
  • Last year Ulrich Bartholmoes, who goes by Uba, won the Tour Divide in his first attempt with a time of 14d 2h 23m. This year he's back to defend his title at the Tour Divide, but he's got bigger goals than that. This year he will be attempting to complete the Triple Crown of Bikepacking (Tour Divide, Colorado Trail Race, and Arizona Trail race) and he's gunning to beat the current record time of 27d 18h 33m set by Jay Petervary in 2015.

    Uba's approach to ultra bikepack racing is different from most. He's incorporated advanced training methods inspired by pro tour riders and driven by his passion for optimization of himself, his equipment, and his training. And he seemingly attacks his training and preparation with the same detail and veracity that he applies to his racing.

    I caught up with him days before the start of the race at his hotel in Calgary. We dived into his plans for this year, his goals, and his unique training protocols. It seems that he's left no stone unturned, no bolt un-torqued, and no bearing un-greased. But as he says in the episode, it's a long race, and training and preparation can only take you so far.


    Old Man Mountain ~ You will see OMM racks and axle packs adorning many of the bikes on the Tour Divide this year. Check out what all the hype is about at OldManMountain.com and use code "mountainsordeath" at checkout to get 10% off your order. Use our BoD Affiliate link and we get a little commission :)

    Arkansas Graveler ~ A 6 day bike festival in the Ozark Mountains that offers not only amazing riding, but also activities, live music, food, and so much more. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone out there. Don't be shy come up and say hi if you see me!

    New Patrons
    Chase Bauduin
    Garret Hall

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • Daniel Connell has become a regular on the bikepacking race scene and in the cycling community. You will often see him on Trackleaders under his trail name, Dirty Dan. It was under this pseudonym that he recently set a new FKT on the Race Across Arizona and will be lining up in a couple of weeks to race the Tour Divide for the 4th consecutive year. Each year he's done it he's been able to shave a day off his finish time. This year he's on a new bike and gunning for a 15 day finish.

    His entry point into cycling was a 4,000+ mile bike tour with a buddy from California to Columbia in 2017 after graduating college. Armed only with a bike, some gear, and very little planning of what was to come. It was on that trip that he found the bike to be the "perfect form of travel". Since then he's only progressed as a traveler and cyclist racking up credentials too numerous to list, but to give you a taste, here's what he's done so far in 2024:

    Baja Divide
    Transcordilleras race (Colombia)
    Bikepacking trip all over Colombia
    Double Everest
    Stagecoach 400
    Tour de Los Padres
    Race Across Arizona

    He's packed more into the first 6 months of this year than many will experience in a lifetime. It feels like every time I log into social media he's on another trip or lining up in another race. I've grown fond of following him on all of his adventures. He brings with him a big smile and a big appetite for adventure, fruit, and white milk. All of which we discuss on today's episode.


    Central Texas Showdown - Four distances to choose from, 28 spots left, 100% Texas. Come find out why the call this part of Texas the Hill Country on Oct. 25th, 2024. Register here!

    New Patrons
    None this week, but you can change that :)

    Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

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  • Alissa Bell is the creator and owner of ExploringWild.com and BikeSleepBike.com. Both projects are inspired by her 20,000+ miles traveling by foot and bike all over the world and her passion for helping others find their own adventure. In 2018 she quit her job to travel the world – a move that many of us dream about making, but that few of us ultimately find the bravery to take the plunge on.

    When she left for Africa in 2018, she wasn’t just walking away from her career. She was also leaving behind a supportive husband, her home, her friends, and all of the comfort and familiarity that comes with a happy, whole, and rich home life.The urge to discover the world and herself in it is a primary motivator for Alissa, but it’s not one that comes easy or without cost. It requires constant juggling and negotiating between a home life she loves and an adventurous life that fills her soul.

    From ExploringWild.com, “I won’t pretend all this is easy. I’m introverted, nerdy, and more risk-averse than you might think. I have cranky knees and hate being cold. I used to think all this stuff was only for people braver and tougher than I am. If I can do it, you definitely can too.“

    In other words, she’s a lot like me and you. Luckily for us, Alissa has dedicated her life – through her example, her writing, websites, and adventure kits – to helping others chase their own version of the life they want for themselves.

    On a personal note, I met Alissa digitally in 2019 when she extended an offer to help with BikesorDeath.com. Over the past 5 years she’s been an unsung hero for BoD behind the scenes. What started as a kind offer to help led to her building an entirely new website from scratch. She’s also been invaluable in her help every time the website crashes (which is more than you’d think haha). It’s through these interactions that I became aware of, and impressed by, her boldness and unfettering determination to pursue a life that is more meaningful and representative of the version of herself she identifies with the most. After years of coaxing, it was a pleasure to have her join me on the podcast.

    A great way to keep up with Alissa and get notified about her projects is through her newsletter.


    Old Man Mountain ~ Did you know that OMM makes panniers specifcally for bikepacking that pair perfectly with their legendary racks? Learn more on today's episode and use discount code “mountainsordeath” for 10% off site-wide and use this affiliate link so BoD gets a "Thank You" check in the mail :)

    Exploring Wild ~ Alissa is offering BoD listeners 15% of her Adventure Kits, just use coupon code "kitsordeath" at checkout!

    Geoffrey Meredith - increased pledge 🎉

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • It's Midsouth Week! At least here at Bikes or Death headquarters ;). This week, we are going back in time and reliving Midsouth through the lens of Patrick and Natalie's experience. Whether you’re Midsouth curious or you got hit with those post-race blues and are feeling like a little Midsouth 2024 nostalgia, this episode is for you! So charge your headlights and grab your chamois butter because you’re invited along for the journey as Natalie and I experience our first ever Midsouth. From the Midsouth beer release party at The Iron Monk, to the expo show, and all the way through 100 miles of Oklahoma dirt roads, we're mic'd up and taking you along for the ride!

    For me, Midsouth has been a bucket list item for many years. Unfortunately, I'm usually busy preparing for the East Texas Showdown as it traditionally takes place the week after Midsouth. However, this year, I made sure to get my ETS prep done early so I could enjoy a weekend on the famed red dirt gravel roads that have catapulted Midsouth into the upper echelon of the gravel racing circuit. As an event director myself, I was both personally and professionally interested in taking part in this event. Not only was I excited to spend the day riding bikes, but I was also counting port-a-potties, taking notes at the pre-race meeting, and marveling at the well-orchestrated machine that is Midsouth. In their 14th consecutive year, Midsouth puts on one hell of an event, and I was eager to learn from their expertise.

    Natalie had her own goals. This would be her first proper century, but it wasn't her first time riding 100 miles. In September of last year she and I participated in the Ozark Rando, a 120 mile randonneur in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas. We recorded that experience as well and you can go back and listen if you haven't already. We spent 22 hours making our way through the Arkansas backcountry, rolled in DFL a solid 7 hours after the official cutoff time, and learned so much from that experience. One thing we learned is that it may have been a little ambitious for Natalie’s first century +20 miles. The Midsouth was an opportunity for her to take on her second ever 100 mile ride on a more approachable course. Midsouth still boasts a lot of climbing, but it's only half the elevation gain of the Ozark Rando. So for Natalie, this was a chance to reclaim some of the confidence that was lost in the hills of Arkansas and find the joy in long distance cycling efforts. Her goal for Midsouth was just to finish it, and ideally not as DFL this time. For Midsouth our plan was to prioritize time on the bike and focus on maintaining momentum throughout the day.

    Listen to today's episode for a peek into the Midsouth experience and follow along with us as we race to not be DFL. For the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with DFL. We are very proud to hold that title in the 2023 Ozark Rando but for Midsouth, we wanted to let someone else enjoy the honor.


    Bikepacking Roots ~ Is taking applications and donations for their Bipoc Adventure Grant Program. Click the link or email [email protected] for more info!

    New Patrons

    Evan Zipperer
    Kirk Everett
    Janis Brunner
    Chris Marshall

  • Since my youth I've had a passion and love for the outdoors. While all wilderness landscapes appeal to me in their own unique way, desert landscapes have always been my favorite. So it's no surprise that when I got into bikepacking and found out about the AZT it quickly ascended to the top of my bucket list. After 5 years of hoping, dreaming, and planning, I finally made the leap and signed up for a Spring ITT. On April 11th at 7:12am myself and 3 others (Gregg Dunham, Alan Jacoby, and Ian Quigley) set out on the AZT, each of us doing ITT's.

    The AZT (Arizona Trail) is a hiking trail that runs North/South across the length of Arizona. It is one of the routes that make up the Bikepacking Triple Crown and considered to be the most difficult route by many who have done all three. There are two route options, the 300, which ends at the Picket Post Trailhead, and the 800 that ends at the Utah border and requires riders to disassemble their bike and carry through the Grand Canyon.

    My AZT challenges started months before the start and just getting to the start line would prove to be one of the biggest challenges. Life was throwing everything at me all at once and, at times, I seriously considered postponing my AZT attempt. Ultimately, I put my head down and worked my way through, over, and around, all of the barriers that threatened to end my attempt before it even started. I lined up on the morning of April 11th feeling unprepared, undertrained, and down right afraid of what I was about to do. In moments like that all you can do is push aside any lingering doubts and just ride your damn bike, so that's what I did.

    Ultimately, my ride was cut short in Tucson due to heat related illnesses. But my time on the trail was everything I could have hoped for and a lot more. The trail lives up to its reputation as being difficult, but it also exceeded my expectations of beauty. No amount of hike a bike, heat, or ruggedness diminished my enjoyment during my time out there. I truly had the time of my life and am only left with overwhelming sense of love for this world that we live in and a body that took me as far as it could. The trail isn't going anywhere and I'm already looking forward to attempting it again one day.

    On this episode I mic myself up during my attempt and share my experience on the Arizona Trail. I hope this episode helps other people who are wanting to ride their damn bike on the ATZ.


    Old Man Mountain ~ I used their Axle Pack and Elkhorn rack on the AZT, both of which performed flawlessly and allowed me to take full advantage of the full suspension bike I rode. Use discount code “mountainsordeath” for 10% off site-wide and use this affiliate link so BoD gets a Thank You check in the mail

    New Patrons
    Cary Holt
    Fabian Schwaerzler

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • Meaghan Hackinen is your 2024 DOOM female winner and 3rd place overall. On day one she skipped a critical resupply point and found herself leading the field for a good part of the day. Dexter Kopas would eventually catch her and go on to take the win. Overall, it made for some exciting dot watching and resulted in an impressive finish for Meaghan.

    Meaghan got into competitive ultra cycling events back in 2016 and she has a long list of good results that include wins and FKT on several courses. Notably, she was the overall winner at the BC Epic 1000 in 2021 and she is the 24 hour World Time Trial Champion where she set a new course record.

    Next up, Meaghan is taking on the Tour Divide. She's on my dot-watching list, she should probably be on yours too!


    Old Man Mountain ~ Use discount code “mountainsordeath” for 10% off site-wide and use this affiliate link so BoD gets a Thank You check in the mail

    New Patrons
    None this week. Nows a great time to support the show :)

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • On today's episode John Schilling, AZT Race Director, is here to talk all things AZT. He became the race director in 2019 when Scott Morris passed the torch after 14 years of creating and overseeing the race. John is no stranger to the AZT. He first attempted it in 2012 and completed it in 2013. He's a local to the Pheniox area and is well known for his hard work developing routes, leading rides, and for his great work on the AZT.

    Quickly after becoming the AZT race director he made changes to both the 300 and 800 routes. In fact, the long version used to be 750, but thanks to John there are an extra 50 miles of AZT goodness for you to enjoy. On today's episode we are going to be learning more about those changes and what prompted them.

    We're also going to be getting to know John a little better and learning about his personal history with the AZT. Among other things we touch on the history of the AZT for bikepacking, the Arizona Trail Association, and discuss tips and insights to help prepare you to take on either of these epic routes.

    The AZT is one of the jewels that make up the Bikepacking Triple Crown and has been an important part in the history of our sport. It was a true pleasure to take a deeper dive into this iconic trail and get to know the man currently at the helm a little better.

    Campfire Cycling - Is your premier destination for AZT preparation. Whether you needs gear, supplies, or a pat on the back, they've got you covered. The also host 7 rides for riders at all levels that are great for AZT training. If you can't make it into their amazing shop they have you covered with an e-commerce store featuring their new Make-It-Mine Bicycle Configurator!

    🎉New Patrons🎉
    Seth Gerring
    Rob Lorenz
    Derek Bowers

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

    Shop our affiliate links to help support the show!

  • Jenny Tough is one of the most impressive adventure athletes I've had the pleasure of chatting with. Her accomplishments in sports and writing are truly inspirational and mesmerizing. She is an ultra runner and bikepacker with numerous accomplishments to her name. Among her accomplishments, in the running world she was the first person to run across Kyrgyzstan solo and unsupported. Following that trip she set out to run across 5 other equally challenging terrains in different parts of the world. In total she complete 6 runs in 6 continents over a 6 year period which she chronicled in her latest book SOLO.

    If that isn't impressive enough, during that time she was also introducing herself to the bikepacking world by entering, and winning, some of the most challenging bikepacking races in the world. In 2018 she won the Silk Road Mountain Race (SRMR) and followed that up with a win at the Atlas Mountain race in 2020, before going back to SRMR in 2021 and winning again. By any measure Jenny lives up to the name "Tough" and in doing so she is finding was to inspire and motivate others. She has made it her mission to not only do tough things, but to encourage others, especially women, along the way through her writing and creative outlets.

    It was an honor to have her on the show and I hope your enjoy this chat as much as I did!

    Old Man Mountain - The Axle Pack is here to solve your fork mounting needs. Gone are the days of ducktaping water bottle cages to your forks. Check out the Axle Pack here and use code "mountainsordeath" at check for 10% off your order!

    Bikepacking Roots - BPR is a non-profit organization built on the three pillars of Ride, Connect, and Protect. Please visit their page and find ways to help support the important work they do for the bikepacking community.

    Shop our affiliate links to help support the show!

    🎉New Patrons🎉
    Rob Mccarty
    Esker Cycles

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • The East Texas Showdown is in its fourth year and it's our biggest one yet. With 250+ riders from all over the world decending on East Texas we wanted to produce an episode to help you have a successful weekend in the woods.

    We surveyed all the riders participating in ETS 2024 and I brought in a panel to help me answer your questions. The panel consist of one person from each of the three categories from last year.

    From the Showdown we have Harrison Kroos, the Slowdown is represented by Vince Colvin, and our Lowdown representatvie is Aja Roberts.

    I appreciate each of them for helping me answer your questions and producing a fun and informative episode to help other riders have a successful weekend!

    Even if you aren't participaiting in the offical ETS, the route files are available for free at TexasShowdownSeries.com and anyone is welcome to ride the routes anytime.

    We'd like to thank our ETS sponsors for this year:

    Handup Gloves
    Kuat Racks
    Mulberry Gap
    Old Man Mountain
    The Radavist
    Ruby Coffee
    Thomson Bikes
    Woom Bikes
    The Bullet Grill

  • Today we are catching up with Lewis Ciddor after his impressive 3rd place finish at Tour Te Waipounamu. Many of you will be familiar with Lewis. He won the Tour Divide in 2018 and was the host of the Overland Archive Podcast for many years. Lewis was on the show in Aug. of 2020 for Ep. 51. Since then I've noticed he's been keeping a lower profile. Not entering races, not releasing episodes of his own podcast, not posting on social media as much, so when I saw him back in the race lineup I was eager to catch up with him. I was also eager to hear more about the Tour Te Waipounamu. It takes place on the south island of New Zealand and looks to be equal parts challenging and beautiful. The route is known for a variety of terrain, river crossings, hike a bikes, and off trail navigating. In other words, it’s a real challenge. In the world of ultra endurance mountain biking, this race stands out as being particularly hard, and that’s saying something. It had been four years since Lewis had raced before lining up at TTW. Any doubts he had going into that race about being the racer he once was were going to be faced on the beautifully rugged terrain that is Tour Te Waipounamu. Not all victories come in the form of winning. For Lewis, his victory came by facing and overcoming challenges during the race that at one point had him in 12th place with only 300 miles to the finish. On today’s episode Lewis takes us through his journey as he made his way through the field and onto the podium in his first race in 4 years.

    Panorama - Today we highlighted the Katahdin which is Panoramas carbon gravel bike and the bike that Patrick has been personally riding for over a year.

    Shop our affiliate links to help support the show!

    🎉New Patrons🎉
    Noelle Battle

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • John and Mira are a bikepacking duo who were the first to complete the Tour Divide Race as a human and dog team in 2023. They also emBARKed on a world tour in 2023 with the goal of dogpacking all 7 continents of the world. A feat that is so big that if you think about it too much it seems almost unattainable. But, John and Mira have over six years experience traveling the world together by bike and that experience, I believe, will lead to their success.

    Today's episode starts with an introduction to John and Mira and how they got started dogpacking. We also go into some of the how-tos of dogpacking and John shares with us some of the tips, tricks, equipment, and best practices to help you get out on epic adventures with your furry friends. Then we learn all about their world tour, what their plan is, how they approach route building, and their overall approach to dogpacking and cycling the world. And, of course, we discuss their record setting run at the Tour Divide Race and their plans to go back and try again, this time using everything they learned in an attempt to set an even faster time.

    John and Mira have an excellent YouTube channel with tons of adorable and inspirational videos. So when you're done listening to this episode, make sure to go watch some of those. It's worth it just to see Mira comfortably sitting in her basket with her goggles on as they bomb down hills.


    Bikepacking Basics: East Texas Edition
    April 26th - 28th
    Information + Registration: https://www.bikereg.com/bikepacking-basics-east-texas-edition

    Support the Show:
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bikesordeath
    Affiliate Links: https://bikesordeath.com/affiliate-links/

  • On today's episode, I sit down with Angus Morton to chat about his latest film: The Divide. This masterpiece follows Angus's brother, Lachlan Morton, on his 2023 ITT of the Tour Divide.

    The Divide masterfully captures Lochlan's Journey, the landscape, and the beauty and challenges along the way. Lochlan traversed 2,700 miles, 2 countries, and 5 states over a period of 12.5 days. Showcasing a route that covers so much distance, so many different terrains, and carries with it so many unknowns is a daunting endeavor, but Angus pulled it off brilliantly. As a content creator and storyteller myself, I was eager to talk to him about it.

    In today's episode, we discuss the power of media to inspire as well as its controversial nature in today's bikepack racing climate. We also get a peak behind the scenes into what it's like to film an elite athlete's tremendous effort on the Tour Divide, including some of the technical, logistical, and emotional challenges for Angus as he bears witness to his brother's trials, triumphs, and occasionally questionable decisions.


    Panorama Cycles ~ Purpose built backcountry bicycles with versatility and sustainability in mind. Use our affiliate link when ordering and BoD gets a small commission :)

    Shop our affiliate links to help support the show!

    New Patrons
    Mathew Crouch
    Whitney Houck
    Katherine M. Grosz

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • At the end of the year Sofiane made a post on social media that caught my eye. The first line read, “So where do I go from here?”. Sofiane is arguably the best ultra bikepack racer in the world. A position that he earned by winning some of the most grueling races in bikepacking, in some cases multiple times. Having accomplished so much, he now finds himself in a unique position and wondering what’s next.

    Today we dig a little deeper into Sofiane’s thoughts about his career, his accomplishments, and what, in fact, is next for him.


    Old Man Mountain - Exclusive offer for Bikes or Death listeners: OMM is launching a new product called the Axle Pack and BoD listeners are getting early access to be the first to own one! Just visit OldManMountain.com/BoD and to get 10% off your order use the code "mountainsordeath" at checkout!

    Shop our affiliate links to help support the show!

    New Patrons
    Samuel Graham
    Dennis Vandegrift

    Patrons who increased their pledge
    Chris Clodfelter
    Crispin Hoult

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • In the final installment Patrick answers listener questions and he gets his girlfriend, Natalie, to ask your questions. We got a ton of questions, so this episode will be sure to make the "long live long-form" listeners very happy.

    Thanks for riding bikes with us in 2023. After five years of podcasting I'm never not grateful to the listeners who support our work. As always, I've got big plans for next year and I look forward to riding with y'all again in 2024.

  • Bikes or Death is growing and I’ve hired some people to help. In this episode I sit down with Mckensie Barney, Ariel Marlowe, and Ben Crannell, to introduce you to the people that help make what Bikes or Death does a reality.

  • It's that time again. Time to look back at a year of podcasting, give some awards, and make some promises for next year that I'm sure to break a few :)

    This is the last episode of the year, and it's a doozie. Originally intended to be one episode, I've broken into 3 parts due to its length. So here's what we've got for ya with this one:

    Part 1: Bikes or Death Awards - Today
    We asked our listeners to help us vote on the best episodes from 2023. In this episode we look back on a great year of podcasting and give awards in the following categories: Best Episode of the Year, Most Informative, Most Entertaining, Most Inspirational, and Most Downloads. I also share some stats from 5 years of Bikes or Death and a look forward with some goals for 2024.

    Part 2: Meet the Team - Dec. 28th
    Bikes or Death is growing and I've hired some people to help. In this episode I sit down with Mckensie Barney, Ariel Marlowe, and Ben Crannell, to introduce you to the people that help make what Bikes or Death does a reality.

    Part 3: AMA with Patrick - Dec. 29th
    In the final installment Patrick answers listener questions, and he gets his girlfriend, Natalie, to ask your questions. We got a ton of questions, so this episode will be sure to make the "long live long-form" listeners very happy.

    Thanks for riding bikes with us in 2023. After five years of podcasting I'm never not grateful to the listeners who support our work. As always, I've got big plans for next year and I look forward to riding with y'all again in 2024.


    Lectric eBikes – Get hundreds of dollars in free accessories with any Lectric eBike purchase this holiday, including America’s best-selling eBike, the XP 3.0

    AG1 – Go to www.drinkag1.com/bikesordeath to take advantage of a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.

    Shop our affiliate links to help support the show!

    New Patrons
    Levi Walls
    Thomas Seymour

    Patrons who increased their pledge
    Diane Prekup
    Alsksandar Radan

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • For the final episode in this series, we catch up with Hannah Simon after finishing 3rd at the Arizona Trail Race last month. The AZT was the last race in a three race series dubbed the Bikepacking Triple Crown. Prior to that she tied for 3rd at Tour Divide in June, followed by a 6th place finish at the Colorado Trail Race in August.

    The Triple Crown is the hardest and most prestigious accomplishment that our sport has to offer. By completing the Triple Crown, Hannah became one of only 6 women to have ever completed this challenge. Not only that, but her time was good enough to have the record for the 3rd fastest female, and she beat the previous FKT by 28 minutes, a record that stood since 2015.

    Hannah's Triple Crown, by the numbers:

    Tour Divide
    3rd Place (tied)
    2,745 miles
    18d 11h

    Colorado Trail Race
    6th Place
    530 miles
    6d 8h

    Arizona Trail Race
    3rd Place
    800 miles
    11d 11h

    In total Hannah would ride 4,075 miles in 36d 6h, making her the 3rd fastest female to every complete the Bikepacking Triple Crown.


    Lectric eBikes – Get hundreds of dollars in free accessories with any Lectric eBike purchase this holiday, including America’s best-selling eBike, the XP 3.0

    AG1 – Go to www.drinkag1.com/bikesordeath to take advantage of a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.

    New Patrons

    Ed Pinskey
    Bryan Thelen
    Preston Williams

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • Kurt Refsnider just became one of only a handful of people to have ever successfully traversed the Continental Divide Trail by bike. The trail is 3,300 miles long and spans the length of the United States along the Continental Divide. In many ways it's similar to the popular Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. However, there is one big distinction, the CTS is primarily singletrack. And much of it is unmaintained, overgrown, and sometimes nonexistent trails.

    It's not surprising that Kurt would be included in the elite group to have completed this trail. He's been a cyclist and athlete from a very young age. In fact, we hear about his first century on today's episode. He's gone on to set so many records in cycling it's easier to point you to his website for a full list.

    Kurt also holds many hats in the cycling industry. He is a profissional adventure cyclist, the co-founder and Route Developer for Bikepack Roots, and he is an endurance coach, among other things. Today's episode touches on all of these topics and more.


    Old Man Mountain - Use our affiliate link to get 15% off your order!

    BoD Affiliate Links - We've made it easier to find the links that support this show and provide deals for our listeners. You can find them on our website! When you use our links you support this show and the partners who support us.

    🎉New Patrons🎉

    Andrew Dordal

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • My guest today is the winner of this years Arizona Trail Race 800, Alex Schultz. Alex is no stranger to bikepack racing or the AZT. In 2019 he entered his first bikepacking race, the Colorado Trail Race, and was hooked! In 2022 he entered the AZT 300 and won it. This year he came back to take on the 800 with only the goal to finish and do his best. It turns out his best was good enough to win and set a new FKT (Fastest Known Time). His time of 9d 5h 43m was five hours faster than the previous FKT set by Nate Ginzton in 2022.

    By the sound of it Alex is just getting started with his bikepack racing career. With a lot of adventure sports experience and some good results under his belt, I have a feeling we'll be seeing his name at the top of other big races soon!


    Lectric eBikes - Get hundreds of dollars in free accessories with any Lectric eBike purchase this holiday, including America’s best-selling eBike, the XP 3.0

    AG1 - Go to www.drinkag1.com/bikesordeath to take advantage of a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.

    🎉 New Patrons 🎉
    None, this week, but thank you to the 316 patrons that support this show!

    Join them won’t you? Find out more at www.Patreon.com/BikesorDeath

  • Last month Natalie and I took on the Ozark Rando 120. This is a new event by Ozark Gravel Cyclist and hosted by Experience Fayetteville. As the name suggests, the format of this ride is a Randonneur -a non-competitive long-distance unsupported endurance cycling event.

    I used this ride as part of my training for an attempt at the 475 mile Central Texas Showdown Route. I’ve also been really interested in doing a Randonneur ever since Cheech with Crust Bikes came on the podcast. And, I never turn down an opportunity to ride my damn bike in Arkansas!

    Natalie on the other hand would be taking on her biggest ride, by a long shot! Previously, her longest ride was 60 miles in Texas with only 1,200’ of climbing. The Ozark Rando boasts over 12,000’ of climbing over 122 miles. For her, this would be a huge physical and mental undertaking. By signing up, she committed to the unknown, and that’s scary.

    Spoiler alert: We finished Dead Fucking Last, and I couldn't be more proud of her and us. As the day unfolded, the miles passed slower and slower, and the finish time goal post kept moving, but we kept riding our damn bikes.

    On today’s episode, join Natalie and I as we embark on an epic day (and night) in the Ozarks on our bikes.


    Experience Fayetteville ~ To start planning your next cycling vacation just visit experiencefayetteville.com where you’ll find a large selection of curated routes for every riding style including road, gravel, mountain bike, and urban adventures.

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