decades of experience in the fitness industry, Rick shares his personal struggle with traditional goal setting, offering a fresh take on focusing on behaviors rather than concrete goals.

    Daily habits can lead to success without the need for explicit goals. Whether you're looking to improve your health, finances, or personal relationships, you can achieve your aspirations through adaptable behaviors and robust systems.

    Don't miss out on this conversation that could redefine your approach to personal development and success. Click to listen and transform your daily behaviors into the path to your goals!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    The significance of behaviors over goals (05:51)

    Measurement and adaptability of goals (10:49)

    The discipline behind successful behaviors (17:12)

    Importance of deadline setting in operations (20:24)

    Different approaches to achieving goals (23:17)

    Changing behaviors to meet personal objectives (25:43)

    Adapting or upholding behaviors towards goals (27:02)

    Additional Resources:

    Atomic Habits by James Clear: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Feeling trapped in the conventional personal training model?

    Rick Mayo, CEO of Alloy Personal Training Franchise, sits down with Vince Gabriele of the Fitness Business University Podcast to redefine the game for gym owners.

    Rick, a trailblazer in the fitness industry, shares his journey from launching a personal training gym in college to developing the groundbreaking Alloy Personal Training franchise.

    Discover the secrets that transformed Rick's fitness empire and how they can massively transform your gym business too.

    Rick challenges fitness industry norms, including why the name ‘Semi-Private Personal Training’ falls short and the key to limiting small group training for optimal success.

    He also shares:

    - Two indispensable characteristics of a successful gym owner,

    - The core drivers of effective fitness marketing,

    - Strategies for gym retention,

    - 3 reasons members stay loyal.

    Tune in for an inspiring blend of personal anecdotes, savvy business advice, and innovative fitness solutions that promise to elevate your gym's value and client satisfaction.

    Key Takeaways

    Introduction (00:00)

    Rick Mayo's background and entry into the fitness industry (01:40)

    The shift from one-on-one to small group personal training (04:47)

    The benefits and logistics of the small group model (09:18)

    Fitness client retention strategies (21:37)

    Marketing strategies for gym growth (31:02)

    Rick's personal success principles (41:50)

    Ideal candidates for the Alloy Personal Training Franchise (51:27)

    Additional Resources:

    The Fitness Business University Podcast


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • What do fitness and franchising have in common?

    More than you might think. At first glance, these two worlds seem to exist in separate universes. One is all sweat and spandex, the other suits and spreadsheets. But peel back the layers, and you'll find surprising parallels between building up fitness and building a successful franchise.

    Rick is joined by Wes Barefoot, a seasoned consultant at FranChoice and a successful franchise owner, to explore the parallels between these two and the lessons we can draw from them.

    Wes shares his personal experiences on how the principles of maintaining fitness – such as consistency, resilience, and adapting to challenges – directly translate into entrepreneurial success.

    He draws parallels between the role of a fitness coach and a franchise system. Both provide established frameworks and guidance, enabling individuals to leverage proven structures and expertise for effective goal attainment.

    Tune in to this episode for practical advice and the motivation to persist on your own journey towards achieving your personal and professional aspirations.

    Click to listen for practical advice and the motivation that will transform how you approach both your fitness journey and your franchise business!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    The importance of consistency in fitness and business (02:17)

    Fitness and nutrition strategies for a busy entrepreneur (05:11)

    Mindset shift for fitness success and its parallels to business success (16:46)

    Wes’s weekly exercise routine and its impact (22:41)

    Key nutritional strategies for effective fitness (29:50)

    Protein’s role in fitness and alternatives to whole foods (33:09)

    Parallels between fitness discipline and franchising success (35:10)

    Additional Resources:

    Connect with Wes Barefoot:

    - Path to Freedom

    - LinkedIn

    - Podcast

    - FranChoice


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Rick and Matt discuss Alloy’s seven fundamental principles for crafting an outstanding customer experience during your personal training sessions.

    Simple gestures like welcoming clients as they arrive and bidding them farewell post-session may seem minor, but they play a substantial role in shaping an exceptional customer experience.

    The personal training business inherently thrives on intimacy and personalized interactions. There are instances where fostering a sense of community becomes essential, even within the framework of one-on-one training.

    Discover effective ways to articulate the benefits of an exercise to your clients. Understand the importance of physical touch in your interactions with clients.

    Get insights on addressing clients stuck in their weight loss journey, and learn the appropriate response when a client expresses gratitude at the end of a session. Stay tuned for a wealth of knowledge on these topics and more.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Greetings within 10 seconds of entering the front doors, with the name added (1:36)

    An effective introduction - two different scenarios (5:23)

    Describing the benefits of an exercise through the client’s lens (8:05)

    A touch on the arm or a pat on the back (11:37)

    Finding a win for each client in every session (13:30)

    Holding people accountable; asking them when they’re coming in next (15:58)

    Thanking your clients before they leave (18:04)

    Additional Resources:

    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Ever wondered how a simple gym can transform into a thriving fitness franchise empire?

    Listen in as Rick Mayo shares his journey from opening a personal training gym to licensing over 2,500 clubs worldwide to building a fitness franchise empire that everyone is talking about.

    Rick is interviewed by Michael Benso of Sweat Success on the transition of the Alloy model from a gym member model to standalone locations, the Alloy personal training model, revenue and cost considerations, challenges and evolution of the business, and the perspective of franchisees and trainers.

    Rick shared valuable insights on various business strategies like multi-channel marketing, community-based marketing, and developing strong client relationships.

    He also discussed the growth trajectory and challenges faced in scaling Alloy, including maintaining culture and adapting to customer needs.

    The business model of Alloy allows for low churn and high customer retention. Mayo also shares his future plans for Alloy, aiming for 800 locations by 2030.

    Tune in to learn more about what it takes to scale a fitness business and create a lasting impact.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    The transition from licensing to franchising (00:49)

    Marketing strategies for fitness studios (05:46)

    Business model and client retention (07:34)

    Toughest scaling challenges in scaling Alloy (14:40)

    Franchise model benefits and challenges (20:16)

    Fitness customer retention strategies (24:21)

    Future outlook for Alloy (30:24)

    Impact of technology on the fitness industry (44:34)

    Advice for potential Alloy franchisees (46:17)

    Additional Resources

    The Sweat Success Podcast


    - Alloy Personal Training

    - Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


    You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!