Welcome to Paragliding Chat! My name is Harro Brouwer and I'm a paraglider pilot from the Netherlands.
Fly like a bird. For many people it is a dream. Paragliding makes that dream a reality.
Since 2021 I have been making a podcast about paragliding... in Dutch. It's called Paragliding Vliegpraat. Quite difficult if you don't understand Dutch.
Now the good news: from 2022 I will also make Paragliding Chat. This one is in English! Chat will appear a bit more erratically than Vliegpraat.
If you like this podcast, I'd love to hear about it!
Please send an email to: [email protected]
Enjoy every flight and safe landings!
Just some random dudes talking about their fantasy football league. Whatever you do, don't come for fantasy football advice. Seriously, this is not going to help you in any way shape or form. This is not a wrestling podcast. You have been warned.
Motorsporlarinin hizli dunyasinda neler olup bitiyor. Spotlar onundekileri biliyoruz. Peki ya perde arkasindakiler? Motorsporlarinin Turkiye'deki en önemli uzmanlarından biri olan Yiğit Top, simdi de Top Speed ile yorumlarini ye taşıdı. Batur Yurtsever ile birlikte Yiğit Top motorsporlari dunyasinda yasananlari yorumluyor. Surpriz konuklari ile her cuma Top Speed'de.
Dan Kaufman hosts this Internet televison show by, about, and for cyclists. CrankMyChain! will document psycho bicycle niches, create bike music videos, review parts and accessories, and discuss cycle advocacy. We strive to host an interactive show where others will contribute or respond with their own videos. So go ahead, CrankMyChain!
Listen on Tuesday nights from 9 pm to 11 pm EST, as Billy Mira, and Ron Patell break down all the latest MMA news.
Volltreffer, darum geht es im Bogen- und Schießsport. Und deswegen heißt der Podcast des Deutschen Schützenbundes folgerichtig so. Volltreffer, präsentiert von der Meyton Elektronik GmbH und der Carl Walther GmbH, stellt einige der Sportlerinnen und Sportler, die für unser Team in Tokio an den Start gehen werden, näher vor. Dabei steht nicht nur das aktuell Sportliche im Fokus. Wie sind die Athleten zum Schießsport gekommen? Was reizt sie an ihrem Sport? Wie verbinden Sie Sport und Privates? Was erwarten sie von sich in Tokio? usw. Wir sind uns sicher, dass sie auch verbal einige Volltreffer landen werden.
Konu Toplantısı’nda Socrates Dergi ekibi, okuyucularını editör masasına davet ediyor. Her bölümde o ay yayımlanan dergide öne çıkarılan konular ve kahramanlar, editoryal ekibin katılımıyla, ilgili ses kayıtları eşliğinde yeniden ziyaret ediliyor.
A long time ago, in the distant era of 2015, DC Matthews and Doc Manson began a podcast about professional wrestling. Then, sometime over the course of the last few hundred episodes, the show became about so much more. Life, community, and finding your happy. DDT Wrestling is ostensibly a podcast about wrestling (sometimes), but with a healthy dose of personality and humor. It's a veritable variety show of auditory goodness. Won't you be our bestie?
Shell V-Power’ın sunduğu beş bölümlük seride, Shell ve Ferrari’nin Formula 1 pistlerindeki 70 yılı aşkın inovasyon ortaklığının tarihinden dönüm noktalarına odaklanıyoruz.
The podcast that has pettiest, funny, ridiculous wrestling bunch between petty bitch Asia, basic whitey Cliff, charismatic money Jarvarus, and death match loving Brandon Best. We just have fun talking about wrestling and doing whatever with our lives Support this podcast:
Munchables and Dagda are "The Boys" and they explore the world of League of Legends esports with guests while having a few "Bevvies" and a whole bunch of banter. You can see where the name comes from.
You can expect fairly serious conversations about the game and the scene, whether discussing recent big matches or roster moves and current trending topics, generally though, you can expect the longer the episode goes on, the more it gets off the rails and into the unknown.
Think of it as you're in a pub with Munch, Dagda and friends and you're having a pint and chatting about League. -
A peek behind the scenes at what it’s really like to drive other people’s cars for a living. Car chat, interviews, special guests and games – all brought to you from the team behind the world’s favourite car media brand
Help us understand how the Top Gear Magazine podcast fits into your life by taking part in our latest research.
Every Wednesday you get to hang with the Infamous Bobby Fish and his co-hosts as they take you "behind the curtain" The Undisputed Podcast will take you into the world of Bobby Fish like never before. Get his undisputed opinions on all things pro wrestling, fitness, lifestyle and more.Video version of the Undisputed Demi Pod is now available on our YouTube channel as well. Click the link and subscribe -
A 90 second dose of fishing and hunting content from my daily radio show! Cool stories from cool people, how-to's, what-to-do's and news ;-)
We are a wrestling podcast featuring interviews, news and more. Support this podcast:
Ted's Takes on Wrestling
Host- Ted Hill
Don't Make Mistakes
Trust Ted's Takes
This show focuses on the current and past professional wrestling product. From the NWA territories through the Monday Night Wars of WCW and WWF, to the current AEW and WWE giving you my honest opinions. We especially like to talk about the heels and what makes a great villain.
Contact us at
[email protected]
YouTube channel -
Welcome to the Matrix. We are two university students that share our lives with special guest every week. Join the family we are also on YouTube (The Matrix Podcast) Link:
"Is This England?" is a look back at classic (and not so classic) England National Football Team matches from across the decades.
Key moments, managers, players and goals are examined and put into the wider context of what supporting England really means.
Your hosts, Nick and Jordan, run down the hopes, fears and all of those oh-so nears associated with being an England fan. We watch these games so you don't have to.
Get in touch with us on Twitter and Instagram (@isthis_england) or email the show [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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