
  • Don't be lazy because of the freedom that comes from being a business owner or your own boss.

    Don't Be Lazy: You Can Do More

    Most people do not do enough. The evidence for this is all the time people waste performing non-important, unurgent tasks such as watching TikTok, doom-scrolling through Twitter, or binge-watching Netflix.

    Do not build walls around your time that should not exist. "It's unhealthy to work on the weekend" or "I deserve to not work on the weekend" can be the difference between your business succeeding and growing or failing.

    You have more time than you think. You can do more than you think. This does not mean that you do not enjoy time with your family or in leisure activities. People, however, by and large, are too lazy. People generally do less than they can.

    Don't Be Lazy Because of Your Freedom

    Business owners and the self-employed enjoy the freedom to set their own schedules and choose how to spend their time. This may be the single greatest aspect of starting a business or being your own boss.

    If you give in to your worst tendencies, however, you will not do enough. You will choose laziness.

    Matt, for example, gets up early to complete urgent tasks when no one else is awake. He does this on the weekend as well, which leaves him ready to perform on Monday as the CEO. He does not begin work Monday morning having to catch up on email.

    Don't let freedom lead to laziness. Don't be lazy, but rather do the work.

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • A powerlifting meet gives lifters and coaches an opportunity for performance under pressure. Learn the whys, hows, and whats of powerlifting meets. Learn about this and the exciting new International Barbell Federation (IBF).

    Powerlifting Meets for Everyday Lifters

    You don't have to be a 700 lb deadlifter to benefit from a strengthlifting meet.

    People of all ages and backgrounds have found the purpose-organizing power of signing up for and preparing for a meet.

    Putting the meet on the calendar gives a time and place where you need to perform. It helps you organize your training, eating, even vacations and such around this.

    Sometimes, this is not appropriate. You might not want to schedule this when life is throwing you severe involuntary hardship.

    Still, novices and experienced lifters, young and elderly, the painfully average or elite can benefit from adding this to their training. As a coach, the best way to get better at helping lifters at meets is to have your lifters go through meets. Second best way is going through a meet yourself.

    Powerlifting Meet: The Power of the Platform

    Beyond the training-organizing function, the environment of a meet - especially an in-person meet - is powerful.

    People regularly experience PRs as they get cheered on.

    On the other hand, the unique elements of a meet can throw people curve balls. You have judges and an open platform (as opposed to staring at a wall). You have less control over when you lift and have weird equipment and clothing. Judges may give you commands. You have to handle emotions.

    With all this, it is certainly an experience worth having under your belt as a lifter and coach.

    Try a powerlifting meet or strengthlifting meet, so you can perform under pressure.

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
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  • Pick your battles for tranquility, happiness, peace, & prosperity. Assume the best in others, and work toward goal accomplishment.

    Pick Your Battles: Cool, Calm, Collected

    Someone in the All In conference Matt, Niki, Andrew, & Josh recently attended said "that's below my line."

    What does this mean? It means certain things should be below "your line" that stirs up your anger.

    Of course, anger is an emotion, and emotions arise sometimes whether you want them to or not. That being said, you should avoid outrage culture, and if you find yourself dominated by your passions, you should step back and deal with it.

    Matt has identified that addressing a situation in anger almost never works out well. This does not just mean yelling or punishment, but even talking in anger - it usually does not come off well.

    If accomplishing the goal is the goal, and anger does not help, then don't lean into the anger. Acknowledge, overcome, and try to make peace.

    Pick Your Battles: Assume the Best

    One component of picking your battles is assuming the best in others, especially others who have built up a level of trust with you.

    You cannot be in a healthy relationship with your spouse or really any other important person in your life if you assume the worst possible motives for their actions.

    Reach out to the other person and listen. Winning an argument or seeking to dominate conversation is not a good way to reach understanding or peace.

    Pick your battles, seek peace, and overcome anger and other passions.

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Why participate in barbell competition, and if you decide to compete how do you approach it. Learn about this and the exciting new International Barbell Federation (IBF).

    Barbell Competition Benefits

    Andrew interviews Jordan Stanton, owner of Next Level Barbell and the Strength Union, both in or around Portland, OR, as well as former owner of the United States Strengthlifting Federation (USSF). As a gym owner, in-person coach, online coach, lifting federation owner, and competitive lifter, he has experienced barbell competition in all its aspects.

    Why compete?

    Competition focuses lifters' training, organizing it around a purpose connected to time. It also provides some motivation, not only mentally because the meet is on the calendar, but also to train hard and take recovery seriously.

    Consider participating in an online or in-person meet, regardless of your training level.

    Barbell Competition Tips & General Approach

    Generally, you want to taper before a meet and practice heavy singles. You definitely need to be familiar with the rules of the meet. Having a coach can really help here.

    For many, though, the most important thing is not stressing about the meet or how you do but simply experiencing the meet. Lift heavy as people cheer you on. See how all the different rules and aspects of a meet change your lifting and your training leading up to your programming.

    Barbell Competition Online

    The USSF went online during Covid. Now, the USSF has been reflagged and is the International Barbell Federation (IBF).

    If you're seeing this before or in October 2024, sign up for the online meet from October 9-20, 2024.

    You can do a powerlifting version (squat, bench press, deadlift) or strengthlifting version (squat, overhead press, deadlift).

    Make sure you read the rules and ensure you execute accordingly the day you lift.

    An online meet is a great lower stress way to compete in your normal environment, not having to take a day out to go somewhere and spend most of the day competing.

    Consider participating in barbell competition as part of your overall training approach, even if just one time.

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Learn how many go from client to coach, crushing the client life cycle. This is Micaela Bickel's story.

    Client to Coach: Fitness to Strength

    Barbell Logic has identified a somewhat typical progression among a cohort of its clientele. These folks go from fan to strength client to Academy client to coach using TurnKey Coach.

    Micaela Bickel followed this path.

    She began more in the fitness space, programming circuits and endurance. Barbells were sprinkled in.

    Despite her skepticism and fears, training with barbells produced the results she wanted and not only did not hurt her back but actually helped her back.

    She attended a seminar and left humbled but ready to pivot to strength-based training for both herself and her clients.

    Client to Coach: The Business of Coaching

    She soon found the Academy and learned many of the practical and academic things it teaches. Despite having an exercise science degree, she derived a huge value from the academy.

    She opened a gym in February 2023. That was a steeper learning curve.

    She learned as she went, though the Academy also not spends more time addressing the business of coaching.

    Her first important transition was from charging per session to charging monthly. Soon thereafter, she moved to a hybrid model of coaching, where clients receive usually 2-3 months of in-person coaching from her and then are moved to online through TurnKey Coach.

    This has increased her ability to coach more clients and decreased her time at work.

    The way TKC measures progress and PRs has encouraged compliance, and clients are able to train while away from the gym (and Micaela can coach away from the gym).

    Learn about Micaela's story from client to coach and how she crushed the client life cycle.

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • When you know you have a good product, service, or solution, you have unshakeable confidence. How do you develop this? Learn what this is and how you develop it!

    Unshakeable Confidence: Is It Possible & What Is It?

    Andrew saw a video of someone handing out bags of money and reacting to people accepting or not accepting it.

    Seems pretty crazy, to turn a bag of money, right!?

    Now, in a big city, we can acknowledge that people might not fully understand what is going on, might be skeptical, and other reasons may exist. But in a situation this obvious - do you want free money? - the person handing it out is not insulted if you turn it down.

    Why? Well, because this person is delivering such obvious value.

    Andrew realized that when you know you have a good product, good service, good solution, this is how you react to rejection. You don't get incredibly defensive or emotional. You might take it as a learning opportunity.

    While you want to spread the word about the good thing you have, your emotions are not so wrapped up in defending the value because you know, deep down, this thing has value.

    Unshakeable Confidence: How to Develop It

    Be honest with yourself and invest in ability, integrity, and benevolence. If the product needs work, be honest with yourself. That might be part of your pitch and you should charge accordingly.

    For example, if you are trying to become a coach, you might initially charge nothing or very little and pitch it as something that will likely provide them value while allowing you to improve your coaching. If they receive value, request a testimonial.

    Pick something that keeps you curious, and grow and expand your limits within that thing. Improve your craft. Improvement requires honesty, because you have to acknowledge your deficiencies and work to improve those areas.

    When it comes to sales, this will look like not being obsessed with closing the sale, but rather offering a service where you help the other make a decision. Occasionally, it will not be a good fit. That's okay. Do not force something bad when it does not make sense.

    Develop unshakeable confidence and then deliver.

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Learn how to avoid, identify, and get out of occupational burnout. Like overtraining, this is better to avoid then dig yourself out of.

    Burnout: Definition & Identification

    This is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. It comes from doing too much for too long, especially too many urgent things. Some people have performed some great feats of endurance in their lives, but they often focus on the important, not the urgent.

    You will experience a lack of desire to work, even with things that used to motivated and excited you. It will affect all areas of your life.

    There is a clear parallel with overtraining. Overtraining is actually less common than most people think, but if you become overtrained it is debilitating. Overtraining and becoming burned out are better to avoid than dig yourself out of.

    Burnout: Avoidance versus Digging Yourself Out

    This is one of those instances when important things become urgent. You drown in an overwhelming amount of urgency for too long, and you will have to confront it. It is better to get out in front of it.

    Ensure that you are making time for the important. You are taking days off and there are things you do unrelated to the urgent every day.

    Take care of your health always: physical, medical, spiritual, psychological, social.

    Do not medicate with activities that can exacerbate the problem, such as alcohol or other drugs, unhealthy foods, empty pleasures, risky behaviors, or excessive spending or gambling.

    To dig yourself out will require more work and greater effort than if you had never found yourself burned out in the first place. And, of course, some people never dig themselves out.

    Avoid burnout, but reach out for help if you find yourself burned out.

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Stronger means harder to kill, more able to fulfill your work and domestic obligations, and more useful overall.

    Listen to Matt's talk to the Tactical Response alumni. This group of people cares about being prepared, protecting themselves and their loved ones, and more capable overall. If they are weak, however, they have a gap, and they need to be stronger. This applies to you too.

    Stronger Means Harder to Kill

    Would you like to be harder to kill, more resilient, healthier, and more useful overall or softer, easier to kill, more susceptible to death and sickness, and a burden on others?

    If you're weak, you have a gap that needs to be addressed. You need to get stronger.

    Getting stronger is brutally simple. Eschew complication, follow the simple, hard, effective way. Receive the greatest return investment for your time and effort by following basic barbell movements such as the squat, bench press, deadlift, and press.

    Strength is about overcoming cancer, staying out of a nursing home, becoming a better father or mother. It is about building the confidence to regularly do hard things, and to be more prepared when involuntary hardship comes.

    Act now! Exercise today and work toward training to get stronger and harder to kill.

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Learn when to break the rules and when to follow them. Generally, you follow the rules, but not always.

    When to Break the Rules: Increase Speed & Decrease Costs

    In many industries and organizations, there are general guidelines, rules, or ways of doing things. You may learn, early on, that generally, for example, employees should have one manager only or that you should never divide your forces in the face of a larger force.

    Great victories and advantages, however, lie in consciously not following these rules.

    For start up companies, your advantages over larger companies come from nimbleness and low costs. When you start your business, you are the technician, the manager, and the owner. You wear all the hats.

    You will hire employees, and they will begin to take some of those hats.

    Do not, however, force your people and processes under principles that slow you down or increase your costs.

    As you scale, you will reach higher level nodes where payroll will increase. As you do this, profitability may decrease as you take on more people, but then it will improve as you improve and grow at that node.

    Move fast and move cheap. Know when to break the rules and knowingly break them for the good of your business (when it makes sense).

    PS - This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • We cover the good, the bad, and the ugly in the recent games in this 2024 Olympics Wrap-Up. 2024 Olympics Wrap-Up: the Impressive & the Controversial

    You have to admit it, Olympians' performances are impressive.

    The amount of work over years and decades is immense. Genetic gifts abound, but so do mindset and work ethic abilities.

    Olympians' RPE 10 is not the same as our RPE 10.

    We value voluntary hardship and appreciate what the human body can do. We stand in awe of the excellence on display in the Olympics, but rather than demotivate us it inspires us. In some small way, we get to participate in the same pursuit to not accept mediocrity and burdening others, but improving ourselves.

    Enjoy this 2024 Olympics Wrap-Up!

    PS - If you're interested in taking online coaching with Barbell Logic for a test run, check it out here.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Learn about the ultimate time efficiency hack - the pomodoro. This ultimate productivity is a game changer those those urgent & important tasks you don't really want to do. Get them done faster, so you have more time for those important tasks you want to do.

    Time Efficiency Hack: The Pomodoro

    You have tasks you need to do but you do not want to do. It might be something on the computer for work. It might be a manual labor task, such as fixing the lawn mower.

    We can find ways to sabotage our own intentions unconsciously with distractions.

    A pomodoro is a set period of time (you might start with 25 minutes) where you focus on only one task with no distractions or context switches.

    When you are done with the pomodoro, you take a break. The break is important. Go to the bathroom, stretch your legs, get some sun, quickly chat with someone.

    The goal is to be able to do more back-to-back pomodoros and have the pomodoros be longer.

    Matt will often have a notepad next to him with a pen. If some random idea comes in his mind that he does not want to forget, such as "I need to buy cilantro at the grocery store," he just quickly writes down "cilantro" and then continues on his task.

    Chris recommends for those distracted by noises to get foam ear plugs and white noise headphones.

    It might seem not fun to buckle down and get the work done, but see how much faster you get the work done and how much more time you have to do other things.

    Try this time efficiency hack, this ultimate productivity tool, this effectiveness game changer - the pomodoro.

    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Back pain for lifters can be scary & frustrating & varies in severity. Learn the causes, treatments, approaches, & red flags as a lifter and coach.

    Rebekah Krieg, Exclusive Coach & former long-time physical therapist, discusses back pain, how to approach it as a lifter and coach, and red flags contraindicate training.

    Back Pain for Lifters: Part of the Human Experience

    Back pain happens.

    Whether an MRI of your back would look "normal" or "bad," back pain seems to be part of the human experience for those who exercise and train and those who do not.

    It is better, all things being equal, to train and strengthen your low back. A strong back is a resilient low back.

    Back pain comes in many intensities and durations, from the short-term tweaks, to the multi-month or year variety, to chronic back pain.

    As lifters and coaches, we have to approach back pain with some flexibility but basic principles, an openness to refer out, active listening to our clients.

    Back Pain for Lifters: Treatments & Approaches

    The general approach is to focus on what you can do.

    If a lifter experiences a tweak during the workout, a general approach is to do the following:

    reduce load first next, reduce range of motion next, vary the exercise selection be prepared to end the workout

    As a coach, do not encourage or support client catastrophizing. Training curious, see what works. Even if the workout has to be ended, most likely the client will feel better after a day or two and with something easy movements like bending over at the waist to get blood flowing into the back.

    Motion is lotion.

    For someone with new back that comes in, encourage them to see how the back feels after a warm up (and likely a slower, longer warm up). If they are still not feeling good, than follow the steps above. Often times, though, they will feel better after a warm up.

    If someone comes in with chronic back pain, they are used to back pain. Focus on excellent technique and be more conservative with them. Ensure that the back pain does not get worse, and see if it gets better. Communication will be critical, and you may include a back pain metric that helps you and the client ensure pain monitoring is a regular part of the coaching process.

    If the back pain is bad and normal enough, they might never do the conventional deadlift. Focus on what they can do. If the conventional deadlift or low bar squat causes significant pain or things to get worse, it does not make sense to force them into these movement patterns.

    Back Pain for Lifters: Red Flags that Contraindicate Training

    Sometimes, clients should not even warm up. If the client reports any sudden loss of function since the back pain, this contraindicates training. Below is a longer list:

    lack of bowel control sexual dysfunction bilateral pain loss of motor function (e.g. foot drop)

    Do NOT let them warm up. They need to go to the doctor.

    Bekah even has said that she has had to fire a client who would not follow her recommendations and guidelines for lifting and would not see a doctor. This may be the kindest thing you can do to them.

    What type of glaring signal might it send to someone that a coach will no longer take their money unless they change their behaviors?

    Back pain for lifters and coaches can be frustrating and scary. Do not catastrophize, follow some basic steps and principles, and do not be afraid to refer out to another healthcare professional.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Leverage education to identify your constraints. Put things you learn into action, and build trust as a business owner with content that leads to conversions.

    Leverage Education: Put Insights Into Action As a Content Consumer

    You almost certainly consume content in some form. Free or cheap content abounds: podcasts, social media, YouTube, reels, articles, books, audiobooks.

    You should be consuming and encountering meaningful, challenging, useful content. You should constantly be learning.

    That being said, too many people do not put lessons learn into action. Don't be one of these people. Then, your education is really just infotainment.

    You do not improve yourself or your business by knowing more but by improving yourself and your business by changing your habits and applying the insights you learn from these educational resources.

    Leverage Education: Build Trust to Create Leads & Conversions as a Content Creator

    Some businesses focus on monetizing content and making money through content.

    That is not Barbell Logic, and that is not most businesses.

    Content is a means to build trust and demonstrate value and expertise. Potential clients (leads) consume your content, they become warm leads, and eventually some of these people will purchase your products or services.

    For example, Matt has purchased Alex Hormozi's books (which are cheap) and watched some of his free online content. Because of the value he has gleaned from this, he was willing to pay more to attend an intensive in-person seminar.

    Why? Because the free and cheap content, and Matt and Barbell Logic's application of the lessons contained in that content, have provided value. Matt was willing to invest more deeply in a higher level of service with a higher price point because of this trust from previous experiences with the content.

    How are you building trust with your potential customers?

    Leverage education and build trust.

    Leverage Education to Identify Your Constraints

    Barbell Logic used the seminar, and has used free and cheap content from Hormozi and acquisition.com to identify constraints within the business and levers to pull that will provide the most return for the least effort, time, and money.

    Sounds a lot like MED (not on accident)!

    MED does not mean do the least you can. It means valuing your time, money, and effort to get the biggest return on investment you can. It applies the law of diminishing returns. It asks, if you can add 5 pounds to your squat every 2-3 days with 1 set of 5 repetitions of the deadlift, why would you do a program that involves 3x5 or 5x5?

    Leverage education to identify constraints and improve yourself and your business.

    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Take action and train because time & strength wait for no one. Get the most out of your training, & don't spend any more time without barbell training.

    Take Action and Train: Time & Strength Waits for No One

    Time is our most valuable asset because we can never earn more of it. We can make changes to make more money. We cannot make changes to earn more time (though we can make changes to spend our time in more valuable ways).

    You do not want to spend another year, month, week, or even day without moving toward your health and fitness goals. You do not want to be ten years older having not trained. Not only will you be no closer to your goals, you may be further away. Furthermore, you will have lost ten years' time to train and reap those benefits.

    But there is no better time to begin training than now. Make the change now. If you're short on time, that is no problem: spend time with simple, hard, effective training that delivers the minimum effective dose for maximum return on investment.

    Take Action and Train: MED Strength Training for Maximum Value

    You get no better return on your investment of time and effort than using compound barbell movements, such as the squat, press, deadlift, and bench press.

    Too many people - especially template peddlers - know because all they are selling is a program, they need to show off by including complexity and many exercise. Because of this, these programs often take 2-3 hours and have needless complexity, as it looks like you received more value with the longer, more complex workouts.

    Simple, hard, effective is the way. If you're extremely limited on time, you may even simply perform one exercise a day.

    You don't know how much benefit you can get from how little time. It is not easy, but it is simple. It is brutally simple and brutally effective.

    Take action and train today.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Matt talks to Greg Hess, who is implementing simple, hard, effective strength training at West Point.

    Strength Training at West Point: Simple, Hard, Effective

    Greg Hess is an instructor and athletic trainer at West Point. In this role, he has a host of responsibilities, including immediate treatment of injuries, overseeing mandatory physical training of all cadets during their cadet basic training, and leading an elective course on compound barbell lifts.

    Really, what he is doing, in his roles, is trying to spread the benefits of simple, hard, effective training.

    During basic training, he exposes cades to the deadlift and bench press, despite the limited time.

    In his elective, however, he has more time to instruct technique on the four main lifts, along with the power clean and power snatch. Cadets also learn how to coach other cadets.

    This is a good thing. Cadets at the United States Military Academy (West Point) are being exposed to simple, hard, effective strength training.

    Learn about something exciting that is going on at West Point.

    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

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    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Tackling tweaks can be terrifying. You're lifting and suddenly - OUCH - pain. We discuss how to handle these tweaks. Tackling Tweaks: Don't Catastrophize

    You're lifting, all is going well, then suddenly you feel pain.

    What do you do? How do you handle this? Why me, why now!?

    It can be easy to catastrophize, to immediately assume the worst.

    The reality is, your workout may be over, it may not be, you may be able to do something. You want to do what you can do, and most tweaks may affect one or two workouts but will have a quick return to normal.

    Tackling Tweaks: Step-by-Step

    Andrew & Niki break down how Niki dealt with a recent adductor tweak and how this can apply to similar situations for you.

    Evaluate for red flags Calm down Check for range of motion Incrementally start loading it

    The first two steps may be interchangeable, but first check in with your body. Do you feel tingling? Is there bruising or swelling? Is it unilateral or bilateral? If you feel tingling or see bruising or swelling, it is more than a tweak.

    Depending on how you are feeling, you may need to calm down. This may involve sitting or walking around.

    Check for range of motion. Move into a position of discomfort and see if it gets better or worse. Stop if it gets worse.

    Then, assuming you encounter no red flags, begin to load incrementally. It is probably a good idea to do the movement slow and controlled - maybe a tempo variation with a pause. You may adjust the movement to limit the involvement of the muscle that hurts.

    Winning may look like getting some movement done - it will likely not look like getting the programmed workout done.

    Tackling tweaks does not have to be terrifying. Learn how.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Not all metrics are created equal. Learn about the hierarchy of metrics, including targets to improve (TTIs) & key performance indicators (KPIs) and ensure you are measuring what matters.

    Not All Metrics Are Created Equal: TTIs & KPIs

    Two main categories of metrics exist to help measure progress toward strategic goals and gauge the health of the company: targets to improve (TTIs) and key performance indicators (KPIs).

    TTIs are your top set of metrics, which have to directly impact your strategic priorities. Your strategic priorities need to align with your tenets and core values.

    If these metrics improve, you have moved closer to or met your strategic priorities. These are not monthly or quarterly (though you measure them monthly and quarterly and probably more often than that) but likely annual priorities and TTIs.

    KPIs are snapshots of the health of the company. If they improve, they should help your TTIs and strategic priorities (for the most part).

    Often times, these are metrics that lower-level employees may care about. The CEO does not need to get into the weeds of Instagram post performance, for example, but the social media manager does.

    Some metrics will likely not move, but if they do move you need to identify why they moved (either to understand the success or address the underperformance).

    For Barbell Logic this might be churn. A good example in another industry is engine temperature in an airplane. This should remain constant, but if it starts to go up you need to address it quickly.

    Not All Metrics Are Created Equal: Hierarchy of Metrics

    What you measure focuses your attention, so pick your metrics carefully. The CEO should not be looking at 100s of metrics. Improvements in your TTIs must actually move you closer toward your strategic priorities.

    For example, if a strategic priority for you is to earn $50k in coaching revenue this year, revenue is a TTI. KPIs that align with this may be churn, clients, cold calls, and life time value of clients.

    Make sure your metrics align with your priorities and your priorities align with your values and tenets. Prioritize metrics: do not measure metrics just because you can.

    Not all metrics are created equal.

    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • How does consistency help us reach our goals? We explore the fundamental but undervalued lynchpin to success that is consistency. Consistency: Lynchpin for Success

    Repeated action brings you toward your goal. Obviously, if you want to learn Latin, you need to study Latin regularly - studying Mandarin Chinese will not help.

    That being said, a mediocre plan that you consistently follow is better than the "perfect" plan followed sporadically.

    Fitness influencers like to argue about the perfect program, the best exercises, the proper technique, and many other things. None of these things matter if you do not train regularly.

    The difficult part of this is that you have to put in the effort for a long time before seeing the results you want.

    Consistency: Compliance & Technique

    This is about actions, not outcome, though the actions bring you to your desired outcome.

    Compliance - following the actions that bring you toward your goal - does not mean following a rigid plan perfectly without any possibility or flexibility for deviation.

    Rather, it means regularly performing actions that bring you toward your goal no matter what. You train whether you are motivated or not. That may mean bodyweight exercises, shorter workouts, fewer workouts, but it means you do not "go dark" for periods of time.

    Consistency of technique, as it relates to strength pursuits, is also undervalued. Having a repeatable way to perform an exercise helps provide a clear measuring stick, let's you know if you completed a repetition or not, helps prevent injury, and targets the muscle groups as desired.

    Pursue consistency, because nothing matters as much as this.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Are you struggling to identify your core values? Use this bottom-up hack to identify your core values.

    Struggling to Identify Your Core Values!?

    Matt has heard that, despite his discuss on developing and defining your core values, and its importance, many are still struggling on how to actually get this done.

    Matt was working with leadership at Barbell Logic years back on a business trip, and he and the team identified that they needed to work to identify 5-year strategic priorities.

    They had extremely limited time, but using some simple techniques, they were able to establish Barbell Logic's tenets quickly, using a bottom-up approach and the pomodoro technique.

    Helpful Hack to Identify Your Core Values

    The team had hundreds of sticky notes and a blank wall in the AirBnB they were staying in. Separately, they each wrote down as many important tasks as they could think of.

    Once done, they stood back, and began to group them together. Groups became larger groups, as patterns emerged.

    What emerged from this process was the 4 tenets that Barbell Logic still has to this day: serve, grow, teach, steward.

    Another tool you can use to really identify which tasks you should stop and which you need to prioritize and protect, write down your tasks in the four quadrants of the Eisenhower matrix.

    These tips and tricks can help you if you are struggling to identify your core values.

    This podcast is brought to you by TurnKey Coach. Enhance your coaching effectiveness and efficiency with TurnKey Coach. You can learn more by going HERE.

    Check out Coaching 101 - the new Academy course designed to cover the basics of coaching. It's leaner and tighter than our other offerings (and cheaper).

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]
  • Learn how to get beyond the sticking points, where failure and quitting too often arise but opportunity and long-term success await those who intelligently persevere. Minimum Effective Action: Where is the Progress?

    PRs have stopped, you're not feeling as good as you had been, you'll not looking forward to your time in the gym like you had been.

    Sometimes it takes longer to realize than you would think, but suddenly you realize things are not going as you would like them to go (and as they had been before). What do you do?

    Because recovery is the limiting factor, it is helpful to think through different areas of your life that contribute to recovery and where you might be falling short or missing the mark:

    sleep (quality & quantity) eating (quality, quantity, consistency) alcohol protein routine (do you have one right now?) stress

    You will likely identify an area or multiple where you are not doing as well as you can. For example, maybe you've fallen out of your normal routine during the summer, partly by drinking more. The drinking has reduced your sleep quality and quantity and also your protein and fiber.

    Tightening things up, reducing alcohol, and reestablishing your routine can help.

    Minimum Effective Action: Consistency & Path of Least Resistance

    Identifying the path forward when you want to make changes can be hard. Really, the simple, hard, effective way is the way forward. Focus on one or two things, and do them consistently.

    The change needs to be something you can see yourself doing indefinitely. IT needs to become a habit, so that when you do not have discipline OR motivation, it is the easy thing to do.

    For example, for Andrew and Niki they feel bad when they do not work or they eat bad food. It has become easy for them to eat healthier and train because otherwise they very quickly identify they feel bad and see the negative consequences.

    Take the minimum effective action to reach your goals.

    Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.

    Get Matched with a Professional Strength Coach today for FREE!
    No contract with us, just commitment to yourself: Start experiencing strength now: https://store.barbell-logic.com/match/
    Connect with the hosts Matt on Instagram Niki on Instagram Andrew on Instagram Connect with the show Barbell Logic on Instagram Podcast Webpage Barbell Logic on Facebook Or email [email protected]