
  • Myself and other members of the 19th Regiment are raising money for the Children's Miracle Network & the Connecticut Children's Medical Center, and we need your help!

    (1) Donate $5 or more at the one of the two links below
    (2) Quote Tweet the pinned tweet on either my account (@thatgeekfromjfk) or the official 19th Regiment's account (@hartfords19s) with #19sFTK
    (3) You’re automatically in to win a $25 gift card by random draw to whereever you want (provided someone from Connecticut can get it)



    This week, Pete talks to Felix Palao, the vice president of Third Rail Bronx, a chapter of the largest supporters group for New York City FC. The conversation ranges from the progression of the club, to stadium plans, and to some of the internal reactions of being hoisted as the catalyst for some of the antiracism movements in MLS this season, after a few members of the far-right Proud Boys group were identified after making their way into the terraces. Overall, however, the moral of the conversation goes into how a collaboration of two of the largest sports brands in the world became successful space for culture in America's largest and most diverse city.

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