A coffee shop owner and educator at The Espresso Academy in Florence, Italy. Socials IG: espressoacademy
Nameru is the Head of Coffee Operations at Ecre & Stitch in Sydney, Australia.
IG: the_last_curve_bende
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Lee is the Founder, Podcast Host, and Lead Global Coffee Consultant at MAP IT FORWARD - the most prolific coffee industry podcast on the planet.Website https://mapitforward.coffee/ Socials https://www.instagram.com/mapitforward.coffee/
Sara Alali is a coffee professional and business owner in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Sara is also the host of the new MAP IT FORWARD Middle East Podcast released in Arabic across the Middle East region.
Socials @mapitforwardmiddleeast
Kauser is a senior software engineer, tech career coach, and public speaker.
Diego Baraona is a fifth-generation coffee producer operating Los Pirineos farm in Berlin, Usulután, El Salvador, in the Tecapa Chinameca mountain range. Diego comes from a long line of coffee producers with more than 130 years of coffee farming history in his family.
https://www.instagram.com/lospirineoscoffee/ https://www.instagram.com/diego.baraona/
Jibbi is a barista, a coffee roaster and a latte art specialist. She is the founder and chief designer of the popular JIBBIJUG milk pitcher. She is part of the the specialty coffee community, a Sydney based Q-grader, competition judge and a Multi-Award coffee roaster.
https://www.instagram.com/jibbi.the.littles/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/jibbijug.milkpitcher/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/jibbi.littles.coffeeroasters/?hl=en
Justin Walker is a chef and entrepreneur. He strives to make his dreams come true through food to keep his families legacy and memory alive forever. Social
James Canali is a long-time Starbucks Cafe Manager and avid gardener. Socials
Maria is a 5th generation coffee farmer and co-founder of Progeny Coffee based out of the Bay Area in California.
Website https://progenycoffee.com/
Socials progeny_coffee
Madeleine Longoria Garcia is a co-owner of Pacific Coffee Research, a Specialty Coffee Association Premier Training Campus, quality analysis & cupping lab, roastery, and Hawai’i coffee education center in Kailua-Kona on the Big Island of Hawai’i.
Website https://pacificcoffeeresearch.com/
Socials pcr.coffee
Sergei is the General Manager at Narrative Coffee Roasters as well as the co-owner of Mirror Coffee roasters in Washington State. He also co-hosts a podcast titled the
God Shot Map:
Coffee Roaster Warm Up Sessions. Website Mirror Coffee Roasters:
https://mirrorcoffeeroasters.com/ Narrative Coffee: https://www.instagram.com/narrative.coffee/
Socials https://www.instagram.com/sergeikutrovski/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JFSdEj_yV43g0-d_WfNTQ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-roaster-warm-up-sessions/
Introducing "Chasing the God Shot" - a new show that explores the personal stories of people and their first experience with a God Shot. In each episode, we will hear from a different person as they recount their tale of finding the perfect cup of coffee. From the aroma and flavor, to the atmosphere and company, each story will be unique and truly special. Join us on our journey to discover the best coffee the world has to offer!