
  • After 1,901 days in Belmarsh Prison, and many more years fighting for his freedom, Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal with the United States and is back in Australia. There, he’ll reunite with his wife, Stella, and his children who have only seen him in jail.

    The official Wikileaks account on Twitter posted: “Julian's freedom is our freedom.”

    The struggle for Julian Assange’s freedom has been a global one, involving many sectors of society - advocates, activists, whistleblowers, artists, human rights workers, doctors and so many more, and of course a brilliant team of lawyers, all working tirelessly for him.

    To discuss, we’re joined by Kevin Gosztola, the editor of The Dissenter, the author of the book Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange, co-host of the podcast Unauthorized Disclosure and more.

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  • In 2020 and 2021, a secret Pentagon program deployed fake social media accounts to sow distrust among people in Southeast Asian countries, particularly the Philippines, around China’s Sinovac vaccination for COVID-19. Clusters of accounts identified as having ties to US Central Command (CENTCOM) made posts with the hashtag #ChinaAngVirus - or “China is the virus” in Tagalog suggested that the coronavirus is real, but China’s vaccinations were not to be trusted.

    Posts in Arabic and Russian also targeted audiences in the Middle East and Central Asia.

    In an article published on June 14 by Reuters, an infectious disease specialist at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine said of the propaganda campaign, “I don’t think it’s defensible.”

    Dr. Nina Castillo-Carandang, a former adviser to the World Health Organization and Philippines government said “Why did you do it when people were dying? We were desperate”

    We’re joined by Chris Bing, an investigative reporter with Reuters who worked on the June 14th article.

    Read the full article here: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/

    Read the Stanford Internet Observatory’s “Unheard Voice” report mentioned in our conversation: https://cyber.fsi.stanford.edu/io/news/sio-aug-22-takedowns

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  • Over 100,000 people surrounded the White House on Saturday, June 8th, wearing red and carrying a 2-mile long banner with the names of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have died since the renewed Israeli assault began eight months to the day before. Through a rally, march and followed by a People’s Court of Justice on the Ellipse, the message was clear: the People’s Red Line rejected Biden’s lie that an Israeli attack on Rafah would be a so-called “red line” for him.

    Though most mainstream media represented it with fearmongering reporting, both Rachel and Chris were there to bring you real on-the-ground info about what it was actually like and what June 8th means for the movement. We also discuss some of the latest developments in the situation, including June 11th’s ceasefire resolution in the United Nations Security Council, details of what actually happened during the Israeli assault on the Nuseirat refugee camp, and more.

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  • On May 19, forces calling themselves the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo launched what appears to be a failed coup attempt, attacking the home of the Deputy Prime Minister of Economy Vital Kamerhe, as well as the Congo’s presidential palace, Palais de la Nation. The country’s Republican Guard forces were able to put down the attack within hours. Three of the 50 people arrested were U.S. citizens, and another U.S. citizen who reportedly led the operation was killed during the attack. Christian Malanga was the founder of the DC-based United Congolese Party, which has deep ties to the west and the United States.

    We talk with Maurice Carney, co-founder and Executive Director of Friends of the Congo, about the events of May 19, the history of the deadliest conflict since World War II, the role that the US and Israel play in the 3Ds: Displacement, Death and Destruction, and the resurgence of the anti-imperialist movement.

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  • Over 3,500 people gathered in Detroit, Michigan for a three-day People’s Conference for Palestine on May 24, 25 and 26. Led by the Palestinian Youth Movement, the conference highlighted the work that has already been done over the last 8 months but also the historical work done over years and decades in the struggle to end Zionist occupation. Participants heard about how education, art, music, literature, labor and much more play a role in this evolving struggle. The conference celebrated and uplifted the martyrs, political prisoners and fighters in Palestine. Perhaps most importantly, it laid the groundwork for the next steps for the movement to go forward. Rachel and I were both there, and today on this special episode, we’ll be listening to a few clips from the conference and reflecting on what this historic convening means for the struggle. We want to thank our friends at BreakThrough News for livestreaming the plenary sessions, keynotes and many of the workshops, and for letting us use their audio on our program. You can check out the full video playlist from the conference on their YouTube page.

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  • Student encampments and street protests for Palestine have been hit with a heavy wave of police violence and repression from coast-to-coast. In some cases, it’s the same police departments whose staff and leaders get training from the Israeli Defense Forces that are attacking peaceful events calling for divestment and justice. In Salt Lake City, police viciously attacked students at the University of Utah on April 29th, and then arrested student organizers the next day before a demonstration at the President’s Circle. Some of those arrested were held for hours or days before being released, even after bail was paid. Students and community have responded in force, mobilizing multiple times, demanding the charges be dropped, all the while keeping Palestine front and center.

    We’re joined by Devin Martinez, a local organizer in Salt Lake City and Deja Gaston, an alumna of the University of Utah.

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  • Hamas on Monday accepted a ceasefire deal that Israel has effectively rejected, instead moving forward with their invasion plans for Rafah, taking control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah gate that separates Palestine from Egypt, and making incursions into Rafah with tanks and shelling from the air. Over 100,000 Palestinians have been told to evacuate from Rafah, but are left with very few places to go.

    Student encampments and protests in the US continue, and have been recognized by Palestinian resistance groups and civil society members. Videos of Palestinian school children holding up signs thanking university students across the US have gone viral online, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has put out a statement supporting the student movement. Despite it being the end of the semester for many, and in the face of heavy police repression from UCONN to the University of California, that movement is growing, with highschool students initiating walkouts and solidarity events.

    Meanwhile, the US elections are just 6 months away. The Biden administration is reportedly cautioning Netanyahu about a full-scale invasion of Rafah, and has canceled one ammunition transfer to Israel - but on the whole, US empire’s diehard support for Zionism is on full display. We’ll talk about all this and more.

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  • Student protests in solidarity with Palestine have set up protests and encampments on campuses across the country from Columbia, NYU and the New School in New York to Berkeley, Stanford and Cal Poly Humboldt in California. Students are demanding that their universities - many of them among the most elite in the country with giant endowments - divest from weapons manufacturers and Israeli companies. They’re being met with fierce repression by police, but along with solidarity from faculty and supporters in their cities, the movement is continuing and growing.

    Chris and Rachel have been on the ground at Yale and Columbia and talk about their experiences and what this means for the movement.

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  • Iran carried out a strike over the weekend of April 13 and 14 in retaliation for the Israeli bombing on April 1 of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria. Embassies are the sovereign territory of the country represented, effectively making it an Israeli attack on Iran.

    In the West, the Iranian response, which was announced in advance and targeted only a military base, has received significantly more attention. Pundits and politicians called it a grave escalation, the opposite of reality.

    And of course this is all happening while Israel continues its genocide of the Palestinian people, with the diplomatic, political and economic support of the United States government. Will the strikes inflame tensions in the region past the point of no return? We’re joined by Mazda Majidi, an Iranian author, journalist and anti-war activist to discuss the possibility of escalation and who the regional players are.

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  • The Biden Administration is pursuing a policy of “energy chasing,” where U.S. regulators put pressure on foreign-owned fuel supply companies, shippers and even financial insurers so that they back out of deals to bring “fuel to our ports.”

    On March 17, there were significant protests in eastern Cuba against the blackouts. The president says the authorities have gone to dialogue with them and explain the country’s energy problems.

    “Two or three [protest] events that were fundamentally peaceful” in Cuba and the Western media creates a narrative of serious instability, says President Miguel Diaz-Canel. Meanwhile “in the world there are more severe protests” and in the U.S. there are protests violently repressed, but these get ignored.

    We are joined by Gloria La Riva, organizer with the Hatuey Project to discuss the recent protests in Cuba and the ongoing crisis caused by the economic blockade.

    Then, with the possibility of a new invasion and occupation, we’re hearing the same story emerge from Western media and politicians about Haiti: something really bad is happening in Haiti and an invasion is necessary. We are being told that this is the worst ever humanitarian situation in Haiti. As the U.S. Canadian and French governments gathered recently to discuss Haiti’s political transition, Haitians get no say over this. When it comes to Haiti, it seems like everyone else gets to decide.

    We’re joined by Kerbie Joseph, a Haitian organizer with the ANSWER Coalition, to talk about how Western colonialism and imperialism are the historical root of and current cause of the problems in Haiti, and what the resistance looks like.

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  • The Korean War has never ended - despite the US government’s attempts to portray it as a long-ago victory, it has never signed a peace agreement with North Korea. Tens of thousands of US troops continue to be stationed on the Korean peninsula, first part of the Cold War and now part of the New Cold War encirclement of China. The devastating war killed 4 million Koreans and left much of the North absolutely devastated. Peace activists continue to fight for a true and just end to the conflict.

    We’re joined by Monica Kim and Christine Hong of the Ending the Korean War Teaching Collective to talk more about the Korean War and the day of action that will take place in Washington, DC on April 5th, starting at Noon on the National Mall.

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  • The British High Court of Justice ruled on March 26 that the United States government has until April 16 to make “assurances” that if extradited, Julian Assange will be treated fairly by US courts and prisons. But this is hard to believe when the US government already had plans to kidnap and kill Assange, drawn up by Mike Pompeo’s CIA.

    We’re joined by Sean Blackmon, host of Darker than Blue on WPFW, to talk about the latest in the Assange case. We also talk about the US government abstaining from a ceasefire vote rather than vetoing it, and the development of the ceasefire demand itself.

    We’re also joined by Husayn Karimi, a labor organizer and host of the podcast On The Line, to talk about UAW workers who are about to vote for unionization at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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  • On March 13, the House of Representatives passed HR 7521, “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act.” The bill would force Beijing-based ByteDance to sell the popular social media app TikTok, or it would be banned on app stores in the U.S.

    Far from being in the interests of advancing data privacy or the security of working-class people in the United States, banning TikTok would be a boon to American social media companies who routinely spy on their users and collaborate with intelligence and other government agencies. Instead, the bill is just part of the U.S. attack on China’s growing influence across the world.

    We’re joined by Amanda Yee, editor of LiberationNews.org, to talk more about the TikTok ban and the new Cold War on China.

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  • For the so-called “greatest democracy on Earth,” elections in the United States are a mess of regulations and laws that differ by state.

    The system is controlled by the Democratic and Republican parties. Just as they seek to destroy any dissent that challenges their status quo, they do so in the electoral arena by placing onerous requirements on independent candidates and third parties, restricting the rights of people to vote and much more.

    As we’ve just passed Super Tuesday and are well into the 2024 campaign season, we wanted to dive more into the stranglehold the Republicans and Democrats have on the electoral system and any real choice at the voting booth with someone who’s very familiar with this - we’re joined by Claudia de la Cruz, the Presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

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  • Millions of people took to the streets around the world on March 2nd in solidarity with the people of Gaza as Israel is reportedly preparing an invasion of Rafah later this week, just before the start of Ramadan. In New York City, Havana, Albuquerque, Caracas, British Columbia, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and beyond, the massive day of mobilization shows that the movement against the Israeli genocide in Palestine will not slow down until the attacks are over.

    Even the Democratic Party is being forced to shift its rhetoric in the face of mounting pressure, though it remains steadfast in its support for Israel. Biden’s recent statements about increasing aid to Gaza, and Kamala Harris’ comment that we need an “immediate cease-fire for at least six weeks” come while the US continues to veto ceasefire resolutions in the UN. But new surveys show that more than two thirds of the people in the US support the call for a permanent ceasefire and de-escalation of violence. And in a brand Center for Economic and Policy Research/YouGov study, 62 percent of respondents who voted for President Biden in 2020 agree with the statement, “The US should stop weapons shipments to Israel until Israel discontinues its attacks on the people of Gaza.”

    We’re joined by Miriam Osman, an organizer with the Palestinian Youth Movement.

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  • February 24 marked the second anniversary of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. With tens of thousands dead and more wounded on both sides and no end in sight to the conflict, it’s important to remember that the history of this conflict did not begin on February 24, 2022, nor on February 22, 2014, when the Russian military took control of the Crimean Peninsula.

    We discuss this and other lessons of the last two years, including why there cannot be “unity” between the left and fascist forces who pretend to be part of the anti-war movement, and the spread of anti-imperialist sentiment across the US as Israel continues to commit genocide in Gaza.

    We’re joined by Walter Smolarek, producer with The Socialist Program.

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  • It’s Day X. Hearings are happening in the United Kingdom to determine whether Julian Assange will be extradited to the United States. His lawyers are trying to convince the UK’s High Court of Justice to permit an appeal hearing. If the court declines, it’s very likely that Assange will be extradited within days and face trial here.

    The long case of Julian Assange has been a travesty of justice. While Assange spent years stuck in the Ecuadorian embassy, and now over 5 years in terrible conditions in Belmarsh Prison, known as Britain’s Guantanamo Bay, those who committed the crimes he exposed still walk free. All along the way, the UK and US governments have violated the rights of Assange and his supporters.

    We’re joined by Kevin Gosztola, the editor of The Dissenter, the author of the book Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange, co-host of the podcast Unauthorized Disclosure and more

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  • Nancy Pelosi’s been in office for 37 years. She’s an ardent supporter of capitalism and imperialism, telling a college student who asked her in 2017 that “I have to say, we’re capitalist - and that’s just the way it is” at a time when 51% of 18-29 year olds said they didn’t support capitalism. She was part of the push on Obama to bomb Syria in 2013, she’s a hawk on Iran and she’s said that US support for Israel is “ironclad.”

    More recently, she’s suggested that protesters calling for a ceasefire in Palestine are plants or tools of Russia, saying “for them to call for a ceasefire is Mr. Putin’s message” and “Make no mistakes, this is directly connected to what he would like to see.”

    And in October, she told members of the peace group CODEPINK to “go back to China.”

    Were joined today by Medea Benjamin, a co-founder of CODEPINK, to dig deeper into Pelosi’s politics, money and support for genocide.

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  • Thousands of people marched through the streets of Austin, TX on February 4th, calling for a ceasefire and for the state government to withdraw all state funding from Israel. According to the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Texas’ share of the annual funding the US gives Israel is $298.367,616. Austin alone pays nearly $15 million of that. Houston’s at $32 million, Dallas about $19 million, and Fort Worth $11 million. And this is while 13.9% of Texans lived below the poverty line from 2018 to 2022, and 76 of the state’s 254 counties - mostly rural with fewer than 50,000 residents - actually had increased poverty rates in that time period. That’s all according to the latest US Census as reported by the Texas Tribune.

    And of course, just under 4 hours away, far-right groups including Christian Nationalists are waging a war on migrants in the border town of Eagle Pass.

    Our very own Rachel Hu was in Austin for this massive demonstration. And after we talk about what it was like on the ground in Austin, we’re going to bring you the audio of Matthew Hoh, a former US Marine Corps Captain, Iraq veteran and State Department official, speaking at CovertAction’s February 5th webinar on the genocide. In his presentation, Hoh provides an overview of the situation on the ground, and five key ways in which the US provides the support to apartheid Israel: Military, intelligence, political, diplomatic and media.

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  • The decade between 2012 and 2021 saw the killings of 1,733 environmental activists across the globe. Corporate profits rose to record high levels in 2022 - while people were still feeling the impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic. Antibiotics fed to cows by beef suppliers for major supermarkets and fast food chains could create a huge public health crisis through the spread of “superbugs.” Twitter had deep relationships with the federal government when it came to content policy, and many big tech companies hired former CIA and Mossad agents.

    All of these should be considered major stories in and of themselves, but they either barely got any news coverage in the mainstream media, or they were misrepresented until pressure became too big to ignore. That’s why they’re just some of the stories on Project Censored's list of the Top 25 Censored News Stories of 2022 and 2023. And there’s a massive lack in media literacy in the United States, where only four states mandate critical media literacy education in public schools.

    Project Censored has just published their State of the Free Press 2024, which you can get by clicking the Store link at projectcensored.org. We’re joined by Project Censored’s Director Mickey Huff, and Associate Director Andy Lee Roth.

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