
  • Today I spoke with Dr Glen Whittaker on the topic of Plantar Heel Pain (PHP)! Glen is a podiatrist by trade, as well as being a researcher and Senior Lecturer at La Trobe University in Melbourne. He has a keen interest in heel pain, and completed his PhD in 2019 looking at corticosteroid injections vs orthotics for PHP. He has so much experience in this area which shone through in our conversation - I definitely learnt a lot from him today!

    We speak about the causes and pathophysiology of PHP, if the terminology we use to define it is important (ie. plantar fasciitis vs PHP etc), the effectiveness of orthotics vs shockwave vs stretching and so on, and much more.

    I hope you enjoy !

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • My time #abroad is complete, so now it's time to get back into some more 'regular' episodes!

    Today I spoke with Prof. Duncan Reid, who is based out of Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, where he is heavily involved in teaching and research.
    Duncan has over 40 years of experience as a physio, ranging from owning a private practice, to being involved in multiple Olympic and Commonwealth Games, to supervising PhD students. His extensive background in teaching really shines through in his ability to explain the ACJ today!

    We speak about the role and anatomy of the ACJ, the Rockwood Classification System, when to operate on ACJ injuries, principles of rehabilitation and much more.

    Papers that Duncan mentioned:
    1. 'Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries : Evidence Based Treament' : (Frank et al., 2019) https://journals.lww.com/jaaos/abstract/2019/09010/acromioclavicular_joint_injuries__evidence_based.7.aspx

    2. 'Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries: Effective Rehabilitation' (LeVasseur et al., 2021) : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.2147/OAJSM.S244283

    3. Acromioclavicular Joint Separations Grades I–III. A Review of the Literature and Development of Best Practice Guidelines (Reid et al., 2011) : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Duncan-Reid-3/publication/257286837_Acromioclavicular_Joint_Separations_Grades_I-III/links/5706d65408ae04e9708c0cd3/Acromioclavicular-Joint-Separations-Grades-I-III.pdf

    I hope you enjoy !

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

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  • This is the final episode of Season 3, 'ABROAD'! Today I was lucky enough to speak with Professor Jeremy Lewis.

    Jeremy is widely regarded as a preeminent musculoskeletal physio and is highly sought after as a guest speaker. He is also heavily involved in research of the shoulder and main other topics. He has a wealth of experience working across the world, and now specialises with helping those with complex shoulder pain. Jeremy is also the author of the best selling textbook, 'The Shoulder: Theory & Practice' (Handspring Publishing).

    We speak about how much Jeremy emphasises and spends time on the subjective assessment (rather than the objective assessment) and how crucial this is, the role of special tests, the Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (which Jeremy first described in 2009), and much more.

    It was honestly a thrill to speak with Jeremy and I learned so much! I hope you love it as much as I did.

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Today i spoke with Nichola Roberts in Clapham, London. Nichola is a physio whose specialty is working with cyclists and triathletes. She has 20+ years experience as a physio, and has almost worked exclusively with cyclists and triathletes for nearly 10 years.

    We speak about what a bike fit is and what it involves, the importance of paying attention to the entire kinetic chain and not just the symptomatic region, common injuries, when to refer on and much more.

    I hope you enjoy!

    Links mentioned in the episode:
    Medicine of cycling: https://www.medicineofcycling.com/
    PhysioSports Brighton courses: https://physiosports.com.au/courses/
    The Cycling Physios: http://www.thecyclingphysios.com/

    Nichola's links :

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Today I spoke with Dr Katie Hunzinger who is based in Philadelphia, USA. Katie's research interests lie in concussion and concussion related MSK injuries , as well as the long term impacts of concussion. She is an Assistant Professor in Exercise Science at Thomas Jefferson University.

    This is part 2 of my chat with Katie, where we talk about her amazing research on the link between concussion and lower limb injuries. We talk about why there is a 2x greater risk of lower limb injuries following concussion, how we can help prevent these injuries, practical takeaways for clinicians and much more.

    Follow Katie on X : @katiehunzinger for updates on her clinical work and research!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Today I spoke with Dr Katie Hunzinger who is based in Philadelphia, USA. Katie's research interests lie in concussion and concussion related MSK injuries , as well as the long term impacts of concussion. She is an Assistant Professor in Exercise Science at Thomas Jefferson University.

    This is part 1 of my chat with Katie, where we cover the definition of concussion, pitch side assessment, the long term complications of concussion, and much more.

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Today I spoke with my former colleague and fellow Western Bulldogs supporter Nicole Symons all about Women's Health Physiotherapy! Nic has over 7 years experience as a physio and recently opened up a clinic in Mitcham, Melbourne called Uplift which is a Women's Health Physiotherapy specific clinic!

    We talk about what her role involves, key questions any MSK physio can ask to help those with women's health concerns in your practice, pregnancy exercise guidelines, when to refer on and much more.

    If you're a physio who is interested in working in women's health, or if you work in Melbourne and don't know who to refer to for women's health physio, make sure you reach out to Nicole and Uplift ! https://upliftwomenshealth.com.au/

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Tam is a neurological physiotherapist with over 30 years clinical experience. She currently works as an Advanced Practitioner in the Flinders Rehabilitation Services in Adelaide, Australia, and has a strong interest in stroke rehabilitation. Tam has completed her PhD where she explored adherence to exercise in stroke survivors through a number of methods, including a qualitative study and an implementation study.

    We chat about the key factors to change behaviour, where physios often go wrong, useful theoretical models you can apply in your practice and much more.

    I hope you enjoy !

    COM B Model that Tam speaks about: https://thedecisionlab.com/reference-guide/organizational-behavior/the-com-b-model-for-behavior-change

    Behaviour change wheel: https://implementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1748-5908-6-42

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today I spoke with Jo Winton in London. Jo is a Consultant Physiotherapist at Liverpool Upper Limb Unit. She also works part time in a private clinic in Liverpool called Rehab4Performance, whilst she is also a British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS) Council Member. Jo has over 20 years experience working with the elbow and shoulder so it was incredible to learn from her!

    We spoke about key differential diagnoses often missed by inexperienced physios, the evidence behind treatment options such as injections vs massage vs exercise, central sensitisation and much more.

    Thanks for listening!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today I spoke with Jo Winton in London. Jo is a Consultant Physiotherapist at Liverpool Upper Limb Unit. She also works part time in a private clinic in Liverpool called Rehab4Performance, whilst she is also a British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS) Council Member. Jo has over 20 years experience working with the elbow and shoulder so it was incredible to learn from her!

    We speak about the prevalence of elbow stiffness after a traumatic injury, thinking about the bigger picture including psychosocial reasons for why elbows get stiff, hands on and hands off treatment options, and much more.

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today's guest is Tom Jesson. Tom is an author, researcher and physio who has a keen interest in radicular pain and Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES). Tom also provides online training to clinicians. He has written two books, Cauda Equina Syndrome: The MSK Clinician’s Guide (with Rob Tyer) and Understanding Sciatica (with Annina Schmid), both of which are available at https://tomjesson.com/

    We speak about defining radicular pain vs sciatica vs referred pain, the value of imaging, surgery vs physio vs injections and much more. Tom is an excellent teacher and I left this interview feeling incredible as I got so much out of it!

    Hope you enjoy!!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    I sat down with my good friend Rowan Jobling today to speak about his experience working in London's West End, predominantly for The Lion King Musical but also for Hamilton!

    Rowan is a physiotherapist who graduated at the same time as me in 2021, and has since worked in private practice, sports and in the theatre industry. He has a background in dance, and has always been keen to work with dancers and artists. He is currently the head physio for The Lion King Musical in London, which is pretty incredible!

    We speak about how he got the job, what it's like to work in such a large scale production, the pressures he faces and much more.

    I found it really inspiring and exciting to hear about his experience so far and hopefully you will too!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today I spoke with Ms Anju Jaggi. Anju is a Consultant Physiotherapist and Clinical Director of Therapies working at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London, and has over 23 years of working exclusively with shoulders and elbows. She is also involved in clinical research, whilst she also sits on the British Shoulder & Elbow Society (BESS) sub-committee looking at National guidelines for management of shoulder instability. She presents both nationally & internationally as well as running her own shoulder courses.

    We speak about when surgery is indicated, her approach to assessing the unstable shoulder, what the current research tells us about treatment, and much more. Thanks for listening!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today I spoke with Professor Per Holmich. He is a world renowned orthopaedic surgeon, lecturer and researcher based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and has been working with the hip and groin for 20 + years. He has authored 300+ research papers, been involved in 100+ international scientific lectures and helped to shape our current day approach to hip and groin pain!

    We speak about the importance of not overcomplicating long standing groin pain, paying attention to the kinetic chain, valuable clinical tests to use and much more.

    I hope you enjoy!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today i spoke with Mat Facey to get a thorough overview of vestibular physio. It's an area I really don't know much about so it was great to pick Mat's brain!

    Mat is a Band 7 Physiotherapist who is the Clinical Lead for Orthopaedics at Croydon University Hospital, which is where I'm currently working. Mat has had a wealth of experience working with vestibular cases, and he is a very talented teacher which made for a really good discussion!

    We chat about common tests used and what they tell us, differentiating between central and peripheral concerns, BPPV and much more.

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today i spoke with Dr Ian Gatt all about hand and wrist injuries in boxing.

    Ian Gatt is an Upper Limb Injury Specialist with the prestigious English Institute of Sport (EIS) providing an advisory role to Olympic and Paralympic sports. Ian has been a sports physiotherapist for over 20 years, with considerable time spent managing the sports science & medical services for the Great Britain Boxing programme. He has attended major events supporting elite athletes on their path to success through Athens 2004, Beijing 2008, London 2012, Rio 2016, and current Tokyo 2020 Olympic cycles. Ian is also a published author on research papers and is currently a PhD candidate in Upper Limb Biomechanics at Sheffield Hallam University.

    We speak about Ian's approach in the event of an acute injury, the value of having urgency but not being rushed, the importance of understanding anatomy as it relates to function and much more.

    Ian's contact details:
    Instagram: @iangattgattman
    Twitter: @iangattphysio
    And make sure you check out Ian's courses! He's featured in quite a few on Physiopedia Plus and many more.

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today I spoke with Christina Merchant-Brown, who is an Acute Liaison Nurse at Croydon University Hospital in London, which is where I am currently working.

    Christina's role at the hospital is to offer support and guidance to clinicians who are treating an adult with a learning disability at the hospital. She's very experienced in this field and offered some incredible insight !

    We chat about the implications of having a learning disability, some practical tips to keep those with a learning disability engaged, how you can upskill yourself to be more comfortable working with those with a learning disability, and much more.

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today i spoke with Claire Robertson, better known as Claire Patella! She's one of the most knowledgeable clinicians when it comes to patellofemoral pain and it was a true privilege to speak with her.

    Claire has worked in the NHS, academia and private practice, and currently runs a specialist patellofemoral clinic at Wimbledon Clinics. Claire has lectured internationally and has many research papers and editorials published in internationally peer-reviewed journals. Claire also runs her own post-graduate course on patellofemoral problems for physiotherapists.

    We speak about if quad strength is as important as it is often taught, the role of patellofemoral taping and what it actually does, overlooked areas of assessment and much more.

    Here are the relevant links from today's episode

    Claire's very own 'Ice it Away' product to help with patellofemoral pain: https://clairepatella.com/product/ice-it-away/

    Physiotutors Masterclass featuring Claire: https://study.physiotutors.com/members/clairepatella/

    Claire's website: https://clairepatella.com/

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today I ventured out to Headcorn, UK to speak with Jack 'The Rheumatology Physio' March to get an introduction to the topic he works very heavily in! It was so nice to meet Jack and record this episode at his place!

    Jack has been specialising in rheumatology since 2011 and has made quite the name for himself! Jack is part of the team at 'Physio Matters' , delivering webinars, podcasts and more, whilst also doing a lot of teaching, courses, and also engaging in telehealth consults with patients with rheumatological conditions

    Jack gives an overview to rheumatology physio, when to refer on, how we can best manage these conditions, signs and symptoms to look out for and much more.

    This episode was recorded live in Headcorn, UK in May. I hope you enjoy !

    Make sure you check out Physio Matters, they have some incredible content so would highly recommend ! : https://physio-matters.com/

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!

  • Welcome to Season 3, in which I'll be travelling around Europe to interview a variety of guests in person throughout 2023!

    Today i spoke with Dr Nicol Van Dyk in Dublin, Ireland, on two fascinating topics - this is Part B! Nicol was so friendly and generous with his time, it was an absolute pleasure to meet him.

    Nicol van Dyk is a physiotherapist and clinical researcher currently occupying the role of Injury Surveillance and Medical Research Officer with the Irish Rugby Football Union in Dublin, Ireland. In 2018 Nicol completed his PhD in Health Sciences at Ghent University, Belgium titled “Risk factors for hamstring injuries in professional football players.” During this time Nicol was a physiotherapist at the Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital.

    We talk about the importance of the language we use with our patients, why these skills are so important to prioritise, especially in your early years, how to improve your listening skills and much more.

    This episode was recorded live at the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) High Performance Facility, Ireland in March. I hope you enjoy!

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a review ; it's a massive help to get it out there to more people! For my top 3 clinical pearls, news, infographics and more, head to @clinical.pearls on Instagram!