Haggadah Series Shiur 8
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Jordana & Steven Becker & family to commemorite the 13th yahrzeit of Jordana's father, Chayim Yitzchak ben Getzel, z"l.
And by Jennifer & Yaakov Abdelhak with tremendous hakaras hatov to Rabbi Schrier and Rabbi Zahtz, the incredible leaders of our kehila.
Today’s episode is sponsored by Elissa & Eric Melzer & Family in memory of Rabbi Mordechai Abdelhak, Rav Mordechai ben Shimon, z"l, whose yahrzeit is today.
Jennifer & Yaakov Abdelhak in memory of Rabbi Mardoche Abdelhak, Mordechai ben Shimon, z"l, on his yahrzeit.
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Haggadah Series Shiur 7
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Jordana & Steven Becker & family to commemorite the 13th yahrzeit of Jordana's father, Chayim Yitzchak ben Getzel, z"l.
And by Jennifer & Yaakov Abdelhak with tremendous hakaras hatov to Rabbi Schrier and Rabbi Zahtz, the incredible leaders of our kehila.
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Haggadah Series Shiur 6
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Jordana & Steven Becker & family to commemorite the 13th yahrzeit of Jordana's father, Chayim Yitzchak ben Getzel, z"l.
And by Jennifer & Yaakov Abdelhak with tremendous hakaras hatov to Rabbi Schrier and Rabbi Zahtz, the incredible leaders of our kehila.
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Haggadah Series Shiur 5
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children.
By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday on March 18, 2025.
And anonymously L’Refuah Shleima to Yehudah Ben Fruma Sora, Ella Bas Zisel and שאר חולי ישראל.
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Haggadah Series Shiur 4
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children.
By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday on March 18, 2025.
And anonymously L’Refuah Shleima to Yehudah Ben Fruma Sora, Ella Bas Zisel and שאר חולי ישראל.
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Haggadah Series Shiur 3
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children.
By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday on March 18, 2025.
And anonymously L’Refuah Shleima to Yehudah Ben Fruma Sora, Ella Bas Zisel and שאר חולי ישראל.
Today is sponsored by Susan & David Rosenbaum in memory of David's father Moshe Aharon Ben Shlomo Yechiel, whose 44th yahrzeit is 19 Adar.
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Haggadah Series Shiur 2
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children.
By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday on March 18, 2025.
And anonymously L’Refuah Shleima to Yehudah Ben Fruma Sora, Ella Bas Zisel and שאר חולי ישראל.
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Haggadah Series Shiur 1
R' Schrier will be going through Maggid in this segment of CBYomi for 3 weeks to help us prepare for the seder.
This week is sponsored by Sari & Yaakov Sheinfeld in appreciation of the tireless educators who instill the love of Torah in our children.
By Jamie & Dan Schwartz in honor of our grandson Cole Hozer's 4th birthday on March 18, 2025.
And anonymously L’Refuah Shleima to Yehudah Ben Fruma Sora, Ella Bas Zisel and שאר חולי ישראל.
Today’s episode is sponsored by Elissa & Eric Melzer and Family in memory of our father and grandfather, Shephard Melzer, Shmuel Gavriel ben Reuven Hakohen whose 16th yahrtzeit is today.
Karen & Yudi Fromowitz in honor of the recent birthday of our dear friend, Dr. Sholom Schrier.
Lynn Sugarman & David Wisotsky in honor of Rabbi Schrier and his incredible dedication to our kehilla.
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Special Purim Episode
Halacha Series - Shiur 10
Hashkafa series - Shiur 10
Tefilah Series - Shiur 10
Parsha Series - Shiur 9
Halacha Series - Shiur 9
Jewish History Series - Shiur 9
Hashkafa Series - Shiur 9
Tefillah Series -Shiur 9.
Parsha Series - Shiur 8
Halacha Series - Shiur 8
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