
  • Adrian Freedman is probably one of the most versatile and inspiring musicians I have ever met. Starting piano lessons at the age of 5 and violin lessons at the age of 7, he’s evolved to a unique multi-instrumentalist that has studied many cultures and their musical heritage, and is now travelling the world to share his own.

    During our conversation, Adrian shares some of the wisdom he has gained from his life-long musical path, which has brought him to all corners of the world - from England to Tokyo, and on to the Amazon rainforest of Brazil.

    Music has been the foundation of many of his most profound experiences and adventures - like moving to Japan to study with a Zen master, spontaneously being invited to play Shakuhachi for the Dalai Lama, stepping onto the path of plant medicine work, and receiving songs in a language that he did not even speak at the time. Listening to the way Adrian describes his passion for music as the catalyst for every major step taken in his life is simply inspiring.

    Besides exploring the unique potential of different styles of music, we also take on a more philosophical perspective on how music moves and affects people, and as such can truly be seen as a medicine of its own kind.

    ║ Connect with Adrian Freedman ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/adrian_freedman_music/
    Website - https://adrianfreedman.com/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/AdrianFreedmanZenHeartMusic
    Bandcamp - https://adrianfreedman.bandcamp.com/
    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/adrianfreedman

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • Malou Dronkers is an artisan chocolate and cacao maker from Amsterdam. She’s the founder of the handrafted chocolate brand “Macaomovement” and the co-founder of Wild Child Cacao, a manufactory of 100% pure bean to bar cacao paste.

    It's not easy finding anyone more passionate and knowledgeable about the art of chocolate making, and hearing Malou talk about beans, bars, roasting, flavour profiles and tempering usually gets people even more excited about the topic than they already are - sweet stuff, you're in for a treat!

    In this episode, we unwrap (pun intended) the story of chocolate and cacao from the first to the last bite. How do you even become a chocolate maker in the first place? What's the difference between chocolate and cacao? (Why) does chocolate make us happy? What's so special about the cacao plant and how has its use evolved historically speaking? Why is cacao experiencing a renaissance in its ceremonial use? And how can we ensure ethical and sustainable consumption of the probably most emotional consumer product on the market?

    So get yourself a hot cup of cacao, lean back and enjoy this delicious conversation - and whether you're a chocolate enthusiast or just curious about the journey of your favourite sweet treat, you'll likely learn a thing or two about the brown gold you so cherish.

    ║ Connect with Malou Dronkers ║

    Instagram MacaoMovement - https://www.instagram.com/macaomovement/
    Instagram Wild Child Cacao - https://www.instagram.com/wildchildcacao/
    Website MacaoMovement - https://www.macaomovement.com/shop
    Website Wild Child Cacao - https://wildchildcacao.com/shop/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

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  • Kimberly Ann Johnson is a well-known somatic practitioner, educator, author, podcaster and mother. Her work evolves around the themes of birth, motherhood, sex, relationships and trauma healing, with the aim of helping women to live a life of pleasure and power.

    In this podcast episode, we explore the challenges and needs of new mothers during the fourth trimester of their pregnancy - the postpartum period. In our modern society, there's little to no common understanding on how mothers should best be supported in the first days and months with their newborns, as intergenerational exchange of knowledge and best practices is becoming increasingly rare. The results are feelings of overwhelm, insecurity, inadequacy, depression and stress.

    Kimberly has been working on rebuild a supportive Mother Culture for years, and shares her insights on what is really needed to help new mothers land safely in the turbulent new world that is motherhood, and to heal both physically and emotionally from the stress of pregnancy and childbirth.

    Finally, we also touch upon the transformational potential the fourth trimester holds, how new mothers can use this to their advantage, and truly navigate this rite of passage in a way that serves rather than harms them.

    ║ Connect with Kimberly Ann Johnson ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kimberly.ann.johnson/
    Website - https://kimberlyannjohnson.com/
    Book "The Fourth Trimester" - https://kimberlyannjohnson.com/the-fourth-trimester/
    Course "Fourth Trimester Food" - https://kimberlyannjohnson.com/the-fourth-trimester/
    Course "MotherCircle" - https://mothercircle.com/mothercircle/
    MotherCircle Facilitator Training - https://mothercircle.com/mothercircle-facilitator-training/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • Victoria Etherington is a certified coach, specialising in supporting people in preparing for and later integrating psychedelic or other peak experiences. She is also the co-founder of Entheogenesis, a legal psilocybin retreat in the Netherlands with an in-depth 5 week preparation and integration programme supporting the experience itself.

    She also works with breathwork and other somatic modalities in Berlin, either in a group or 1-1 context - hosting intimate breathwork ceremonies, encouraging an exploration of the subconscious.

    In this episode we discuss what integration means in the context of a psychedelic or peak experiences, and why it is of such high importance when it comes to ensuring lasting change and transformation. Diving into the research findings of recent years on this topic, as well as the traditional and indigenous perspective, we also look at what to consider when preparing for ceremony - and how the preparation process impacts the experience. Finally, the conversation touches upon the benefits of altered states of consciousness in general, and discusses a range of alternative modalities that have the ability bring about such altered states outside of the psychedelic realm.

    ║ Connect with Victoria Etherington║

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoriastruth_
    Events & Workshops: https://www.eventbrite.de/o/victoria-etherington-56748789163
    Berlin Breathwork Events: https://t.me/spirebreath
    Berlin Lioness Gatherings - Women's Events: https://t.me/lionessgatherings

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

    ║ Additional Links ║

    Entheogenesis: https://entheogenesis.nl/

  • Susanne Roursgaard is the creator and founder of the The Gaia Method, with decades of experience as a practitioner, therapist, teacher, workshop leader, midwife, sexologist, family therapist and couples counsellor. Her work evolves around helping people shed blockages, old patterns, trauma and limiting beliefs that disconnect them from themselves and their bodies - through a combination of gentle bodywork, de-armouring, breathwork, sound and energy work.

    In this conversation, we talk about why armour forms in the first place, where it tends to manifest in the body, the advantage of lovingly "inviting" the body to release stuck energies instead of breaking through the armour with force, what a release might feel and look like, as well as the benefits people tend to experience during and after a de-armouring session or trajectory.

    We also dive into the imprint that we already carry as we are born into this world, given the conditions that we face in the womb, the way our birth story unfolds, and the extent to which the environment we find ourselves in afterwards presents itself as welcoming or hostile towards us.

    Finally, we touch upon the potency of combining these modalities with plant medicine work, specifically in the context of ceremonial use of Ayahuasca.

    ║ Connect with Susanne Roursgaard║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the_gaia_method/
    Website - https://www.the-gaia-method.com/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@thegaiamethod9695
    Facebook Group (Self-Dearmouring for Women) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/271789054213337

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • Apparent UFO sightings and the question as to whether there is extraterrestrial life has been influencing humanity for as long as we can remember. While some people think that it's a complete myth rooted in conspiracy theories, others believe that extraterrestrial beings are indeed living amongst us at this very moment, with either good or bad intentions - depending on who you ask.

    As a natural sceptic, Jerry Mattox has been researching the matter in an almost scientific way for years now, and has gained a lot of interesting and surprising insights that have caused him to be able to talk about the matter in a nuanced and compelling way, that simply tries to question and inform rather than convince.

    In this episode, we discuss what the UFO phenomenon is, explore why many highly influential people, as well as official bodies - including a number of governments - have recently started to openly recognise and de-stigmatise the phenomenon, and look at some of the most compelling cases out there.

    Yet we also dive a little deeper than this, and explore how this phenomenon - whether fact or fiction - has impacted modern culture and religion, and which better questions to ask beyond "is it real"?

    ║ Connect with Jerry Mattox║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/in.halien/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

    ║ Additional Links & Mentions ║

    Documentary Film - "The Phenomenon" directed by James Fox
    Book #1 - "In Plain Sight" written by Investigative Journalist Ross Coulthart
    Book #2 - "Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky" written by Carl Jung
    Books #3-4 - "Passport to Magonia" & "The Invisible College" written by French-born Scientist, Venture Capitalist and Ufologist Jacques Vallée. Now resides in Silicon Valley.

    The Nimitz Incident (2004) is well described by the Pilot Commander David Fravor in the following podcast interview:

    House lawmakers holds a congressional hearing regarding UFO's and Government Transparency featuring David Grusch, David Fravor as well as Ryan Graves testifying under oath:

    Initial interview of David Grusch going public with his non-classified testimony:

    2017 article in NYT's that kicked off the modern resurgence of UFO interest:

    Initial article revealing David Grusch story:

  • Nicole Nyima Costerus has been studying and immersing herself in a wide range of different spiritual practices from around the world for many years now, which have brought her to many unusual places across the globe, and caused her to travel off the beaten path.

    In this episode, we talk about her recent initiation as a vodou priestess in the tradition of Benin of West Africa, her time in sacred dieta with the Yananawa tribe in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, as well as her experience of spending prolonged periods of time in complete darkness and insolation from the outside world.

    Despite getting into some of her biggest insights and takeaways from these journeys, we explore how Nicole has integrated what she has learned into her work, and translates these complex, age-old teachings into digestable lessons for people who feel called to connect to these ancestral wisdoms that still hold true in our modern age.

    As the founder of "Women of Ancient Futures" and the host of the "Seeing in the Dark" podcast, Nicole is truly building bridges between the old and the new, bringing ancient teachings into these modern times. So sit back, relax, and get inspired by this light-hearted conversation around transformational journeywork and personal growth.

    ║ Connect with Nicole Costerus║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nicole.nyima.costerus/
    Website - https://www.womenofancientfutures.com/
    Trusting your Intuitive Gifts & Psychic Abilities (FREE Masterclass) - https://www.womenofancientfutures.com/intuitive-gifts-masterclass
    Seeing in the Dark Podcast - https://www.womenofancientfutures.com/blog

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • Hein Pijnnaken has been at the forefront of Microdosing education, research and destigmatisation since founding the Microdosing Institute in 2017 together with his business partner Jakobien van der Weijden. The Microdosing Institute is a global platform for education, research and community, that aims to unite indigenous wisdom with modern science to enable responsible, conscious and effective microdosing with psychedelics.

    Hein is an NLP Transformational Coach, and has almost 30 years of experience with various psychedelics - both in the context of personal use as well as in a guiding role. In our conversation, we outline what microdosing is (and what it is not!), what benefits it might have when used in an informed and responsible manner, why it it so stigmatised in our Western society, what scientific backing can be found around the practice, and what precautions to take.

    Besides exploring the current hype around microdosing psilocybin (usually in the form of magic truffles), we also touch upon the benefits of microdosing other psychedelic substances such as ayahuasca, huachuma, iboga, amanita muscaria and LSD. The episode also contains a bunch of anecdotes and insights around the topic based on our personal experiences with these substances - so it's a good mix of science & story, as well as proven fact & personal opinion.

    DISCLAIMER - all content in this episode is designed for informational and educational purposes only. Always consult a professional in the field for advice on your particular needs and circumstances before making any decision around whether to engage in the use of psychedelic substances yourself.

    ║ Connect with Hein Pijnnaken║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/microdosinginstitute/
    Website - https://microdosinginstitute.com/
    Shop - https://microdose.nl/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • Laura van der Vorst is a leading hormone health expert, certified functional nutritionist and successful wellness entrepreneur. She co-founded her first company healthcoachfx.com, which aims to help women find back into hormonal balance naturally, with her mother Petra in 2014, and recently became the co-creator of & a teacher at the Women Empowerment Coaching Certification Training.

    In this conversation, Laura generously shares her knowledge around all things hormone health. Our discussion takes us all the way from the most basic questions such as "what is a hormone and how does it differ from a neurotransmitter?" to more in-depth explorations of why hormones are the secret rulers of the body, different types of common hormonal imbalances in both women and men, their root causes, and what people can do to naturally come back into homeostasis and hormonal balance.

    While we clearly live in times where our hormones are severely challenged due to the environment we find ourselves in, there's also so much we can do to support our bodies - so this episode is an inspirational one for those who wish to take their (hormonal) health back into their own hands!

    ║ Connect with Laura van de Vorst ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lauravandevorst/
    healthcoach.fx - https://healthcoachfx.com/
    Embodied Coaching Institute - https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachinginstitute/
    Professional Women Empowerment Coach Training - https://healthcoachfx.com/women-empowerment-coach/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

    ║ Additional Links ║

    FREE Hormone Imbalance Quiz - https://programs.healthcoachfx.com/quiz-hormone-type/
    Female Cycle Superpowers Course - https://healthcoachfx.com/female-cycle-superpowers/

  • Salman Hatta takes us on the journey from his head to his heart. Leaving his life as a well-paid, successful, yet unfulfilled professional at top notch investment banks and highly promising startups behind, he decided to walk a completely different path - lead by his heart's calling.

    Nowadays, he’s a certified life and psychedelic integration coach, yoga teacher, somatic breathwork facilitator, reiki practitioner, ecstatic dance DJ, jewellery designer and program director at 1heart Journeys, an organisation that organises transformative ayahuasca retreats for entrepreneurs, founders, and changemakers.

    In our conversation, we talk about the main catalysts for his transformation, some lessons he learned along the way, things he had to let go of as he transitioned into this new era of his life, and the many blessings his courage to follow his heart has brought. An inspiring episode to listen to, especially for those that are currently undergoing a similar transition in their own lives.

    ║ Connect with Salman Hatta ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the.shalman/
    Website - https://www.salmanhatta.com/
    Jewellery - https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpiritLuminousBali
    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/djshalman

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

    ║ Additional Links ║

    1heart Journeys - https://www.1heart.com/

  • Sexologist, psychologist, biohacker and author Anna Lindfors helps us gain a deeper understanding of sexuality, sensuality, womanhood and cycle based living in this episode - and the inherent interconnectedness of these concepts.

    Our conversation aims to explore and answer questions such as what stands in our way of experiencing sexual pleasure, whether women are by nature "less sexual" than men, how our nervous system influences our ability to experience pleasure, how trauma can limit our sexual expression and influence our relationships, which practices we can use to reconnect to our bodies, sexuality and sensuality, and how the female cycle influences a woman's behaviour way beyond the physical.

    Additionally, we cover topics such as masturbation as a conscious embodiment practice, orgasms as the ultimate biohack and FemTech tools to track and level up your pleasure.

    This is a juicy one - so give it a listen and enjoy to the max!

    ║ Connect with Anna Lindfors ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/healwithanna/
    Website - https://annalindfors.com/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

    ║ Additional Links ║

    Lioness Smart Vibrator - https://lioness.io/

  • Yarrow Willard, aka. the "Herbal Jedi" is probably one of the most knowledgable and enthusiastic herbalists out there - with mush-room in his heart for mushrooms.

    In this conversation, we dig deep into the mycelial layer of our planet and explore the magnificence of these age-old organisms that secretly run life on earth - whilst also being more than comfortable living in space! Get ready for some mindblowing mushroom wisdom, lots of fungal fun facts and plenty of low-blow shroomy puns.

    Besides explaining the main benefits of a few "classic medicinal mushrooms" such as reishi, cordyceps, chaga, turkeytail and lion's mane on human health, we explore some of the reasons why mushrooms are such potent helpers when it comes to healing the body, mind and planet in the most unexpected ways possible. Humans might not make it - but mushrooms surely will!

    From psychedelic "magic" mushrooms to plastic eating fungi - this episode spreads it's spores of mushroom love far and wide - there's simply no way you can listen to this one without becoming a raging fungi fan!

    ║ Connect with Yarrow Willard ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/herbal_jedi/
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Herbal_Jedi
    Wild Rose College - https://wildrosecollege.com/
    FREE Mushroom Mini-Course https://wildrosecollege.com/product/world-of-mushroom-medicine-mini-series/
    Medicinal Mushroom Course - https://wildrosecollege.com/product/introduction-to-medicinal-mushrooms-2021/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • In this conversation Marie Terluin, who is trained in the QHHT regression technique by Dolores Cannon, takes me on a deep dive into the universe that is past life regression therapy.

    We talk about what to expect during a past life regression journey, its potential benefits with regards to personal development and deeper insight into your own being, and hear some anecdotal stories from Marije and her clients.

    Throughout the episode, we also dive deeper into concepts such as reincarnation, the higher self and the soul's journey. We clarify common questions like as whether one needs to believe in past life regression therapy for it to work (spoiler alert - nope, it seems to be like gravity - works whether you believe in it or not), what might motivate an individual to book a regression session, which kinds of questions you can ask your higher self and what kind of information you might be able to retrieve and receive.

    This is one of those episode where magic truly meets matter - so push your doubts aside and give it a listen!

    ║ Connect with Marije Terluin ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/marije.co/
    Website - https://marije.co/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

    ║ Additional Links ║

    Book 'Many Lives, Many Masters' - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34452.Many_Lives_Many_Masters

  • 'Curandero' Anthony Smith has been working with a wide range of sacred plant medicines for just under three decades now. His work has expanded all across the globe, and he is doubtlessly one of the most experienced practitioners out there.

    His journey with the plants began many years ago when he found himself in the Amazon rainforest as one of the first Western apprentices of well known Ayahuasceiros such as Don Pablo Amaringo and Shipibo Master Don Basilio Sinarahua.

    During this episode, we go into some incredible stories of back when he first travelled to the Amazon and encountered the then almost untouched medicine practices and traditions of the jungle. We dive deeper into what brought him on the path that he is currently on, and discuss the intention behind his unique approach of combining Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Peyote and Iboga in the work that he does nowadays.

    Finally, we talk about the profound healing that can come from working with these sacred plant teachers, yet also explore how we can give back to them and play an active role in the healing of our planet that has suffered enormously from human intervention and exploitation in recent decades.

    ║ Connect with Anthony Smith║

    Email - [email protected]
    Download the music that he and his team have specifically recorded for their ceremonial work - https://ayatunes.bandcamp.com/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • Men seem to think that we as women share all of our most intimate secrets with each other and that there's no taboo topics that sisters can't discuss. While this might be true at the individual level, this definitely doesn't hold up when it comes to the broader societal level of conversations around womanhood, women's health and the challenges of having a female body.

    In this week's episode, Kristin Weitzel - one of the world's leading female biohackers - and I open up the exact conversation that we feel like women are not having (enough), and talk about topics such as vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, lack of libido, postpartum problems - and some great potential solutions that in most cases aren't offered or even mentioned to those suffering from issues such as the ones mentioned above.

    We talk about the latest products in FemTech, simple yet powerful female biohacks, cycle based living - and open up quite vulnerably about our own journeys and challenges as proud vagina owners.

    ║ Connect with Kristin Weitzel ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/biohacking.breath.cold/
    Website - https://www.wellpower.life/
    Women's Health Online Course - https://www.wellpower.life/special
    Breath & Cold - https://www.sherpabreathandcold.com/
    Wellpower Podcast - https://www.wellpower.life/wellpower-podcast

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

    ║ Additional Links ║

    VFit / VSculpt Intravaginal Redlight Device - https://joylux.com/
    Yarlap Kegel Device - https://yarlap.com/(get 10% off with code WELLPOWER)
    Flexbeam Redlight Therapy - https://recharge.health/product/the-flexbeam/?ref=WELLPOWER&v=796834e7a283 (get $10 off with code WELLPOWER)

  • Marijuana is seen by many as a recreational drug - or substance of addiction and abuse. In this episode, cannabis connoisseur Crue Kopecky and I explore a different perspective on the hemp plant and its high-enducing female flowers, and discuss its medicinal, spiritual and downright practical properties in a fun and light-hearted conversation. Our discussion touches upon the ways in which the plant used to, and still is being invited to serve in sacred ceremonial settings, how to avoid getting caught up in it's potentially addictive nature, its potential benefits as a natural remedy for a number of common ailments, and the astonishing versatility of the hemp plant as a "raw material" for all sorts of products, ranging from construction materials to textiles and healthy food alternatives.

    Last but not least, we also share a few fun stories and personal anecdotes around our own experience with the plant and the way it has shaped our understanding of the world and ourselves.

    Make sure to follow Crue's work in the fields of breathwork, men's work and ceremonial use of cannabis.

    ║ Connect with Crue Kopecky ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the.mood.director/

    ║ Connect with Anna ║

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/annacatharinheil/
    Email - [email protected]
    Website - https://annaheil.com/
    Join My Telegram Channel - https://t.me/+4sibUkKfiJU4OTA6
    Sign Up To My Newsletter - https://annaheil.com/contact/

  • Hello beautiful people and welcome to Bliss and Butter - the podcast where I interview experts and legends of all walks of life about science, health, spirituality, alternative healing modalities, the beauty and absurdity of life, the mysteries of the universe - and whatever else our conversations take us to.

    As the listener, you’re invited to join us with an open heart and an open mind. I invite you to be curious. To not judge a book - or rather episode - by its cover. To hear us out. To question your own beliefs. To definitely not believe anything we say. To broaden your horizon. To enjoy yourself. And to think not just outside - but beyond the box.

    Why Bliss & Butter? Because we will talk about magic and matter. The visible and invisible, the tangible and the intangible. Yet - always with a blissfully delicious twist, leaving you feeling nourished and inspired.

    My name is Anna Heil - and I’m beyond excited to embark on this blissful and buttery journey with you. And just so you know - this podcast is a total passion project with the intention to give some incredibly interesting humans a space to share their wisdom - and for us - you and me - to learn from them.

    Ready? Let’s get blissed out and buttered up!