
  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    In this episode, Dr. Vignesh Devraj delves into the Ayurvedic concept of Agni, the inner fire that governs transformation within the body and mind. Agni isn't just about digestion; it's also the force that helps you metabolize food, emotions, and thoughts. When your Agni is balanced, you experience vitality and clarity. However, when it's low, high, or erratic, you may feel stuck, overwhelmed, or imbalanced.

    Join us as we explore why Agni is so central to Ayurveda, the signs of imbalance, and practical ways to have a balanced Agni.

    Topics Covered in this Episode

    Understanding Agni

    The types of Agni in our Body

    Signs and Symptoms of unhealthy Agni

    Connection between Agni & Ama

    Simple habits to protect your Agni

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    Are Allopathy and Ayurveda really at odds with each other or are we overlooking how they can wonderfully complement each other? In this episode, Dr Vignesh and Nisha Khanna talk about how the current world needs practitioners who can truly guide the patients on their healing journey, while understanding where to place Allopathy and where to integrate Ayurveda.

    The episode also explores the key concepts of digestion, gut-health and metabolism that are key to health, and overlap the Allopathic and Ayurvedic domain.

    Topics Covered in this Episode:

    The misunderstood polarity between Allopathy and Ayurveda

    Integrating Ayurveda and Allopathy

    Importance of Right Food and Gut Health

    The key pillars of Sleep, Digestion and Energy

    Significance of Agni and Ama in Allopathy

    Marrying Western and Eastern Perspective to Wellness

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

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    In this episode, Dr. Vignesh Devraj and Kris Gopalakrishnan explore the future of longevity, focusing on the intersection of modern research and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. As the quest to extend life spans continues, understanding how to preserve brain health and combat neurodegenerative diseases is becoming increasingly critical. Together, Dr. Devraj and Kris Gopalakrishnan discuss how merging these two worlds can pave the way for a future where longevity is not just about living longer, but about living better.

    About the Guest: Kris Gopalakrishnan is the co-founder of Infosys and a prominent leader in the global technology sector. With decades of experience in IT and innovation, Kris has been a key figure in shaping India’s software services industry. In addition to his business achievements, he is a thought leader, investor, and philanthropist, widely recognized for his contributions to research, education, and entrepreneurship. Kris has spearheaded several initiatives focused on nurturing talent and advancing scientific research, earning him international recognition. His visionary approach continues to inspire the next generation of innovators and leaders.

    A couple of topics discussed in this episode are:

    Connection between Brain Research & Computing

    Understanding Nature: The God-made AI

    The Roadmap to Genuine Longevity

    Study of long life in Blue Zones

    Integration of Ayurveda & Allopathy

    The future of Research and Innovation

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here. (Or copy paste this link in your browser:


    In the day and age where Data is the new superpower, it’s also the new poison. The abundance of knowledge available online is more like an overpowering echo from fear mongers who gain from our lack of understanding. When you find disconnected answers online, your mind operates through negative bias filtering the facts without looking at the entire picture in detail. This soon leads to overthinking and minimizes opportunities into a depressive dead end. We call this phenomenon Google anxiety.

    Tune into this week’s episode to understand more about Google Anxiety and how it affects your treatment in the long run.

    A couple of topics discussed in this episode are:

    What is Google Anxiety?

    Impact of Information Overload

    Negative Bias and Worst-Case Scenarios

    The Role of Expert Opinion

    Placebo and Nocebo Effects

    Maintaining Hope and Optimism

    Building Trust with Healthcare Providers

    Steps to Prevent Google Anxiety

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery. Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here. (Or copy paste this link in your browser:


    In this episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj dives into the Ayurvedic concept of Āma, often referred to as the hidden toxins within our bodies. Āma is more than just a by-product of poor digestion; it is a key contributor in the onset of pain and disease.

    This episode explores how Āma forms, its impact on health, and the importance of treatments like Panchakarma to restore balance and well-being. Whether you’re new to Ayurveda or looking to deepen your understanding, this episode sheds light on the critical role Āma plays in maintaining overall health.

    A couple of topics discussed in this episode are:

    Understanding Arogya and Āma in Ayurveda

    The Relationship Between Āma and Pain

    How Āma Forms in the Body

    The Connection Between Āma and Disease

    Recognizing Symptoms of High Āma

    Āma as a Sign of Imbalance in the Body

    Goals of Treatment: Minimizing or Eliminating Āma

    The Role of Panchakarma in Reducing Āma

    Agni: The Antidote to Āma

    Time Stamps

    00:00 - 1:16 - What is Āma?

    01:16 - 03:30 - How is Āma produced?

    03:30 - 03:49 - Symptoms of Āma

    03:49 - 7:00 - Diagnosis of Āma

    07:00 -08:30 - How to get rid of Āma through Ayurveda

    08:30 - 10:45 - Agni, Āma and Ayurveda Connection

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery. Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here. (Or copy paste this link in your browser:


    Given today's dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles, it's no wonder that many people struggle with unsatisfying bowel movements. However, the real issue arises when these symptoms are mistakenly diagnosed as constipation. In this episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj dives into the commonly misdiagnosed condition of constipation, exploring its symptoms, the reasons behind frequent misdiagnosis, and how this often leads people to rely on laxatives and other ineffective routines. He also shares simple changes that can help reverse the condition.

    A couple of topics discussed in this episode are:

    What is constipation really?

    The clinical symptoms of constipation

    Wrong routines & Constipation Anxiety

    Dietary recommendation for constipated patients

    Laxatives & Ayurveda

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery. Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    While we focus so much on how our face looks, we seem to be overlooking how it feels. The eastern sciences constantly remind us that how we look is a direct reflection of what emotions our face is storing.

    In this episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj and Mariko Hiyama explore how face reflexology helps in identifying the dominant emotions stored in our face, and share techniques that help in relieving them.

    Note: The final part of this podcast includes a visual demonstration of a simple technique that can be used daily to relieve stress from your face. The video will be shortly released on Youtube, and the links will be shared on our instagram page.

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    Connection between jaw tension and your neck and lower back

    The connection between how we look and how we feel

    Facial muscles, face massages & face health

    Anti-aging, Ayurvedic remedies & wrinkle-lines

    DIY face massages to try

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery. Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser:


    In the 21st Century where everything is transforming at the speed of light, have you wondered how Ayurveda stands the test of time? Ayurveda, which translates from Sanskrit to "knowledge of life", is one of the oldest holistic medical systems in existence. The core concept of Ayurveda is the idea to maintain balance between the mind, body, spirit, and environment, focusing on Swastha and longevity by preventing illness rather than treating it.

    Tune into today’s episode with Dr Vignesh Devraj discusses the basics and essence of Ayurveda, talking about the crux of every disease that enters our body, and most importantly the difference between Allopathy and Ayurveda in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

    A couple of topics discussed in this episode are:

    The History of Ayurveda

    The Tridosha of Human Body

    The Primary Reason of Every Disease

    The Elements & Entitled Pursuits of Human Life - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha

    The Difference Between Allopathy and Ayurveda

    Treatment & Diagnosis difference between Allopathy and Ayurveda


    00:00 - 00:40: Introduction

    00:40 - 02:58: The History Of Ayurveda

    02:58 - 07:15 : The Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha

    07:15 - 08:30: No use, Misuse & Overuse

    08:30 - 09:15: Tuning into to Your Inner Voice

    09:15 - 09:45: The Uncontrollable Environment

    09:45 - 11:31: The Five Balancing Elements

    11:31 - 13:00: Vata

    13:00 - 17:07: Pitta

    17:07 - 18:02: Kapha

    18:02 - 20:15: Beyond our Body 20:15 - 21:55: The Four Entitled Pursuits Of Life

    21:55 - 27:05: Allopathy and Ayurveda27:05 - 31:50: Diagnosis & Treatment Allopathy VS Ayurveda

    31:50 - 35:31: Conclusion

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery. Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter ⁠here. ⁠ (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    What if we told you that a menstruation cycle should ideally last a couple of days and be pain-free? Shocking, right? Period cycles and PMS have always been seen like a curse for the women going through it. But when armed with the right information, this can change.

    Tune into today’s episode with Dr Vignesh Devraj & Dr Alka Vijayan who are back together talking about the the lifestyle factors affecting a healthy period cycle, remedies to reverse the cramps and mood swings, the Ayurvedic reasoning, and the role played by Vata that regulates the overall functioning.

    A couple of topics discussed in this episode are:

    Are Period cycles supposed to be painful?

    What makes these cycles painful in the first place?

    How does the modern day lifestyle, activity and diet aggravate the imbalance?

    The role of Vata imbalance in a pain-free cycle

    Home remedies that can balance the menstruation pain and PMS. The connection of Mind, body and gut for a healthy period.


    00:00 - 02:04: Introduction

    02:04 - 04:32: The Reason behind PMS

    04:32 - 05:40: The lifestyle mishaps

    05:40- 08:20: Dos and Don’ts of Diet

    08:20 - 11:52: Balancing Vata Imbalance

    11:52 - 13:57: Why do Mood Swings happen?

    13:57 - 17:14: Remedies for Cramps

    17:14 - 18:00: Menstruation Pain & Thyroid Issues

    18:00 - 21:57: Emotional, Menstruation and Gut Health

    21:57 - 25:54: Conclusion

    Guest Details

    Dr Alka Vijayan is a Gut-Hormone Specialist. She’s an Ayurvedic practitioner known to be an expert in the topic of thyroid, gynecology and overall gut health. You can reach her at ⁠https://www.instagram.com/tanmatraayurveda⁠

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: ⁠https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist⁠

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation ⁠here⁠.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: ⁠https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform⁠ )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - ⁠Balancing The Mighty Vata⁠ which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at ⁠https://drvignesh.teachable.com/⁠

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and⁠ ⁠⁠www.sitaramretreat.com⁠

    Instagram - ⁠@sitarambeachretreat ⁠| ⁠@vigneshdevraj ⁠

    Twitter - @VigneshDevrajWe truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • It’s interesting to note how patients walk in and say in full seriousness that they have a thyroid and don’t know what to do. With a steep rise in diagnosis, thyroid has become synonymous with a thyroid disorder. But how many of us truly know what the function of a thyroid gland actually is, why the imbalances occur and how to reverse it? In today’s episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj and Dr Alka explore all these questions to understand the condition better.

    Topics discussed in this episode are:

    Why do most people face issues with Thyroid gland

    The foundations of Circadian Rhythm

    The lifestyle changes that can cure thyroid

    Ayurvedic medicines & Case Studies of Thyroid

    Types of Thyroid

    The difference between hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism

    The possibility of reversing Thyroid

    The connection of thyroid and emotional baggages

    Diet concerns for people suffering with Thyroid

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • If you are active in the wellness space, you would have definitely come across the concept of inner child healing and the adverse effects of childhood trauma. While healing from their own childhood baggage, most new parents are also struggling to ensure they do not repeat the same patterns of what was done to them. But what exactly should a parent do or not do?

    In this episode, Dr Vignesh is interviewing Swati Jagdish on what exactly conscious parenting is. Together, they explore how to build responsive communication at home, navigate meal-time struggles, the ABCs of handling tantrums and rage attacks of kids and more.

    Swati is a lactation educator and counsellor with specialization in Gentle and Respectful parenting approach. You can reach her at https://www.instagram.com/mayas_amma/?hl=en

    The topics discussed in this episode are:

    The need for conscious parenting in the 21st Century

    How to teach responsive communication in everyday activities

    How to navigate through meal-time struggles

    The ABCs of handling tantrums and rage attacks of kids

    The start of mind-body connections and healthy boundaries for a 6-month-old

    The damaging outcomes of Force-eating and screen time on a child

    How to build the blocks of Awareness and power of ‘no’ for a child

    How to deal with bullying and bullies with your children

    Friends or Parents - the wiser way of parenting

    Why do children lie to their parents? And how do we undo these patterns?

    Infusing the understanding of safe touch, safe space and safe boundaries

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • Burnout is not at all about working too hard, it is actually rooted in conflict of values and difficulty integrating with the ecosystem you are part of. You are, in essence, doing the wrong thing at the wrong place. Understanding this is the first step towards coming out of burn out, followed by setting up a routine, deep rest and nourishment.

    In today’s episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj deep dives into understanding what burnout is and how to recover from it. Tune in to know more.

    The topics discussed in this episode are:

    What is burnout?

    Conflict of values and burnout

    Friction with your environment in burnout

    Perceived helplessness in burnout

    Decision-making and burn out

    Role of routine and rest in recovery from burnout.

    Consultation: If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj
    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In today’s episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj talks about the importance of creating mental health awareness for men. It is a commonly seen phenomenon that most conversations around physical health, mental health and holistic practices are more popular among women, than men. While women are naturally more conscious about their health, men seem to be missing the call to action. In this episode, Dr Vignesh shares his thoughts on why this is happening and how we can create a change.

    The topics discussed in this episode are:

    The disparity between health consciousness in men and women

    Male perspective of Health and Illness

    An evolutionary perspective of communication in men and women

    Importance of Communication, Vulnerability and Safe Spaces

    The role of upbringing and environment

    Importance of dealing with “inner loneliness”

    Addictions and other unhealthy coping mechanisms

    Connection between mental health and physical health

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In today’s episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj is interviewing Effath Yasmin , a biodynamic craniosacral therapist, lactation consultant and a Bach Flower Practitioner. While tracing her own journey that helped her in identifying her calling, this episode explores the amount of misinformation, lack of awareness and support system that young mothers face in their breastfeeding journey. We also deep dive into understanding each of these modalities to know how they can help and support mothers in their journey.

    The topics discussed in this episode are:

    Challenges faced by young mothers in their breastfeeding journey

    Lack of education and awareness about childbirth and lactation

    Identifying and healing from tongue-tie in newborns

    Emotional Challenges and and guilt around lactation challenges

    Healing from Birth Trauma & Freeze with craniosacral therapy

    You can reach Effath Yasmin at https://www.nourishandnurture.in/

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In today’s episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj talks about a highly underrated, but the most critical skill needed in the 21st century - Emotional Intelligence. To be able to understand what emotional intelligence is, and how to develop it, the episode dives into understanding what emotions actually are, and why we need emotional intelligence.

    The topics discussed in this episode are:

    What are emotions?

    Where do we go wrong when it comes to emotional regulation?

    What is emotional intelligence?

    The connection between emotional health and physical health

    Processing guilt, sadness and disappointment

    Understanding “Viveka”

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In today’s episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj addresses the common issue of constant nose blockage. Although seemingly harmless, this condition affects a lot of people, leading to sleepless nights, tired mornings and fatigue. If you have a dependency on nasal sprays to breathe freely, this episode can help you understand how to reverse this condition through nutrition, exercise and treatments.

    The topics discussed in this episode are:

    What causes blocked nose?

    Foods that increase mucus production

    Therapies that can help clear your nose

    Breathing better with exercise

    Lifestyle practices to clear nasal congestion

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In this episode, Dr. Vignesh Devraj is interviewing Ashish Jaiswal, an educationist and the author of True Dummy, Fluid and How to Reform a Business School. Together, they explore the flaws in our current education model that deters children from being curious, scares them of failure and lacks the possibility for exploring. The episode also explores what it means to be an educated mind, the need for holistic growth and how the future will possibly look like.

    The topics discussed in this podcast are:

    Exploring the current redundant education system

    Defining what true education means

    Identifying the systemic manipulation and the pressure put on children

    Redefining failure as curiosity

    Creating a new paradigm of holistic growth

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In this episode, Dr. Vignesh Devraj is interviewing Dr John Demartini, a human behavior expert and internationally published author on the concept of human value system. Together, they dive deep into understanding the origin of our values systems, the impact of it on our actions and decode how to make new associations to design a better life.

    The topics discussed in this podcast are:

    What is a value system?

    What is the origin of our value systems?

    Can we reprogram our value system to design a better life?

    Correlations between burnout and acting against our value systems

    The importance of having our priorities right

    Dr. John Demartini's mission and vision is to share knowledge and wisdom that empowers you to become a master of your own life and destiny. He's an internationally published author, a global educator and the founder of the Demartini Method, a revolutionary tool in modern psychology.

    He can be reached at:

    Website -https://drdemartini.com/

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In today’s episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj breaks down the myth around the most popular Ayurvedic suggestion - Should you only drink hot water according to Ayurveda? If you enjoy a glass of chill water once in a while, and are worried about doing it, check out the podcast to know our perspective.

    The topics discussed in this episode are:

    Does Ayurveda suggest drinking only hot water?

    Benefits of hot water

    Is drinking chilled water okay?

    When does chilled water cause issues?

    How much water should you drink?

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • In this episode, Dr. Vignesh Devraj is interviewing Pooja Ajwani, an integrative nutritionist who guides women to naturally balance their hormones with the right food, supplements, rest and emotional well-being. In this episode, we discuss one of the most intriguing chapters in a woman’s life cycle - Menopause.

    The topics discussed in this podcast are:

    Understanding Menopause

    Charting a timeline of different phases in a women’s life cycle

    Symptoms of Peri-menopause and Menopause

    Practices that can help you have a smooth transition during your menopause

    Integrating Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama for recovery

    Pooja Ajwani brings together a variety of practices that effectively help women in managing their PCOS and infertility issues, and recover naturally. Her integrative approach involves identifying the imbalances in each person and customising a plan in their recovery.

    She can be reached at:

    Website - https://womenwellnessfirst.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/womenwellnessfirst/

    If you are interested in doing one on one ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link -


    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (Link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.