
  • Micro changes, macro results.

    That's how I think about habits. They don't have to be huge, overwhelming and time-consuming in order to be life-changing. Often, the little things, done consistently, are the big things. This is because they build on each other – they compound.

    Today we’re talking about life-changing habits. These are powerful rituals that either I have in place in my own life as a mom and entrepreneur, ones that have been really helpful and effective for my clients, or a combination of both. I named this episode 5 Habits that can fix 80% of your problems because I’ve found that these 5 have a compound effect – meaning, the benefit they bring to your days and to your life is so much greater than the time and energy they take to implement.

    On this episode, you'll learn about these powerful habits:

    • Create non-negotiable morning anchors

    • Get enough rest

    • Plan out your day ahead of time

    • Do the thing you want to do LEAST today, FIRST

    Surround yourself with people who help encourage and grow you

    When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you don't know where to begin when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.SIMPLIFIED is my high-touch, white-glove coaching and consulting intensive for creatives and coaches, and applications are currently closed. To be the first to know when applications reopen, join the waitlist.

  • Do you find yourself apologizing constantly? Saying you're sorry for something you've done and want to take responsibility for is one thing, but often, we are apologizing for things that don't actually require apologies. The problem? Over-apologizing can undermine your authority and competence, and it is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.

    In this episode, we're talking about why, especially as women, we tend to apologize when it's not necessary. We're talking about these specific situations where an apology just isn't helpful or useful:

    • Being human

    • Having boundaries

    • Saying no

    • Being vulnerable and sharing your heart

    • Being tired

    • Asking questions

    • Asking for what you need

    Having opinions and taking up space

    When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you don't know where to begin when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.SIMPLIFIED is my high-touch, white-glove coaching and consulting intensive for creatives and coaches, and applications are currently closed. To be the first to know when applications reopen, join the waitlist.

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  • Can life as a working mom be fun? When we feel stuck going through the motions each day, navigating motherhood, marriage, work, business and more, life can feel many things - but fun might not be the first word that comes to mind. Today, we're talking about giving yourself permission to have fun as a working mom - on purpose. We're diving into why we don't think it "should" be fun, why doing all the things AND having fun is possible, why it influences how you're showing up in your life and I'm sharing my personal go-to thought when I want to get unstuck and change how I'm showing up in life.

    When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you don't know where to begin when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.SIMPLIFIED is my high-touch, white-glove coaching and consulting intensive for creatives and coaches, and applications are currently closed. To be the first to know when applications reopen, join the waitlist.

  • It is summer, friends! A lot has been going on around here behind the scenes and it’s time for an update. School has been out for several weeks, we got a puppy the day school got out (if you’re on my email list you either have seen, or will see the most adorable photo of her little face soon) she’s been has been a ton of fun and a ton of work, and around here, we’re doing some things differently this summer. In this episode I’m sharing with you what to expect from me and BEYOND in the months ahead, what I’m doing differently and why – what led me to make these decisions.

    The truth is, sometimes life happens and you just need a BREAK. I’m sharing what this means to me to be both transparent and to let you know that it is more than okay to do life and business differently than everyone else is.

    On this episode of BEYOND, you’ll learn:

    The mission trip I said no to, and why

    The importance of obedience even if you don’t fully understand the reason behind it

    3 things I am NOT doing in my business this summer

    The one thing I’m implementing that I’ve NEVER done in 5+ years of business

    What being present to my kids looks like in this season of teens and pre-teens

    How we’re prioritizing family time

    What you can expect on BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business over the next few months

    How to join the Insider’s List so you don’t miss my “Summer Sabbatical Series” insights and notes to you

    Where to join the waitlist for SIMPLIFIED

    Business can be as simple as focusing on just two things: your peace and your profit.

    When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you don't know where to begin when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.SIMPLIFIED is my high-touch, white-glove coaching and consulting intensive for creatives and coaches, and applications are currently closed. To be the first to know when applications reopen, join the waitlist.

  • PEACE. How much our souls deeply crave it as we find ourselves in this busy, crazy world. As a mom called to build a business, it can feel like your attention is being pulled in twenty-seven different directions at any given moment. It can feel like your life is dictated by the needs, expectations and distractions from the outside world.

    Many of us wait around for life seasons and circumstances to change – hoping that THEN, we’ll finally be able to experience the peace we’re longing for. But here’s the truth: even if it feels contrary to the reality most of us find ourselves in, your peace is your responsibility. It’s a choice. It’s something you have the ability to steward: just as you do your time, your money and your health.

    Hear this: peace has to be pursued and it has to be protected.

    In this episode, I’m breaking down five ways that you can project your peace. Being a good steward of your mental, emotional and spiritual health as it concerns your peace, matters. It impacts how you show up in everyday life as well as the harder, more challenging seasons of life.

    Understanding how to protect your peace allows you to live beyond your circumstances and experience a more purposeful and intentional life as a mom, wife, business owner, entrepreneur and human being. Here’s to a life of more peace and presence, less stress and overwhelm.

    On this episode of BEYOND, you’ll learn:

    Why we consistently trade our peace for things that aren’t worth it

    How avoiding the uncomfortable parts of life lead us to miss out on peace as well

    What the desire for control creates in our days

    My favorite piece of Scripture that speaks to the power of our thoughts

    The importance of consumption: who and what you allow to fill your time, energy and attention

    Self-talk and how criticism and judgment destroy our peace

    How to speak to yourself as a friend to experience more peace everyday

    Business can be as simple as focusing on just two things: your peace and your profit.

    When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you don't know where to begin when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.

    SIMPLIFIED is my high-touch, white-glove coaching and consulting intensive for creatives and coaches, and applications are currently closed. To be the first to know when applications reopen, join the waitlist.

  • You can have the most creative and strategic marketing plan EVER – but if fear of failure or rejection, or even fear of success, paralyzes you from showing up to implement even step 1 of that plan – the marketing plan isn’t worth a penny. You have to believe in yourself and the value you bring to your clients in order to show up, to be visible and to bring that compelling, valuable message to your dream clients.

    You can buy all of the courses and programs, you can collect dozens and dozens of them, but if shiny object syndrome has you hopping from one uncompleted course module to the next, if the belief that you just have to get certified in THIS or invest in this thing over here because THIS IS GOING TO BE THE THING that changes everything for you, you’ll spend all of your time with your head down collecting courses and consuming content instead of listening to your people, paying attention to how you can help them and creating valuable solutions to their problems.

    You can spend all of the dollars on a high-end web designer and a killer copywriter, but you don’t have a clear understanding of precisely who your people are and what makes you uniquely qualified to help them, AND feel confident in that? No website design or conversion copy can bridge that gap.

    You can toil for hours… days.. Months even, shopping for the perfect font or the ideal color palette for your brand – but hear this – if you find yourself stuck in one of those rabbit holes, it is “work” that is pointless but pretending to be useful. It’s easy to get stuck in that place of behind the scenes busy work… I just need to finish this, and redesign this, and rethink my strategy about this… I’ve been there, believe me, I GET IT, but this is not productive, and this is not helping you get the clients you’re called to serve. This is simply a list of distractions created by a brain that is scared and uncomfortable to go out there and SERVE people because there is a lack of BELIEF when it comes to your ability to follow through, to serve people well, or both.

    On this episode of BEYOND, you’ll learn:

    The ONE thing you can never outsource as a creative or coach

    How most entrepreneurs spend way too much time on the (many) things they think they’re “supposed to” be doing – instead of what will ACTUALLY lead to paying clients.

    Why it feels like you’re “doing all the things” but nothing is working.

    The most overlooked (and critical) piece of being a business owner that you need to begin prioritizing today.

    The 3 pieces required to leverage the power of your mindset and belief into more peace, more joy and more profit.

    When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you feel stuck when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s probably time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED.

    This coaching and consulting intensive is exclusively for creative entrepreneurs and coaches who want to create 6-figure profit in their businesses – without working all of the time, and without having the stress of mountains of expenses.

    Inside SIMPLIFIED, we combine mindset support with strategic simplicity to create a life and business that you don’t want to quit. This one-of-a-kind experience is for committed entrepreneurs who want to pay themselves considerably, without working a considerable amount of time.

    If you’re tired of scaling yourself into a business you can’t stand, it's time to simplify. And you don’t have to do it alone. Working with me is like having a business therapist, marketing consultant, creative director and mindset coach, all in one.

    If you’re ready to SIMPLIFY: to do less, better and see abundant profit margins, apply for SIMPLIFIED. This 1:1 experience is completely private and unique to your personal business goals. Because no one cares about your business like you do – except me. Apply for SIMPLIFIED now at beckyhoschek.com/SIMPLIFIED.

  • Are you feeling stuck? Do you find yourself in a place where you just feel held in place by something… unable to move forward, struggling to get beyond it? For you, maybe that thing keeping you stuck is an obvious circumstance. An illness or diagnosis, the end of a relationship, loss of finances or lack of business growth… maybe for you, it’s finding yourself in a season of life you never imagined, and feeling completely helpless as to HOW to get beyond it. It’s a privilege to get to see behind the scenes of a lot of lives and businesses, it’s an honor that I take seriously, and these insights have led to observing a number of patterns. I know that right now, some of you are going through the toughest season in your life: maybe it’s your marriage, parenting, health, or business. And others of you might find yourself stuck in this somewhat foggy, spinning on the hamster wheel, groundhog day kind of a place… maybe you can’t yet fully articulate the what or the why that has you feeling so stuck, but deep down, you feel it. You know it’s there, tugging on you.

    Being in that place of feeling stuck can be all-consuming. It’s the first place our mind goes to when we wake up and the last thing we think of while lying in bed at night. Whether you feel stuck making a decision, navigating a relationship, initiating a conversation you know you’re avoiding, stuck in making the next move toward growing your business, advocating for your health or wellness or even stuck in your faith and feel that repeated prayers seem to be answered with silence, this episode is for you. Because I’ve found that whatever STUCK looks or feels like, there is one thing we can do: SERVE. More specifically, serve PEOPLE. Key Takeaways
    • Why a serving mindset is critical for entrepreneurs called to business as creatives and coaches • How to tell if you're unintentionally building a business focused on self rather than service • Selling vs. serving: how everything about your business changes based on this
    • How shifting from a sales mindset to a serving mindset can help you break free from feeling stuck in business and finally reach your goals
    • Why serving others can bring hope and fulfillment as well as a healthy shift in perspective when you're consumed by current problems and challenges
    • Why directing attention towards serving someone else can provide clarity and purpose when feeling stuck • What author Tim Tebow shares about the importance of serving others when we feel stuck
    • How serving others is a powerful way to overcome challenges and create a lasting legacy • The one question to ask that will help you serve someone well today When life feels complicated, when business feels complicated, and you feel stuck when it comes to UNcomplicating it, it’s probably time to SIMPLIFY. High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED. This coaching and consulting intensive is exclusively for creative entrepreneurs and coaches who want to create 6-figure profit in their businesses – without working all of the time, and without having the stress of mountains of expenses. Inside SIMPLIFIED, we combine mindset support with strategic simplicity to create a life and business that you don’t want to quit. This one-of-a-kind experience is for committed entrepreneurs who want to pay themselves considerably, without working a considerable amount of time. If you’re tired of scaling yourself into a business you can’t stand, it's time to simplify. And you don’t have to do it alone. Working with me is like having a business therapist, marketing consultant, creative director and mindset coach, all in one. If you’re ready to SIMPLIFY: to do less, better and see abundant profit margins, apply for SIMPLIFIED. This 1:1 experience is completely private and unique to your personal business goals. Because no one cares about your business like you do – except me. Apply for SIMPLIFIED now at beckyhoschek.com/SIMPLIFIED.

  • How can you effectively GROW your business as a creative or coach without stepping away from the 1:1 work you love? On this episode, Sarah Masci shares her journey of restructuring her business from traditional, project-based freelance design work to a day rate model. Sarah started as a web designer in 2005 and eventually realized that she loved the design process so much, she wanted to do more of it. In 2018, she started offering day rates to clients and found it to be a life-changing shift. She later taught this model to other service providers and scaled her business by creating a course. But this shift didn't come without some pain points. Sarah candidly highlights the challenges of scaling, such as building a team and managing a complex program. Sarah explains that scaling doesn't always mean moving away from one-on-one work, and that it's possible to grow a business by sticking with services you love. Our conversation explores the benefits and challenges of the day rate model for creatives and coaches. Sarah shares her experience and insights on how day rates can simplify business, allow for more focus on the work you truly love, and increase profitability. She also discusses the scalability of day rates and the importance of building trust with clients. Sarah highlights the need for experimentation and learning from the process, as well as the value of being part of a supportive community. She also mentions her excitement about getting back into design work through upcoming offers for her clients. Key Takeaways

    • Restructuring your business and shifting to a different model can be a life-changing decision.
    • Day rates can provide simplicity and productivity, allowing you to focus on one client at a time.
    • Scaling a business comes with challenges, such as building a team and managing a complex program.
    • It's possible to grow a business by sticking with one-on-one work if that's what you love.
    • Scaling doesn't always mean creating a course or building an agency. The day rate model allows creatives and coaches to focus on the work they love and simplify their business.
    • Building trust with clients is crucial for selling day rates.
    • Experimentation and learning from the process are key to refining and optimizing day rates.
    • Being part of a supportive community can provide motivation and inspiration.
    • Returning to previous creative work or interests can reignite creative joy and fulfillment.
    • Sarah offers a Day Rate Quick Start program for those interested in exploring the day rate model. Important links sarahmasci.com Connect with Sarah over on IG Day Rate Quick Start High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED. This coaching and consulting intensive is exclusively for creative entrepreneurs and coaches who want to create 6-figure profit in their businesses – without working all of the time, and without having the stress of mountains of expenses. Inside SIMPLIFIED, we combine mindset support with strategic simplicity to create a life and business that you don’t want to quit. This one-of-a-kind experience is for committed entrepreneurs who want to pay themselves considerably, without working a considerable amount of time. If you’re tired of scaling yourself into a business you can’t stand, it's time to simplify. And you don’t have to do it alone. Working with me is like having a business therapist, marketing consultant, creative director and mindset coach, all in one. If you’re ready to SIMPLIFY: to do less, better and see abundant profit margins, apply for SIMPLIFIED. This 1:1 experience is completely private and unique to your personal business goals. Because no one cares about your business like you do – except me. Apply for SIMPLIFIED now at beckyhoschek.com/SIMPLIFIED.

  • It's an interesting paradox: many entrepreneurs find that their "best" year in business is also the year they saw the least profit. This episode explores the difference between growth and profit and helps small business owners like you determine where your focus should be. We distinguish between revenue growth and profit, and explore how rapid growth can come at the cost of profitability. We highlight the importance of knowing your owner's intent and aligning your focus with your business "end goal". We explore why the possibility of profitability is so high for online, service-based businesses and the importance of sustainable growth. On this episode of BEYOND, you'll learn: • How building a six-figure business is not the same as profiting (or paying yourself) six figures
    • The differences between a growth-focused business and a profit-focused business
    • How identifying your owner's intent helps determine whether your focus should be on growth, profit, or both
    • Why high-profit margins are realistic for creative entrepreneurs and coaches
    • Why slow and steady wins the race: sustainable growth is often more desirable than rapid growth Takeaways:
    "My best year in business was also the year I saw the least profit."
    "A growth-focused business and a profit-focused business are not the same thing."
    "The aim of your business is to create wealth now, accessible wealth that you can do things with now, not later." Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction: The Paradox of Business Success
    03:10 Defining Growth and Profit
    08:08 Choosing Your Focus: Growth or Profit
    10:42 The Myth of Bigger is Better
    13:38 The Importance of Sustainable Growth
    14:51 Conclusion: High Profitability and Quality of Life High-profitability paired with high quality of life is the mission of my business, and it’s the focus of my partnership with clients inside SIMPLIFIED. This coaching and consulting intensive is exclusively for creative entrepreneurs and coaches who want to create 6-figure profit in their businesses – without working all of the time, and without having the stress of mountains of expenses. Inside SIMPLIFIED, we combine mindset support with strategic simplicity to create a life and business that you don’t want to quit. This one-of-a-kind experience is for committed entrepreneurs who want to pay themselves considerably, without working a considerable amount of time. If you’re tired of scaling yourself into a business you can’t stand, it's time to simplify. And you don’t have to do it alone. Working with me is like having a business therapist, marketing consultant, creative director and mindset coach, all in one. If you’re ready to SIMPLIFY: to do less, better and see abundant profit margins, apply for SIMPLIFIED. This 1:1 experience is completely private and unique to your personal business goals. Because no one cares about your business like you do – except me. Apply for SIMPLIFIED now at beckyhoschek.com/SIMPLIFIED.

  • How do you optimize your work hours?

    How do you work less, but get more done? How do you create an intentional plan for your time, but also make room for flexibility as a mom? How can you make decisions that allow your work to remain (mostly!) a joy and not a drain? We're answering these questions and more on this episode of BEYOND. Designing your ideal work schedule starts with imagining how you want to spend your time outside of work. My schedule and weekly workflow is always open for negotiation, but over the last handful of years I’ve really found what works well for me and our family, and I wanted to share it in more detail than I have before because I know how that can be really helpful. What works for my business model and schedule may not translate exactly for you, but when you hear WHY I’ve chosen to set my weeks up this way, it may give you some things to consider or try when planning out your own schedule. So I’m going to take you through my week, day by day, and share how I’ve designed those days and again, WHY it works well for me. On this episode of BEYOND, you'll learn: • My philosophy about weekend work • Why I call Mondays my "get it done" days • How I frontload my week for simplicity and ease • Why I've chosen to have just two days each week that I work with clients • How I "bookend" my weeks to protect my energy, give my weekends plenty of margin and leave room for "catch up" time • How I build in both intention AND flexibility into my schedule • How I prevent "client days" from looking like draining, back-to-back-to-back Zoom calls • What it looks like to accomplish full-time productivity on a part-time schedule • Why I LOVE taking Fridays off, and how you can do it, too Designing an intentional schedule that maximizes your time, energy and capacity and supports your family's values is one piece of creating a SIMPLIFIED business. With flexibility in your workflow, and intention baked into your scheduling decisions, you can get ENOUGH done so that you can close your laptop feeling accomplished and then go live the rest of your life. If you’re ready to create a SIMPLIFIED business – one that is focused on your peace and profit, as a creative or coach, I want to invite you to apply for SIMPLIFIED. This experience is a white glove, high touch, 1:1 experience that combines mindset coaching and marketing and messaging consulting to uncomplicate your 6-figure business so that you can experience more peace in your days and create more profit than ever before. Apply for SIMPLIFIED now at beckyhoschek.com/simplified
  • I'm still figuring things out as a business-building mom, and that means being open to change. Whether it's changing your mind, trying something new, acknowledging different priorities or just acknowledging that what might have worked in the past isn't ideal for THIS season, that flexibility allows us to progress and grow. Always questioning what's working well, what isn't, and what I could be doing better, I've outlined some changes I've already made – or am in the process of making – this year. In this behind-the-scenes episode of BEYOND, I'm sharing 7 things I'm personally doing differently in life and business this year as a mom. On this episode, you'll learn: • My approach to the new year and goal-setting that might look different than what you've seen before • What kind of coaching I'm investing in for myself this year • How a changing body as a 40+ mom has shifted my approach to my physical health, workouts and nutrition • Where I'm adding in a second "mini-sabbatical" into my schedule this year to travel, refuel and recharge • What you'll see more of on episodes of BEYOND • The new marketing strategy I'm experimenting with as I seek to spend less time on social • The offer I'm considering making available to you (I need your feedback to make it happen!)
    Part of keeping business SIMPLE involves looking for opportunities to change – considering the reality of the season you're in, and deciding what you want to stop doing, start doing, and keep doing. It's this intentional evaluation that informs what makes sense to do less of, and more of, in your life and business.

    If you’re ready to create a SIMPLIFIED business – one that is focused on your peace and profit, as a creative or coach, I want to invite you to apply for SIMPLIFIED. This experience is a white glove, high touch, 1:1 experience that combines mindset coaching and marketing and messaging consulting to uncomplicate your 6-figure business so that you can experience more peace in your days and create more profit than ever before. Apply for SIMPLIFIED now at beckyhoschek.com/simplified

  • I hear it all the time: "I know what I need to be doing, so why am I just not doing it?!?" Have you been there? It's that thought, "Okay, I’m an intelligent person – why can’t I figure this out? What is my problem? Why don’t I follow through?" This very human struggle is one so many of us can relate to. Whether it’s saying you’re going to make it to the gym or eat healthier, doing the very work you’ve committed to doing that’s on your to-do list today, paying an invoice or calling someone back when you said you would, how can you ACTUALLY do what you say you’re going to do? That’s what we’re going to talk about in today’s episode.

    Trusting that you’re going to follow through – becoming someone who does what she says – that builds personal integrity within us. Without it, we lose confidence in ourselves – in both our decision making and our ability to execute and implement – to actually take action and DO the things. When we develop this strong sense of personal integrity, we not only trust ourselves to follow through – but trust ourselves to commit to the right things to begin with.
    On this episode of BEYOND, you'll learn: • 3 key considerations to make when it comes to ACTUALLY doing what you say you’re going to do • How our busy, rushed lives lead us to say YES more than NO • How to apply intentional follow-through to your marriage, parenting, friendships, your personal goals, fitness, faith, finances… as well as your professional goals as an entrepreneur • The one thing you want to be sure of BEFORE you say yes and commit to something • How excuses distract us from doing and accomplishing things we say matter to us in life and business • What an "intentional implementation" is and and how to create one when you want to solidify a commitment This ability to own your decisions and follow through on them is HUGE when it comes to building a business focused on your peace and profit. Becoming someone who consistently does what she says she’s going to do increases your confidence, makes you a better decision maker, reduces stress and maximizes your profit because your time is used intentionally and profitably.

    If you’re ready to create a SIMPLIFIED business – one that is focused on your peace and profit, as a creative or coach, I want to invite you to apply for SIMPLIFIED. This experience is a white glove, high touch, 1:1 experience that combines mindset coaching and marketing and messaging consulting to uncomplicate your 6-figure business so that you can experience more peace in your days and create more profit than ever before. Apply for SIMPLIFIED now at beckyhoschek.com/simplified

  • It's no secret that as a creative entrepreneur or coach, your messaging matters in a noisy world. More than ever, especially as the price of a service increases, and especially if you’re wanting to offer an elevated customer experience that supports a premium price point, you have to be able to understand your ideal customer in a way that makes them feel seen, heard and understood like no one else does. On today's episode of BEYOND, I’m sharing with you the ONE thing that will immediately take your marketing message to the next level – the ONE thing that will make your voice, your message, stand out in a sea of other voices.

    What you're about to learn in this episode might not be what you expect to hear, and if that’s the case – I’m so glad. Because around here, I’m all for doing things differently than everyone else is. When you’re a service-based business, and the intent of your business is to generate profit not someday – but right now – wealth that you can create to contribute to your family and bless other people and causes you care about – you do have to do some things differently. You have to do less, but better. You have to focus on just a few things, and learn how to do them really, really well. One of those is your messaging. On this episode, you'll learn: • How compelling messaging matters – especially when you're a premium-priced service • Why avoiding assumptions matters in creating compelling offers • How you get get to know your audience on a deeper level, starting right now • The importance of asking questions AND listening for the answers • The two groups of people to question, and what questions to ask them • How prioritizing your own mindset work will improve your understanding of yourself and your ability to connect with others through messaging. Free Resource: 5 Questions to Ask to Get to the Heart of Your Ideal Client

    If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and you’re ready for mindset and business support that will help you simplify and create the kind of life and business you’re excited to wake up to, the kind that serves not only your clients but you and your family well, I want to invite you to apply for SIMPLIFIED. This 6-month intensive is for moms building businesses as creatives and coaches, and I'm showing you how to leverage the two most valuable assets you have: your mindset and your messaging, for peace and profit.

    Working with me privately is kind of like having a business therapist, marketing strategist and personal trainer for your brain all-in-one. Your next step is to apply for SIMPLIFIED at beckyhoschek.com/simplified.

  • Do you ever lie in bed at night thinking about a decision you need to make… playing out everything that could possibly go wrong in each scenario, walking through each one, in painstaking detail, terrified of making the wrong choice – only to look over and realize it’s now 3 a.m.? Or how about mornings… do you ever sit down at the beginning of your work day, glance at the to-do list or your schedule and instantly feel so overwhelmed, not only do you not know where to begin, but even the idea of figuring it out feels so daunting that instead of making a decision or making a plan, you do neither and instead mindlessly scroll on instagram for an hour?

    These are examples of overthinking… thinking about something to the extent that is simply not useful or productive in any way. Overthinking is a trap that steals our time, our focus, our mental and emotional health and productivity, and here’s the thing. It PRETENDS to be necessary. Your brain wants you to believe that overthinking is somehow wise or responsible – it is not. In fact, what’s really happening when you’re overthinking is that the part of your brain designed to keep you safe and comfortable, is TRYING to keep you comfortable by having you avoid DOING something – whether that’s making a decision or taking other meaningful action of some sort, okay? Again, overthinking pretends to be useful, but it complicates your business because it’s keeping you from using your time, energy and attention in the most valuable, most profitable ways.

    On this episode of BEYOND, you'll learn: • Why overthinking pretends to be necessary • What's really happening when you find yourself stuck in a cycle of overthinking • How overthinking complicates our businesses and how this one piece of mindset work can lead to a simpler business • The most effective thing you can do at the start of each morning to avoid analysis paralysis and confusion • What to do when you're feeling like an inadequate imposter • How overthinking relates to not feeling present in our lives

    Cleaning up the mind drama and overthinking that's holding you back is one way I help creatives and coaches SIMPLIFY their businesses for more peace and more profit.

    If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and you’re ready for mindset and business support that will help you simplify and create the kind of life and business you’re excited to wake up to, the kind that serves not only your clients but you and your family well, I want to invite you to apply for SIMPLIFIED. This 6-month intensive is for moms building businesses as creatives and coaches, and I'm showing you how to leverage the two most valuable assets you have: your mindset and your messaging, for peace and profit.

    Working with me privately is kind of like having a business therapist, marketing strategist and personal trainer for your brain all-in-one. Your next step is to apply for SIMPLIFIED at beckyhoschek.com/simplified.

  • When business feels complicated and you wonder if it really has to be THIS tough, it’s time to reimagine what could be possible for you as the leader of your business and the meaningful work you’re called to.

    Before we change anything that we’re doing, we have to first take a look at what we’re THINKING. Our thoughts are powerful. They shape our decisions, how we feel and behave, they determine what actions we take and which ones we won’t. When it comes to simplifying your business, changing some of the ways you might be thinking about your business and what’s possible is HUGE. In this episode, I'm sharing 5 mindset shifts that will radically simplify your 6-figure business. On this episode of BEYOND, you'll learn: • How our mind drama leads to a complicated business • The one shift that makes the need to "sell" virtually unnecessary • Why many 6-figure businesses aren't profitable • The real cost of the hustle-and-hurry mentality • What happens when you focus on quality instead of quantity • How perfectionism complicates your business and what to do instead

    Are you ready to make 2024 a different kind of year? Let's make it happen. I want to invite you to apply for my 6-month coaching and consulting intensive, SIMPLIFIED, where we focus on the two things that matter most when it comes to creating a profitable business on your terms: mindset and messaging. Working together, you'll get mindset support, weekly accountability plus business and marketing strategy – everything you need to build a life and business you don't want to quit.

    Apply for SIMPLIFIED at beckyhoschek.com/simplified.

  • If your relationship with your business feels complicated, you’re not alone. Getting a business off the ground requires a lot of us, and in those early stages, we often feel like there’s so much to do and so little time to reach the goals we dream of – you’re in GO mode, you hustle and hurry your way to the next goal, and then the next milestone and the next. And then, at some point down the road, you have a realization: business doesn’t look like you thought it would. The reality you find yourself living in the day-to-day doesn’t line up with the vision of freedom that you imagined for yourself as an entrepreneur – instead, it feels complicated.

    If the business you created for peace and profit is leading you to feel resentful, wonder what you’re doing wrong or even further – wonder how this is going to be sustainable for much longer – it’s probably time to simplify. In this episode, I’m sharing some ways you can start simplifying your business operations today with 5 proven solutions.

    On this episode of BEYOND, you’ll learn:

    Some of the main ways creatives and coaches (unintentionally) complicate their businesses

    Why rushing toward your goals is actually slowing you down

    Why we procrastinate and put off doing hard things (and how to start getting them done so that you can work less and be more productive)

    How believing you should be able to figure it all out on your own can lead to loneliness and burnout as an entrepreneur

    Why chasing shiny objects and jumping from one idea to the next is stealing your peace and your profit

    The importance of cultivating confidence as a problem-solver instead of always fixing problems with expenses

    How to join my FREE Masterclass: Less Growth, More Peace: How to Simplify The Complicated Business That’s Burning You Out

    Join me in my brand new FREE Masterclass:

    Less Growth, More Peace: How to Simplify The Complicated Business That’s Burning You Out.

    By the end of this masterclass, you’ll know:

    How growth might be killing your business

    The real reason your creative or coaching business feels so complicated

    One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when setting financial goals, and what you can do differently to avoid it

    7 non-negotiables to focus on when you want to simplify your 6-figure business for peace and profit

    Sign up now at beckyhoschek.com/masterclass and join me live or watch the replay and see more peace and profit as a creative or coach this year.

  • Is chasing growth KILLING your business as a creative or coach? If you’re like wait… what? – “Growing, isn’t that what I’m supposed to be doing over here?” I get it. In the world of online business, we’re told that growth = success. But did you know that rapid growth is the number one reason small businesses fail? It may seem counterintuitive, because it goes against so much of the messaging we hear as entrepreneurs.

    “If you aren’t growing, you’re dying.” (Wrong.)

    “Every year your numbers should go up.” (Not always, not for everyone.)

    “A successful business focuses on more sales and revenue.” (Not if your goal is profit.)

    Today I’m going to detail 5 reasons growth might be killing your creative or coaching business so that you can decide if it’s something that needs your attention as someone who wants to build a sustainable (and profitable) creative or coaching business.

    On this episode of BEYOND, you’ll learn:

    Why it’s so common to go from being someone who creates a business to work LESS to being an entrepreneur who works 24/7

    5 indicators that you’re working too much (as in, more than is necessary)

    The importance of determining your ROE (return on effort)

    The role of overthinking in productivity, burnout and the sustainability of a business

    5 symptoms of overthinking (and why it’s making business so much harder for you)

    The surprising connection between growth, spending and lack of profit

    How to join my FREE Masterclass: Less Growth, More Peace: How to Simplify The Complicated Business That’s Burning You Out

    Join me in my brand new FREE Masterclass:

    Less Growth, More Peace: How to Simplify The Complicated Business That’s Burning You Out.

    By the end of this masterclass, you’ll know:

    The real reason your creative or coaching business feels so complicated

    One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when setting financial goals, and what you can do differently to avoid it

    7 non-negotiables to focus on when you want to simplify your 6-figure business for peace and profit

    Sign up now at beckyhoschek.com/masterclass and join me live or watch the replay and see more peace and profit as a creative or coach this year.

  • Jen Olmstead, co-founder and Lead Designer of TONIC Site Shop, takes us along on her journey from accidental entrepreneur to successful Showit website template designer over the past 11 years. She shares the importance of storytelling in marketing and the power of creating content that is valuable, engaging, and fun to create – anything but boring. Jen emphasizes the need to focus on quality over quantity and to find the intersection between what you are uniquely capable of delivering and what your audience wants. Throughout our conversation, Jen shares insights on finding inspiration, sharing your story, and embracing your uniqueness (weirdness?) in your business. She explains WHY design builds trust with your audience – the key factor that leads them to purchase from you. Jen also discusses setting boundaries, prioritizing, and involving your kids in your work. She encourages entrepreneurs to embrace their strengths and be ruthless with what they say no to. Jen shares her perspective on having faith and trusting in God's plan, as well as the importance of doing less but better. Jen describes how 2023 was the hardest year in business for TONIC, what she and partner Jeff Shipley learned and how 2024 will be different because of it. Thank you so much to Jen for sharing her wit and wisdom with us in this entertaining convo that feels a lot like a high-end marketing masterclass. Some of the highlights from this episode of BEYOND and my convo with Jen Olmstead: Why focus on creating content that is unique, valuable, and engaging. How to find the intersection between what you are uniquely capable of creating and what your audience wants. What it looks like to prioritize quality over quantity in content creation. How Jen finds inspiration and anticipation in her content creation by setting specific times for thinking, researching and writing. (And how sometimes, it just happens when inspiration strikes.) Why embracing your uniqueness and sharing your story leads you to create content that is anything but boring. What's important about design and a killer website that builds trust with your people. How setting boundaries and prioritizing your work time creates a healthy work-life balance. How embracing your strengths and being ruthless with what you say no to allows you to focus on what truly aligns with your goals and values. What it looks like to Involve your kids in your work and create boundaries to ensure quality time with them. How to identify your most productive time and leverage it to maximize your creativity and productivity. The role of faith in Jen's family life and business: including trust in God's plan, knowing that He will guide you in your journey as a parent and entrepreneur. Simplifying by doing less, but better, honing in on what truly aligns with your vision and goals. Why 2023 was the hardest year for Tonic Site Shop, what Jen learned and what she's doing differently in 2024. Important links and notes:

    • Visit Tonic's website

    • connect with Jen Olmstead and TONIC on IG • SAVE 15% on your TONIC purchase using the code BECKY Build a SIMPLIFIED business:

    If you’re looking to UNcomplicate your life and business this year, I want to invite you to apply for SIMPLIFIED, my 6-month coaching and consulting intensive that gives you high-touch, personalized support optimizing your creative or coaching business for two things: peace and profit. We simplify by leveraging the power of mindset - the stories that you tell yourself, and messaging - the stories that you tell your people. SIMPLIFIED includes ALL the support you need, all in one place. I like to say it’s like having a business therapist, marketing strategist, creative director and personal trainer for your brain – all wrapped up in one trusted resource for your business. If you’re wanting to do life and business differently this year, if you want to simplify for peace and profit, apply for simplified at beckyhoschek.com/simplified. There, you’ll answer a few questions about you, your business and the season you’re in, and if I feel confident that I can help you make the changes you want, I’ll invite you to a next step call where we can connect, I can learn more about you and your goals and we can get all of your questions about working together answered so that you can make the best decision for you. Apply for SIMPLIFIED at beckyhoschek.com/simplified.