
  • Donate to our Kogi Land fundraiser through Dream Change at https://www.dreamchange.org/kogi-project

    In this episode I share what’s happening with Catalyst Talks Podcast, what the future holds, why It’s critical we bring Spirit into Business and institutions for the evolution of humanity and how to transcend old identities in order to do this.

    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

    ✨ Join the COLOMBIA QUEST ~Learn about the EXPANSION QUEST in COLOMBIA -December 13-21, 2023 ⁠https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023⁠

    Plant wisdom flows through this conversation with Stephanie and Katharina, as both hold space in the sacred and are mystics who’ve been initiated with plant spirit medicine for many decades.

    In this conversation we touch on:

    🍃 Why entheogenic plants differ from synthetic forms of psychedelic medicines

    🍃 Why master plants are not always the answer when we are called to our edge

    🍃 The initiations plants offer and how to hold the before, during and after for true integration

    🍃 The power of ‘weeds’

    🍃 Bypassing the work with one ceremony won’t do it

    🍃 How plants are the most holistic guides to accompany our transformation

    🍃 Shamanic plant medicine and intention

    🍃 Creating the right containers to meet our edges, before, during and after

    🍃 Mainstreaming of psychedelics

    🍃 Consciousness and vessels for the Divine

    🍃 The detox, initiation, and letting go of control

    🍃 The master guides of trust

    🍃 The power of place and wisdom of Spirit

    🍃 The great surrender to self

    🍃 Why local is always best and why we need to be mindful of scaling the sacred

    🍃 The power of true presence

    About Katharina Mohr de Yaycate:

    The soul of a mystic, the gift of a seer and the mind of a free spirit, led by a heart wide open for the love and joy of truly living. Katharina is a seeress, wise woman and transformation catalyst. She naturally blends an entrepreneurial upbringing and 20 years of management consulting experience with a life-long quest for conscious expansion and personal transformation. An extrasensory since birth, Katharina turned to shamanism and energy medicine in her teenage years and now embodies 25 years of hands-on experience in shamanic craft and wisdom traditions. She teaches shamanism since 2013 and continues to hone her skills in navigating consciousness through shamanic trance mediumship and plant medicine. Going beyond preconceived ideas, beliefs and life choices into conscious expansion, natural flow and thrive Katharina is an absolutely free spirit and conceptual visionary thinker who is as comfortable in board rooms as she is in wild nature. A workshop facilitator, executive coach, soul guide and trail blazer she has the ability to get to the heart of any matter with incredible speed and clarity.

    Connect with Katharina:


    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | ⁠https://www.stephanietrager.com⁠

    ▶︎ Youtube | ⁠https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks⁠

    ▶︎ Instagram | ⁠https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager⁠

    ▶︎ Linkedin | ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

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  • This episode with John Perlin explores the value, importance and role of trees in civilization from time immemorial. For our nature lovers out there, this one is interesting, rich and informative.


    John Perlin began his career at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2002 tasked by Nobel Laureate Dr. Walter Kohn to develop a colloquium on global warming for the university’s science departments. The following year John was hired by the physics department at UCSB to collaborate with Dr. Kohn and fellow Nobel Laureate Dr. Alan Heeger on the film, The Power of the Sun: The History of the Evolution of the Science of Light and Photovoltaics- https://physicstoday.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.2216954. The film inspired the University of California, Santa Barbara to embrace the solarization of the campus in which John oversaw the placement of photovoltaics on several of its structures. He led a symposium at UCSB on May 17, 2018 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHc5Ike2GIA) introducing the scientific work of Eunice Foote, the women who in 1856 discovered that carbon dioxide is the principal cause of Global Warming and that more of that gas in the atmosphere would lead to a hotter Earth. He was also the lead curator of an exhibit for the University of California, Santa Barbara based on the symposium which opened on October 28, 2019.

    John currently is a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara. John is the author of four highly acclaimed books on solar energy and forestry: A Golden Thread: 2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology; A Forest Journey: The Role of Trees in the Fate of Civilization; From Space to Earth: The Story of Solar Electricity; and Let It Shine: The 6000 Year Story of Solar Energy - Harvard University Press has chosen A Forest Journey as one of “One Hundred Books for Every Bookshelf” ever published by the press which includes such scientific luminaries as Stephen Jay Gould and E.O. Wilson. He has also finished a manuscript on the scientific and feminist work of Eunice Foote and is currently searching for a publisher.

    Connect with John:


    *Join us in COLOMBIA for the QUEST in KOGI LAND December, 2023. Learn more here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/

    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

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  • ✨ Join us in COLOMBIA for the QUEST in KOGI LAND December, 2023. Learn more here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/

    In this episode Stephanie covers:

    ◾️ The iterative process of meaning making, truth and trust

    ◾️ Four Meaning Making Lenses for Changing Times

    ◾️ Why trust, influence, and discernment are superpowers and how to master them

    ◾️ How to use the four agreements to work with these meaning making lenses

    ◾️ How intuition and discernment require self trust

    ◾️ A process for tapping into trust to arrive at the truth

    ◾️ A process for meaning making in these times when trust is low

    ◾️ Why inner work builds trust not only with others yet helps them trust you

    ◾️ Trust and leadership for a new earth

    ◾️ Multidimensional leadership, trust and so much more!

    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Inner Work of Impact episode | https://www.stephanietrager.com/32-the-inner-work-of-impact/

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message
  • Join the COLOMBIA QUEST ▶︎ Lear about the EXPANSION QUEST in KOGI LAND, COLOMBIA December 13-21, 2023 here ~ https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023 In this episode we cover:✨ The dirty side of gold most people don’t know about ✨ How mercury is poisoning watersheds and communities so that they can eat and we can have the gold✨ How passion and purpose ignite action✨ Toby’s journey as an artist and jewelry designer led him to create the Mercury Free Mining mission to end the use of mercury by artisanal gold miners✨ The movement unfolding in the jewelry industry and the technology available to produce clean healthy gold that aligns with human rights and clean environmental standards✨ The need to scale the technology available and a vision for making that happen✨ When the calling calls and you can’t go back to sleep ABOUT TOBY:Toby Pomeroy, Founder, Executive Director, Mercury Free Mining A designer-goldsmith for over 50 years, Toby became passionate about responsible gold mining after encountering Earthworks’ “No Dirty Gold” campaign in 2004. Since then, Toby has been dedicated to cultivating industry-wide support for a socially and environmentally responsible gold supply chain and a purpose-driven jewelry industry. He founded Mercury Free Mining (MFM) in 2017, a nonprofit organization committed to the discovery and deployment of mercury-free processes for the health of 20 million artisanal and small-scale gold miners and the environment upon which we all depend.MFM is fostering and implementing safe, efficient, mercury-free gold mining methods, and focusing on establishing a certified mercury-free gold supply chain to match industry demand. With a mission to eradicate the use of mercury in gold mining, MFM stands for the jewelry industry’s interdependence and solidarity with artisanal and small-scale gold miners around the world.▶︎ https://mercuryfreemining.org ▶︎ Learn more about Mercury Free Mining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7ezY_fy1Xw&t=634s Connect with Stephanie: ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

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  • ▶︎ Learn about our EXPANSION QUEST in KOGI LAND, COLOMBIA here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023

    What does it feel like to be completely satisfied in a mission and life well lived? Daniel shares is decades journeying to the lands of indigenous people who share their cosmovision of a world where we are one, we are one with nature, we are nature. We explore:

    ☑️ Why it’s important not to romanticize indigenous people

    ☑️ What honor, reciprocity and right relationship look like in building bridges with indigenous communities

    ☑️ How Daniel helped found Pachamama Alliance and Fundacion Pachamama

    ☑️ Ways to journey with us to Colombia in December 2023

    ☑️ The spirit and focus of the Kogi People in Colombia

    ☑️ And so much more!


    Andean Paths welcomes you to the heart and soul of Central and South America. We are a travel service that's committed to offer our clients the “journey of a lifetime”. Through the experience and knowledge of the staff at Andean Paths, you will be immersed in the wonder, beauty and mystery of Central and South American culture.​

    Andean Paths is owned by Daniel Koupermann, one of the first developers of ecotourism in Ecuador. The designer and builder of Kapawi Eco-Lodge (www.kapawi.com) in the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin.

    Daniel has over 30 years of experience with the Achuar people of that region. He has developed strong relationships with many of the leaders and the powerful shamans in the territory. In addition, he has been involved with yacht operations in the Galapagos Islands, the development of a community-based tourism program on Isabela Island and the implementation of a condor-viewing program in Cajas National Park. He is the former president of Fundacion Pachamama, the Ecuadorian arm of The Pachamama Alliance in the United States, (www.pachamama.org) a well-known non-profit organization which works with the indigenous groups in the Amazonian Region of Ecuador and Peru.

    Daniel strongly believes that the knowledge of our ancestral cultures and the natural history of every place we visit are amazing sources of inspiration for the savvy traveler. The Achuar and Sápara people in the Amazon forest, the Kogi in the Sierra Nevada in Colombia, the Quero in the Sacred Valley in Perú and the Mayan in Guatemala all can share with us a space to make our journeys very personal and inspirational, and teach us new ways to live our lives and view the world around us.

    *Join Stephanie and Daniel in COLOMBIA in December of 2023 for the QUEST in KOGI LAND

    Learn more here:

    ▶︎ https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/

    Connect with Daniel: https://www.andeanpathsjourneys.com

    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message
  • ▶︎ Learn about our EXPANSION QUEST in KOGI LAND, COLOMBIA here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/

    Kat Maier and Stephanie traverse a gorgeous flowing river in this deep dive on Energetic Herbalism, Ayurveda, Vitalism and the wisdom and language of plants. Kat is one of those wisdomkeepers who’s teachings invite you to swirl around in all dimensions at once. In this episode we explore:
    ✨What is Energetic Herbalism
    ✨How to listen to place -the place where you are, live and are from
    ✨The unique attributes of native plants and trees
    ✨The morphogenetic field and our evolution
    ✨Mistakes many people make when it comes to ‘using’ herbs
    ✨Plants as teachers
    ✨Sacred plant traditions and how Kat came to be a leading western herbalist of our time
    ✨Sustainability and ‘regeneration’ of endangered plants
    ✨How to source your herbal medicine locally and why it’s better for you and the plants
    ✨Indigenous intelligence and the golden threads that hold balance on Gaia
    ✨And so much more!

    ▶︎ Previous episode with Kat here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/the-plants-speak-with-kathleen-maier/

    Kat is an extraordinary teacher and wisdomkeeper of herbal medicine and shares the culmination of her life’s work in her recent book, Energetic Herbalism. She’s poetic and multi-dimensional and together we weave, flow, and poetically examine the nuances of what energetic herbalism is, how it works, why it’s key to embrace and how it invites a permanent departure from reductionist thinking. Kat Maier RH, (AHG) is the founder and director of Sacred Plant Traditions, a center for herbal studies in Charlottesville, Virginia where she’s trained many clinical herbalists who have gone on to to begin other schools, apothecaries or open practices. In clinical practice for over 30 years, Kat teaches internationally at universities, conferences, and herbal schools. She is a founding member of Botanica Mobile Clinic, a nonprofit dedicated to providing accessible herbal medicine to local communities. This grew out of her school’s free clinic which was one of the first on the east coast and went on to be a template for other schools. She began her study of plants as a Peace Corps volunteer, and her training as a Physician’s Assistant allows her to weave the language of biomedicine into her practice of traditional energetic herbalism. She is coauthor of Bush Medicine of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. As a passionate steward of the plants, Kat also served as president of United Plant Savers and was the recipient of the organization’s first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award. Energetic Herbalism is the 2022 winner of the Nautilus Book Award.

    ▶︎ Kat’s Website: https://www.katmaierherbalism.com/
    ▶︎ Purchase Energetic Herbalism here: https://sacredplanttraditions.com/#buybook
    ▶︎ Sacred Plant Traditions: School for Clinical Herbalism: https://sacredplanttraditions.com/
    ▶︎ United Plant Savers: https://unitedplantsavers.org

    Join us in COLOMBIA for the QUEST in KOGI LAND December, 2023. Learn more here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/journey-colombia-2023/

    Connect with Stephanie:
    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com
    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks
    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager


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  • My guest today is Tali Orad. Before we dive into a conversation on trees, planting, and what it will take to convert plantings to life, the word from our sponsor shared this gorgeous program - The Journey of Increase - increase your powers of mental focus, manifestation and mind mastery with a 90 Day self guided journey that will change your words, thoughts, and life! http://journeyofincrease.com/

    This episode dives into:

    🍃What it looks like to pivot as an engineer to founder of a tree planting and community building NGO
    🍃Why tree planting isn’t enough
    🍃How communities thrive with tree planting
    🍃What one person can do when they follow their heart
    🍃The 1Treelion Movement and a the power of trees

    About Tali:
    Tali Orad is an engineer, TEDx speaker, and serial entrepreneur. She is the founder of 1treellion.org an NGO with the mission to collectively make a meaningful global impact by bringing communities together to plant trees and help mitigate the effects of climate change. Tali’s first NGO came about after she saved the life of a dying baby, resulting in her founding an NGO to raise awareness of CPR education.
    She is a Thrive guest contributor, the host of The Butterfly Effect podcast, and a frequent speaker. Tali believes in the power of people to make a change and hopes with the help of the people she can help our planet.

    Connect with Tali :

    Mentioned in the episode: Numbers and Nerves: Information, Emotion, and Meaning in a World of Data ~ https://osupress.oregonstate.edu/book/numbers-and-nerves

    Connect with Stephanie:
    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com
    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks
    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager


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  • Have you ever met a mortal wizard? My guest on Catalyst Talks, Dr. Steven Young is definitely one. A Holistic Coach (Mind, Body, Spirit) with a degree in Kinesiology and a Masters and Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy, Steven aims to create 1 billion Ammortals.

    In this episode we dive into:
    ⚫️ What’s an Ammortal and how do you become one
    ⚫️ Frequency technologies to speed up healing
    ⚫️ Stacking tech to allow the body to restore itself
    ⚫️ Unintended consequences
    ⚫️ The Ammortal Chamber’s alchemy
    ⚫️ Consciousness and tech to support our future evolution
    ⚫️ Bridging ancient and future potentials
    ⚫️ Restorative energy and make it available to you
    ⚫️ How frequencies can heal you to the core physically, emotionally and spiritually?
    ⚫️ The quickest way to experience massive transformation in your life
    ⚫️ The levers to shift from intellectual understanding of spirituality to being
    ⚫️ Accessing our multidimensionality
    ⚫️ What’s going to leap our world forward Stick through the end, there is so much wisdom available here!

    About Steven Young:
    Dr. Steve Young is a Holistic Coach (Mind, Body, Spirit) with a degree in Kinesiology from Penn State and a Masters and Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy from Hahnemann University (now Drexel).He is an Amasian (Taiwanese) who has helped thousands of individuals re-engineer their health for a better lifestyle. He aims to create 1 Billion “Ammortals” – An Ammortal is a mortal that connects to and embodies the divine powers within. They have revealed their essence, gifts, and purpose in life so they inspire others to be and do greater good for humanity.He is the Chief Solutionite of BodySolutions and the Consciousness Tinkerer and Chief Love Officer of Ammortal.

    Connect with Steven :

    Connect with Stephanie:
    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com
    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks
    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager


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  • We do deals, we do business, we have impact, we share our purpose, we speak our truth, we need humans. In this episode my friend David Homan joins me to explore his passion and mission to support connectors to be better askers and exactly how to do it. As part of a large impact ecosystem sometimes we forget how to be intentional about asking for what we need, making connections for others and how to be impeccable with integrity every step of the way.

    In this episode Stephanie and David explore:

    ✨ What it means to be an intentional connector

    ✨ How to build confidence and share your ‘Impact Ask’

    ✨ The key to building a strong community of like minded impact action takers

    ✨ Why asking from purpose is more important than need

    ✨ The roots of Orchestrated Connecting and how to plug in

    ✨ What classical music can teach us about community building

    ✨ The importance of relationships

    ✨ The alternative to being a stand for what you need or the option of destitution

    ✨ Why gratitude is gold

    ✨ How to value your chain of connections

    ✨ The art of the Impact Ask

    About David Homan:

    David Homan connects people. His primary skill in life is learning about people, helping them reframe and pitch themselves better, and then creating long-lasting relationships based on the premise that for everyone for whom he connects the dots, they would be described as an action oriented, natural giver with high integrity.

    His methodology, Orchestrated Connecting, is currently being explored towards a Book, and his community of over nearly 1100 global "superconnectors" represents family offices, venture capitalists, impact investors, entertainers, athletes, CEOs/Founders, community organizers, and a myriad of other incredible "occupations" that do little to describe how amazing each individual in this community of communities is.

    As a prior non-profit CEO, David raised millions for the arts while running a multi-national, multi-million dollar Foundation that survived near total destruction due to Bernie Madoff, and incubated a social impact film company for the Dalio Family Office. His impact advisory firm, Orchestrated Opportunities, partners with family offices, start-ups, funds, and nonprofits to build new, structured ecosystems of relationships to strategically scale and expand their growth. Focal areas include mental health, health and wellness, climate change, art, philanthropy, social justice, and investing in women, among others.

    David is a recognized classical composer whose music can be found by saying "Alexa--please play the music of David Homan" with 7 albums and radio play internationally. His latest project is a film/mini-series focused on a composer who loses his mind to Alzheimer's.

    He serves as an Advisor to NEXUS, part of the steering committee of the DC Family Office Network, as a founding member of the First Republic FEA NY Chapter, as an advisor to the Catalyst Impact Foundation, as an Advisor to Regeneration.VC, and as Board Chair of the Arthur Miller Foundation.

    Connect with David :

    Connect with Stephanie:
    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com
    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks
    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message

  • Learn more and receive special savings on the Journey of Increase at https://thejourneyofincrease.com/

    Stay in touch on the email list https://www.stephanietrager.com/newsletter/

    Stephanie and John explore what it means to speak the truth when you hold perspectives that may rattle the status quo... and how to do it with grace and kindness.

    John’s former life as an Economic Hitman and his breadth of wisdom and knowledge as an economist, historian and proponent of the Life Economy, gives him poise to explain how debt trap diplomacy is proliferating all over our planet and now starring China in the show.

    John is the author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman and is debuting the third edition - on China's Economic Hitman strategy.

    This episode is full of wisdom, information and perspective.

    About John Perkins:

    John Perkins, Economist/Author/Activist: As Chief Economist at a major consulting firm, John was advisor to the World Bank, UN, IMF, Fortune 500 corporations, and leaders of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and US government agencies. John Perkins has written eleven books that have been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than seventy weeks and translated into over thirty languages. As a former chief economist, he advised the World Bank, United Nations, Fortune 500 corporations, and governments around the world. His eleven books, including Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Touching the Jaguar, and Shapeshifting spent over 70 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list, are published in more than 35 languages, and sold over 2 million copies. His latest, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition (Feb 2023) describes China’s EHM strategy and the need to transform a failing, degenerative Death Economy into a regenerative Life Economy. He has lectured at more than 50 universities; been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN, Time, The New York Times, Elle, Der Spiegel, and many others. He is a founder of the nonprofits Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance and was awarded the Lennon/Ono Peace Prize.

    Connect with John :


    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website | https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catalyst-talks/message
  • 📢 Learn more and receive special savings on the Journey of Increase at https://thejourneyofincrease.com/     

    ✉️ Stay in touch on the email list: https://www.stephanietrager.com/newsletter/     

    Anita and Stephanie open this conversation to: 

    ✨ A deep transmission of the Four Sacred Gifts into your heart (close your eyes when listening -if you can!) 

    ✨ An open hearted and personal sharing dialogue around what it means to be a person of Indigenous heritage vs knowing we’re all from this earth 

    ✨ How forgiving the unforgivable will accelerate our personal and collective evolution - and joy 

    ✨ What it means to embrace unity - especially in the context of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion conversations 

    ✨ Why every human and every living thing on earth and in nature matters for our expansion 

    ✨ How to hold  hope and abundance, expansion and joy in the face of tragedy, responsibility and justice 

    ✨ What living and being in right relationship means (vs. doing) 

    ✨ Our own personal stories of healing as a path to holding space for the healing of others  

    ✨And so much more….

    About Anita Sanchez:  

    Anita Sanchez, Ph.D., Nahua (Aztec) and Mexican-American, is a transformational leadership consultant, speaker, coach and author of the international bestselling book, “The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times,” available in paperback, hardcover, e-book, and audiobook from Simon & Schuster.   

    Dr Sanchez was named Conscious Company Magazine’s 2020 World-Changing Woman, and Woman of the Hour - #SheismyHero, along with Jane Goodall and others, by the World Woman Foundation.   

    She bridges indigenous teachings with the latest science to inspire and equip women and men to enjoy meaningful, empowered lives and careers. With four decades of experience coaching and training executives and their teams in dozens of Fortune 500 companies, governmental groups and non-governmental agencies.  

    Anita is an established leader in global organizational change initiatives. She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council with luminaries such as Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson and John Gray, as well as the Association of Transformational Leaders, the Evolutionary Business Council, and serves on the Boards of the Bioneers organization and the Pachamama Alliance. Anita holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Development from the University of Colorado, Denver.

    She resides in the mountains outside of Boulder, CO with her husband and youngest son. For more information and to download the free song that is based on the book, visit www.FourSacredGifts.com. For information on Anita's diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias training, see consulting website www.SanchezTennis.com.  

    Contact Anita here: 







    Join Anita in the Amazon - https://www.wetravel.com/trips/rainforest-journey-to-sapara-and-achuar-territories-with-anita-and-kit-pachamama-alliance-pastaza-canton-30908763 

    Connect with Stephanie:

    Website: https://www.stephanietrager.com/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@StephanieTragerCatalystTalks 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager/ 

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  • It’s been said, “Our words create worlds.” Change your words, change your life. In this episode Stephanie dives deep into a simple yet profound practice for transforming your life around all areas that are important for you, from relationships, wealth, health, happiness and all manner of manifestations.
    We’re always influencing our outcomes through our words, thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and meaning making processes dialed in from the time we were young. Mind mastery and how and who we influence comes down to a few ingredients and one of them is how we speak. You’ll want to listen to this one more than once so have a pen in hand for the juicy nuggets passed along.
    >> RECEIVE THE JOURNEY OF INCREASE >> https://thejourneyofincrease.com/
    In this episode Stephanie shares:

    The power of our words and why we prioritize mastering them
    How to change your vocabulary in three simple yet powerful steps
    How to increase your influence with others and with yourself
    Why the stories we tell create the lives we live
    How to radically transform your life in 90 days
    The most powerful first steps in manifesting massive change in your life and a practice for doing it now
    Why our words and stories are our reality and how to choose and change yours to align with what you say you want

    Stay in touch on the email list https://www.stephanietrager.com/newsletter
    Connect with Stephanie:
    ▶︎ Website         |  https://www.stephanietrager.com
    ▶︎ Youtube         |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks
    ▶︎ Instagram      |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager
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  • LIBERATION MASTERCLASS: Owning Your Power as a Creator to dive deeper into a FREE personal deep dive Receive instant access: https://www.stephanietrager.com/liberation/

    Key Take-Aways from Jude:

    The old paradigm of materialism is insufficient to compete with the evidence of a multidimensional universe Now is the time to naturalize (normalize) supernormal attributes and our superpower of intuition Communicating with other realms of consciousness Systems breakdown and emerging impulses of evolution The emergent leading edge understanding of the nature of reality When a system reaches its limits it breaks down what happens next Patterned information guides the evolutionary impulse of our entire universe Higher levels of our being are potentiating in the field awaiting for the breakdown and breakthrough for true conscious evolution Cosmic mind articulates itself through digitized in-formarmation We are the universe’s microcosmic co-creators Examining our relationship with our planetary home and flipping the paradigm from separation to unity All of our planetary challenges emanate from the dis-ease of separation and afflicted  worldview

    About Jude Currivan:

    Jude Currivan, Ph.D., is a cosmologist, futurist, planetary healer, author, member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and previously a senior international business woman. She has a master’s degree in physics from Oxford University specializing in quantum physics and cosmology and a doctorate in archaeology researching ancient cosmologies. She has travelled to over 80 countries, worked with wisdom keepers from many traditions and is a life-long researcher into the nature of reality. She is the author of 7 books, latterly the award-winning and best-selling The Cosmic Hologram (2017), and The Story of Gaia (2022) and is co-founder of WholeWorld-View.

    Contact Jude here:


    Connect on social



    The Cosmic Hologram:


    The Story of Gaia: The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of Our Conscious Planet


    Connect with Stephanie:

    ▶︎ Website         |  https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube         |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram      |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Facebook      |  https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin        |  https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Twitter           |  https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager

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  • In this episode I share insights on:

    🔆 Liberation is a frequency where higher purpose dances

    🔆 Why ‘your purpose’ may not be feeling dialed in and instead feels disconnected and out of alignment

    🔆 Higher purpose is a frequency not bound in roots of your old identity

    🔆 How to use he Higher Purpose Identity Spectrum to break free from old identities that no longer serve who you are meant to become

    🔆 What does it mean to be a quantum creator

    🔆 A path to expand your capacity to receive – in all areas of your lives

    🔆 Dial into your highest possibility where you thrive in fulfillment, radiance, joy, and alignment

    Instant Access to the LIBERATION MASTERCLASS: Owning Your Power as a Creator: https://www.stephanietrager.com/liberation/

    Join the EVOLVE MASTERY CIRCLE: HIGHER PURPOSE experience here: http://evolvemasterycircle.com/

    If we haven’t met yet, I’m Stephanie Trager.

    Dubbed’ a ‘purpose whisperer,’ ‘wellness rebel’ and ‘legal midwife’ I couple sharp business acumen with potent intuitive gifts. I’m a medicine woman, guide, evolutionary coach, former attorney, ancient tree communicator, and wellness rebel holding space for intellectual analytical soul seekers called to higher purpose.

    For 30 years I’ve been obsessed with finding keys to physical vitality, mental freedom, emotional peace, and spiritual expansion. I’ve been obsessed with finding ways to explain, teach, convey, coach, and strategize the ‘how to’s’ for integrating wholeness in ourselves, our businesses, our relationship with nature, and our sense of purpose and fulfillment in our one and only lives.

    For more than two decades I’ve been coaching and developing modalities on physical vitality, mental freedom, emotional peace, aligned business, conscious communication, and spiritual expansion. Synergizing innate wisdom with positive psychology, neuroscience, NLP, a background in, human rights and eco activism, business and corporate law, plus shamanism and alternative ancient practices, I meet you in the ‘field’ of infinite possibility.

    Decades of experience as a coach and transformational catalyst for people from all walks of life, levels of wealth and leadership have show me this truth: ALL of us desire to BE MORE OF WHO WE REALLY ARE and DO WHAT WE ARE REALLY HERE TO DO. I’ve spent my entire life on this quest and that’s why I’m the guide for you.

    Connect with me:

    ▶︎ Website         |  https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ Youtube         |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

    ▶︎ Instagram      |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Facebook      |  https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Linkedin        |  https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ Twitter           |  https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager

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  • What are Future Human Potentials? Anneloes Smitman offers systematic approaches to actualizing our future human potentials individually, organizationally, and collectively. This gorgeous conversation will enlighten the curious, seed the impossible and create possibility in the future now.

    For the full show notes and more visit catalysttalks.com


    FREE WORKSHOP WITH STEPHANIE:  Liberation: Owning Your Power as Creator, a free workshop holding space for deep personal transformations, evolutionary awareness and techniques to lean into to you quantum potential. REGISTER FREE HERE 👉 http://workshopwithstephanie.com 

    Learn about and enroll in the EVOLVE MASTERY CIRCLE: Higher Purpose  👉https://www.stephanietrager.com 


    In this episode we explore

    How we all have our future human potentials and what is our next step, inside of us now How to hold complexity and evolve without pain Evolutionary economics and political systems Imaginal cells and the 5 Archetypes of Actualization The barriers to systems change our greatest transformation Living systems as a starting point to solving challenges in ourselves and in the world Boundaries of growth and the holographic nature of our personal evolution with collective systems transformation Anneloes coined the term, Systems Sensors and we dive into what these sensors are and how they are useful in detecting future potentials

    About Anneloes Smitman:  

    Founder & CEO, EARTHwise Centre Dr. Anneloes Smitsman (Ph.D., LLM), is a futurist, evolutionary systems scientist, coach, healer, and award-winning bestselling author. She is the Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre. Her programs, practices, and strategies are sought after around the world for actualizing our future human potential, and catalyzing the next steps in human consciousness and systemic design for thrivability.

    Connect with Anneloes:


    The Quest of Rose https://www.futurehumans.world/the-quest-of-rose 

    Return of the Avatars https://www.futurehumans.world/return-of-the-avatars


    Connect with Stephanie: https://linktr.ee/stephanietrager 

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  • This episode is sponsored by The EVOLVE Program - Access the FREE Unlocking Higher Purpose Mini Course here ▶︎ http://unlockinghigherpurpose.com and join our community of catalysts for the awesome opportunities about to unfold!    

    In this episode we dive into: 

    ✔️ What it looks like to lead from multidimensional alchemy 

    ✔️ A snapshot of new earth business models 

    ✔️ What’s a regenerative product and how is it made 

    ✔️ When Soul leadership trumps logic  

    ✔️ Leading in the dark when something else is lighting with way 

    ✔️ Why old models will crumble 

    ✔️ Tasting the difference when food is medicine for body, soul and spirit 

    ✔️ Nothing is new, it’s all been done and until we innerstand death, we’ll stay stuck in an unproductive paradigm   

    About Hoda Mohajerani:  

    Hoda Mohajerani has synthesized over three decades of experience in women’s, environmental and human rights advocacy; natural medicines, premium organic branding, fashion and music production; into a systems-based, servant-leadership, to nurture and realize visions for people and the planet.   

    A graduate from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, Hoda’s academic background spans sociology, literature, arabic and comparative religions. She has worked with various ngo’s such as the Women’s Environmental Network, the UN, the Centre for the Study of Democracy and has been a frequent guest on the BBC. She has been described by those closest to her as a: Visionary Leader. Servant of Love. Critical thinker and Compassionate Bullshit Slayer.   

    The many routes of Hoda's personal "Silk Road“ all eventually led to the founding of CHAKRA CHAI: A regenerative, mission-driven company rooted in the five thousand year tradition of Ayurveda. Their primary tagline "Conscious Nourishment for The Conscious Age“ hints at the company’s fundamental principle: Consciousness is at the heart of our existence. Our heightened (or reduced) access to Consciousness determines the realities that we experience- individually and collectively. The story of the becoming of this "Brand from the Beyond“, why it matters and how food can be a conscious vehicle of transformation (and vehicle for the transformation of consciousness) will be just some of the topics we will discuss on today’s podcast.   

    Instagram @chakrachaiofficial 


    Connect with Stephanie:   

    ▶︎ WEBSITE  |  https://www.stephanietrager.com

    ▶︎ YOUTUBE  |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks  

    ▶︎ INSTAGRAM  |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager  

    ▶︎ FACEBOOK  |  https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ LINKEDIN  |  https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager

    ▶︎ TWITTER  |  https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager 

    👇 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks

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  • This episode is sponsored by The EVOLVE Program - grab the free Unlocking Higher Purpose Series - http://unlockinghigherpurpose.com

    In this episode we dive into:

    ✔️ The power of language and words 
    ✔️ Keeping it real when it comes to the intellect
     ✔️ The impact of cultural tools for particular silos that live in the head and how to bring them to the heart 
    ✔️ Matrix, metrics, purpose and programs 
    ✔️ How to de-program our minds, and come from truth and heart when it comes to industries meant for positive impact 
    ✔️ Lifestyle hacking tips for straddling both the world of poetry and the world of grammar 
    ✔️ Where our Soul’s live and why experience the question 
    ✔️ How to use the matrix to express your earthly contribution

    About Gino:  

    Gino Borges is an investor in impact-driven companies, with an emphasis on social and ecological resilience. He is a partner at OpenPath Investments, which transforms ordinary apartment complexes into thriving communities via its Urban Village program. Additionally, he’s partnered with FullCycle, facilitating a co-investment to bring institutional-grade climate investments to retail investors.    

    Gino speaks and teaches about impact investing, multi-family real estate, community resiliency, wealth stewardship, and monetary networks. He is the host of The Poetry of Impact Podcast and curator of Poetry of Impact.  

    Connect with Stephanie:   
    ▶︎ WEBSITE  |  https://www.stephanietrager.com
    ▶︎ YOUTUBE  |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks  
    ▶︎ INSTAGRAM  |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager  
    ▶︎ FACEBOOK  |  https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ LINKEDIN  |  https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager
    ▶︎ TWITTER  |  https://www.twitter.com/stephanietrager

    👇 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/stephanietragercatalysttalks


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  • This episode is sponsored by The EVOLVE Program - grab the free Unlocking Higher Purpose Series - http://unlockinghigherpurpose.com

    In this episode we dive into:

    A change agent’s mark on the world from forest conservation to hemp food producer to major global health food brand founder, to regenerative agriculture strategist, to backyard composter to activist and author as speaker and seeker of truth Nutiva founder went from selling hemp bars in the back of his car to exceeded a billion dollars in sales How governmental agencies shield the truth The state of our planet and why it’s time to suspend identifying with one side or the other How to regenerate soil and why it’s the key to changing the climate narrative Oh and so much more from a seasoned environmentalist, creator, business leader, and no taker of bullshit!

    About John Roulac

    John is a hemp innovator, serial entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist, writer, and champion of regenerative agriculture. As the 1999 founder of the organic superfoods brand Nutiva, he has sourced and formulated $1B in retail sales of organic superfoods in the past 20 years. Through his leadership, Nutiva became the fastest-growing superfoods company on the planet and was named one of Inc. magazine’s fastest-growing companies in America for seven years in a row.

    He is also an executive producer of the Netflix blockbuster regenerative agriculture film Kiss the Ground, which is narrated by Woody Harrelson.

    John was blessed to spend his childhood summers on the islands of the Pacific Northwest, where he played among the forests and tide pools. When nuclear waste was dumped nine miles from his California home, John’s ecological awareness was awakened. He began his central life journey: to study natural systems and discover practical solutions to pressing environmental challenges.

    Over his career, John has founded six non-profit organizations, including Great Plains Regeneration, Agroforestry Regeneration Communities (creating regenerative food forests), and Forests Forever which placed the California Forest Protection Act, Prop 130, on the California state ballot in 1990. His passionate hemp advocacy brought him to sue the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. This long legal battle culminated in a historic 2004 federal court victory to keep hemp foods legal. He is a pioneer of the modern home-composting movement and has authored four books on hemp and composting that have combined sales of more than one million copies. He has been interviewed on numerous radio and television programs and has been widely quoted in the print media—from Wired magazine to the Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal.

    In his leisure time, John enjoys travel, hiking, playing basketball, and soaking in natural hot springs.

    Connect with John: 





    Read his book: Backyard Composting

    Connect with Stephanie: 

    Website / Subscribe to our Youtube Channel / Instagram

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  • Access Your FREE Unlocking Higher Purpose Mini Course - http://unlockinghigherpurpose.com 

    In this episode we dive into: 

    👉🏽How much is Enough? 

    👉🏽Where does this “Not Enoughness” program comes from? 

    👉🏽What does it mean to track your purpose  

    👉🏽How to navigate life when you’re in the story between the story 

    👉🏽A pioneer’s journey to and ‘of’ impact 

    👉🏽What motivates our hunger for more 

    👉🏽How to dismantle the false belief of security 

    👉🏽The purpose of money  

    👉🏽How a former CEO integrates psychology and money 

    “The Soul would rather fail at its own life then succeed at someone else’s.” David Whyte 

    Where to find Brent Brent Kessel, 

    CFP® CEO, Abacus Wealth Partners Co-founder, Abacus Wealth Partners & Align Impact Author of It’s Not About the Money (HarperCollins) Brent Kessel has taught impact investing at MIT, has presented at seminars and financial planning industry conferences throughout the U.S, and has led personal development training on both coasts. He is the co-founder of Align Impact and co-founder and CEO of Abacus Wealth Partners, a $3.9 billion impact wealth management firm whose mission is to expand what’s possible with  money. 

    Abacus has been a dedicated impact investment advisor for over 25 years, including providing seed funding for the world’s first sustainable index mutual funds, and being an early anchor investor in several of the most successful and impactful private equity funds in industry history. Abacus is a founding B Corp., is carbon-neutral, and donates over 1% of revenue to charity each year. 

    Brent is the author of It’s Not About the Money (HarperCollins), named one of the top five business books of the year by Kiplinger’s Brent combines his years of financial planning and impact investing experience along with a deep understanding of the psychological dimensions of money to help people feel empowered to make significant and lasting changes in their financial lives and in the world around them. 

    Relevant Links: The Archetype Quiz https://abacuswealth.com/quiz/

    Connect with Brent Learn about his work https://abacuswealth.com/team/brent-kessel/ 

    ‘It’s Not About the Money’ the book https://www.amazon.com/Its-Not-About-Money-Financial/dp/0061234052 


    Connect with Stephanie: 

    *All links here: https://www.stephanietrager.com/social

    ▶︎ WEBSITE  |  https://www.stephanietrager.com 

    ▶︎ INSTAGRAM  |  https://www.instagram.com/stephanietrager 

    ▶︎ FACEBOOK  |  https://www.facebook.com/stephanietrager 

    ▶︎ LINKEDIN  |  https://www.linkedin.com/stephanietrager 



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