**First aired May 17th, 2018** MA GETS FIRED... A FEW TIMES... PART 2 - WHEN INDIAN AFFAIRS REALLY DOESN'T WANT YOU AROUND. First things first, I say something quickly about Ma giving AFN (ASSembly of First Nations) a good old-fashioned elder scolding. Then we get into the good stuff; Ma discusses her first job at the tender age of 13 and how a man from Kahnawake did a very sweet thing to help her out. Then we get into the biggie when Ma got fired from Indian Affairs because she was barricaded behind razor wire and surrounded by the Van Doos!! Oh, Canada!
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
Website: www.coffeewithmyma.com
Instagram: @coffeewithmymapodcast
TikTok: @coffeewithmyma
Moccasin Joe Artisan Coffee Roasters: https://moccasinjoe.coffee/ -
**First aired April 30th, 2018** MA GETS FIRED... A FEW TIMES... PART 1 - THE CANADIAN CHEMICAL COMPANY DEBACLE AND THE ARRANGED MARRIAGE. In this Episode, Ma tells us about when she started to work as a file filer in Montreal in the mid-1950s; it was short-lived, and you'll hear why. Then Ma starts secretarial work for what is now known as Air Canada and somehow finds herself in Mexico with her cousin...
Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn
Website: www.coffeewithmyma.com
Instagram: @coffeewithmymapodcast
TikTok: @coffeewithmyma
Moccasin Joe Artisan Coffee Roasters: https://moccasinjoe.coffee/ -
Estão a faltar episódios?
**First aired April 16th, 2018** MA TAKES ON THE TORONTO TELEGRAM. First, I take a few minutes to explain the evolution of the project, and then we get into action. In this episode, Kahentinetha (my ma) tells me one of my favourite stories. It takes place during Expo67, and there's a fistfight, the drunk tank, a tearful phone call with Peter Czowski and much more!
Website: www.coffeewithmyma.com
Instagram: @coffeewithmymapodcast
TikTok: @coffeewithmyma
Moccasin Joe Artisan Coffee Roasters: https://moccasinjoe.coffee/ -
In our final episode of season one Ma tells us about the time she encountered the friendship centre murderer! Then we hear the first story she ever told, where recording all this began. She tells me how she ended up at Robert Kennedys funeral!
I recorded this way before the COVID-19 Pandemic started, but decided maybe everyone could use a healthy distraction and a couple of Ma's stories right about now. I know I sure miss her but she is keeping safe at home in Kahnawake.
From the bottom of my heart I’d like to thank Birch Bark Coffee Co. for fuelling this ride. Kristi Lane Sinclair for the theme music, Patrick Hunter for our logo, niawen to My ma for her stories, Rick Penn for co producing, Ontario Arts Council for making the first season possible, Cheekbone Beauty for making us look pretty, and of course all of you beautiful fantastic people for taking the time to stop by and have some coffee with me and my ma!!
Until next season, onen ki wahi sewakwekon!!!!
wash your hands and stay the fuck home!! Do it for our elders like Ma!#friendshipcentre #odawafriendshipcentre #ottawa #DoubleCrossed #whaddayouthinkofthat #nativeforestgump #robertKennedy #chicano #redpowermovement
#KahnawakeStandsWithWetsuweten a short podcast highlighting the voices of Kahnawake and the people standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters out west.
Music by Kristi Lane Sinclair
The little 17 year old kid from Kahnawake signs up for a student exchange and gets selected to go to Europe! For what is only supposed to be a few months, Ma ends up having a year long adventure of a lifetime! Get ready for a story that involves a raid at an Algerian belly dancing club in France and being interrogated by Russians in Berlin!
Ma gives a bit of insight as to what it was like as an Indigenous person on the grind of 9-5 at Indian Affairs Canada. The ending is so satisfying I promise!
Todays episode Ma tells us about the time her and some buddies drove down to Florida and then flew to Cuba to check it out just after Fidel took over in 1959. Its a good one. ¡Viva la Revolución!
Today’s episode was kind of hard to hear and make, if I’m being honest. Ma tells me about the time the Surete Du Quebec (provincial police) beat the shit out of her when she went to get some groceries for us, alone. It was high tension climate, post-blockade Quebec and I vividly remember going to bail her out wearing my faux silk pajamas and Warrior Flag bomber. It may make you angry, it sure fired up some things inside myself. So be warned, this story could be triggering, but if you stick around for the outtakes, Ma’s bestie June has a gooder.
In todays episode I sit down with Ma and she explains what really went down back in the 60s, when Marlon (first name basis oh la la) called her up outta the blue in Kahnawake. She gives us the scoop on her first trip to Hollywood, what Marlons villa looked like, and how she rubbed elbows with stars like Eugene Burdick at a political fundraiser in San Fran!
In the early 1970's Ma is pregnant with her second child and goes back to school.. again. When questioning one of the teachers, some nut-bag from Westmount jumps her from behind. Ma tells us about that rumble, the aftermath and how we should always 'question everything'.sound mixing by PennTraxxtheme - Kristi Lane Sinclairlogo - Patrick HunterSponsorsBirch Bark Coffee Co.www.birchbarkcoffeecompany.comCheekbone Beauty www.cheekbonebeauty.caUSE DISCOUNT CODE "COFFEE" FOR 10% OFF YOUR ONLINE ORDER!Section 35www.sectionthirtyfive.com
With the help of her cousins, Ma prepares for battle before going up to Garden River. Chief Pine asked for her help and she was ready..... to take on The National Indian Brotherhood.
Today’s episode is fun! Ma tells us about the time her and some rebels from Quebec bussed to Ottawa to see Elvis in 1957. Scandalous! **Video link of Elvis’ performance in Ottawa. CBC - https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/watch-footage-of-elvis-presley-s-1957-concert-in-ottawa-1.2892473Then she talks about her adventure with the Kahnawake faction of the ‘Canadians Girls In Training’. We also announce the winner of the ‘LipKit’ by our sponsor Cheekbone Beauty! LISTENERS USE CODE ‘COFFEE’ for 10% off at Www.cheekbonebeauty.cawww.birchbarkcoffeecompany.com
E.1. CWMM -. .*first aired April 16th 2018*MA TAKES ON THE TORONTO TELEGRAM .First I take a few minutes to explain the evolution of this project and then we get into the action. In this episode Kahentinetha (my Ma) tells me one of my favourite stories. It takes place during Expo67 and theres a fist fight, the drunk tank, a tearful phone call with Peter Czowski and much much more!.WARNING- WE SWEAR AND CURSE IN THIS !.Hosted by - Kaniehtiio HornMa is Kahentinetha Horn.instagram - @coffeewithmymapodcast twitter - @coffeewtihmymafacebook - coffeewithmymaemail - coffeewithmyma@gmail.com.sound mixing by PennTraxxproduced by - Kaniehtiio Horn and PENNTRAXX.LINK- NFB - YOU ARE ON INDIAN LANDhttp://workforall.nfb.ca/film/you_are_on_indian_land/artwork by Patrick Huntertheme music by Kristi Lane Sinclair.(c) All rights reserved to Kaniehtiio Alexandra Jessie Horn Batt
Ma tells the story of when she helped out a couple of Cree girls who wanted to keep their babies. I also talk about a campaign I think we should all get behind, The Moosehide Campaign started by my gal pal Raven Lacerte. Cheekbone Beauty is now sponsoring us and has given a discount code for our listeners! Hosted by - Kaniehtiio HornMa is Kahentinetha HornInstagram - coffeewithmymapodcasttwitter - coffeewithmymafacebook - coffeewithmymaemail - coffeewithmyma@gmail.comsound mixing by PennTraxx Theme - Kristi Lane Sinclair Logo - Patrick HunterBirch Bark Coffee Co.www.birchbarkcoffeecompany.comCheekbone Beautywww.cheekbonebeauty.ca
First things first I want to say something quickly about Ma giving AFN (ASSembly of First Nations) a good old fashioned elder scolding. Then we get into the good stuff, Ma discusses her first job at the tender age of 13 and how a man from Kahnawake did a very sweet thing to help her out. Then we get into the biggie, when Ma got fired from Indian Affaires because she was barricaded behind razor wire and surrounded by the Van Doos!! Oh Canada! Hosted by - Kaniehtiio HornMa is Kahentinetha HornInstagram - coffeewithmymapodcasttwitter - coffeewithmymafacebook - coffeewithmymaemail - coffeewithmyma@gmail.comsound mixing by PennTraxxTheme - Kristi Lane SinclairLogo - Patrick HunterBirch Bark Coffee Co. www.birchbarkcoffeecompany.com
EP. 2 CWMM - Ma Gets Fired...A Few Times... PART 1 - The Canadian Chemical Company Debacle and The Arranged Marriage.In today’s episode, Ma tells us about when she started work as a file filer in Montreal in the mid 1950s, it was short lived, you’ll hear why. Then Ma starts secretarial work for what is now known as Air Canada, and somehow finds herself in Mexico with her cousin... Hosted by - Kaniehtiio HornMa is Kahentinetha HornInstagram - coffeewithmymapodcast Twitter - coffeewithmyma Facebook - coffeewithmyma Email - coffeewithmyma@gmail.comSound-mixing by PennTraxx Theme - Kristi Lane Sinclair Logo - Patrick Hunter Birch Bark Coffee Co.www.birchbarkcoffeecompany.com