Im Gespräch mit Malik Zeniti und Daniel Kohl erläutert Christian Binz, Geschäftsführer von Inco Logistics, die aktuellen Herausforderungen des Logistiksektors. Im Fokus sind unter anderem die Nachhaltigkeit und die Finanzierung von Wasserstoff-LKW, oder der Fachkräftemangel, vor allem im Fahrerbereich.
Der Fachkräftemangel sei allgegenwärtig aber der Fahrermangel sei die größte Herausforderung. Über 800.000 Fahrer werden in den nächsten Jahren in Europa gesucht. Das gleiche Problem gebe es aber auch in Asien oder Amerika.
Das Unternehmen, das kürzlich in ein neues Gebäude in Biwer umgezogen ist, bleibt zuversichtlich für die Zukunft mit einem motivierten Team. Das Unternehmen habe sich in verschiedenen Nischen spezialisiert und biete ein anderes Portfolio als viele andere Unternehmen, betont Binz.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Jil Brimaire from the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg welcomes Joachim Arts, professor of the Master of Logistics & Supply Chain, to discuss the origin of the Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management program and its impact. We also want to share with the audience, how shippers & logistics companies could further profit by offering Master Theses or by hiring new international talents.
Uni.lu created a well-known Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in 2017. This podcast elaborates how they find the candidates, what profile those have and in particular what’s the process of identifying exciting thesis subjects and companies that sponsor a thesis to solve industry challenges. -
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Is the dream of automated supply chain coming closer? In this episode Jil Brimaire & Malik Zeniti from the Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg discuss with Michael Queitsch from Husky, who has been for 14 years in Supply Chain management.
With a German professional bachelor as forwarding agent, he became logistics manager in 2012 and manages the global supply chain for this high-tech machinery company for packaging. Working closely with logistics providers they changed handling and today run a control tower for incoming as well as shipped goods. The advantages of the Luxembourg hub for European distribution and how certain service suppliers have adapted to better serve their customers are mentioned.
An outlook is given on automation and robotics in warehouses, lack of drivers leading to better use through A.I. and more interest in automated trucks. Michael expresses his belief on how this can improve utilisation of existing roads and congested highways across the day. A strong supporter of apprenticeship. -
The CEO of Tech company IEE - International Electronics & Engineering, Paul Schockmel, is the guest of podcast host Malik Zeniti. IEE is a provider of smart sensors for the automotive industry and is located in Echternach and Bissen.
Paul Schockmel has an engineer and business background and gives an overview of the Logistics situation at IEE following the Chinese lockdowns and expectations of automotive companies.
The automotive companies are heavily impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine and inflation rates. The fluctuating demand and supply problems are going on and the sector might be in crisis for a long time.
IEE has been very strongly impacted by geopolitical impacts as IEE is sourcing 850 critical components. 12 million cars out of a global production of 90 million cars could not be produced because of semiconductor shortage.
The company has to adapt to global supply chains. The decision where to produce is starting very early with the customers. Already in the quotation process, the locations of production is discussed. Distances have to be short to keep prices low and being in the same time zone is also helpful.
It is also important to protect the IP of IEE, which is one of the largest patent filer in Luxembourg. In the process, the company files patents very early in order to make sure that the company is the first.
To solve the initial problems, the company and its partners have worked on programs to be more flexible in their operations. New suppliers and designs led to multiple sourcing strategies and a task force at IEE is dedicated to solve bottlenecks.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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C4L Manager and podcast host Malik Zeniti welcomes Danilo D’Aversa, General Manager at Gulliver to talk about digital transformation in logistics, scaling up and going international from Luxembourg, and plans for the future.
Created 20 years ago in Italy, Gulliver is a software company, focused on mobile and web development, that opened a subsidiary in Luxembourg in 2022 to expand beyond the Italian market. Passing through the smartphone, they digitalize the processes inside companies and one of their key targets is the logistics sector for which they developed the G-Transport solution.
Danilo explains why logistics companies are their target customers and why digitalization and smartphone use is a must in the sector. According to Danilo, a company that needs a digital strategy cannot ignore the smartphone. Gulliver’s mantra is: “There is no digital strategy without the smartphone.”
Danilo explains the advantages of their G-transport solution and highlights that newly added features address problems voiced by the market: “The market is our main driver for the decision-making process and for the evolution of the solution and diffusion.”
Since AI is a hot topic, the episode includes a reflection on AI and whether Gulliver feels threatened by fast-growing newcomers.
Scaling up and going international from Luxembourg: Danilo explains why Gulliver chose Luxembourg to grow their business beyond Italy.
Since Gulliver is a software company, Malik and Danilo discuss data-driven innovation, which is enabled by the data collected through Gulliver’s solutions.
Finally, Danilo gives an outlook on how Gulliver is treating the hot topic of energy efficiency and energy transition in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg.
No time for the whole podcast? No problem! Jump to the end of the podcast where Danilo explains their app and vision in a few lines to a 17-year-old.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Malik Zeniti interviews Florian Grova to take a look on a typical career in SCM and how supply chains projects work. Florian Grova is a consultant for Hamlet Capital, responsible for Management and Transformation, with a background in logistics and automotive supply chain.
In this podcast, Florian Grova gives an overview on digital projects and their impact on efficiency and revenues. "A Control Tower is nowadays a powerful and mandatory tool for having an efficient supply chain control", says Grova. -
In discussion with Stephanie Damgé, the director of the Young entrepreneurs Luxembourg association, the Logistics Conversations Podcast moderator Malik Zeniti discusses what programs already exist in Luxembourg to bring the idea of entrepreneurship to the school system for kids of 10-15 years.
She emphasizes the importance of orientation of young people to achieve motivated talents with mindsets and attitudes that embrace entrepreneurship.
She’s persuaded that entrepreneurship is not a matter of DNA but can be developed depending on the environment.
Since JEL was founded in 2005 the image about entrepreneurs changed in Luxembourg according to Damgé and she encourages to try something and accept failure as experiences to grow from.
JEL runs 12 different programs that have been developed for primary, secondary and post-secondary schools that are executed yearly with a network of almost 500 volunteers from the business and economy to either bring business into school or the school into the businesses. Over 10’000 students have hence been exposed to one or more programs.
With a strong professional HR background before joining JEL Stephanie has developed experience on the missing competences in candidates curriculum vitaes.
From this a passion to include practical experiences, financial literacy and a special spirit required to boost the image of entrepreneurs in school, and help develop a stronger business mindset with young talents.
One successful program is Fit-for-life where the focus of the trained volunteers is to bring financial literacy to 14-16 years old and say “Let’s talk about money” by developing an imaginary private budget together to learn managing the personal finance. It will be upgraded with a lesson about interviews and how to create a personal CV.
The flagship program is the “Mini-entreprises” for young people of 16-19 years, where a business idea is developed as far as delivering a product through a supply chain to the customer. A successful idea was the very successful example of “chicken-for-me”, “Eggspress”, Drockmeeschter or Frëschkëscht.
The international network JA reaches impressive 11 million young people in one year. She recommends parents to support their kids to identify strengths and do what they are good in doing.
Stephanie’s biggest dream is that nobody leaves school without exposure to one program and sponsors are very welcome to achieve this vision.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Dr. Christian Moser erläutert im Podcast mit Gastgeber Malik Zeniti die Verkehrspolitik und die Aktivitäten der Vereinigung der Europäïschen Handelskammern UECC.
Er spricht unter anderem über die grossen Herausforderungen der Branche, darunter Fahrermangel und Digitalisierung.
Minute 27:00 - Eine Sache die fast alle Unternehmer spüren ist Arbeitskräftemangel, insbesondere an Lenkern, etwas das sich langsam angekündigt hat und sich in den letzten 2-3 Jahren massiv erhöht.
Eine andere Sache ist der Bereich der Digitalisierung, dass hier alle Unternehmen mithalten können ist unwahrscheinlich es wird einen Wettbewerb um Kompetenz und Lösungen geben.
Dr. Moser wurde 2020 zum zweiten Präsident der UECC gewählt, als Nachfolger von Christoph Juen, und ist ebenfalls Vizepräsident der Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich WKNÖ.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Siegfried Serrahn der Spedition Serrahn aus Osnabrück befasst sich im Interview mit Malik Zeniti mit dem Thema Strassentransport und Sicherheit des Lastverkehrs.
Siegfried Serrahn ist Inhaber der Serrahn Spedition und Logistik GMBH seit Stahlspediteur und Baustellenspediteur und ein Befürworter des Lang-LKW’s Typ 1 mit 15 m Auflieger im Rahmen der CO2-Reduzierung und Bekämpfung des Fahrermangels.
„Der Lang-LKW ist ein Baustein um den Güterverkehr anders oder besser zu gestalten um CO2 oder andere Emissionen zu reduzieren“
Wir können nicht auf der einen Seite jammern, dass wir zu viel CO2 ausstoßen und verhindern auf der anderen Seite Veränderungen und Innovationen wegwischen! Das geht nicht! Wir müssen gemeinsam nach vielen Lösungen suchen, nicht zu vergessen, dass die Motoren unserer LKW auch verändert und verbessert werden müssen.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Supply chain disruptions, capacity management and young professional development: Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg director Malik Zeniti summarizes 2021 and gives an outlook for 2022.
C4L-Manager Malik Zeniti empfängt Jürgen Helten, Geschäftsführer von Luxport Group, um die Rolle des Merterter Hafen als nachhaltige Plattform in Luxemburg zu fördern. Investitionen in Wasserstoff, einen modernen Fuhrpark und digitale Infrastruktur sind wichtige Aspekte für Helten, auch in Hinblick zum Fahrermangel.
Die Logistik ändert sich und der Hafen wird sich moderner aufstellen müssen, ohne die Geschäfte um Kohle und Stahl zu vernachlässigen: "Ich möchte gern den das Unternehmen wandeln in ein logistische Dienstleistungsunternehmen die nichts mit dem Hafen oder LKW zu tun haben", sagt Helten. Und das in ganz Europa, denn es muss nicht nur Luxemburg verbunden sein. Eine Anbindung zur Seidenstrasse sei ebenfalls möglich über die Mosel nach Rotterdam oder Antwerpen.
Helten glaubt, dass Projekte relativ schnell und mit Planungssicherheit möglich sind: "Luxemburg ist klein, aber fein. Und schnell".
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Malik Zeniti from the Cluster for Logistics welcomes Dr Tom Dentzer, PhD of Virology, from the Luxembourg Health directorate at the Ministry of health and Luc Provost, CEO of B Medical Systems. They talk about innovation & coolchain for global vaccination against virus diseases like Covid, Hepatitis C and Polio, latter a major cause of Rotary International supported by Melinda &Bill Gates foundation.
Malik Zeniti and Philippe Scholten interview Jennifer Klautsch, a young logistics professional. The former apprentice of the Diplôme de Technicien en Logistique school course was awarded as one of the best students in 2019.
Podcast in Luxembourgish.
After her apprenticeship at Kuehne + Nagel, Jennifer joined CFL multimodal. With Malik and Philippe, she talks about the apprenticeship, how students should prepare and how companies can support their apprentices.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Information about making Business in China with Na SHI from Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Luc Decker and Vincent Hieff, former and current consul general in Shanghai and executive director of the Luxembourg Trade and Investment office (LTIO) about Luxembourg's past links with companies and future of post-covid business with China.
During long distance podcast recording, unstable internet connection may accidentally mute the microphone for a short time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Michèle Detaille, première présidente et non-luxembourgeoise de la FEDIL, s’exprime au micro du C4L. En présence des animateurs Malik Zeniti et Isabelle Conotte, Mme Detaille parle de la crise, de son engagement politique et du Luxembourg industriel, de la fédération FEDIL et des realtions avec la politique Franz Fayot, les LTIO, l'apprentissage et le développement des compétences
3 Min00 - "Depuis lors on m’a volé mon temps et privé de contacts, c’est affreux”
3Min30 - "Les femmes dans les postes à responsabilité il faut les persuader, d’abord ce n’est pas facile puisque les femmes veulent être parfaites pour un job." Michèle n’est pas partisan de quotas pour faire accéder à des postes de direction dans l’industrie et de responsabilité.
6Min30 - "Je plaide pour que les gens qui sont dans l’entreprise participent aussi à la vie politique, et s’impliquent!"
16Min00 - "Le monde politique et les électeurs veulent une industrie propre et durable, mais il faut éviter des injonctions idéologiques!"
16Min30 - "Le gaspillage est quelque chose dont les chefs d’entreprises ont horreur mais il faut avoir de la patience pour combiner écologie et économie."
31Min00 "Quand on est petit il faut avant tout rester opportuniste et pragmatique on n’est pas les Etats-Unis; et l’industrie, quand elle vient, c’est souvent pour 30 ans au moins!"
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Ram Menen talks with host Malik Zeniti about innovation in the air cargo industry and the importance of creative thinking in a “free skies” environment.
Living in Luxembourg today, Ram Menen gives great insights of the development of Dubai and the Middle East in the last 30 years using airfreight, tourism and innovation to build a strong position through economy of scale!
Topics and segments:
Role of innovation in airfreight
Innovation in airfreight can be cut in two: operational and generic digitization
6:39 - "If you are in the airfreight business it is very important that look at other businesses as that triggers your innovative creative juices for the business you are in!”
14:30 - How Dubai promoted and built itself up with lifestyle as logistics and trade hub with 3 million tons and substantial market share with the great beaches, to become a major port and airport due to a centric position!
"We were not shy to think big! Let the future dictate what happens now!
When you open the flood gage you better be ready to handle the water! It was all about creating scale and let the buyers benefit from the economy of scale!"
26:40 - Ram introduces the audience to Dubai and the good reasons and when to visit Dubai 2020! "I was there when it was village and after more than 30 years my jaws still drops when I visit Dubai!"
31:30 - Innovation is an important catalyst in logistics and a pandemic like the current one gives a boost to innovation like e-commerce. “Those who adapt to any kind of challenges like this early on are the ones who are more successful”.
Ram Menen had an important role in the development of the cargo operations in Dubai. He started in aviation in 1976 at Kuwait Airways before he joined British Airways to head its cargo operations in Kuwait. In 1984, Mr Menen joined the Kuwaiti aviation group to set up and manage its airfreight-forwarding unit in Dubai. He was part of the original founding team of Emirates Airline and headed its cargo division since October 1985 until he retired in June 2013 as Divisional Senior Vice President Cargo.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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Moderator Malik Zeniti interviews Tobias Jerschke, Managing Director at Kuehne+Nagel Belgium & Luxembourg.
Mr Jerschke gives an overview of contract logistics in Luxembourg and relates his career at Kuehne + Nagel. He works for over 22 years now for the company that operates three warehouses in Contern.
The Corona pandemic forced companies to digitize further and customers are happy to receive real time service in complicated times with disruptions, notes Mr Jerschke. Flexible solutions are important and with good customer relations, it is possible to create value together.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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C4L Moderator Malik Zeniti talks with the managing director of Schenker Luxemburg about the investments of the group in logistics in Luxembourg, and the demand behind such a long-time investment project. The group is currently investing in a warehouse in Contern to expand its activities. Mr Quadt talks also about his experiences in his international career, exciting challenges and training needs: "All apprentices we have ever taken work still for us".
Schenker Luxembourg is a subsidiary of DB Schenker, which stands for the transportation and logistics activities of Deutsche Bahn. The Logistics sector of Schenker /DB is one of the world’s largest transportation and logistics services provider based on revenues and volumes.
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre : Markvard - Dawn : youtu.be/fPkSP9XvcUs Markvard : @markvard
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