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    How to turn FOMO (fear of missing out) into Fuel

    Fear of Missing Out, or FOMO, is a common feeling that arises when we see others enjoying experiences, achieving goals, or participating in activities that we aren't a part of. As a busy mum and entrepreneur, it's easy to get caught up in this feeling, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities.
    However, FOMO can be transformed into a powerful motivator rather than a source of anxiety. Here’s how:

    Identify What Triggers Your FOMO

    Reflect on the situations or social media posts that trigger your FOMO. Is it seeing other mums achieving career milestones? Or perhaps it’s watching influencers travel and experience new things? Understanding your triggers is the first step in turning FOMO into motivation.

    Set Personal Goals

    Use the feelings of FOMO to identify what you truly want. If seeing other successful entrepreneurs makes you feel like you’re missing out, set specific, achievable goals for your business. Break these goals down into smaller tasks and work towards them daily.

    Create a Vision Board

    Visualise your dreams and aspirations by creating a vision board. Include images and quotes that represent what you want to achieve. This can serve as a daily reminder to focus on your goals and turn FOMO into a driving force for progress.

    Embrace Learning Opportunities

    Instead of feeling left out, view the successes of others as learning opportunities. Listen to their podcasts, read their blogs, and follow their social media channels to gain insights and inspiration. This can provide you with new ideas and strategies to implement in your own life and business.

    Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

    Surround yourself with a supportive community of mums and entrepreneurs who understand your journey. Engage in online forums, attend networking events, and join social media groups. Sharing experiences and advice with others can help you feel less isolated and more motivated.

    Celebrate Small Wins

    Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Each step forward is progress, and recognizing this can boost your confidence and diminish feelings of FOMO.

    Balance Your Life

    self-care and ensure you’re balancing your personal and professional life. Taking care of yourself physically and mentally will make you more resilient and better equipped to handle feelings of FOMO.

    Stay Authentic

    Remember that everyone’s journey is unique. Stay true to yourself and your values, and define success on your own terms. Focusing on your authentic path can help you stay grounded and motivated.

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    Ali Mortimer is an Executive Coach & Personal Life Mentor to ‘super’ women; the high performing, over-achieving brilliant women, with very full lives who find themselves at a crossroads, in a crisis or challenging time their career, relationships, health or working life.

    Ali guides them to a place of peace where they reclaim their own source energy, their true ‘super’ power.

    Ali shows women what is possible when

    it comes to experiencing JOY & living a beautiful life; a life of bliss & bounty, generosity & fun despite the highs, lows & inevitable plot twists in midlife.

    Ali uses a unique combination of the ‘Harmony Principles’ & the revolutionary ‘Equilibrium Equation’ to create ‘balance’, maximising performance at work & increasing joy in life.

    This is what she has created for herself after loss & trauma, in finding her way out of darkness into the light, moving her own mountains of health, life, work & love and what she has made it her business to help others with too.

    Ali believes that JOY is created on the foundations of holistic health & peace of mind and amplified with love & dreams. She guides women to walk their own path in love, in truth & with courage to take those first steps to a joy filled life.

    Married to her soulmate for the second time, enjoying the adventures of life with their two sons she is mastering midlife & maturing gracefully. Ali is the walking permission slip & example to follow to inspire you to keep maturing, keep evolving and to keep experiencing more & more as you age.

    Links below 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

    @xoalimortimer (Instagram)


    3 most watched workshops to experience more love in and for your life :


    It take my health very seriously and it starts with what you nourish yourself with both through your mouth and in your mind -

    Get my Store Cupboard Staples checklist & a visualisation to love yourself)


    I believe ‘ work / life balance is bullshit’ instead I believe in creating equilibrium that brings peace & a power to get everything done & experience a beautiful, bountiful life.

    Try out the Equilibrium Equation here:


    Joy is how in ‘healed myself happy’; daily joy compounding over time. Let me give you a daily DOSE of joy for 30 days so you can experience the power of happiness:





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    Atomicon 24 was a blast but I was shattered, my body ached, my fibromyalgia pulsed, I missed home, stayed in a hotel for 2 nights.

    Self reflection is really important when you work on yourself, it’s sometimes good for the soul coming out of your comfort zone. We had some amazing guests such as Kat hill, Davina Mc Call, Simon Squibb and many more - even got a selfie 🤭

    What key points did I take away from the conference : stay true to you, always push for more, never stay in the shadows, what are your barriers, think big not small, stay in your lane with authenticity.

    You can be surging you with to be ❤️

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    Are you scared of change ? Or the unknown?
    It’s normal but sometimes we need to add some magic back, find our identities but ultimately look forward to something new.

    Step into your sunshine 🌞 and out of your comfort zones

    It could be magic in our business or our personal life. If we keep resisting who is the one loosing out ?
    If we don’t try we won’t know!!

    Embrace it all, get excited, get giddy and watch the magic happen ✨✨✨✨

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    To contact Rebecca and learn more https://crystalstudiouk.bio.link/

    Rebecca Christensen

    Qualified Crystal practitioner, Healer & Mindset Coach.

    Owner of the Crystal Studio. Founded in Halifax

    Busy Mum of 3 girls 8,14,16. My middle has ADHD and Autism.

    I have a passion to inspire and motivate women using Crystals

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    “Mind over matter" is a powerful concept that highlights the incredible capabilities of the human mind to overcome various challenges. Whether it's through reframing stressful situations, managing pain, or achieving physical feats, this principle underscores the importance of mental strength and determination in navigating life's obstacles”

    “Practices such as mindfulness and meditation are rooted in the principle of "mind over matter." These techniques enhance mental resilience, help manage stress, and improve overall mental health by fostering a strong, focused, and positive mindset”

    Athletes often use "mind over matter" to push through physical limits, such as completing marathons or enduring intense training sessions.

    Pain Management- Techniques like meditation, hypnotherapy, and visualization are practical applications of "mind over matter" that help in controlling pain and improving mental health.

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    Are you growing your business around your family? Is your family expanding and your business is growing have you got more than one child? How do you draw your business around motherhood? Do you find it hard? Do you have strategies in place or do you live your life in chaos?
    We can still grow our businesses as mothers and be successful in our all night. We can change our business we can grow our business but we can also make time for us as well especially self-care. If you put all the practical strategies in this podcast into place, then you will be able to grow your business at your rate.

    We can create life we want to as well as bringing up our children. How do you balance motherhood business life business gross marriage or partnership or single parenting or coparenting? Do you have any barriers in place that prevent you from your business? Or do you have a support that enables you to grow your business with ease.

    You can send me a message. Follow me on Instagram or send me a voice note through the website. Let me know your thoughts on motherhood. I’m running a business and any top tips you can offer for the podcast.

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    The Benefits of Self-Development for You and Your Business

    Self-development is a critical aspect of personal and professional growth, offering a myriad of benefits that can positively impact both individuals and their businesses.

    Continuous learning through self-development helps individuals acquire new skills and knowledge that are essential for personal growth and business success. This can include technical skills, management techniques, or industry-specific knowledge that keeps you ahead of the competition

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    Are you your own worse critic ? Negative self talk can play a big part of our lives. It is usually personal but we do need to give ourselves a break.
    Learning to love ourselves plays a big part in self love,

    Loving ourselves for who we are is an essential journey that can significantly impact our overall well-being and happiness.

    Send me a message and let me know your thoughts x

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    Are you finding time in your relationship? It’s hard as parents to find time to talk when you give so much to your little humans.
    Having good communication and positive boundaries fosters longer lasting and happier relationships.

    If both partners take time for themselves, they often return to the relationship with more energy, positivity, and a greater appreciation for each other. This can lead to more meaningful and enjoyable interactions when you are together

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    Are you missing out on new opportunities?
    Are you afraid ? Or feel stuck

    Coming out of your comfort zone can lead to so many exciting opportunities, opportunities of new friendships, new business leads, new romance, of course it will face challenges and feelings of scarcity but imagine coming out of your comfort zone and find new opportunities that could lead to success

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    Grab your free E book https://www.canva.com/design/DAGGbpdpG8s/FK9WN-nR11RLtzotSE92yg/view?utm_content=DAGGbpdpG8s&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

    What is your Money story? Your beliefs ?

    By adopting an abundance mindset, you can transform your relationship with money and life in general. This mindset not only improves your financial well-being but also enhances your overall quality of life by fostering positivity, resilience, and a sense of fulfillment.

    Are you ready to go from scarcity to abundance??

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    Are you trusting the universe ? Are you feeling in Alignment with it ? Sometimes you can just feel the universe is on your side ?? For once … but this is because you’ve raised your frequency 🫶 and you have started to work with the universal laws not against them. Sometimes manifesting just clicks and it feels right this is why we need to be aware when it slips. Staying with our daily rituals or modalities forms better self development practices

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    Sallys book
    "The Essential Food, Mood &...

    Alice’s book

    For breath work coaching with Lise

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    Are you Love and Above?
    Thursday I attended 16th May at Hope hotel in Liverpool suxlch a beautiful venue.

    The day was gorgeous at Abundant you with the gorgeous Dimple Thakra a past guest on the podcast.

    Are you living in quantum with Manifesting? Let me tell you its a beautiful place to be. If your not in a maifesting state then let me ask you why?

    Do you live in lack? Scarcity, fear? Do you feel the resistance? Its all about alignment!

    Let me know were you are ok your manifesting journey!

    You can also send me fan mail 📦 with the feature above

    Oh if you haven't experienced a soundbath then you need too ❤️

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    Absolutely! Managing your mindset is crucial for success, especially when you’re juggling multiple roles like parenting and entrepreneurship. Here are some top tips to help you cultivate a success-oriented mindset:

    1. Set Clear Goals: Define what success looks like for you in both your personal and professional life. Having clear, achievable goals helps direct your focus and keeps you motivated.

    2. Stay Positive: Keep a positive outlook even when faced with setbacks. This doesn't mean ignoring challenges, but rather focusing on solutions rather than problems.

    3. Practice Gratitude: Start or end your day by reflecting on what you’re grateful for. This can shift your mindset from a focus on lack to an appreciation of abundance, which can open up more creativity and willingness to take opportunities.

    4. Embrace Learning: View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than obstacles. This can make setbacks feel less daunting and more like a part of your growth journey.

    5. Visualize Success: Spend time visualizing your success. This can involve imagining completing a big project or picturing how you’ll feel when you achieve your goals. Visualization is a powerful tool for building confidence and motivation.

    6. Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness exercises or meditation into your routine to manage stress and maintain mental clarity. Even a few minutes a day can make a big difference in your overall mindset.

    7. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Build a support network of positive influences. Connect with other like-minded individuals who encourage you to be your best self.

    8. Be Kind to Yourself: Remember, it’s okay to have off days. Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge your hard work, even if the outcome isn’t what you expected.

    9. Stay Flexible: Be willing to adapt your goals and strategies as needed. Flexibility can help you navigate the unpredictable nature of life and work more effectively.

    10. Celebrate Small Wins: Don’t wait to reach big milestones to celebrate. Acknowledge and celebrate small victories along the way to keep your spirits high and maintain momentum.

    Incorporating these tips into your daily routine can help you maintain a positive and proactive mindset, which is essential for achieving success in all areas of your life! 🌟🚀

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    To reach out to Helen

    Do you know your personal strengths?

    My background is in Social Work in the public sector with children, young people and their families for over 20 years, firstly as a practitioner, then in leadership and management roles. My underpinning personal and social work values are rooted in my belief that EVERYONE has the potential to achieve, when their authentic self is understood.

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    Are you afraid of being vulnerable? Are you an over thinker? You can be vulnerable in life and business, stay true to you and your beliefs. Never be afraid to be you!

    Also, are you feeling celebrated enough in life, do you have your support network?

    Don't forget to connect with me on social media or send me a voice note or email through my website ❣️

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    Are you creating new opportunities or is there something holding you back? Are you worried about what people think or pushing yourself to the next level?
    Is your confidence feeling low or are you worried about what other people will think? in this episode I talk about my experiences on creating my own pets opportunities I manifestedto live my best life, you can create your opportunities and your best life by using manifesting tools to uplevel and create the life you envisioned. This week I want you to write down something of an opportunity that you want to work on and bring this opportunity to life through manifesting visualization and strong beliefs.. stay in your lane. Focus on you and watch the magic happen.

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    What are your non negotiables?

    It’s so important as parents to keep to our own routines and self care rituals, why should we give them up ?

    These are a few tips 👇

    1. Self-care and Wellness: Non-negotiables related to self-care, like exercise, healthy eating, or downtime, ensure you maintain your physical and mental health. This is crucial because, as a mum, you need to be at your best to manage the demands of parenting and your own aspirations.

    2. Consistency and Routine: Having clear non-negotiables can help create a consistent routine that makes daily life more predictable and manageable. This can be particularly comforting for children, especially those with additional needs, as it provides a structured environment that supports their development.

    3. Efficiency and Productivity: When you have non-negotiables, you're more likely to focus on what truly matters, reducing time spent on less important tasks. This can increase your productivity, giving you more time to focus on your goals, whether they're related to your podcast, coaching, or other entrepreneurial activities.

    4. Role Modeling: Setting and sticking to your non-negotiables can be a powerful example for your children. It teaches them about the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing their needs and goals.

    5. Stress Reduction: Knowing what needs to be done and what you won't compromise on can significantly reduce stress. It eliminates the need to make decisions about certain aspects of your life continually, allowing you to focus on handling unexpected challenges more calmly.

    Incorporating non-negotiables into your life isn't just about maintaining order; it's about asserting your values and ensuring that you're living in a way that fulfills and supports your well-being and that of your family. 🌟💪

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    Ana is a multi-qualified and fully insured Holistic Therapist,

    Craniosacral practitioner, Master of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Wellness & Trauma Informed Coach and Retreat Instructor & Organiser.

    Ana has garnered extensive knowledge and experience since obtaining her qualifications in 2005, working with a diverse clientele, including doctors and nurses, and pursuing ongoing personal and professional development.

    Ana's expertise in treating anxiety and stress-related conditions allows her to offer a range of workplace wellness workshops and treatments tailored to various needs and budgets.





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