
  • In this podcast, John Highman talks about how you can and should condition landlords to the real market conditions in leasing property. There are plenty of vacancies to service in commercial property today. This podcast will show you how to work with that opportunity.

    Check out the full article here. https://commercial-realestate-training.com/bridging-the-gap-conditioning-landlords-to-real-time-market-conditions-in-commercial-real-estate-leasing/

    What do you need to think about? Before entering any negotiation, a comprehensive analysis of the local real estate market is crucial. This includes studying factors such as current rental rates, vacancy rates, tenant demographics, and economic forecasts. Landlords should also be aware of any new developments, zoning changes, or shifts in consumer behaviour that could affect demand.

    Landlords must set realistic expectations based on their market analysis. Overpricing can lead to prolonged vacancies, while underpricing may attract tenants but ultimately reduce revenue. A balanced approach that reflects the true value of the property in its current context is key to successful leasing.

    Here is the article in printable form for your reference and retention. Bridging the Gap: Conditioning Landlords to Real-Time Market Conditions in Commercial Real Estate Leasing – Commercial Real Estate Online (commercial-realestate-training.com)

  • In this podcast today, we share important facts about listing premises for leasing and how you can connect more effectively with landlords to get a better lease outcome.

    Understanding and adapting to real market conditions is a crucial skill for commercial real estate agents in leasing when working with landlords. By staying updated on the market, establishing credibility, setting realistic expectations, using strategic negotiation techniques, and utilizing technology, you can assist landlords in making well-informed decisions that result in successful lease agreements.

    It's important to remember that your role as an agent is not solely to facilitate leasing transactions but also to be a trusted advisor who helps landlords navigate the complexities of the market. By doing so, you can build lasting relationships and a reputation for delivering value in every transaction.

    Check out the full article here for printing and retention. https://commercial-realestate-training.com/commercial-leasing-agents-talk-frankly-with-your-landlord-clients/

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  • In the high-stakes world of commercial real estate brokerage, prospecting is the lifeblood of success for all agents. However, it's not uncommon for some agents to experience moments of panic and frustration when faced with the daunting task of consistently generating new business. The key to overcoming this anxiety lies in developing and implementing effective prospecting systems that not only streamline the process but also yield fruitful results.

    In this podcast today, you will learn how to solve 'prospecting panic' and get more clients and listings from your prospecting activities over time. Simply, you can make your real estate business easier. Get a full copy of the text for this audio program at our website page right here.

  • The integration of automation in cold calling systems presents a significant advantage for commercial real estate agents as they strive to find clients and listings. Today, in this podcast we share some ideas about how you can make cold calling a successful part of your real estate day and business. By adopting these strategies, all agents can refine their lead generation process, increase productivity, and stay ahead in a competitive market. As the industry continues to evolve, those who embrace innovation will find themselves at the forefront of success. Get the full article about this here Automated Cold Calling Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents – Commercial Real Estate Online (commercial-realestate-training.com)

  • The investors and company owners that we work with and support require more assistance and professional advice as the commercial real estate market fluctuates. Today's podcast features John Highman discussing the tactics that are most pertinent to agents in terms of offering expert assistance and, in the end, locating the most needed listings and clients.

    Here is the article's link for your perusal and reference. https://commercial-realestate-training.com/strategies-for-commercial-real-estate-agents-in-a-dynamic-market/

  • In today's program we cover three topics that are all sales related and they can help you build your momentum with clients and listings in brokerage. These are the sections of the program:

    Strategies to understand if you are good enough in real estate sales, and how you can improve that. How to build an authentic database system that will actually help you find more listing opportunities. How you can be ahead of the real estate marketing game as an agent today.

    Take these points and turn them into real estate systems and tools that you personally use. Real estate, and particularly that of commercial real estate is immensely rewarding if you take the time to focus on your systems and activities. These three modules will help you do that.

  • In the dynamic landscape of today's property market, commercial real estate agents play a pivotal role in navigating the complexities of market share and the burgeoning growth of opportunities. Their expertise is crucial in identifying emerging trends, leveraging data analytics to forecast market movements, and providing clients with strategic insights that align with their investment goals. Today's podcast by John Highman talks about how top agents can assess market share and the opportunities that are available.

    Check out and print the full article here: https://commercial-realestate-training.com/top-agent-performance/

    What value do you bring to your client base and brokerage business? As stewards of market intelligence, top agents are instrumental in guiding investors through the intricacies of commercial real estate transactions, ensuring that decisions are data-driven and future-focused. The value they add is not just in the transactions they facilitate, but also in their ability to anticipate market shifts and position their clients at the forefront of potential growth areas, making them indispensable in the pursuit of commercial real estate success.

  • Welcome to today's podcast which is all about listings and "Mastering the Market," the essential podcast for commercial real estate agents looking to elevate their listing game. In this program, we delve into the competitive world of commercial real estate, providing you with the insider knowledge and actionable strategies needed to outshine the competition and win listings.

    As mentioned in the podcast, here is the full article for you to print off and retain as a reference tool in commercial real estate A Simple Formula for Winning More Commercial Real Estate Listings – Commercial Real Estate Online (commercial-realestate-training.com)

    The message today in commercial real estate is that you don't have to struggle with listings; you just have to build a systematic approach to your real estate business and your recommendations. That is what this podcast talks about.

    Use the six ideas to do more, say more, and reach out to more clients so you can get better results in the property market.

    Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our expert insights will help you navigate the complexities of the market, build lasting relationships with clients, and secure those coveted listings. Tune in as we explore the art of the deal in commercial real estate.

  • In this pivotal episode of our podcast, we delve into the evolving landscape of commercial real estate and the strategic manoeuvres agents must undertake to thrive. With the property market undergoing significant changes, it's more crucial than ever for commercial real estate agents to adapt, innovate, and steadfastly pursue growth. This episode is a treasure trove of insights, offering six indispensable tips designed to empower agents to find more clients and listings and excel in a competitive environment.

    Follow the link to article for printing https://commercial-realestate-training.com/commercial-real-estate-agent-career-tips/

    Firstly, we explore the importance of leveraging change to stay ahead of the curve. From utilizing CRM tools for better client management to adopting the latest in virtual tour software, technology is a game-changer in enhancing visibility and efficiency. Secondly, we discuss the power of networking and building strong relationships with potential clients, fellow agents, and industry professionals. Establishing a robust network is invaluable for referrals, partnerships, and gaining insider knowledge on market trends.

    Each tip provided in this episode is backed by practical advice and real-world examples, making them actionable for agents at any stage of their career. Whether you're looking to refine your strategy, expand your clientele, or stay relevant in a rapidly changing market, this episode is your guide to navigating the complexities of commercial real estate with confidence and proficiency. Join us as we unpack these six critical tips, ensuring you can seize opportunities and propel your business to new heights.

  • 🎙️ Tune in to our latest podcast episode, where we delve into the timeless strategy of cold calling and its vital role in thriving within the dynamic landscape of commercial real estate brokerage. In this episode, we uncover the secrets to effectively utilising cold calling to unlock new opportunities, build valuable connections, and propel your career to new heights.

    Print off the full article here at our website. https://commercial-realestate-training.com/cold-calling-success-in-commercial-real-estate-agency/

    Join us as we explore actionable tips, proven techniques, and real-world examples from industry experts, empowering you to harness the power of cold calling with confidence and precision.

    Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out in the industry, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their success in commercial real estate brokerage. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion – hit play now and revolutionize your approach to prospecting!

  • Welcome to our latest podcast episode dedicated to the savvy commercial real estate agent. Today, we delve into a critical aspect of property sales: reviewing the tenant mix and leases before bringing an investment property to the market. Whether you're a seasoned agent or just starting out, understanding the intricacies of tenant composition and lease agreements can make or break a successful sale. Join us as we explore why this due diligence is paramount and uncover valuable insights to enhance your approach in the competitive real estate market.

    Check out and print the full article here for future reference https://commercial-realestate-training.com/how-to-review-lease-details-in-selling-a-commercial-property/

  • A listing pitch is something that all real estate agents do today. In this changing property market, that listing pitch has to be tuned to the property, the client, the target market, and the economy. In today's podcast we share ideas around that so you can get better results with your listing presentations with clients in a competitive situation.

    Before we go into the tactics, let us first understand the current state of the property market. To remain competitive, agents must adapt to changing trends, developing technologies, and growing client expectations. In today's market, clients want more than simply a transaction; they want expertise, insights, and tailored solutions that meet their specific demands and goals. They want a result. Check out the podcast today.

    Check out the full article here and print it for your reference Presentation and Sales Pitch Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents – Commercial Real Estate Training Online (commercial-realestate-training.com)

  • Are you a shopping centre owner or manager looking to boost your income and asset value? Do you want to learn the best practices and strategies for leasing and managing your retail properties? If so, you don't want to miss this podcast episode!

    Get a copy of the notes from this podcast (for printing and retaining) right here.

    In this episode, I will share with you the important aspects of shopping centre leasing and performance that can make or break your investment. You will learn how to:

    Create a tenant mix that attracts customers and maximizes sales Select the right tenants for your location, market and vision Negotiate leases that are fair, flexible and profitable Manage vacancies and tenant turnover effectively Enhance your property's appeal and reputation

    By applying these principles, you will be able to optimize your shopping centre portfolio and achieve higher returns. Whether you own one or multiple properties, this podcast will give you valuable insights and tips to improve your leasing and performance.

    So tune in and discover the art of shopping centre leasing!

  • In today's podcast I want to talk about negotiation skills and the essential ones we need to work with and improve in commercial real estate brokerage.

    Here is a resource for you. Print the full article from the website right here Principles of Negotiation in Commercial Real Estate Leasing – Commercial Real Estate Training Online (commercial-realestate-training.com)

    Why worry about improving your negotiation skills? Think about the property market. Negotiation skills are the foundation of successful transactions in the ever-changing commercial real estate brokerage landscape. Be the best you can be at property negotiations, and refine your skills using these ideas.

    In today's competitive market, where every deal is a battleground of interests, mastering the art of negotiation is not only advantageous, but also necessary. Whether navigating complex sales agreements or brokering high-stakes leasing transactions, effective negotiation can mean the difference between closing deals that exceed expectations and missing out on opportunities.

    Of course, things are changing today and we have to be better agents at what we do and how we do it. Bringing parties together is part of that. Communication skills and negotiations in commercial real estate are fundamentally a delicate dance of strategy, communication, and compromise.

    What happens here? It is about more than just negotiating terms; it is about understanding all parties' motivations and priorities and using that knowledge to craft mutually beneficial agreements. A skilled negotiator is more than just a dealmaker; they are a problem solver, diplomat, and visionary capable of devising innovative solutions to even the most difficult challenges.

  • Welcome to the podcast, where we share tips and insights for success in the real estate industry. In this episode, we'll discuss the value of connections and habits in finding and working with landlords and tenants. In today’s episode, we are talking about the important habits and skills required in leasing premises today.

    Check out and print this article at our website here.

    As a leasing agent, you understand that your network determines your nett worth. To effectively and efficiently match landlords and tenants, you must first establish strong relationships with both parties. You should also communicate with them on a regular basis in order to anticipate their needs and preferences and provide excellent service.

    But how do you form and maintain these connections? One of the most important factors is your habits. Habits are actions that you repeat without much thought or effort. They influence your identity, reputation, and results. Habits can either benefit or harm you, depending on whether they are positive or negative.

  • Lead generation is one of the most crucial aspects of being a successful commercial real estate agent. Without leads, you won't have clients, and without clients, you won't have commissions. But how do you find and attract qualified leads in a competitive and dynamic market?

    Check out the full article here: https://commercial-realestate-training.com/crucial-skills-for-agents-in-lead-generation-today/

    One of the best ways to generate leads is to use market intelligence. Market intelligence is the information and insights that you gather about your target market, such as current trends, opportunities, challenges, and customer preferences. By using market intelligence, you can:

    Identify the most profitable niches and segments in your market Understand the needs and pain points of your potential customers Create tailored and relevant value propositions and marketing messages Position yourself as an expert and a trusted advisor Nurture and convert your leads into loyal customers

    In this podcast, we will discuss how you can use market intelligence as part of your lead generation strategy. We will cover:

    The sources and tools that you can use to collect market intelligence The key metrics and indicators that you should track and analyze The best practices and tips for using market intelligence effectively The common mistakes and pitfalls that you should avoid

    If you want to learn how to use market intelligence for lead generation, tune in to this podcast and get ready to take your commercial real estate business to the next level. https://commercial-realestate-training.com/crucial-skills-for-agents-in-lead-generation-today/

  • Introduction:

    Hello, fellow commercial real estate agents. This is another episode of John Highman's Commercial Real Estate Online Podcast. I'm delighted to have you join me today as we discuss an important aspect of our industry: the art of precise marketing in commercial real estate sales and leasing. In this episode, we'll reveal the secrets to making your property listings stand out through targeted advertising and marketing strategies. These insights are intended to not only attract attention, but also convert that attention into useful inquiries.

    Get your full copy of this podcast text by visting our website article right here.

    Understanding Your Audience:

    First and foremost, successful marketing requires a thorough understanding of your target audience. As commercial real estate agents, we must tailor our strategies to address the needs and preferences of property investors, business owners, and prospective tenants. In this episode, we'll look at how to conduct thorough market research to find the unique selling points that will captivate your target audience.

    Crafting Compelling Property Narratives:

    Every property has a story, and it is our responsibility as agents to tell it in a way that captures and engages potential buyers. We'll talk about the power of storytelling in commercial real estate marketing and walk you through the process of developing narratives that highlight your listings' strengths and opportunities. Whether it's an industrial warehouse, a prime office space, or a bustling retail location, we'll find the features that make your properties appealing.

    Utilizing Digital Platforms Effectively:

    In today's digital age, a strong online presence is essential. We'll look at the most recent digital marketing trends and platforms, as well as how to use social media, online listings, and other digital tools to increase visibility. From creating visually appealing content to utilising targeted advertising, we'll provide actionable advice to help you improve your online marketing game.


    Finally, mastering the art of precision in your marketing efforts can make a significant difference in the competitive world of commercial real estate. Understanding your audience, crafting compelling narratives, and effectively utilising digital platforms will not only attract more inquiries, but also establish you as an industry leader. Thank you for tuning in, and until next time, happy selling and leasing!

  • Industrial properties present a distinct set of challenges and opportunities for both buyers and sellers in a rapidly changing real estate market. As the demand for industrial space grows, real estate agents face the complexities of listing industrial properties for sale or lease. In this podcast episode by John Highman, we discuss the importance of checklists in ensuring a consistent and comprehensive approach to marketing and managing industrial real estate.

    Need more detail? Check out and print to full article here: Commercial Real Estate Agents – Tips for Inspecting Industrial Property – Commercial Real Estate Training Online (commercial-realestate-training.com)

    The industrial sector is well-known for its complex nature, with properties ranging from warehouses and distribution centres to manufacturing facilities. To successfully navigate this terrain, you'll need a meticulous strategy, which is where our 19-point checklist comes in. Each factor on the checklist is carefully curated to address the unique nuances of industrial properties, giving real estate agents a comprehensive framework for success.

    Today, the industrial real estate market is experiencing unprecedented growth and transformation, owing to technological advancements, shifts in supply chain dynamics, and changing consumer behaviours. Given the market's complexity, the importance of a structured approach cannot be overstated. Real estate agents who use a detailed checklist can streamline their processes, ensuring that nothing is overlooked during the complex dance of listing industrial properties.

    Our checklist covers everything from zoning and environmental assessments to understanding the specific requirements of potential tenants or buyers. In an era when attention to detail can make or break a deal, having a comprehensive checklist at your disposal is invaluable. Tune in to this episode as we go over the 19 factors that will not only improve your approach to listing industrial properties, but will also distinguish you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy agent in the competitive world of real estate. It is time to realise the full potential of industrial real estate through strategic and thorough listing practises.

  • Welcome to Commercial Real Estate Online Podcast Show with John Highman, your go-to source for navigating the intricate world of commercial real estate. In today's episode, we're diving into the art of specialization and how honing in on a niche can revolutionize your approach to business development, helping you create new opportunities with clients and listings.

    Join us as we unravel the power of niche mastery in commercial real estate. Our expert guests will share their experiences and insights into identifying, selecting, and dominating a specialized market segment. From industrial properties and retail spaces to unique commercial niches, we'll explore how tailoring your skills can set you apart from the competition and position you as a sought-after expert in your field.

    Discover the strategies for effectively marketing your specialized expertise, attracting clients who specifically seek your unique skill set. We'll also explore how specialization can open doors to exclusive listings, allowing you to build a portfolio that reflects your expertise and passion.

    If you're a commercial real estate agent ready to take your career to new heights by specializing your skills, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to "Niche Mastery: Elevating Your Commercial Real Estate Game through Specialization," and unlock the key to creating a thriving and specialized real estate business that attracts both clients and listings. Don't miss out on this insightful conversation that could reshape the trajectory of your commercial real estate journey!

    Check out our website articles right here for more tips and tools for brokerage today.

  • Welcome to another empowering podcast episode of Commercial Real Estate Online with John Highman, where we dive deep into the world of commercial real estate and explore proven strategies to elevate your business. In today's episode, we'll unravel the secrets behind boosting your success as a commercial real estate agent by enhancing client relationships and maximizing your listings.

    Check out our website for more free tips and information right here.