
  • Welcome back Spiritual seeker of Truth.
    In today’s show, Luis gave his review on;

    The Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg
    The power of Habits talks about habit formation and how why human beings do what they do in their life and business.

    A habit is formed in the Basal Ganglia; where habits, emotions, decisions and voluntary motor movements take place.

    A habit loop is a neurological pattern that govern our habits and is habitual and automatic in our brain.

    The structure of a habit is broken down in three; a cue, routine and a reward.

    Recognize what habits need to be change and interrupt them by changing the reward and keeping the rest the same.

    Also our will power is strong just like a muscle but we have to train it in order to not succumb to temptations and bad habits.

    Last but not least, a keystone habit is a habit that creates strong little wins so other positive habits can do the same.

    Informative podcast today, share your comments, like and subscribe.

    Thank you,

    Luís Soto

  • Today’s episode is about; The Law of Attraction🔥 What is The Law of Attraction?
    How to implement this powerful law in your life to create miracles, joy, happiness, and fulfillment.

    In 2006, Rhonda Bryne had an idea to produce a movie that talks about; The Law of Attraction. This movie was inspired by a book that her daughter gave her in 2004 when her mom ( Rhonda Bryne) was going through her own personal crisis in her life.

    This led her to trace back in time and look up people from history who knew about the secret. High achievers as Emerson, Lincoln, Carnegie, Emerson, Thoreau, and many more.

    Also, I share how you can start attracting new things in your life with the 3 Steps process.

    Tools and mind hack to help influence your subconscious mind and a way to monitor your emotional scale to stay connected to the energetic field of possibility.

    Get ready to be INSPIRED!

    Luis Soto

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  • Welcome back, spiritual warriors,

    Today we are going deep in the POWER OF INTENTION🔥

    The moment you set an intention out to the universe, instantly a metaphorical platform is created for you. This platform is the stage for you to STAND AND SHARE YOUR TRUTH, GIFT, AND TALENTS WITH THE WORLD😇


    Keep in mind that we are creators by nature. God, omnipotent made us in his image and likeness. Therefore we have the ability to create anew anytime we are ready to ACTIVATE OUR SPIRITUAL gifts within us!

    Set your INTENTION FOR 2018!

    Spiritual growth

    This is your platform to create from Today😇

    The Intention lives in possibility and is always created in the present moment. This energetic field will keep you humming and vibrating on the IMPULSE OF THE UNIVERSE🔥

    With gratitude,
    Luis Soto
    Life Coach, Personal Trainer and Meditation Teacher

  • Welcome back spiritual warriors,

    In today’s episode, Luis will be talking about faith. Having faith as small as a mustard seed😇

    What is faith and how can we live a life on faith?

    Let the journey begin..

    In order for us to get good at any, we need to practice, practice, practice..

    With that said, the idea of having faith in the unknown is another for practice for the conditioning of tour mind and spirt.

    The more we recondition our consciousness in the activities and rituals of spirit. The deeper our understanding about our spiritual life.

    There are several ways to galvanize the faith in your life and heart.

    Here are 3 ways to deepen your faith in your God right now.

    1.Make sure to belong to a church community of some kind. Being around like-minded people and receiving a powerful sermon once a week will start to strengthen your muscle of faith.

    2. Meditation

    The practice of meditation will recondition your mind and spirit and will activate your spiritual gifts.

    3. Prayer

    The energy of prayer will puts us in a higher vibration than anything else. As you pray to your God, your faith is strengthen and your ideals become more in alignment with what God wants for you.

    As you prayer, you surrender your tight grip on getting stuff right and you allow yourself to be guided intuitively by your light of spirt.

    Try our my three recommendations and share your comments below. Again don’t forget to subscribe, and like and please share with as many people as you desire.

    This project is a gift of heart❤️

    Have a blessed day🙏


  • Welcome back Spiritual warrior,

    In today’s episode, Luis talks about meditation, the benefits behind meditation and how to start implementing a meditation practice at home or work.

    The practice of meditation has been around for thousands of years. Recently, there have been numerous studies on meditation and how the practice can reduce stress, lower cholesterol, loss weight, heighten self-awareness of self, and the environment, deepened your connection with spirt, fine tune your intuition and many more.

    On average, human beings have around 50 to 60,000.00 thoughts a day. The only problem is that, they are the same thoughts that you had the previous day and mostly all of them stem from the past.

    Starting a meditation practice can be difficult at first but eventually, the mind and body can get use to the new routine and starts to become a new habit to change and transform your life.

    Thank u for tuning in to my show😇

    Please don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe. Thank you🙏

  • Welcome back Spiritual warrior,

    Today’s episode on; Awaken to The Brand New You, Luis talked about the power of affirmations, what is an affirmation and how can we use this powerful tool to transform our life.

    An affirmation is a phrase, a sentence that states a declaration of truth. A proclamation,
    A statement, pronouncement that reveal the truth that exist inside of us.

    Here are some examples affirmations to use today to make positive changes in your life!


    These affirmations are best used when you are reciting them in from of a full-length mirror as you gaze deeply in your eyes.

    Use this mirror exercise for the next 30 days and make it a daily ritual to start your day.

    Let me know your progress by commenting on this episode or email me-

    [email protected]

    Thank you for being the light🤗

    God bless you🙏


  • Welcome back Spiritual warrior😇
    Is time for another episode of: Awaken to the Brand New You🙏

    This is Podcast#3 and today topic could either bother, irritate, annoy, upset many listens because it deals with revealing the ETERNAL TRUTH AS I SEE IT🔥❤️😇

    With that said, experiencing; The dark night of the soul can be extremely scary, challenging, life-changing and disastrous at the same time. The main thing to remember is that, the experience will deepen your spiritual inheritance with yourself and God and will heal parts of your past that needs to be heal.

    Allowing ourselves to move through the emotional rollercoaster that this experience gives us, is s blessing in disguise.

    In order for the soul to expand and evolve to its divine nature. We as; “Spiritual beings having a human experience”- must be willing to go through the fire of transformation in order to heal our past and live through our Authentic True Self😇

    In this episode, Luis shares tools to navigate your soul, Namaste

  • Welcome spiritual warriors to another episode of: Awaken to the brand new You😇

    In today’s episode , Luis talked about-

    This episode lay out 3 reasons why people fall short from achieving their goals?

    1. Fear of looking good😒😝
    2. Not confident enough to start taking action with their dream.
    3. Negative self-image

    These three culprit are responsible for people not living their true potential😞

    With that said,

    Luis also share tools and mental exercises to start implementing to break through the negative self-talk that lives in your head😝

    1. Write down your goals you did not accomplish last year.
    2. Implement the 5 second rule by Mel Robbins.
    3. Practice the mirror technique to break through your old self-image and instill a new belief about your beautiful self😇

    Thank u for listening and don’t forget to like, subscribe and comment your thoughts on this show😎

    Namaste, beautiful people🙏
    Luis Soto