
  • Greetings lovelies! It's another weekend so of course another episode of the pod finds it's way to your doorstep!
    This week I interview Jordan Miller, who was super precocious as a child! Growing up in a Mormon household Jordan was intrigued by "truth" and how the world worked...in science and meaning. It spurred a lifelong quest to discover just what the world is made of and what it all means! (there is a pretty groovy Easter Egg at the end of the Interview if you want a deeper dive on all that from the both of us!) Suffice it to say he is a scientist and a lover of learning...and it has resulted in Jordan creating Satori, a crypto AI that predicts the future! (Jordan explains it better in the episode, believe me, much better than I ever could!) To learn more about him and his great works, wander on over to his LinkedIn to check him out!

    And guess what? I've launched my new YOUTUBE channel babes!! It's so exciting! It's simple, pared down and hello hello? You can watch the byte-sized episodes and see my guests gorgeous faces...as well as me! (in varying degrees of exhaustion!! Ha!) It's been a really fun process getting this all together and getting it up on line! Remember to subscribe to my YOUTUBE....yes, yes, yes...I promise, this will be the last time I ask you to subscribe to something...I think! (don't hold your breath!)

    THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO LISTENS...you will never know how truly grateful I am!

    Your bit of beauty? A link to AN INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEING AND HER INSTAGRAM!
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE @shifferdiane who has an Insta that is full of light, caring, sweetness and just plain beauty! Whenever I need to feel that I belong in this world, or that grandmother energy, that abundant love that comes with no strings attached, I go to this woman-who, slowly but surely, is changing the world...one Insta Reel at a time.

    Love you all babes and until next time? Remember this world loves that YOU, and especially YOU, are IN IT!

  • Greetings lovelies! It's another weekend so of course another episode of the pod finds it's way to your doorstep!
    This week I interview Jordan Miller, who was super precocious as a child! Growing up in a Mormon household Jordan was intrigued by "truth" and how the world worked...in science and meaning. It spurred a lifelong quest to discover just what the world is made of and what it all means! (there is a pretty groovy Easter Egg at the end of the Interview if you want a deeper dive on all that from the both of us!) Suffice it to say he is a scientist and a lover of learning...and it has resulted in Jordan creating Satori, a crypto AI that predicts the future! (Jordan explains it better in the episode, believe me, much better than I ever could!) To learn more about him and his great works, wander on over to his LinkedIn to check him out!

    And guess what? I've launched my new YOUTUBE channel babes!! It's so exciting! It's simple, pared down and hello hello? You can watch the byte-sized episodes and see my guests gorgeous faces...as well as me! (in varying degrees of exhaustion!! Ha!) It's been a really fun process getting this all together and getting it up on line! Remember to subscribe to my YOUTUBE....yes, yes, yes...I promise, this will be the last time I ask you to subscribe to something...I think! (don't hold your breath!)

    THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO LISTENS...you will never know how truly grateful I am!

    Your bit of beauty? A link to AN INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEING AND HER INSTAGRAM!
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE @shifferdiane who has an Insta that is full of light, caring, sweetness and just plain beauty! Whenever I need to feel that I belong in this world, or that grandmother energy, that abundant love that comes with no strings attached, I go to this woman-who, slowly but surely, is changing the world...one Insta Reel at a time.

    Love you all babes and until next time? Remember this world loves that YOU, and especially YOU, are IN IT!

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  • Greetings all and welcome back to another episode of the podcast! My guest this week, Kara Goodwin, is all things beautiful and meditative! And that last descriptor is deliberately on purpose ;-) because Kara has her very own podcast call The Meditation Conversation in which she dives into all things meditation and so much else! She's also just beautifully kind and when I asked her to be a guest on the show she said YES so very quickly...it made my heart happy!

    She tells a story of revelation this week-and one that was very unexpected. During a CE-5 event (in which humans work to initiate contact with other beings) she was given a vision that touched her so deeply at the time it made her sob openly...and changed the way she views this world and her place in it. Her story includes Gene Keys (look them up!), Sacred Geometry (look this up too!) as well as synchronicity galore!! (and you know how I love a good synchronicity or two!) To find out more about this lovely human click here!

    I also encourage you this week with the following bit of beauty (a bit unorthodox but bear with me...) check out the show "Resident Alien" on Syfy or Netflix. During Season Two several of the cast and crew are interviewed about their otherworldly experiences...and really, listeners of this pod, do we need any more evidence that much is afoot in this universe of ours? (at least much that we can't explain as of yet!)

    Thank you for listening and see you so very soon for the next episode of the pod!

  • Greetings all and welcome back to another episode of the podcast! My guest this week, Kara Goodwin, is all things beautiful and meditative! And that last descriptor is deliberately on purpose ;-) because Kara has her very own podcast call The Meditation Conversation in which she dives into all things meditation and so much else! She's also just beautifully kind and when I asked her to be a guest on the show she said YES so very quickly...it made my heart happy!

    She tells a story of revelation this week-and one that was very unexpected. During a CE-5 event (in which humans work to initiate contact with other beings) she was given a vision that touched her so deeply at the time it made her sob openly...and changed the way she views this world and her place in it. Her story includes Gene Keys (look them up!), Sacred Geometry (look this up too!) as well as synchronicity galore!! (and you know how I love a good synchronicity or two!) To find out more about this lovely human click here!

    I also encourage you this week with the following bit of beauty (a bit unorthodox but bear with me...) check out the show "Resident Alien" on Syfy or Netflix. During Season Two several of the cast and crew are interviewed about their otherworldly experiences...and really, listeners of this pod, do we need any more evidence that much is afoot in this universe of ours? (at least much that we can't explain as of yet!)

    Thank you for listening and see you so very soon for the next episode of the pod!

  • Boots had several tales to tell this week and once again, I found another human to love to pieces! BUT, before all that I want to let you know that she has her very own podcast called "The Heart Chamber" where she interviews all sorts of humans, including those who have had open heart surgery (just like Boots has!). Her tales include a harrowing account of what it took to get her to notice what her heart was trying to tell her (and honestly? listening to her story made me wince!) but also how the loss of her best friend after being murdered in Nicaragua has shifted everything that Boots believes about the Universe. Please check out her wise and powerful pod-you won't regret it!

    Boots was at Jackson Hole Ski Resort back in the day and was one of the first female lift operators at that august resort! But the one thing that we came back to time and again was how UNSTOPPABLE she is. From her heart attacks (read that: plural!) to her Traumatic Brain Injury, to the loss of her best friend, Boots has only kept on keeping on. She is an example of believing in the world, in the great mystery that is unfurling around all of us and believing that all is for her greater good! So I'm gonna say it! She is a great model for all of us...and if you don't believe me? Just listen to the episode!

    Your bit of beauty? A little bit of where I find myself this week, in Fairhope, Alabama...where the humidity is high, history is deep and the fireflies fly at night! Here's an article to discover just a bit about this little piece of the world! (be sure to check out the pictures...those are pretty too!)

  • Boots had several tales to tell this week and once again, I found another human to love to pieces! BUT, before all that I want to let you know that she has her very own podcast called "The Heart Chamber" where she interviews all sorts of humans, including those who have had open heart surgery (just like Boots has!). Her tales include a harrowing account of what it took to get her to notice what her heart was trying to tell her (and honestly? listening to her story made me wince!) but also how the loss of her best friend after being murdered in Nicaragua has shifted everything that Boots believes about the Universe. Please check out her wise and powerful pod-you won't regret it!

    Boots was at Jackson Hole Ski Resort back in the day and was one of the first female lift operators at that august resort! But the one thing that we came back to time and again was how UNSTOPPABLE she is. From her heart attacks (read that: plural!) to her Traumatic Brain Injury, to the loss of her best friend, Boots has only kept on keeping on. She is an example of believing in the world, in the great mystery that is unfurling around all of us and believing that all is for her greater good! So I'm gonna say it! She is a great model for all of us...and if you don't believe me? Just listen to the episode!

    Your bit of beauty? A little bit of where I find myself this week, in Fairhope, Alabama...where the humidity is high, history is deep and the fireflies fly at night! Here's an article to discover just a bit about this little piece of the world! (be sure to check out the pictures...those are pretty too!)

  • This sweet episode has THREE, count 'em, THREE tales of magic!! And my guest, Christian Espinosa, tells each with vulnerability and kindness! And each story? Well, they're all different! From what happened during a car crash to that stranger he met while hiking in Hawaii, each is guaranteed to remind you that this world has so many secrets we still have yet to learn!

    I talk movies in this episode-from "Stand By Me" to "The Wizard of Oz," (and really, who could forget that scene in "Stand By Me" with the leeches...yeek!!) and talk about Great Oz the Magician and what lies behind that curtain he operates behind. And how sometimes, just sometimes, with the events my guests share on this pod, we are allowed a glimpse behind the curtain! (and get wonderful reminders of how precious this planet is, how precious and sacred other living beings are, and how precious life is!) And the stories that Christian shares this week are all very different, yet all very sacred. To find out more about my wonderful guest go to his website by clicking here!

    Your bit of beauty is a tad on the nose this week-that scene from "The Wizard of Oz" where Dorothy et al finally meet the Wizard they've been dreading. Sometimes finding out what is really behind something takes away most of the fear, don't you think? At any rate, it's what we do with that information that makes all the difference! And Christian is an incredible example of resilience, hope and always looking for the adventure!

    At any rate...PLEASE REMEMBER TO RATE AND REVIEW-AS WELL AS SHARE THE PODCAST- thanks to all my listeners as well-grateful for each and every one of you!

  • This sweet episode has THREE, count 'em, THREE tales of magic!! And my guest, Christian Espinosa, tells each with vulnerability and kindness! And each story? Well, they're all different! From what happened during a car crash to that stranger he met while hiking in Hawaii, each is guaranteed to remind you that this world has so many secrets we still have yet to learn!

    I talk movies in this episode-from "Stand By Me" to "The Wizard of Oz," (and really, who could forget that scene in "Stand By Me" with the leeches...yeek!!) and talk about Great Oz the Magician and what lies behind that curtain he operates behind. And how sometimes, just sometimes, with the events my guests share on this pod, we are allowed a glimpse behind the curtain! (and get wonderful reminders of how precious this planet is, how precious and sacred other living beings are, and how precious life is!) And the stories that Christian shares this week are all very different, yet all very sacred. To find out more about my wonderful guest go to his website by clicking here!

    Your bit of beauty is a tad on the nose this week-that scene from "The Wizard of Oz" where Dorothy et al finally meet the Wizard they've been dreading. Sometimes finding out what is really behind something takes away most of the fear, don't you think? At any rate, it's what we do with that information that makes all the difference! And Christian is an incredible example of resilience, hope and always looking for the adventure!

    At any rate...PLEASE REMEMBER TO RATE AND REVIEW-AS WELL AS SHARE THE PODCAST- thanks to all my listeners as well-grateful for each and every one of you!

  • Hello all! It's time for another precious mid-week magical episode drop! And this time I get to talk to Yvette Walker, who is, among many, many things, a journalist, a podcaster, an author, a teacher, a survivor and someone who is out to SPREAD JOY EVERYWHERE! (look in the dictionary under the word blessing and you'll find a picture of this gorgeous human being!)

    Yvette shares a few miraculous stories this week but the one that got me? How just when she needed it, Spirit's voice showed up to tell her she was in the right place...and the voice it used will rock your world! She also talks about being present with her parents at the end of their lives, and how that encounter was powerful and life-changing. As always, I am meeting and being blessed by having these conversations with the remarkable human beings out in the world (and guess what? There are SO MANY HUMANS MAKING THIS WORLD SHINIER! And Yvette is one of them!) Check out her darn joyful podcast "Positively Joy" here, as well as her website to see just what this dynamic powerhouse is all about here! It is clear to me that she has a gift for not only bringing joy into the world, but making everyone around her more joyful as well!

    Your bit of beauty? I typed in "Joy Paintings" and got this print on Etsy which states "Joy is an act of resistance." And isn't that the truth? Because embodying joy, embracing the capacity to spread and elicit joy and just being joyful is a direct affront to those who are trying to spread negativity and unhappiness in the world. I say, JOYFILLED HUMANS UNITE! Because I for one think that this world would be so much more beautiful with more joy in the world!

    See you later this weekend for the next episode of the pod and until then? Be shamelessly joyful!

  • Hello all! It's time for another precious mid-week magical episode drop! And this time I get to talk to Yvette Walker, who is, among many, many things, a journalist, a podcaster, an author, a teacher, a survivor and someone who is out to SPREAD JOY EVERYWHERE! (look in the dictionary under the word blessing and you'll find a picture of this gorgeous human being!)

    Yvette shares a few miraculous stories this week but the one that got me? How just when she needed it, Spirit's voice showed up to tell her she was in the right place...and the voice it used will rock your world! She also talks about being present with her parents at the end of their lives, and how that encounter was powerful and life-changing. As always, I am meeting and being blessed by having these conversations with the remarkable human beings out in the world (and guess what? There are SO MANY HUMANS MAKING THIS WORLD SHINIER! And Yvette is one of them!) Check out her darn joyful podcast "Positively Joy" here, as well as her website to see just what this dynamic powerhouse is all about here! It is clear to me that she has a gift for not only bringing joy into the world, but making everyone around her more joyful as well!

    Your bit of beauty? I typed in "Joy Paintings" and got this print on Etsy which states "Joy is an act of resistance." And isn't that the truth? Because embodying joy, embracing the capacity to spread and elicit joy and just being joyful is a direct affront to those who are trying to spread negativity and unhappiness in the world. I say, JOYFILLED HUMANS UNITE! Because I for one think that this world would be so much more beautiful with more joy in the world!

    See you later this weekend for the next episode of the pod and until then? Be shamelessly joyful!

  • How many of us listen to what we say to ourselves every single day? The kindness we show ourselves? How harsh we can be to ourselves? I think of me as a young girl and think to myself...I would NEVER say such hurtful things to any other person, or child...YET...I say horrible things to myself on the regular.

    And that is at the crux this week-the intersection if you will...of my guest Diego's Miracle Story! He's a Qigong Medicine Practitioner and his story is of a patient of his...and how a simple twist of language, of thought, changed this man's outcome! It goes to show just how a simple use of words, of belief, can alter our perception of the world, and our potential for possibility within it! Diego's amazing website can be found here...so be sure to check him out! He's a teacher, a coach, an entrepreneur and a Daoist Abbot...what does he not do?? Well, he has learned NOT to speak harshly to himself and others understanding that we are building and creating our worlds with our thoughts and words every single day! And I myself would love to live in a world that is shiny and new, beautiful and filled with grace, every single day!

    I use two of Maya Angelou's quotations this week, so why not one more? Your bit of beauty is this: "Caged Bird," which is entirely appropriate because I have been going down a bit of a William Blake rabbit hole recently. This exquisite poem is based on Blake's lines, "A Robin Redbreast in a Cage / Puts all Heaven in a Rage." And why shouldn't it? Just as we shouldn't cage gorgeous animals we should not cage ourselves with self-defeating words and beliefs! So with that in mind...have a beautiful and sweet-as-pie week!

  • How many of us listen to what we say to ourselves every single day? The kindness we show ourselves? How harsh we can be to ourselves? I think of me as a young girl and think to myself...I would NEVER say such hurtful things to any other person, or child...YET...I say horrible things to myself on the regular.

    And that is at the crux this week-the intersection if you will...of my guest Diego's Miracle Story! He's a Qigong Medicine Practitioner and his story is of a patient of his...and how a simple twist of language, of thought, changed this man's outcome! It goes to show just how a simple use of words, of belief, can alter our perception of the world, and our potential for possibility within it! Diego's amazing website can be found here...so be sure to check him out! He's a teacher, a coach, an entrepreneur and a Daoist Abbot...what does he not do?? Well, he has learned NOT to speak harshly to himself and others understanding that we are building and creating our worlds with our thoughts and words every single day! And I myself would love to live in a world that is shiny and new, beautiful and filled with grace, every single day!

    I use two of Maya Angelou's quotations this week, so why not one more? Your bit of beauty is this: "Caged Bird," which is entirely appropriate because I have been going down a bit of a William Blake rabbit hole recently. This exquisite poem is based on Blake's lines, "A Robin Redbreast in a Cage / Puts all Heaven in a Rage." And why shouldn't it? Just as we shouldn't cage gorgeous animals we should not cage ourselves with self-defeating words and beliefs! So with that in mind...have a beautiful and sweet-as-pie week!

  • Hello all! This episode I speak with Jonathan about three very different inexplicable incidents in his life! (BUT, please know that you too can bend a spoon by watching this video right here!) And let me tell you, Jonathan held up a spoon that he had bent that looked like a pile of spaghetti...and to say that it astonished me would be the understatement of the century! (I see some practice spoon bending in my future!)

    He also discusses a vision he had that gobsmacked him as well, and the magic of escaping being bullied and abused by attending a school in Wales. Jonathan has survived so much (including being bullied and abused as a child, as well as escaping a religious cult later in life!). To say that he is unstoppable would be doing a disservice to just what a formidable spirit he has! He is a transpersonal psychologist as well as a spiritual director for men. But that's not all, he is also SUPER COOL! We got along like peanut butter and chocolate and I suspect I have another dear friend for life!

    Your bit of beauty is the video up above introducing Eugene Yang and his method for bending spoons...but why stop there? Here is a photo of one of the utensils after it had been worked on! Believe or don't believe...I still think it's cool!

    PLEASE REMEMBER TO RATE AND REVIEW THE PODCAST! (Every little bit helps!) and remember to share the pod!

    See you next time for another episode of magic...courtesy of this enchanted world we have the fortunate grace to live in!

  • Hello all! This episode I speak with Jonathan about three very different inexplicable incidents in his life! (BUT, please know that you too can bend a spoon by watching this video right here!) And let me tell you, Jonathan held up a spoon that he had bent that looked like a pile of spaghetti...and to say that it astonished me would be the understatement of the century! (I see some practice spoon bending in my future!)

    He also discusses a vision he had that gobsmacked him as well, and the magic of escaping being bullied and abused by attending a school in Wales. Jonathan has survived so much (including being bullied and abused as a child, as well as escaping a religious cult later in life!). To say that he is unstoppable would be doing a disservice to just what a formidable spirit he has! He is a transpersonal psychologist as well as a spiritual director for men. But that's not all, he is also SUPER COOL! We got along like peanut butter and chocolate and I suspect I have another dear friend for life!

    Your bit of beauty is the video up above introducing Eugene Yang and his method for bending spoons...but why stop there? Here is a photo of one of the utensils after it had been worked on! Believe or don't believe...I still think it's cool!

    PLEASE REMEMBER TO RATE AND REVIEW THE PODCAST! (Every little bit helps!) and remember to share the pod!

    See you next time for another episode of magic...courtesy of this enchanted world we have the fortunate grace to live in!

  • Indra is a Vedic Astrologer but also teaches people through the use of the Enneagram. And when I went to Seminary the Enneagram was one of tools I learned to discover myself...and let me tell you, it has explained so very much!

    Indra wasn't always an astrologer-after many adventures in the business world he felt called to something else! Something older and more ancient-the ancient science of astrology! Ambika Devi said, "Your path is illuminated by a roadmap of stars." And I just love that idea, that we can find our way forward by looking up into the heavens, but also to the past and to the time that we were born, to discover just who we are!

    Indra has a very sweet offering at the end of this podcast-and you can contact him via his website here, and email him through his email here- [email protected]

    What I especially appreciate about astrology is the implication that we are all connected and those connections, to the stars, to the planets, to all that is up there in the sky, affects us for our lives, and illuminates a path forward for us trying to make our way in the darkness.

    Remember to RATE and REVIEW the pod, as well as SUBSCRIBE!

    Your bit of beauty this week? Well, I don't want you to think that I am unbalanced, so here is a documentary about astrology on "Ancient Mysteries" narrated by that great Vulcan, Leonard Nimoy himself! It's a bit dated, but very fun! And who doesn't want a little throw back every once in awhile!

    Thank you everyone for your support-and so very grateful I can create these little bits of hope, joy and revelation for not only my life, but yours as well!

  • Indra is a Vedic Astrologer but also teaches people through the use of the Enneagram. And when I went to Seminary the Enneagram was one of tools I learned to discover myself...and let me tell you, it has explained so very much!

    Indra wasn't always an astrologer-after many adventures in the business world he felt called to something else! Something older and more ancient-the ancient science of astrology! Ambika Devi said, "Your path is illuminated by a roadmap of stars." And I just love that idea, that we can find our way forward by looking up into the heavens, but also to the past and to the time that we were born, to discover just who we are!

    Indra has a very sweet offering at the end of this podcast-and you can contact him via his website here, and email him through his email here- [email protected]

    What I especially appreciate about astrology is the implication that we are all connected and those connections, to the stars, to the planets, to all that is up there in the sky, affects us for our lives, and illuminates a path forward for us trying to make our way in the darkness.

    Remember to RATE and REVIEW the pod, as well as SUBSCRIBE!

    Your bit of beauty this week? Well, I don't want you to think that I am unbalanced, so here is a documentary about astrology on "Ancient Mysteries" narrated by that great Vulcan, Leonard Nimoy himself! It's a bit dated, but very fun! And who doesn't want a little throw back every once in awhile!

    Thank you everyone for your support-and so very grateful I can create these little bits of hope, joy and revelation for not only my life, but yours as well!

  • Catherine has a few tales to tell...and why shouldn't she? She's a multi-facted and dynamic human who has: appeared on TV, is a Certified Transformational Coach and has created The Art of Self Craftmanship as well as the Sunshine Quotient! Check out both here! But it is our conversation around Catherine almost working herself to death that is the key here...as well as our talk around what we have in our refrigerators that should catch your attention! What we have in our fridges just might keep us from working ourselves to death-or at least keep us healthy enough to keep us out of the hospital...

    Yes, I know! Our refrigerators! Who knew that what is in them and what we choose to feed ourselves with could be so polarizing? Food is medicine Hippocrates said, and our bodies need nourishment...and you're not going to get that eating fast food every day! So how do we nourish our bodies? And thus our souls? Well, for me it's lots of rest, lots of laughter and lots and lots of dear friendships...oh, yeah, and lots of greens and other yummy vegetables! But I'm a nerd like that!

    Catherine has a joyful Instagram, so check that out here! But she's just a joyful human in general...and you'll understand that when you listen to the episode!

    Your bit of beauty this week ~ Giuseppe Arcimboldo is FAMOUS for his paintings of human beings looking like food. I urge you to check out his work here- it is subversive, disturbing, and in the end, gorgeous! So that's the bit of beauty this week, people who look like a salad bar!

    PLEASE SHARE THE PODCAST! And remember, subscribe, rate and review...every little bit helps so very much!

    see you tomorrow for another episode of the pod!

  • Catherine has a few tales to tell...and why shouldn't she? She's a multi-facted and dynamic human who has: appeared on TV, is a Certified Transformational Coach and has created The Art of Self Craftmanship as well as the Sunshine Quotient! Check out both here! But it is our conversation around Catherine almost working herself to death that is the key here...as well as our talk around what we have in our refrigerators that should catch your attention! What we have in our fridges just might keep us from working ourselves to death-or at least keep us healthy enough to keep us out of the hospital...

    Yes, I know! Our refrigerators! Who knew that what is in them and what we choose to feed ourselves with could be so polarizing? Food is medicine Hippocrates said, and our bodies need nourishment...and you're not going to get that eating fast food every day! So how do we nourish our bodies? And thus our souls? Well, for me it's lots of rest, lots of laughter and lots and lots of dear friendships...oh, yeah, and lots of greens and other yummy vegetables! But I'm a nerd like that!

    Catherine has a joyful Instagram, so check that out here! But she's just a joyful human in general...and you'll understand that when you listen to the episode!

    Your bit of beauty this week ~ Giuseppe Arcimboldo is FAMOUS for his paintings of human beings looking like food. I urge you to check out his work here- it is subversive, disturbing, and in the end, gorgeous! So that's the bit of beauty this week, people who look like a salad bar!

    PLEASE SHARE THE PODCAST! And remember, subscribe, rate and review...every little bit helps so very much!

    see you tomorrow for another episode of the pod!

  • Greetings all and Happy Sunday! I'm back with another episode of the podcast!

    My guest this time, Pat Wetzel, is an author, a podcaster (you can check out her podcast here) as well as cancer survivor! She also, GULP, flies non-engine planes (read gliders...) and floats on wind, bubbles of air, updrafts-whatever will keep her aloft! In this episode we talk a few miracles, one which happened when her father died, and then another, when she was up in her plane surfing on air. Suffice it to say, but this is one adventurous and brave human being, who is only tethered to this planet because gravity exists! Her best selling book, "Bump in the Road" can be purchased on Amazon here, and you can discover more about Pat here! I loved every minute of our conversation and guess what? I adore Pat as well!

    You will not catch me up in a glider, or any plane for that matter. I think most of you know that I am an avid plane avoider (is there such a thing, there should be!) and run away from airports whenever I chance getting too close! So it was with absolute horror that I listened to Pat talking about going up in a plane WITHOUT AN ENGINE!

    Your bit of beauty this week is from the documentary film "Winged Migration" which follows birds all over the planet as they make their annual migrations...and some of the film was captured by glider! To say this movie is exquisite and beautiful DOES NOT DO IT JUSTICE! This is a 10 minute extended version but if you have the chance, watch the whole thing!


    See you next week for the very next episode!

  • Greetings all and Happy Sunday! I'm back with another episode of the podcast!

    My guest this time, Pat Wetzel, is an author, a podcaster (you can check out her podcast here) as well as cancer survivor! She also, GULP, flies non-engine planes (read gliders...) and floats on wind, bubbles of air, updrafts-whatever will keep her aloft! In this episode we talk a few miracles, one which happened when her father died, and then another, when she was up in her plane surfing on air. Suffice it to say, but this is one adventurous and brave human being, who is only tethered to this planet because gravity exists! Her best selling book, "Bump in the Road" can be purchased on Amazon here, and you can discover more about Pat here! I loved every minute of our conversation and guess what? I adore Pat as well!

    You will not catch me up in a glider, or any plane for that matter. I think most of you know that I am an avid plane avoider (is there such a thing, there should be!) and run away from airports whenever I chance getting too close! So it was with absolute horror that I listened to Pat talking about going up in a plane WITHOUT AN ENGINE!

    Your bit of beauty this week is from the documentary film "Winged Migration" which follows birds all over the planet as they make their annual migrations...and some of the film was captured by glider! To say this movie is exquisite and beautiful DOES NOT DO IT JUSTICE! This is a 10 minute extended version but if you have the chance, watch the whole thing!


    See you next week for the very next episode!