
  • Are you an entrepreneurial mom juggling her dreams while navigating life with a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? As a business owner, do you find it challenging to be on your game while so much is happening behind the scenes? When all of this is happening, it can be a pretty lonely experience…

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Special needs moms chasing their dreams are not alone.A child with ASD is exactly who they are meant to be.Let's build our businesses around our lives instead of the other way around.

    Full Show Notes Here!

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    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • Do you put people before profit? Or have you been taught to focus on profits at the expense of serving others? I have always prioritized service over profitability, not only because I believe in it but because it has also been very strategic for the growth of my business. I discussed this with Renée Sabo (who also has a big heart for service) on her podcast, The Confetti Hour. Take a listen to our conversation...

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Learn how to self-promote gracefully.Identify what you can realistically do to serve well.Think about whether a situation is an annoyance or an opportunity to shine.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    How I 10x'd my Wedding Business Masterclass

    How to Make Your Competition Irrelevant

    Connect with Renée



    The Confetti Hour Podcast

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

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  • What if you could just show up at a bridal show and get a booking right away? Imagine if newly engaged couples contacted you via DMs, and emails or even approached you on the street to set up an appointment. These scenarios ARE possible, but not without laying the groundwork first. In this episode, I feature my interview with Brandee Gaar on the Wedding Pro CEO podcast. Brandee and I discuss why you need warm leads in your business and how to get them, so keep listening!

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Don't be known for your bullet points.You want to be known for the value that you bring to the table.Create content, get visible, and show up when your people are ready to buy.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    How I 10x'd my Wedding Business Masterclass

    Honeybook Freebie

    Connect with Brandee





    The Wedding Pro CEO Podcast

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • Have you ever worked with a dream couple and thought, "I wish all my clients were like them!”. Did that make you think about what you could do to attract more of the same type of clientele? My guest, Heidi Thompson, is the queen of cloning clients. Listen in to find out how to get your favorite clients to tell you exactly what it takes to attract more couples just like them!

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    It’s impossible to market to people unless you understand who they are and what they care about.Your marketing messages might be off even if you're solving your clients' problems.You have to speak the same language as your ideal clients and not assume anything.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mention Resources

    Wedding Business CEO Summit January 23rd - 27th 2023

    Free Download: The Ultimate Marketing Checklist For Wedding Pros

    How I 10x'd my Wedding Business

    Connect with Heidi





    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • How many social media posts have you seen about someone having their “highest grossing year yet”? You know the ones… They're typically on bright, colorful backgrounds, and it’s usually only the first week of January when they announce this is their million-dollar year! This might seem harmless or like just another post in the scroll. But my guest, Bevin Farrand, explains why they're actually harmful to your business...

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Your big, bold statements are ruining your business because you're asking for blanket support.There comes a time when you need to bring in people who will question your dreams.No matter whether someone supports you or not, you should not let it influence your decision-making.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Connect with Bevin



    Facebook Community



    All The DAMN Things Podcast

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • Are you ready for something a bit different to kick off 2023? In this episode, I share my podcast interview with Courtney Hopper and Dana Kadwell on the Hustle + Gather podcast. Usually, when you're a guest on someone's podcast, you get a list of questions ahead of time, so you can prepare… but not with these ladies! This episode was totally unscripted, so the conversation was completely natural and fun. Listen in for a real, raw look behind the scenes at how I built my business and the struggles I faced along the way.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Learn how to build business relationships early on.Understand how people connect with people, so leads will be easier to close when they trust and like you.Discover why sometimes taking a nap is the most productive thing you can do.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    Hustle + Gather, with Courtney and Dana

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • Welcome to part two of this two-part series. If you haven't listened to episode 76, I'd love for you to go back and catch the beginning of this conversation! In this episode, Nikisha King-Hidalgo and I continue our conversation about the book, A Happy Pocket Full of Money, and how you can apply it to your own life. If you want to reframe your mindset when it comes to your business, goal setting, and life, then be sure to tune in!

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Discover why wanting comes from a place of scarcity.Learn how Nikisha already has everything she needs.Find out how your subconscious dictates your thoughts, values, and beliefs.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    A Happy Pocket Full of Money

    Connect with Nikisha




    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • Have you ever read a book that radically changed your life? Is there a book you have to share with everyone you meet because you know it will change their lives as well? That's exactly what happened with me and my next guest, Nikisha, and I'm glad not only that she's here to discuss that book and how you can apply it to your own life, but that she introduced me to it. If you're someone who dreams of achieving your goals, but gets hung up wondering how to make them happen, then this episode – and book – is for you.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Discover why you need to work diligently to reshape your vision and your subconscious thoughts.Learn why being mentally present is the hardest thing to do, but it’s physically easy.Finding moments of gratitude and gratefulness can help you stay present.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    A Happy Pocket Full of Money

    Connect with Nikisha




    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • How do you get through the slow months of your business? Do you get anxious because you aren't bringing in revenue during the holiday season? Maybe start trying to fill your time and grasp at small jobs just to keep your business afloat. Or maybe you're not totally sure what you should even be doing. Believe me, I've been there. But these slow months are now my secret weapons!! And they can be yours, too.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Find out why you need to be clear and concise in your messaging.Discover why it's time for you to start automating things in your business.Learn how to set up your business processes during this time so that they work for you when you're not there.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    My Custom Ceremony Programs

    Date-Based Email Sequence

    Building a StoryBrand

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Do you find yourself saying “Yes” to any and all potential clients just to pay the bills? Even when you know they’re not going to be a great fit for you? I get it! I’ve felt that pressure and I’ve been there. My guest, Chanda Daniels, has been there too and knows firsthand how limiting it can be for your career. While finding and sticking to a niche can be hard, it is one of the most important things that you can do for your business.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Learn how seeking under-served communities can help you find a nicheWhy you need to say NoHow to stay current with the times while staying true to your specialty

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    Goal Setting Freebie

    Pretty Pair Bride - Inspirations for Plus Size Brides

    ELOQUII - Sizes 14-28

    Connect with Chanda

    Chanda Daniels Planning & Design




    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review on Apple or Spotify so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout.

  • Have you ever been contacted by a couple only to get ghosted after your initial response? Or maybe you had a few promising conversations with them, but they backed out at the last minute. There's nothing worse than feeling rejected and having dry spells in your business. But when you understand the reasons behind why people aren't buying, it can change how you approach, well, everything. Ready to get to the bottom of this? Keep listening…

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    There will be people willing to pay for your services if they want them badly enough.If you stick to the rules you set for your business, your calendar will fill up, and you will be less stressed.Customers who don't care about your product or service aren't bad people, and they're just not your customers.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    How to Make Your Competition Irrelevant

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • When you look at other people's content, do you ever compare yours to theirs? You think, “hey, this is working for them, so it should work for me, too!” So many of us make this mistake (myself included!). The thing is, the more you compare yourself to others, the more you’ll fall back into the sea of sameness. The secret sauce to standing out is radically authentic messaging, strategy, and copywriting. My guest, Aleya Harris, is a StoryBrand-certified guide who helps entrepreneurs with just that.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    After you master your craft, you need to master the next level.Stop comparing your story to what other people are saying.Start digging deep and getting real with yourself to excavate and replenish.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    Building a Story Brand

    Building a Story Brand Amazon

    Website Copy Walk-Through Video - join the Facebook Group to watch!

    The Recalibration Guide

    3 Ways to Revamp Your Brand Messaging to Stand Out From the Competition

    Connect with Aleya






    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Do you consider December a total loss in terms of sales? Is the winter wedding season pretty dismal? I was right where you are until a year when I discovered my secret weapon... listen in to find out what it is.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Discover why December isn't a total loss in terms of salesFind out what your best seller is - what everyone requestsUse this time to make plans for the upcoming year

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Did you know that most creative people are right-brained? You may be wondering, “Lindsay, what does that mean?” Well, they tend to think more creatively and are less organized. Is your business wildly imaginative and expressive but lacks the structure needed to create logical systems? Then you’ll want to keep listening! In this episode, my guest, Jen Taylor, helps creatives streamline their workflows, processes, and procedures so they can grow their business and spend their time doing what they love most: creating and spending time with their families.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    The longer you keep working on your business without stepping away, the more likely you will burn out.By automating, outsourcing, and creating a workflow, you'll have more time to do other things.Writing down these eight major parts of your business and what you need to focus on is a priority.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    How to Scale Your Wedding Business as a Solopreneur

    Free Training - How I 10x’d My Wedding Business

    Harness the 8 CEOs

    Small Business Task

    Connect with Jen






    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Have you ever felt a gnawing sense of guilt in your chest when it came to making a business decision? Maybe you were tempted to take advice that didn’t align with your gut feeling. I've been there and guess what? It was my intuition talking, but I ignored it. Keep listening to find out what I learned…

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Focus your business on what matters mostCheck-in with your clients to see how they’re doing and how you can support themTake your gut feeling into account when following advice

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    Free Training- How I 10x’d My Wedding Business

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • How much time do you devote to loving on and really knowing your people? My guest, Natalie Franke, is a powerhouse inspiration; and she believes people are the most important thing. So, it shouldn't surprise you that she built a community of 76,000 entrepreneurs strong called, "The Rising Tide Society" - you might have heard of it.

    Natalie and I dive into why having a community over competition mindset is a competitive advantage, how to utilize social media to cultivate true relationships, how to lean on community through difficult times, and so much more. I took some golden nuggets that I highlighted w reading her book, "Built to Belong," and asked her to elaborate. She even shares the topic of her next book (for the first time ever on BTB).

    If you're a "Community over Competition" kinda person, you'll want to pop in those earbuds and tune in to hear Natalie's magic.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Empathy allows you to understand what others are going through and what they've endured to get where they are.Those who have adopted a mindset of community over competition are set up for success in a way that others are not.Relationships lead to success.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources
    Built to Belong Book
    Honeybook Freebie

    Connect with Natalie
    The Rising Tide Society

    Connect with Lindsay
    Facebook Community

    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Do you know why it's so important to have an email list? You may wonder what to say in those emails or what mistakes you might make. I asked my guest, Kendra Swalls, specific questions about the wedding industry, the lifespan of our clients, and email marketing.

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Find out how to avoid some common email marketing mistakesLearn how social media content differs from email contentDiscover how to set up your emails, so they meet your audience where they are

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    Kendra's Email Marketing Starter Kit

    Lindsay's 7 Must-Have Email Templates for Wedding Professionals

    Connect with Kendra


    Paisley Layne Photography Instagram

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Are you ready to start planning for profits for 2023? Maybe you're thinking, Lindsay, quarter four just started! It's time to focus on the holidays… What if I told you now is the perfect time to start planning for profits for next year?

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Discover how to get crystal clear about your goalsLearn how to find out when production and sales are highGet tips on creating a plan to reach your goals

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Have you been neglecting your social media strategy over the busy wedding season? Maybe it seems your content strategy is that one daunting thing on your to-do list that you never seem to have time for. Or, you keep telling yourself that you’ll get to it come November when things slow down (been there).

    In this episode, co-founders of Duo Collective and I discuss the importance of social media content pillars and how to make content creation easy for your business so you can finally check “create a social media plan” off your to-do list.

    Are you ready to speed past your content strategy roadblock and start connecting with different people in your audience? This episode is for you!

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Learn how to create a social media content strategy that will speak to different parts of your audience.Discover the power of content pillars and learn how to use them to structure your content marketing plan.Get a whole social plan and SEO tips you can implement right away to see better results with your social media marketing efforts.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources:

    Social Media Workshop

    Free Masterclass: How I 10x'd my Wedding Business - $30k to $300k in just 5 years

    Connect with Abbey and Courtney:



    Connect with Lindsay:


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    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us who are ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!

  • Are you relying on bridal shows to bring you leads? Maybe you attend, introduce yourself to new couples, and then there's radio silence. What if you went into each show knowing that all that time and money spent preparing for the show was well spent?

    Top reasons to listen to the entire episode:

    Book more appointments before the bridal show is over.Introduce yourself to couples before they attend a bridal show.Skip giveaways when trying to wow your booth visitors.

    Full Show Notes Here!

    Mentioned Resources

    Bridal Show Workshop

    Free Masterclass: How I 10x'd my Wedding Business

    Connect with Lindsay


    Facebook Community


    Thank you for tuning into the Build that Business podcast. Please follow, share if you enjoyed the show, and leave a review so others can find us ready to build a business and generate profits without burnout!