
  • Humans have been "trying to figure it all out" for a while now...

    The most important thing about this podcast episode with highly qualified coach and excellent human, Vix Anderton, is that it comes at a time when so many could do with an injection of hope.

    The balance of self-work and bigger picture system change are very alive for a lot of us right now.

    But how can we mitigate the overwhelm? We are only human. We are but dust.

    We recently ran a BBB Tools & Techniques workshop just for coaches (available on demand for BBB members) about 'Cyclical Living' with Vix. This podcast episode is about that subject... and so much more.

    Recently, Vix - an ex-military, recovering perfectionist, has been thinking a lot about the importance of PURPOSE... or, indeed, the importance of not necessarily having one.

    Her first book, Enough, is "an imperfect antidote to perfectionism". And now she is embarking on a second... listen to this episode to hear all about what she's cooking up. It's going to be another banger, no doubt.

    Whilst arguably IMperfect, Vix's writing, which recently has been focused on themes such as "an alternative approach to discipline", NOT reaching your goals and "leaning into mystery" is pretty damn impressive/permissive/refreshing.

    Earth yourself in a moment of realistic optimism and consider creating positive change - both individually and collectively - without a rigid plan.

    P.S. If you want a pretty good idea of what perfect MIGHT look like, were there such a thing, do check out Vix's website - from the 'look and feel 'of it to the delightfully-to-the-point blog headlines, it's a great example of where coaching and marketing make magic happen.

  • Are you a coach who is really struggling to "put yourself" out there in the world?
    Is there a voice in your head (that perhaps harks back to your childhood) that is telling you that everything you need to produce has to be perfect before you share it?
    Are you convinced people are not interested? Scared of rejection? Worried about what people will think of you? Embarrassed about (being seen to want to be) taking centre stage?
    If you've read thus far, you are - what we call in the Better Bolder Braver community - "Problem Aware". YOU are not the problem... the problem is the hold up at your end. And the JUDGEMENT about that hold up!
    Please - give yourself a break. Put your feed up. And have a listen to our resident Mindfulness Coach, Alex "mindfulskills" Irving, sharing and caring all about what you - as a fellow coach - can do to befriend yourself and your relationship with what we are calling here your "Inner Critic".
    The aim of the BBB game is to provide coaches with a safe and compassionate community within which we can play with, and practice, putting ourselves and our services out there with great clarity, confidence and joy.
    Alongside technical tools and strategies for doing good, ethical marketing, we hold each other kindly - and to account - for taking our goodness out to the world, so that we - and "Our People" can benefit from this work.
    "We are not for everyone" - says Marketing Godfather, Seth Godin... and that's OK".

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  • So many people that were looking to pivot their career thanks to Lockdown trained to become a coach.

    And sadly, a significant number of them then got caught up with some seriously dubious marketing advice and services.

    It is totally unsurprising, therefore, that Chelle Douglas (now safely in the BBB community) was one of them.

    Having to think creatively about what to do when her previous line of work became unviable in its current format, Chelle trained with one of the most well-known coaching training providers. But when she qualified, she felt lost and unsure as to what she was supposed to do next to get her business and good name out there. A familiar story.

    Along came a seemingly reliable marketing outfit that promised to show her how to get loads of clients pretty quickly and - you guessed it - to "10 x her income".

    She followed all their (farcical) advice and... Nothing.

    So they tried to get her to pay them even more money (her original investment being no less than £5K... she could have been in the BBB community for more than 8 years for that amount of money!)

    But she's not bitter. Thankfully Chelle is a brilliant, intelligent, optimistic and resourceful coach and mother of three children. So she picked herself up, dusted herself off and carried on looking for a way to grow her coaching business.

    She's very kindly offered up this candid account of what happened so as to help prevent other, newly qualified coaches from being brainwashed and taken advantage of.

    Please do have a listen and kindly share this with fellow coaching students, your coaching training providers, accreditation bodies and anyone else that you think needs to steer clear or could do with feeling that they are not alone.

    I am incredibly grateful to Chelle for her generosity here, and so happy she is now safely in the BBB community and working with me on a 121 basis.

  • The BBB Podcast is back!And here's the latest episode, which is all about... PODCASTING!

    In this jovial chat - designed for any people-helpers out there looking to do good, ethical marketing - we give you a raw and ready-to-help rundown of how to go about doing podcasting properly, how to repurpose the content and be inspired by ideas about creating conversations with your "low hanging fruit".

    BBB "in-house" podcasting and email marketing expert, Mark Steadman, is all about how to organically grow your followers and build great relationships with them across your podcast and/or email platforms.

    This is a great episode to listen to if you are thinking about your ideal client and who you want to surround yourself with.Better Bolder Braver Tools & Techniques workshops are open to community members as well as all "people-helpers" more widely who are interested to join BBB and do good ethical marketing.

    The corresponding podcast episodes are designed to compliment these workshops - with each host being a guest on the pod.If you are not a member of the BBB community and so missed the workshop, here's your opportunity to not miss out!

    Register for our next Tools & Techniques workshop here

  • Nearly three years ago, BBB Community Mentor, Kieran Morris, joined a fledging community for coaches on a hunch that it might be just what he was looking for.

    He'd already spent time and money on many of the magical silver bullet solutions out there – outsourcing his social media to an agency, trying out a 'bulletproof lead gen' strategy, signing up for those seminars that promise to teach you how to win at LinkedIn.

    He truly hated them all – the strategies, not the people – and had rarely felt so little alignment with my own values and vision.

    Finding Better Bolder Braver made it feel as though a door had been opened to another world for Kieran. He met people he loved, formed deep friendships, collaborated, get clearer on his coaching offering and became less attached to the idea of what it is to market oneself as a coach.

    Kieran is now working for that very community as a Mentor, alongside his friend and fellow community old-timer, Ellie Lloyd-Jones.

    Both felt that that they wanted to offer their expertise and lived experience back to the others with whom they share this inspriing space.

    On this podcast episode, Kieran and Ellie chat about their plans for a new offering in the BBB community.

    Their new sessions - 'Know Yourself' and 'Show Yourself' - will run alongside the existing curriculum, and will give space for members to explore the depth and breadth of what it is to put ourselves out there – emotionally and practically.

  • In this honest conversation, Simon and I tell you why Simon is leaving Better Bolder Braver, and what exciting things are up next for them and also for the BBB community, which continues to thrive. I announce three big bits of news for the future of BBB and, together, Simon and I look back on what has been a remarkable and very rewarding journey having built this community together.This is an exciting moment for us both, apart and together!

  • It is with great joy that I announce a new and wonderful era of collaboration and cheerleading for Better Bolder Braver. I am very pleased to share with you that two of our longest-standing community members, ⁠Ellie Lloyd-Jones ⁠and ⁠Kieran Morris⁠ - two of the most delightful beings there are out there - will be stepping up to help mentor new members.

    Having worked their way through the community's signature Coach's Marketing Journey course themselves, and having now built wonderful coaching businesses that continue to grow, they are in a great position to help me guide others along the way. In this brief video, we tell you all about how this new collaboration will work and announce some new sessions for the BBB calendar to complement the existing live sessions - all for the same community membership price of £50 a month... Despite rising costs of living, it's important to me and other community members that we keep our space open and affordable for other coaches on a similar journey in building their businesses.

    I will be talking more, moving forward, about how other BBB members are becoming marketing experts, stepping up to support and collaborating to help others to build resilient and sustainable coaching businesses.

    Ellie, Kieran and I very much hope you will taken advantage of the 2-week community trial period and join us in time for the first of the next Coach's Marketing Journey Check-in sessions on Tuesday 24th April 2024.

    Join Better Bolder Braver before April 24th 2024:


  • Joe Portsmouth has 51.3K Followers on X (formerly Twitter), 15K email subscribers and 26K followers on Linkedin.The headline for his newsletter - Write-On - is, "Hulk Smash Your Revenue Goals With Mouth-Watering Copy (Even if you think your writing sucks).In this conversation, Frances and Joe talk about Joe's course, The Storywriting Playbook - Joe's 5-step approach for writing compelling stories in copywriting that has helped him generate over $50,000,000 in revenue.The also talk about The Journey of Consciousness, ethical marketing, how learning how to tell stories can boost your confidence more widely, and how business use stories for good.If you'd like to sign up for Joe's course, you can DM him via Linkedin.

  • On this podcast episode, I dive deeply with a very dear friend of mine and fellow people-helper, Matt Matheson.

    Matt is known as The Speaking Coach. He helps people communicate, present and facilitate better. He is a co-creational events and retreat designer and the creator of The Church of Fail - "a cultural totem to instil reflective learning".

    We talk about:

    Coaching in the Workplace Your Personal Brand Harnessing corporate stories to improve culture and sales Johann Hari's Nine Causes of Depression Summercamp Would You Rather CBT Improv and Comedy

    Matt Matheson on Linkedin

  • Leslie Mello is a brand consultant, designer and nutritionist who loves to help natural health practitioners thrive. She is also a member of the Better Bolder Braver community. Check out her gorgeous website: https://www.mellobranding.com/She is dedicated to supporting natural health professionals with everything they need to launch a successful practice and keep growing and - like us, Leslie is on a mission to help people-helpers to grow their business in a healthy and sustainable way. She says,"Marketing your business works best when you have a healthy brand built on a solid foundation."She cares about all of the BBB things and herself describes on her website how, Many people get overwhelmed by things like how to choose a business name, create a logo, make a website, content creation, marketing and more. It can seem like the market is flooded with competitors who are already super successful. I promise you are unique and have a lot to offer! In this live podcast recording session, we talk to a fellow member of what we call our Better Bolder Braver "marketing family" about what beautiful brand assets are and what good, ethical marketing looks like.

  • In this first episode of our mini series to celebrate the new Better Bolder Braver offering for Businesses, I speak to an old friend, inspirational coach and consultant in Innovation, Warren Minde. We discuss Personal Brand at work and how important it is to get clear on one's limits, needs, skills and values. We talk about how being a leader is like parenting, but also how important it is for employees to establish their own, independent sense of self.If you are a business owner, an employer, or person working in an organisation with other people, then conversation is definitely for you.To find out more about how Better Bolder Braver can help YOU at work, visit our website:www.betterbolderbraver/corporateAnd you can find out more about Warren and his work via https://www.linkedin.com/in/warrenminde/

  • Are you a coach trying to help change the world one client at a time and to support people you love and care about?
    However, is the sea of coach product platforms out there like the wild west to you??
    Are you excited to expand your coaching from 121 to group, workshop, programme, cohort, community work?
    Would you like to help your clients be more productive and to enjoy accountability but are overwhelmed with the tech available to do so?
    We want to make your life easier so that you can do the work you love.
    Please join us for this live masterclass to hear from one of our members, David Henzel, the CEO of upcoach, an exciting platform built for coaches by coaches as a place to host coaching courses, worksheets, communities and other services.

  • Thomas Kolster's 'Zone of Genius' is where marketing, business and sustainability meet.
    He continuously challenges the status-quo with his vocal, and often provocative, views on values, purpose, and leadership.
    "In an over-crowded do-good market," he says, "people don’t buy your values or your “why”, but rather who you can help them become... Change begins with you!"
    We are looking forward to talking to Thomas, a dear member of our ‘Marketing Family’, about how the pressure of being a global citizen can be both exciting and inspiring, and can also feel overwhelming.
    We want to inspire coaches to get over their fear of putting themselves out there in favour of focusing on the bigger picture system change they might affect, one client at a time.
    And at the same time, we recognise that feeling that you need a "value", a "purpose" and a "why" can be tricky in itself...

    Learn more about Thomas: https://thomaskolster.com/masterclass

  • Helen Isacke is the founder of the Trusted Coach Directory, established in 2016. She has a varied background, having worked in hospitality, IT, HR, recruitment and marketing. Helen changed direction again when she trained as a coach in 2003. She was an Accredited Coach with Association for Coaching, trained in a range of profiling tools including Type Dynamic Indicator, Talent Dynamics, Team Dynamics & FIRO B.
    Helen’s coaching experiences and opportunities led to her finding her niche; working with newly-appointed managers. This experience inspired her to write ‘Soft Skills for Strong Leaders’, published in 2013. Helen has two grown up daughters, and lives in Marlow where she is most at peace walking along the Thames.
    Helen has been on her own coaching journey, which led her to founding the directory, which - as a platform and service - is shaping the future of the coaching industry. In this Marketing Masterclass, Helen will talk with us openly and honestly "about the mistakes I made when setting up, and some tips around each mistake/topic, to help coaches build their business with confidence in an ever increasingly crowded market."
    Come with your listening ears and also any practical questions that you think Helen - or we - might be able to help answer.

  • What connects Property Law to the BBC, Freud to Modern Dance, Classical Music to Swimming in Swiss Lakes, Film Production to Music Festivals and the National Garden Scheme to Venice Biennale. My Dad...

    I talk a lot about what I call a "work/work" balance (as opposed to the well known concept of the work/life balance).

    Coaches - in particular - are very likely to have chosen to move into the coaching space as a way not only to help others flourish, but because the attraction of a more independent, entrepreneurial, creative and joyful work life are very attractive to them.

    They may class themselves as having reached their "midlife", see themselves on a "Second Mountain", be disillusioned by the corporate world, by being beholden to the 9-5 structure of time, or just bored of the rat race... Covid and Working From Home have helped us all reconsider our options.

    But bills need to be paid.

    And when you are just starting out as a coach, getting clients can be tough. So sometimes we need to do other work to supplement our income. AND, when we have a unique blend of work practices going on, it can really help to make us stand out... as long as we are able to speak to why the various hats we wear make us an Authority, have Empathy, and have an interesting Story enough that people want to work with us, employ us, appoint us or ask us for our help.

    My father is Steven Fogel. I am going to be interviewing him on Thursday 20th October about his life. He has had "a lucky discovery that left him feeling happier and more fulfilled." Here's what happened...

  • We are so happy to have one of our coaching industry besties - Lucy Mullins - to talk to us all about diversity in the future of the coaching industry, and to join us in discussing how to have fun with marketing your coaching business. Lucy is also a wonderful advocate for how coaching not only helps create personal change, but can impact big picture system change in the world too. She's also a fantastic example of a healthy "work/work" balance as we call it.

    We've invited Lucy to write here a dedication to the Future of Coaching - to share with you all ahead of the discussion...

    "We set up #RideTheWave to bring more diversity to the world of coaching and to make positive waves in the world through the power of coaching.

    #SocialImpact, #CelebratingDiversity, #Community, and #Laughter are our core values at #RideTheWave and guide everything we do. We also believe these values are the key to the future of coaching.

    We believe that the Future of Coaching is about more people being equipped with coaching skills, more people being able to access coaching, and more positive impact in the world.

    Here at #RideTheWave we are committed to contributing to the future of coaching by…

    1. Educating and empowering a diverse range of coaches around the world so that there is a coach for everyone

    2. Training and inspiring a new wave of leaders to use coaching skills within their organisations

    3. Demystifying coaching so that it becomes a universal set of skills and tools used by people around the world, in both their personal and professional lives

    4. Sharing coaching tools and skills from our community with people and organisations who wouldn’t normally be able to access professional coaching

    Here’s a bright future for coaching."

    ....Join us for what will no doubt be a heart-warming and heart-felt discussion about how you as a coach can build something just right for you, great for others and wonderful for the world.

  • As a follow on from our recent podcast episode, "Why you want fast results from marketing but won't get them", this episode is all about establishing good, sustainable marketing habits that will help you build a long-lasting, healthy coaching business.

    Drawing on the parallels between physical fitness, self-awareness and Marketing-as-another-self-growth-opportunity, Frances and Gemma discuss the concepts of; aspirations, being prepared, being The Victim, The Pursuit of Happiness, Living in the Moment, nourishment, motivation, being in control, goals vs the bigger picture, figuring out your "Why?", energy, stamina, confidence, self-worth, systemic thinking, habits, patience, perfection, punishment, momentum, small wins and taking action.

    Gemma is a weight-loss management and physical fitness consultant. And - Frances would say - a Buddhist philosopher. Listen to this honest conversation about both of their body stories and business strategies for a deep dive into how it really feels to be in control...

  • We are honoured to have Robbie Swale - a seasoned coach, author, blogger and podcaster - as the first guest on our new "Future of Coaching..." series. There couldn't be a better person to help us kick things off for 2023...  

    Robbie is the host of the super popular podcast, 'The Coach's Journey'. His third book – written using his 12-Minute Method – is all about how to create habits, mindsets and relationships that will help you thrive. It is full of lessons that Robbie has learned in his own quest to fulfill his potential and make the contribution he thinks he is capable of.  

    "We can’t know for sure what will help us do our best work", Robbie says. And so he is going to help us set the scene for a year of uncertainty - that's right!... Let's celebrate that we can put our best foot forward when we accept that nothing will be perfect, we don't know what will come, we can only control ourselves and that working alongside others with shared hope makes it a lot easier.  

    Join us live for this conversation to manifest some great intentions for the year.  

    In the lead up, check out Robbie's blog, in which he employs the 12-Minute Method to write for twelve minutes, proof-read once with tiny edits and then post online… Marketing mastery right there!  




  • Whether you already host a podcast or want to start your own, there are a lot of questions that come up for coaches.

    We're lucky enough to have two podcasting powerhouses as members of this community Mark Steadman and Rob Lawrence. Mark hosts Ear Brain Heart and was there at the dawn of podcasting. Many of you will recognise Rob's voice from the Association for Coaching podcast as well as his own show, Inspirational Creatives.

    In this live show, we'll be discussing, and answering, some of the most common questions that we get asked about podcasting and inviting questions from the audience.

    There will also be an opportunity to share your favourite podcast and a shameless plug section where we'll give a shout-out to shows from the audience.

    It's time to get curious, inspired and energised to hit that record button and get podcasting.

  • Does the thought of creating content and fiddling with Canva for hours on end fill you with utter dread?

    Want to get ahead and be confident your content is taken care of so you can take a week off without worrying about posting on social media?

    Kate Clarke wants to take away the pain, and do the hard work for you.

    But how do we know what marketing is important for us to do ourselves? How does retaining control of it makes us feel more in control of our businesses and our lives??

    At Better Bolder Braver, we encourage coaches to - on the whole - not “outsource” their marketing. We see marketing as Another Self Growth Opportunity - by thinking about what you want to say to the world, you have an opportunity to hold a mirror up to yourself and Coach Out Loud… show your approach to how you come from a place of Empathy, Authority and with a personal Story that makes you stand out and be qualified to help your ideal client.

    AND creating and repurposing content can feel like being on a “hamster wheel” as Kate calls it. Once you have decided what to say, who says asking for some help to get it out there isn’t a very intelligent business decision?

    Kate Clarke helps people get their messages onto social media.

    Find out more about Kate on her website: https://www.kateclarkemarketing.com  

    Follow us on LinkedIn to get notifications about upcoming conversations: https://www.linkedin.com/company/better-bolder-braver