Žmogus yra valgytojas plačiąja prasme - ne tik liežuviu, bet ir akimis, uosle, lytėjimu, visu savo kūnu. Kokie patyrimai, išgyvenimai ir pojūčiai kuria santykį tarp žmogaus ir maisto? Maisto mylėtoja kalbina maisto profesionalus.
Dear listeners,
Welcome to my podcast, my name is Oscar Quijije (Quigieged).
Simple Little Things Oscar's Podcast -
Listen to The Tastemakers for intimate conversations between LuxDeco’s Chief Creative Officer Jon Sharpe and the world's leading interior design talent. Through the words and stories of illustrious guests—leading interior designers and lifestyle influencers whose work and style have made a consequential, positive impact on the design world—the show connects listeners to those whose style the world most admires. As well as individual episode topics, regular sections include Who, What, Where & Why (four questions which reveal more about the Tastemaker), A Question of Taste (a lighthearted quick fire round about taste and tastelessness) and How I Live (a section exploring the homes of our Tastemakers). New episodes every two weeks.
You can discover related images, articles and products in our show notes at where you can also shop over 150 of the world's finest design brands and subscribe to our online magazine, The Luxurist. Follow @luxdeco and @jonsharpe on social for updates and join the conversation with #LDTastemakers. -
Are you feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the clutter in your home? Have you lost yourself in motherhood, putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own? Is your home in a constant state of disarray leaving you feeling guilty and disappointed with all that’s still left to do at the end of the day? Are you so busy focusing on what others need and taking care of everyone else that you go days without showering? Do you feel like you never have the right things to wear, so you just wear whatever is easy and still fits even if you know it’s not flattering on your mom-bod? Do you have a closet full of clothes you never wear, because you don’t know how to dress yourself for mom life, so you let your kids dress better than you do? Are your kids (or your hubby) wearing clothes that are ripped, stained, or just don’t fit, because there’s no system for removing items that no longer work making it impossible to keep up with the laundry?
Well, I am here to help! As a mom of 4, I realize how quickly things can get out of control, and how important it is to have systems in place so that when life gets busy, we don’t let it overwhelm us. Let’s dig through the clutter and make space for the things that are really important! It’s time to let go of the things that are holding you back and keeping you from being the mom you’ve always wanted to be!
After conquering the clutter and finding freedom from the chaos in my own life, I started helping friends and family, and have since become a professional organizer and capsule wardrobe stylist, functional home designer, and clutter coach! And I am here to teach you everything I know about how to create beauty from the chaos in your mama life!
Inside this podcast, I teach you how to simplify, organize, and optimize your home, wardrobe and workload. I will teach you how to make simple changes that have a big impact on how your home functions and how it makes you feel! Share tips and tricks on how to style yourself and your home, get organized with simple systems, and manage the sometimes overwhelming stresses a mama has in her every day life. Getting organized is about decluttering the things that are inessential, finding ways to simplify the process, and making space for the things you really value. You can be stylish, your home environment can be serene, and you won’t have to scream. ❤️
EMAIL: [email protected]
CALL or TEXT: +1(980)389-0399
A weekly cannabis show featuring Dark Horse Genetics. Breeder and cannabis Industry leader interviews
Talks with my favorite bakers, food producers, pastry chefs, bartenders, cooks, spirits experts, and on other topics, such as travel, Paris, and French culinary culture. -
Der Podcast "Stressfrei Immobilien verkaufen & kaufen" hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Immobilienverkauf transparent und verständlich zu erläutern.
Der Kauf bzw. Verkauf einer Immobilie wird immer wieder als komplexer und undurchsichtiger Vorgang von den beteiligten Parteien wahrgenommen. Dies liegt unter anderem an den vielen Fachbereichen (z. B. Marketing, Recht, Fotografie), die von einer Immobilientransaktion tangiert werden.
Mit unserem Fachwissen und unserer praktischen Erfahrung als Immobilienmakler möchten wir Eigentümer:innen und potenzielle Käufer:innen eine Hilfestellung geben. Weitere Infos unter -
A podcast dedicated to the craft of baking delicious and wholesome bread brought to you by House of Bread founder and CEO, Sheila McCann.
The Baker's Ed. Podcast, hosted by Dina Hamed, is a monthly, interview-style podcast dedicated to exploring the baking and pastry arts profession in Canada. What started out as an assignment for her Professional Master of Education studies, transformed into an ever-evolving passion project; a space for reflection as Dina navigates her own growth within the industry she loves.
The Rawlight Diet is a raw vegan diet plan I created in the pursuit of optimum health. It incorporates intermittent fasting, mono fruit meals, simple salads, sauerkraut, and good food combining practices based on years of study and experience.
A lighthearted lifestyle show with a focus on gluten-free food. Sharing recipes, stories, and ideas to help inspire home cooks to try new things. Grab the recipes at
Bring Your Own is a catch all bookish podcast hosted by three besties who met via the internet. Each week join Brandi, Kendra, & Kayla as they chat (and sometimes fight) about their favorite books, authors, happenings in the bookish community, and more!
Follow the pod on Instagram: @bringyourownpod
Follow the hosts:
Brandi: @brandos.books
Kendra: @kendra.readz
Kayla: @kaylas.bookshelf
Welcome to the Bucha Box Podcast! The Podcast where I travel the world in search of the world's tastiest kombucha and interview the brewmasters that make it!
Подкаст для развлечения от четырёх создателей: Катерина, Игорь, Светлана и Анатолий
A podcast from The Post and Courier about dining in the southeast and beyond. Hosted by Parker Milner and Robert Moss.
The restaurant industry today is drastically different from the one Top Chef Alum Jamie Lynch stepped into 30 years ago. Follow along as he discusses the current climate of the industry alongside various food and beverage professionals.
The Wine Situation is a show where host Ellen Clifford is here for you, whether you want to be the friend at dinner everyone trusts to pick a bottle, or just want a virtual drinking buddy. Every episode she cracks a bottle teaches you something new!
No matter what your wine situation is--Elle Clifford is here to help! -
„Lėto maisto kultūra” - tai kelionė per skanaus, sezoniško, kokybiško ir sveiko maisto labirintus. Visi žinome, jog turėtume mėgautis tik ekologišku, pilnaverčiu, vitaminais ir mineralais praturtintu maistu. Tačiau, ar mokame atpažinti kokybiškus produktus? Kas lemia skonį ir gerasias savybes? Ar tiesa, jog sveikas maistas yra nuobodus, neskanus ir brangus? Kaip savo valgymo patirtį praturtinti skaniais, gurmaniškais, o svarbiausia, sveikais produktais? Ar gera pica blogiau, už beskones prekybos centro salotas, o brangus parmezanas - geresnis, už šviežią varškės sūrį, spaustą su meile? Ar sunku tikro maisto rasti Lietuvoje ir kas jį užaugina? Į šiuos klausimus atsakymų ieškos laidos vedėjai Paulius ir Simona, lankydami nedidelius ūkius, maisto gamintojus, kalbindami mokslininkus, dietologus, mitybos ir žemdirbystės ekspertus.