Economists talk money. Politicians talk government. On This Week in Sociological Perspective we talk money, politics, and everything else that makes the world go ‘round, offering insight on society, public affairs, and news of the week. Guest authors join your host, UC-Berkeley Professor Samuel Roundfield Lucas, to transcend the headlines through fascinating research in sociology. -
Escape From Mammoth Pool is a new podcast from KVPR. It's the true story of how 242 people—and 16 dogs—survived one of the fastest-moving, most intense wildfires in California history, as the Creek Fire closed in on their campground at Mammoth Pool Reservoir over Labor Day weekend 2020. Produced by Kerry Klein for KVPR—NPR for Central California.
Can we practice hope better? Can we recognize and value the people and initiatives that inspire and embody hope in the world? What happens when we focus on these kinds of practical hope? Join Indy Rishi Singh and friends to face the shadows in our society by engaging in neuroplastic, hopeful conversations.
Gone Cold - Texas True Crime features unsolved homicides, missing persons, & other mysteries from throughout the Lone Star State. #Texas #TrueCime #Unsolved #MissingPerson #ColdCase
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Forget left v right. This is the truth about the system from a man who knows. The Quash, is hosted by a lawyer with 30 years of experience. He unmasks the absurd false narratives we've been immersed in 24/7 since birth and laughs at them. There's a reason nothing about the system ever makes any sense. You've been lied to your whole life. But that ends now. (Become a Patron!)
The Quash comes out on Sundays. Subscribe and listen to them all. Share them. They're available on all podcast platforms like Apple and Spotify etc. Bonus episodes come out most weeks on Thursday. AH (After Hours) episodes are a bit more free wheeling and can have some more harsh language.
If you like The Quash you should support it. THAT'S what free markets look like. Go to and become a member. You get entire bonus shows, bonus material, early access and more. AND you put your money where your mouth is. So go sign up.
Here’s the RSS LINK -
Birta Líf og Sunneva Einarsdóttir fara yfir allskonar skemmtileg málefni sem tengjast hinum vestræna heimi.
Tilgangur 24/7 er að spyrja spurninga sem gefa okkur innsýn í hvernig áhugavert fólk horfir á heiminn og þeirra lærdóm í lífinu svo að við getum lært af þeim og hagnýtt þá vitneskju í okkar eigið líf.
Geopolitical Economy Report is an independent news outlet that provides original journalism and analysis to understand the changing world.
Samstöðin er fréttamiðill og vettvangur fyrir róttæka samfélagsumræðu og raddir þeirra sem ekki fá rúm í umfjöllun meginstraumsmiðla. Þættir Samstöðvarinnar eru allt í senn fréttir, fundir, sjónvarps-, útvarps- og hlaðvarpsþættir og innlegg í gagnvirka umræðu á samfélagsmiðlum.
Samstöðin er opin fyrir allt fólk sem vill styðja við baráttuna fyrir réttlæti, jöfnuði og samkennd. -
Hlaðvarp um ekkert.
Sci Guys is a podcast all about the weird and unbelievable ways that scientists learn about the world around us. Each week, Corry (@notcorry) tells the story of a particularly strange scientific study while his cohost Luke (@lukecutforth) does his best to derail the conversation with questions, jokes, and whatever nonsense he can think of.
"Von Ráðgjöf - er podcast þar sem við hjónin miðlum persónulegri reynslu í bland við faglega af lífinu bæði í blíðu og stríðu vonandi meira í blíðu. Við nálgumst efnið sem sendiboðar sem boða von frekar en einhverskonar rannsóknarfræðimenn sem hafa grandskoðað öll akademísku ritin. Við störfum bæði i Lausninni fjölskyldu- og áfallamiðstöð. Baldur er menntaður Markþjálfi og fyrirtækja markþjálfi og Barbara er með b.ed., gráðu í grunnskólakennarafræðum og Fjölskyldufræðingur Ma-Diplómunám. Samanlagt eiga þau 7/8 börn eftir því hvernig talið er og 2 barnabörn. Útskýrum það nánar í þáttunum. Við vonum að þið hafið gott og gaman af því að hlusta.
Two Bros cover all of the mysteries of the universe. Paranormal, Aliens, Conspiracies, Cryptozoology, Famous Murders, Urban Legends, Monsters, Demons, Occult and Strange Occurrences. Nothing is off limits. The Bros are driven by crude humor and the ability to laugh at everything. If you flirt with the dark side of humor and lack maturity, this podcast could potentially change your life. Instagram: @brohiopodcast Twitter: @Brohiopodcast Email: [email protected]
Tæknivarpið fjallar um tæknifréttir vikunnarog er eitt elsta virka hlaðvarp Íslands og
[ATH. Þú getur hlustað á vikulega þætti af Hjónvarpinu með áskrift á] Karlmennskuhugmyndir og viðfangsefni sem hafa snertiflöt við karla, jafnrétti eða karlmennsku eru til umfjöllunar í þessu hlaðvarpi.
The Power Vertical Podcast by Brian Whitmore covers emerging and developing trends in Russian politics, shining a spotlight on the high-stakes power struggles, machinations, and clashing interests that shape Kremlin policy today. Brian Whitmore is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Eurasia Center and Russia and Eurasia Specialist and Assistant Professor of Practice at the Charles T. McDowell Center for Global Studies at The University of Texas at Arlington.
Hádegið er daglegur fréttaskýringaþáttur í umsjón Guðmundar Björns Þorbjörnssonar og Katrínar Ásmundsdóttur. Fjallað er um innlend og erlend fréttamál, menningu, íþróttir og daglegt líf. Fréttaskýringar, samtöl og umræður um það sem er efst á baugi.
Dr. Debra Soh (bestselling author of "The End of Gender," sex neuroscientist, Oxford Union speaker) has brutally honest conversations with prominent intellectuals about the cultural and political issues affecting us today.
Guests include Steven Pinker, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Michael Shermer, Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, James Lindsay, Chris Rufo, Duncan Sheik, David Frum, and more.
All episodes are science-based and family-friendly.
To learn more, visit -
Tvíhöfði er í beinni á X-977 annan hvern föstudaga. Hægt er að nálgast fleiri þætti inná
Farið yfir helstu fréttir vikunnar í spjalli við fólkið í fréttunum og fréttaskýrendur. Þátturinn er í umsjá Sunnu Valgerðardóttur og Höskuldar Kára Schram og er á dagskrá á laugardögum kl. 11-12.