
  • EP 031 Prt 2: The Untold Secret Leadership Challenges |Established Leaders |New Leaders| Managers

    #leadership #managers #buildingtrust #team

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    Scope of Episode

    What challenges established leaders, unexperienced leaders or new leaders face and how to over-come their struggles using real examples based on experience and observations

    A concreate discussion with Salvatore (Sal) leveraging his 30 years’ experience in the change, transformation space and leadership. He also has extensive experience coaching established, new and upcoming leaders.

    Using real examples that we have both encountered we bring light to the challenges that no one ever tells you when you are put in a leadership role especially the new leaders.

    The discussion is full of insightful content based on real examples that you need to hear, listen to and also learn from to avoid the pitfalls by others and us.

    We cover the below in part 2 of 2 of this episode;

    · The role of a leader

    · The benefits of mentoring and coaching for a newleader

    · Self-reflection

    · Why effective communication and the benefits forthe new leaders

    o Transparency of decisions

    o Stakeholder engagement and communication

    · Stakeholder management

    · Non-verbal communication

    Body language

    · How to prepare for a leadership role?

    · Understanding and alignment to the ask of “why”for your team and stakeholders

    · Why soft skills are fundamental to your successas a leader.

  • EP 030 Part 1 : Untold Secrets Leadership Challenges

    #leadership #managers #buildingtrust #team

    Support me by signing up to a personal account with:

    Wise: Move your money where it matters. Save up to 5x on international transfers and spend money worldwide, without any hidden fees using this particular link


    Wise main products include:

    – International account with over 50 currencies to hold, spend and receive money (includes direct debit functionality)

    – International money transfers that always use the mid-market exchange rate and are up to 7 times cheaper than traditional banks or PayPal

    – Debit card – to spend money all over the world (when travelling or online)

    – Wise Business – the international account that helps companies save on foreign transactions and make it easy to streamline business processes – with accounting software integrations, batch payments and API

    – High-amount transfers – get a discounted rate and additional support when sending large sums of money abroad

    Scope of Episode

    What challenges established leaders, unexperienced leadersor new leaders face and how to over-come their struggles using real examples based on experience and observations

    A concreate discussion with Salvatore (Sal) leveraging his 30years’ experience in the change, transformation space and leadership. He also has extensive experience coaching established, new and upcoming leaders.

    Using real examples that we have both encountered we bring light to the challenges that no one ever tells you when you are put in a leadership role especially the new leaders. The discussion is full of insightful content based on real examples that you need to hear, listen to and also learn from to avoid the pitfalls by others and us. We cover the below in part 1 of 2 of this episode;

    · Mis-understanding between a leader vs manager roleand responsibilities

    · Managers who have been promoted into aleadership role without leadership preparation.

    · Leadership Styles vs Culture vs Geography vs Leader’sperception.

    · Learning from those leaders that inspire you.

    · How to effectively engage the team as a leader.

    · Building trust with the team

    · Creating a safe place for the team to openlyshare ideas without judgment

    · Impact of 360 feedback as a leader.

    · Communication as a leader

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  • EP: 029 Lets Talk Mental Health At Work | Corporates| Financial Services | Operating Model

    #MentalHealthSupport, #Mentalhealth ,#Mentalwellbeing, #leaders,

    Support me by signing up to :

    Wise: Send Money Globally With Wise using this link: https://wise.prf.hn/click/camref:1101l4cb3t

    Listen to the final part of the discussion with Chipo as I leverage her experience and knowledge on the Mental Health Support model we generally have in the private or corporate sector versus what she has experienced and learnt in the health sector .

    1. Do Corporates have the appropriate operating model for Mental Health Support to help their employees.

    2. Can Corporates do better for their employees when it comes to Mental Health wellbeing support?

    3. Can Corporates learn lessons from the health sector how it offers its mental health support to its employees?

  • EP 028: How I changed from Finance to Mental Health Nursing | Let's Talk Career Change After 15 Years | Part 2

    Wise: Send Money Globally With Wise using this link: ⁠https://wise.prf.hn/click/camref:1101l4cb3t⁠

    Continuation to EP 027, I discuss with Chipo : - How she managed to make the change from working in Finance Career to Mental Health Nursing and working in ahospital after 15 years of working in Finance in the corporate industry. - What practical steps she put in place to make the change

    - The Challenges she had to overcome#mentalhealth, #change, #changemanagement, #leadership, #nursing, #mentalhealthnursing

  • careerchange #career #change #finance #accounting #Nursing #interview #conversation #discussion #leaders #mentalhealth #passion

    Episode 027 Part 1 focuses on how you prepare for a career change and what change management strategies Chipo put in place to help her prepare for this change.
    A conversation and discussion with Chipo who took the drastic decision to move away from the Corporate world in an Accounting and Finance role to the Health Sector Specialising in Mental Health Nursing

  • EP 0026: British Airways Failing Operating Model

    Out of frustration and disappointment, I share and discuss the failing current British Airways (BA) Cabin Crew and #Heathrow Terminal 5 Automated Security Gate Check Operating Model based on my recent journey experience and observations from a passenger perspective.

    #BritishAirways you need to improve the standard of your service. We pay a more than reasonable price for our flight and as passenger "customer" we expect a reasonable service and duty of care.

    My experience and observations are unfortunately a demonstration of EP 022 : Why do Operating Models fail? https://open.spotify.com/episode/1qiLm0UQU2gJ4EfUlscAjs?si=YiaeYbzQTH-sqYvVVyxTAA

    I was disappointed with British Airways.

    Scope of episode

    1. British Airways Cabin Crew & Heathrow Terminal 5 Automated Security Gate Check Current Operating model 2. What went wrong

    3. Suggestions of improvements ( quick wins for BA)

    #Operating Model, #Britishairwars #heathrow #T5

  • EP 025: Successful And Effective Leaders Value Change Management | With real examples
    Scope of Episode
    Sharing the names of the Effective and Successful Leaders
    that I have worked with, have been Change Sponsor, have embraced and made change management core to the change initiative at hand.
    They valued the success that Change Management through out the project lifecycle enabling ease of adoption to the change initiative but keeping ongoing support and buy-in from the impacted stakeholder.
    I share real examples of how these leaders collaborated with me as a change practitioner to implement the change initiative successfully with minimal change resistance from the impacted stakeholders.
    Credit to:  
    ·        James Lenton
    ·        Michael (Mike) Heap
    ·        Samuel Stephens
    ·        Matthias Grass
    ·        Andreas (Andy) Burkler
    ·        Valentin Alvarez
    ·        Salvatore (Sal) Spataro
    The podcast is also available on
    ·        Spotify : ⁠ https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI?si=657730af5c894eab
    ·        Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ChangeManagementSimplified⁠
    ·        Apple Podcasts: Change Management Simplified
    ·        AmazonMusic UK
    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#

  • EP 024: Successful And Effective Leaders Value Change Management | With real examples

    Scope of Episode

    Sharing the names of the Effective and Successful Leadersthat have initiated triggers of Change Management and have contributed to my current approach and application of Change Management.

    I am share the examples ways that they demonstrated thevalue of change management that resulted in successful outcomes and adoption of the initiative.

    Credit to:

    · Andreas Berger

    · Steve Varley

    · Okobea- Anwti-Boasiako

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠ https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI?si=657730af5c894eab

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts:Change Management Simplified

    · AmazonMusic UK


    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • Episode 023: Lean Six Sigma + PROSCI ADKAR = Effective Change Management | With real examples

    Wise: Send Money Globally With Wise using this link: ⁠https://wise.prf.hn/click/camref:1101l4cb3t⁠

    Scope of Episode

    Using real examples based on my 15 years on working onproject or change initiatives I discuss how you can combine these 2 to effectively achieve successful change management and benefits from great results and high team performance with a common goal and vision.

    How do I achieve Effective Change Management with Lean Six Sigma and PROSCI ADKAR How I combine the 2 with a real example to achieve Effective Change Management

    3. Outcomes and benefits for the Change Initiative

    Credit to:

    Prosci | The Global Leader in Change Management Solutions

    The Prosci ADKAR® Model | Prosci

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts: Change Management Simplified

    · Amazon Music UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher

    #Leaders,#selfawareness,#selfmanagement,#socialawareness,#relationshipmanagement,#overstressing,#negativebehaviour,#positivebehaviour,#opportunity, #SixSigma, #Leansixsigma,

  • Episode 022: Why Do Operating Models Fail| Organisational Change |Change Management | With Real Examples

    Scope of Episode

    Using real examples based on my 15 years on working on project or change initiatives I discuss the below points to a relatable and easily remembered way that you can avoid the same pitfalls or spot them from a mile away so thatyou can put strategies in place to mitigate failure beforehand.

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts: Change Management Simplified

    · Amazon Music UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • Episode 021: Target Operating Model: Employee Change Journey |Organisational ChangeManagement | John M Fisher Curve

    Link to episode

    Scope of episode:

    How the Target Operating Mode (TOM) implementation impacts employees emotional state.

    I discuss with real examples using the application of John M Fisher 2012 Personal Change curve to demonstrate how you can apply it to assist you to getting through the implementation with the employees that you need tokeep their support and engagement to completion and beyond go-live.

    Note: Ensure to put yourself in their shoes to be able torelate and communicate effectively.

    The journey to understanding to Organisational ChangeManagement

    1. Change Drivers

    2. Organisational Change

    3. Types of Change Management

    4. Organisational Change Management

    a. Employee Change Impact

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts: Change Management Simplified

    · Amazon Music UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,# ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • Episode 020: Organisational Change Management

    Scope of episode:

    What is Organisational Change Management?

    The Journey to understanding to Organisational Change Management

    1. Change Drivers

    2. Organisational Change Categories

    3. Types of Change Management

    4. Organisational Change Management

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts:Change Management Simplified

    · AmazonMusic UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • Episode 017; Change Manager vs Project Manager

    There is a difference between Change Manager vs Project Manager and it's time to provide clarity.


    Stakeholders misunderstanding the 2 roles

    Assuming someone has to do both roles because “they are the same”.

    Scope of episode:

    How the below phases are conducted by both the Change Manager and Project Manager

    1. Understanding of Scope

    2. Change Awareness

    3. Gradual Transition

    4. Success

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts: Change Management Simplified

    · Amazon Music UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • EP 018: Does Internal Audit function add any valueto a transformation project?

    A conversational interview with a challenge to my views and perspective expressed in EP 12 where I mentioned that Internal Audit were one of the most difficult stakeholder groups and I have struggled to get value add from them whilst working on transformation project, yet there is opportunity for them to do so.

    At the back of my expressed frustrations in EP 12, we have a serial "Internal Auditor" in this episode who has come to defend his profession and the value they add to the project.

    We also discuss where the project team and Internal audit can combine forces to achieve the best out of the situation.

    · However, it all comes down to the "culture in theorganisation". Is this what’s to blame?

    · Are the Organisations unknowingly putting their internal audit teams on the back foot?

    · Do we get more value from the External Auditors?

    Internal audit too are going through the change and have to be more engaged, involved to help them prepare for the go-live change initiative. This is all part of Change Management.

  • Episode 017; What is the difference between Leadership(Leaders) and Management (Managers)

    Target Audience:

    time to pay attention and listen to this short episode ifyou fall into the categories below

    1. Manager and wanting to transition to a leader orleadership position, then this is the episode for you.

    2. Leaders who feel over stretched and strugglingto balance between Management and Leadership

    3. Program Managers, Project Managers or Change Managersand Directors.

    4. New Leaders

    There is a difference between Leadership and Managementwhich most people confuse.

    Also the myth that leaders are born ….I don’t agree with thisstatement, you learn to be a leader but we all learn at our different pacedepending on our ambitions, experiences and circumstances


    The biggest challenge I have in my role is where I havemanagers transition from a “Manager” role to a “Leader” role. These individualsare usually still confused or are not clear about what the 2 roles entail andwhat is expected of them. This is understandable, but you need to help yourselfsooner than later hence I have recorded this episode to help make thistransition easier for you.

    Also with manager, the biggest challenge I continuouslyencountered and observed is actually them letting go of the “Managerial” day today duties and switching their mind set to leadership activities.

    It really takes them time to let go and learn to trust anddelegate as a leader, after 1-2 years they start to get to grips with it. However,the transition can be very painful and so some it a decider whether they makeit as a leader or failure as a leader but establish that they are better asManagers

    Scope of episode: Howdo you create & maintain “urgency” for Moving House?

    1. Differences between Leadership and Management

    2. Focus areas for both roles

    3. Common themes between Leadership and Management

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts:Change Management Simplified

    · AmazonMusic UK


    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,# ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • Episode 016: How do you create & maintain “urgency”for Moving House Example


    As a leader, Project or Program Manager, Sponsor, this is so far the hardest task to achieve as it continuously having to deal and interact with people.

    You cannot avoid it if you are truly championing the Change (moving house) or project. Without "urgency", you are out of focus and deprioritised. It is up to you to ensure your project gets the right attention and focus from the leadership.

    We all have to grow and develop in everything we do and we learn from mistakes or experience. Listen to this episode and learn from my experience as well as those leaders that I have worked and coached using realexamples.

    Scope of episode: How do you create and maintain “urgency” for a change initiative?

    1. John Kotter 8 Step Change Model (Book: LeadingChange,1996)

    a. The 1st step in the Kotter’s 8 step change model

    i. Create Sense Of Urgency

    2. Convince Yourself:

    a. What is the Change?

    b. Understand the required change

    3. Why & When

    a. Purpose

    4. Buy-in

    a. Objective:

    5. On-going Support:

    a. Impacted Stakeholders

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts:Change Management Simplified

    · AmazonMusic UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,# ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • Episode 015; How do you create & maintain “urgency”for a change initiative?

    As a leader, Project or Program Manager, Sponsor, this is so far the hardest task to achieve as it continuously having to deal and interact with people. You can not avoid it if you are truly championing the Change or project. Without "urgency", you are out of focus and deprioritised. It is up to you to ensure your project gets the right attention and focus from the leadership.

    We all have to grow and develop in everything we do and we learn from mistakes or experience. Listen to this episode and learn from my experience as well as those leaders that I have worked and coached using real examples.

    Scope of episode: How do you create & maintain “urgency” for a change initiative?

    1. John Kotter 8 Step Change Model (Book: LeadingChange,1996)

    a. The 1st step in the Kotter’s 8 stepchange model i. Create Sense Of Urgency

    2. Convince Yourself:

    a. What is the Change?

    b. Understand the required change

    3. Why & When

    a. Purpose

    4. Buy-in

    a. Objective:

    5. On-going Support:

    a. Impacted Stakeholders

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts:Change Management Simplified

    · AmazonMusic UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher


  • Episode 014; How Do I manage Change Resistance

    If you are a project manager, aspiring leader, currentleader and or a parent and just being simple a PERSON. Yes, you are reading this correctly, everyone in this world and on this earth will face some change resistance, either at home in your personal life or work. if this topic has caught your eye, you have faced change resistance in some sort of form. In that case, have a listen to this episode, you will relate and learn from my experience too.

    In this episode I use work examples but next week I will use a personal example using potential in-laws resistance to their son getting with a lady they dis-approve of.

    We all have to grow and develop in everything we do and we learn from mistakes or experience. Listen to this episode and learn from my experience as well those leaders that I have worked and coached using real examples.

    Scope of episode: How do I manage Change Resistance?

    1. 4 Groups of “Change Resistors”

    a. The Bull-dozers

    b. Pretenders

    c. The promisers

    d. The Avoiders

    2. Your Emotions when encountering ChangeResistance

    3. How to Overcome Change Resistance:

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : ⁠https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI⁠

    · Youtube: ⁠Change Management Simplified - YouTube⁠

    · Apple Podcasts:Change Management Simplified

    · AmazonMusic UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,#ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher

    #Leaders,#selfawareness,#selfmanagement,#socialawareness,#relationshipmanagement,#overstressing,#negativebehaviour,#positivebehaviour,#opportunity, #Changeresistance

  • What are the top 10 habits and signs of a bad leader:

    Episode 013;

    If you are a project manager, aspiring leader, current leader and or a parent. Yes you are reading this correctly, a parent is a leader then this is for you as you can relate these bad habits to every type of leadership role.

    We all have to grow and develop in everything we do and we learn from mistakes or experience. Listen to this episode and learn from my experience as well those leaders that I have worked and coached using real examples, and seeing them grow from bad leaders to good, effective and now admirable successful leaders.

    Below are my top 10:

    Scope of episode:

    • Poor Communicator:

    • Indecisiveness:

    • Lack Accountability & Ownership:

    • Personal Ego decision making over team orcompany:

    • Lack of Vision and scattered in thinkingprocess:

    • Micro-Managing the team:

    • Only picks on mistakes:

    • Lacks Empathy:

    • Terrible Listeners:

    • They are always right:

    The podcast is also available on

    · Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI

    · Youtube: Change ManagementSimplified - YouTube

    · ApplePodcasts: Change Management Simplified

    · Amazon Music UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,# ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher#Leaders,#selfawareness,#selfmanagement,#socialawareness,#relationshipmanagement,#overstressing,#negativebehaviour,#positivebehaviour,#opportunity

  • Episode 012; Who is the most challenging stakeholder I have come across and how did I manage the situation?

    Based on my 15 year experience, it’s hard to select just one. Every project is different and you come across various stakeholders but below are 3 stakeholders that stand out to me at this moment intime.

    It is important that you understand the purpose, what is in it for the stakeholder you are finding a challenge and them and their role and responsibilities on the change initiative. This helps sets the tone and how you manage the stakeholder. The above is easy to say, but you will find it’s not that straight forward when you listen to the episode.

    Scope of episode:

    The episode uses and provides real examples based on my 15 years of experience working on projects and change initiatives.

    Contractors/consultancy firms: Don’t want to leave and therefore make the transition to BAU more difficult than it should be.

    New Leaders: Those who have just been promoted to leadership roles. This group drives me mad.

    Internal Audit: I struggle to find the value they bring to a transformation project, although I do feel they have a place to add value to the transformation by seconding some of their resources during project phase for their team members to learn and build on their knowledge. All we get is a report on documentation.

    The podcast is also available on

    • Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7E4B8fDer36mcE8aWNLuWI

    • Youtube: Change Management Simplified - YouTube

    • Apple Podcasts: Change Management Simplified

    • Amazon Music UK

    #Emotional Intelligence,#Leaders,#ChangeManagement,# ChangeManagementSimplified,#ProjectSponsor,#ChangeManager,#Sponsor,#Leadership,#SuccessfulLeadership,#EffectiveLeadership,#ChangeLeader,#ProjectManager,ChangeInitiativeSponsor,#CFO’s,#ProgramManager,#ProductManager,#COO,#Teacher #Leaders,#selfawareness,#selfmanagement,#socialawareness,#relationshipmanagement,#overstressing,#negativebehaviour,#positivebehaviour,#opportunity, #difficultstakeholders