A deep dive on the entorhinal cortex.
This is a brief discussion of the article: "Hippocampal Reinstatement of Episodic Details During Simulation" written by Preston P. Thakral, Kevin P. Madore, Donna Rose Addis, and Daniel L. Schacter
Estão a faltar episódios?
Dr. Andrew Budson published a theory paper in 2022, called "Consciousness as a memory system". Our conclusions are very similar, except that he does not put the same emphasis on the hippocampus and episodic memory specifically. We discuss his paper, and the differences between the models.
Budson's paper - .pdf download
Budson's paper - journal
A YouTube video version, with captions -
Audiobook version of the peer-reviewed paper "Neurotypical Subjective Experience is caused by a hippocampal simulation", written by Matt Faw and Bill Faw, published by the journal "WiRES Cognitive Science".
website: consciousnessdoc.com
youtube version with captions and citations: https://youtu.be/Y71K8Ax7j8o -
A new theory proposes the anatomical basis for Subjective Experience. Discover how it works, and why it's less mysterious than it seems.
Watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/A7oKFRs1Vos
Visit our site: consciousnessdoc.com
Version for experts: https://youtu.be/uhv-OAm4WMI
A hip-hop version: https://youtu.be/i-_-4F1rXas