
  • Brianna knows firsthand about the divine personal journey from the darkness into the light, and the collective journey we have undertaken as human beings, incarnated on earth at this spectacular moment of transformation, to move out of the separation consciousness that keeps us locked into patterns of conflict, suffering, and destructive behavior.

  • Are you sick and tired of dead-end relationships?

    Are you over having your heart broken over and over again?

    Do you find yourself falling into relationship patterns that haunt you from relationship to relationship?

    Do you have trouble handling your angry feelings in a way that doesn’t damage your partner and the relationship?

    Do you find it difficult to identify with your partner’s feelings, especially when you’re fighting?

    Are you not receptive to feedback about how you come across to your partner?

    If you said yes to any of the above questions, you need to tune into this show and discover the real reasons why your relationships keep tanking. And learn about what steps you can take to get off the merry-go-round of miserable relationships.


    Dr. Pepper is the author of many scholarly articles and two books entitled: Emotional Incest in Group Psychotherapy and 99 (Plus 1!) Unconventional Interventions in Group Psychotherapy. Dr. Pepper specializes in group therapy. He has been running groups for over twenty-five years and has a special gift in helping members resolve conflicts with relationships, both personal and professional. His groups are not socialization groups but learning social skills is a by-product of the group experience. Members learn to resolve obstacles to developing healthy relationships through interactions with group members. Dr. Pepper has seen members grow and change in ways that they never expected through the group experience. He has helped them release energy through the verbalization of feelings in the group setting. This release of energy has been a great aid to them in living healthier and more satisfying lives.

    Director of Education and Training at the Long Island Institute for Mental Health in Rego Park, New York.

    Adjunct Professor of Behavioral Science at the New York Institute of Technology, Metro Campus, Manhattan, NYC.

    Author of numerous articles on ethics and boundaries in psychotherapy and has lectured across the country on the subject.

    Runs six (6) weekly psychotherapy groups in his private practice in Forest Hills, NY.

    Website: DrPepperPhD.com

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  • Current research shows a correlation between mood and our microbiome–the dynamic world of bacteria, fungus and viruses that comprises more than 50% of our mortal selves.

    Our internal microbes have a big influence on how we feel. They can make us feel grumpy and “shitty” or make us wound up with anxiety and hyperactivity (as in ADHD).

    These bugs can even motivate us to eat comfort foods that make us gain weight.

    The bad microbes can produce excessive acids that eat away at bowel mucosal lining, which creates gaps and leaky gut syndrome… And then toxins can escape the bowel into the inside of our bodies causing more havoc and inflammation anywhere, including the uterine lining, bladder, kidneys, heart, brain and skin. You name it. Inflammation starting in the gut can land anywhere.

    When we have some kind of inflammation, the last thing we feel is happy and energetic! We feel miserable and “shitty”. Bad mood pervades those dealing with pain and inflammation.

    To heal, we need to work two ends towards the middle by reducing stress, increasing rest and quality nutrients, and also stamping out the offending microbes.

    Rather than resorting to a chemical pesticide (antibiotic) that kills all the microbes and sterilizes the gut, a better way is pollinating with other beneficial bacteria so they can fight the good war in the gut and win for us. The fastest way to get that new garden planted is to replace the whole microbiome with a healthy donor’s diverse microbiome (fecal transplant).

    From constipation to cancer, heart disease, obesity, autism, Alzheimer’s, and more, discover why therapies may not be working for many…

    Tune in and find out more about the latest microbiome research showing how fecal transplants may be the basis for future advances in health and wellness, and a part of the solution for many people with shitty moods and beyond.

  • When it comes to long-distance relationships, absence is a lens that magnifies and distorts our feelings. When a partner is out of sight, our minds transform into a blank screen onto which it is easy to project horror movies that are more like sequels to your past traumas. In no time, you’re bracing for lightning to strike twice. If, for example, somebody in your past cast you off, you’re already casting yourself as the lead in the movie Castaway, Part 2– meaning you’re waiting for another rejection.

    Fear of being dumped (or cheated on) is one of many fears that get sparked when you’re in a long-distance relationship.

    In this show, I will help you get on top of these fears.

    Tune in and discover my proven techniques for taking your long-distance love to the finish line!

  • Are you trapped in a one-sided relationship and not even know it?

    Do you give more than you receive in your relationship?

    Do you keep giving more and more and not getting back what you want?

    Do you often feel burned out by your relationship?

    Does your partner make excuses for not calling or coming around?

    Are you sexually exclusive with a partner who is sleeping with other people besides you? Meaning are you nothing more than friends with benefits?

    Do you ignore what your partner says about how he/she feels about you? Specifically, does your partner tell you things aren’t serious but you don’t take these words seriously?

    If you said yes to any of my questions, you could be in an imaginary relationship!

    Tune in and find out if you’re clinging to the ghost of a relationship that doesn’t truly exist.

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  • In this week’s show, I’m talking about living successfully, free from the chains that bind you in life and love.

    Jack and I will be talking about his success principles for improving and mastering every aspect of your life and relationships, including how to transform our lives by completing the past and embracing our future, cleaning up our messes, being in the now, rejecting rejection, embracing change, transcending our limiting beliefs, and much more.

    Tune in to this week’s show and hear all about Jack’s success principles for improving and mastering every aspect of your life and relationships!


    Jack Canfield is the driving force behind the development and delivery of more than 123 million books sold through the Chicken Soup for the Soul® franchise (and over 500 million copies in print worldwide) and the inspirational anthologies that have grown to a billion dollar market.

    Behind the empire Time Magazine called the “publishing phenomenon of the decade” is America’s leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, corporate employees, and educators. Over the last 30 years, his compelling message, empowering energy and personable coaching style has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals achieve their dreams.

    Affectionately known as “America’s #1 Success Coach,” Jack Canfield has studied and reported on what makes successful people different. He knows what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. He brings this critical insight to countless audiences internationally—sharing his success strategies in the media, with companies, universities and professional associations.

    Jack Canfield is a Harvard graduate with a Master’s Degree in psychological education and one of the earliest champions of peak-performance, developing specific methodologies and results-oriented activities to help people take on greater challenges and produce breakthrough results.

    His proven formula for success reached global acclaim with his most recent National Bestseller, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. This new standard in self-improvement contains 64 powerful principles for success utilized by top achievers from all walks of life and all areas of commerce. The Success Principles —and the entire empire of “Principles” books, products, coaching programs and branded retail merchandise—is Jack’s most recent offering to the more than 100 million readers he currently reaches worldwide.

  • It has been estimated that 20-40 percent of girls and 2-9 percent of boys are sexually abused by the time they reach eighteen.

    Childhood sexual abuse may hinder the development and growth of relationships and survivors may experience difficulties with trust, fear of intimacy, difficulties with affection, fear of being different orweird, difficulty establishing interpersonal boundaries, passive behaviors, and getting involved in abusive relationships. sexualizing relationships, inappropriate seduction, compulsive sexual behavior, promiscuity, problems concerning desire, arousal, and orgasm, flashbacks, difficulties with touch, and sadistic/masochistic tendencies.

    There is hope for healing!

    If you or anyone you know has been abused, please join me for this important show.

  • Did you know that loved ones in spirit often use props from the material world to offer signs of their presence. These “static” signs are a powerful way to let you know that you are loved and watched over.

    In this show, I help you recognize the signs that are being sent to you all the time. Once you are aware of the signs, you can then learn to dialogue using these “Earthly Props” to facilitate a back-and-forth conversation between you and any person or animal in spirit!

    As you will soon see, reconnecting and staying connected is the only way to permanently end grief over the bodily loss of a loved one.

  • Do you secretly fear that you’re the victim of verbal abuse? Or are you a verbal abuser?

    Even though verbal abuse doesn't leave visible scars, the damage that hurtful words do to others is often irreparable. One of the reasons words can be so destructive is because our minds can replay what was said again and again. Through this revisiting process, our minds can actually reinforce and reinjure us each time we remember the awful things that were said to us.

    Tune in and discover my 10 ways to handle a verbally abusive partner, friend or family member.

    And, if you’re verbally abusive, tune in and learn how to rein in your tongue.

  • This week’s topic is female sexual dysfunction.

    Whether you’re struggling with sexual inhibitions, diminished desire or no desire, lack of pleasure and no orgasms or painful intercourse, in this show we’re going to get to the bottom of why millions of women find themselves sexually bottoming out!

  • Do you ever feel like your brain is your own worst enemy?

    Do the things you tell yourself get you down?

    If we played back a transcript of your thoughts, would it be peppered with gloom and doom?

    Today we’re going to focus on cognitive distortions--those nasty tricks that your brain plays on you--tricks that ruin your inner peace and self-esteem, and wrecks your success in love and work.

    So stick with me as I help you identify and weed out the most common cognitive distortions that are getting you down in life and love.

  • Shedding illusions is life’s most painful, challenging, and imperative work. Robert Yoho MD (ret.) knows. He says that two years ago he understood less than half of the contents of his latest book, Cassandra’s Memo. Since then, he has been setting fire to his preconceptions and burning them to the ground. It has been agonizing.

    Getting others to see through deceptions is far more difficult. Emerson wrote, “A man is what he thinks about all day long.” We are inside the most pervasive and effective propaganda campaign in history, and there is a lot of denial—even as the world races into totalitarianism. Those who have spent years feeding their brains with mainstream media are putting their thumbs in their ears.

    Despite all this, many people know what is happening, and more are learning. After someone awakens, they never go back to sleep. Cassandra’s Memo is your chance to boost your skepticism, find uncensored sources, and catch up. When more understand the truth, our injured US Constitution has the power to crush the conspirators.


    Dr. Robert Yoho is a retired physician and healthcare whistleblower. He recently published two books about medical corruption, Butchered by “Healthcare” and Hormone Secrets. His third is pending publication, Cassandra’s Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths. He had a surgical practice in the United States until retirement three years ago. He now writes and speaks about COVID, vaccine frauds, and related issues full-time.

  • The holidays are a time for slowing down and spending quality time with those we love.

    But, holidays can be painful if you are struggling with unresolved conflicts with friends and loved ones.

    Holidays are even more painful if you are carrying unresolved resentment toward a deceased loved one. Instead of feeling joy and love when you think of that person, you feel nothing but sorrow, hurt, anger, pain and the frustration of never having had the chance to make it right with that person.

    Contrary to popular belief, there is a way to resolve unfinished business with deceased friends and relatives.

    In this show, I will share some amazing true stories of people I’ve helped to bury the hatchet with deceased loved and hated family members and friends.

    Tune in and let me help you begin healing your unfinished business with deceased friends and family, so you can finally enjoy a peaceful, love-filled holiday and life!

  • Do you know how to tell if a man is in love with you?

    Do you know how most men really feel about commitment?

    Did you know that men actually do want to talk about their feelings IFyou know how to draw them out?

    Do you know the 11 things men never want to discuss with their loversand life partners?

    Tune in for a mansplaining show that will help you improve yourrelationships with all the men in your life.

  • Did you know that the office of Canadian Veterans Affairs is now handing out suicide pills to vets suffering PTSD?

    When I saw this story I was livid. A government agency that is supposed to protect its vets has found a way to assassinate soldiers!

    When one is suffering, it is so tempting to take any exit ramp to escape the pain. I get it.

    How many vets will kill themselves needlessly as a result of this easy solution that’s being handed out by the Canadian VA?

    Why aren’t veterans with PTSD being informed about a scientifically proven, safe and drug-free way to reverse PTSD?

    Note that you don’t have to be a vet to suffer PTSD. All it takes is one accident, one illness or one stress to develop PTSD.

    If you suspect that you or someone you love is suffering from PTSD (or you have a confirmed diagnosis) please tune into this show.

    I will start with my PTSD quiz to help you know for sure if PTSD is an issue.

    I will also help you understand how PTSD manifests differently for men, women and children.

    You will also learn that PTSD often masquerades as anxiety and panic disorders, depression, pain syndromes, sexual dysfunctions, sleep disorders and addictions.

    By the end of the show, you will be armed with a proven solution that has already reversed PTSD for so many sufferers, including the famous Dr. Tenpenny.

    Tune and find out how to turn off PTSD without permanently turning off your lights.

    Click here to find out how Dr. Jamie’s Energetic System Upgrade™ can help you or someone you love reverse PTSD.

    To learn about the scientifically proven way to reverse PTSD, check out Dr. Jamie’s bestseller here.

  • Have you ever noticed that listening is nearly absent in conflicted relationships?

    I’m sure you’ve experienced the deaf pit in your own relationships: You have a beef. You try to talk to the other person. The other person doesn’t listen. You get pissed and up the volume, which only makes the other person more deaf.

    Now your “discussion” spins totally out of control. No resolution occurs, which leads you to feel terminally ticked off.

    Now you’re really stuck. The next time your hot topic comes up, the other person’s dukes are already up, which means you have even less chances of being heard.

    And in no time, you have a major vicious cycle on your hands.

    Don’t worry. In this show, I will teach you how to use your ears to steer your relationship out the skids.

    It’s easier than you think to learn how to be a good listener. BUT listening doesn’t happen by accident. It’s a skill that needs to be acquired.

    So tune in for my listening crash course, and discover how to listen your way to love

  • Did you know there’s a decade of research proving the link between gratitude and relationship satisfaction? In this episode, I will share how you can plump up the gratitude in your life to create a love that lasts a lifetime and beyond.

  • You do not have to be able to diagnose a narcissist in order to avoid getting involved with someone who will devalue you.

    Have you ever wondered if there is a way to detect a toxic person BEFORE you become involved?

    Many have experienced some form of narcissistic abuse and do not want to ever repeat that experience again. In response to her patients’ concerns, Dr. Greenberg has developed a very simple method that people can use to avoid getting sucked into a toxic relationship. You just have to objectively observe the behavior of the person in your life and be able to count. Anyone can use this method with almost anyone, from a new lover to a family member. The following is Dr. Greenberg’s simple method:

    Counting Negative Comments

    Here is an easy way to find out quite a lot about a person without asking any questions. When you are with the person keep track of how many negative things the person says within an hour. Here are some examples of things to count:

    1. Complaints about anything.

    2. Put downs of people or things.

    3. Negative gossip.

    4. Expressions of dislike.

    Most people occasionally complain, devalue, express dislike, or gossip. However, people who are unpleasant to be around, and you are not sure why, are usually overly relying on these 4 things in their conversations with people.

    Punchline: If you want to get a fairly quick take on whether someone is going to have a positive or negative impact on your life, spend an hour with them and pay attention to how often they say negative things. If you think this hour is not a fair enough sample, pick a different day and repeat this exercise. Most people find that they are happier around people who are positive (copyright, Dr. Elinor Greenber, 2022).


    Dr. Elinor Greenberg, is an internationally renowned psychologist, consultant, author, and Gestalt therapy trainer who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid adaptations. She is on the faculty of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy and the Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training, where she developed and teaches an 8-session course on personality disorders. Dr. Greenberg is an Associate Editor of Gestalt Review, a peer reviewed professional journal. She has trained psychotherapists in the USA, Canada, England, Wales, Sicily, Sweden, Norway, Mexico, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Russia, and Malta. Dr. Greenberg is the author of the book: Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety (available on Amazon).

  • Did you know that when discussions turn sour, happy couples naturally steer their discussions back on course or postpone to a later time.

    By contrast, unhappy couples don’t recognize when discussions are entering dangerous waters–meaning they’re reaching the point of no return.

    In this episode, I show you how to use a few of my many First Aid tools to help you to salvage a conversation before it cycles out of control.

    My First Aid Tools will help to cool down a partner who’s losing it so you can turn your ship around. I’ll also help you to recognize when it’s time to “abandon ship” and abort mission, as well as how to re-approach your issue so that your next discussion will be successful. So let’s sail together into smoother waters on the Love Boat called Relationship SOS.

  • How much do you think you know about sex?

    Are you a sexpert? Or a sex novice?

    In this show, I’ll help you evaluate your sexual knowledge

    Find out how many times a year the average American couple has sex, how men and women’s sex drives differ, what is the average penis length, do men or women prefer to achieve orgasm from oral sex, how long it takes the average man to ejaculate during intercourse, what percentage of women have an orgasm in intercourse, the actual benefits of masturbation, what percentage of men do not have an orgasm during intercourse, and so much more!

    Tune and tune up your sexpertise!