
  • What can chaos with our bodies create?  Have you ever allowed your body to ride the waves of chaos?  What if chaos with your body was about getting out of judgment?  When you have total allowance — you have total chaos.  Ready to end the battle and the order of judgment of your body so that you can have the creative and generative energies of chaos instead?   If you allowed yourself to play with chaos, would it give your body a way of creating greater? Heather Nichols & Katherine McIntosh will be playing with all of this, today!  You can find more about Katherine McIntosh at www.katherinemcintosh.com Sign up for Katherine's FREE GIFT - No Judgment Diet Gift Play more with Heather and her show - www.heathernichols.com/radio Would you like to play with Heather, for 5 Days of Creating from Chaos? - sign up at https://www.facebook.com/events/619903784859947/ www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Are you prone to creating chaos in your relationships?  Do you find yourself going in circles or cycles and getting a bit confused?  It might sound a little odd, but what if chaos could actually be more of a contribution to your relationships, than a hindrance? Would you be willing to instill chaos into your relationships, and allow something beyond this reality to show up? Join Heather Nichols this week, for some amazing a-ha moments, and some amazing tools to use with chaos and your relationships! Would you like to play with Heather, for 5 Days of Creating from Chaos? - sign up at https://www.facebook.com/events/619903784859947/ Play more with Heather and her show - www.heathernichols.com/radio www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

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  • Welcome to Chaos month on Creating Beyond Reality Radio! This week we are going to look at chaos with money.  Chaos is an energy that can exponentialize creation, possibility, ease, joy and relaxation.  When you add chaos to anything you are creating in your life, there is a much greater possibility for all of your creations to be actualized with great ease!  Order, on the other hand, limits and contracts what we can create and the possibilities that are available to us. Money is one of the most ordered areas of life in this reality.  We control, compute, manage, and try to squeeze the generative and creative energies that money can actually be into a small box so we know we will be ok.  What if there is a much greater possibility with money that is beyond the order of control—and that has the generative, creative, and expansive energies of chaos, possibility, and creation?  When you are willing to be a different energy and a different possibility with money, so much can change!  Are you ready to jump off the deep end with what you are choosing and creating—and into a completely different reality with money?  Join us for this dynamic show with Heather Nichols, chaos mage, money magician, and creator of magnitude! Interested in the wealth creation intensive? Check out the replay of the hangout that is the invitation to you having way more money and fun with money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN155d6OC9M. Play more with Heather and her show - www.heathernichols.com/radio www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • The joy of having Money! It is the ability to go into any place and get what you want when you want it---and not think about the cost of it, and not try to get a bargain— It is about having what gives you pleasure. It is not about proving anything…It is all about Enjoying everything!!! Join Heather Nichols and Curry Glassell for a dynamic conversation on creating beyond this reality with money and receiving.  Curry is an Access Consciousness facilitator, Right Riches for You facilitator trainer, and maven with money, wealth, and receiving! Play more with Curry here - www.accessconsciousness.com/curryglassell  and on Facebook at facebook.com/RightRiches4U Play more with Heather and her show - www.heathernichols.com/radio www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Money Month continues with an exploration into becoming the wealth we truly Be.  In creating a new reality with money, it is key to notice what we are expecting or concluding our Source is or has to be.  More often than not, we expect money to be our source, but that doesn't actually allow money to come to you.  So what does allow money to come to you?  The willingness to be the energies that invite and activate the energy of money into your life and living. This week, Heather invites you to play with what becomes possible when you begin choosing what you would truly like to have and be, first—and allow the money to follow. Would you like to be creating a new reality with money?  Find more details on the upcoming 6-month series with Heather, here - heathernichols.com/money And find more ways to play with Heather, here - facebook.com/heathernicholsCF/events www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Continuing our money conversations for October - Now that we have exposed our fantasies of money, and where we were functioning from fantasy with money, let's play with the possibilities of a NEW Financial Reality!  Are you willing to have your own financial reality?  What else is truly possible with creating and having a financial reality that truly works for each of us? Tune in this week and explore the possibilities with Heather, as she brings more tools to get clarity on, and be creating a new financial reality.  What could having your new financial reality be like for you?  What freedom with money are you willing to have now?  Are you ready to choose it? Would you like to be creating a new reality with money?  Find out more details on the upcoming 6-month series with Heather, here - heathernichols.com/money And find more ways to play with Heather, here - facebook.com/heathernicholsCF/events www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • October is Money Month on Creating Beyond Reality! This week, we are taking a look at the fantasy of money - all the things we think money is, that it actually may not be; all the mis-identifications and mis-applications we do with money.  What fantasy have you created money as, and what fantasy have you created with money, that is actually limiting your creation of and with money?  Are you hoping, dreaming and wishing for money rather than choosing it? Join Heather for this conversation and find out where you might be letting fantasy run your reality with money, and get some tools to change that.  What if money could be Fantastic for you? Would you like to be creating a new reality with money?  Find out more details on the upcoming 6-month series with Heather, here - heathernichols.com/money And find more ways to play with Heather, here - facebook.com/heathernicholsCF/events www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Have you ever caught yourself wishing to have everything you desire - just come to you as if by magic? Have you been secretly wishing to have total ease getting what you want and have people willingly assist you at the flick of your finger? What if this could be your reality? What if in fact it is your reality? All you have to do is to step into being the Femme Fatale you truly be! What if this could be your reality regardless of your body shape, size, your hair colour, your status in society, your age, and other things that we tend to make significant? You are already everything... Let's strip down everything that you have been holding onto, that has been covering up this magical, irresistible, inconceivable Femme Fatale called you! What if all of that could be coming from the Power of Ecstasy called YOU? Daria Hanson is an international motivational speaker, author and a change facilitator. Working with clients all over the world, Daria has been able to help people overcome their fears and step into the brilliance and greatness they were  born to be. Mostly working with people, she has found that every area you have a problem in is the area where you have a great capacity that you have not acknowledged. Once we get to what that capacity is, we can unlock the gift you can be in the world.  Find out more about Daria at www.dariahanson.co  And check out her 21 Days of Vulnerability, here - https://www.facebook.com/events/1863103177255740/ www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • So many of us have the point of view that money is hard earned, must be created through sacrifice, and can’t possibly be something that is invited into your world through the energy of joy. Is there anything you have decided money will create in your world that would then allow you to finally have joy? What if you could turn that around and have the joy of being you, the joy of being alive, the joy of possibility, and the joy of creation—that then dynamically invites money to come in to your world? What joy are you refusing as a result of the money that you don’t currently have? And what would be possible if you were to choose joy first and allow that to bring possibility, creation, and cash into your world? Join Heather in an interview with Maggie Schlarb, Access Consciousness Facilitator, body expert, and Creatress of magnitude! Maggie has created a thriving and dynamic business in a very short time using the tools of Access Consciousness, and choosing to be the contagious joy, magic, and playfulness that she is! Maggie’s magic with creation is inspiring, and an irresistible invitation to have way too much fun creating the money, the life, the body, and the business you would love to have! Find out more about Maggie at  www.maggieschlarb.com - and - maggieschlarb.com/launch More ways to PLAY with Heather - heathernichols.com/bookclub heathernichols.com/joyofbusiness www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Do you have a box full of life tools?  Or even a starter pack?  And - Are your using them?  If so, are you using the tools to create what works for you?  Or are you using them to create a mess? We are building on last week's conversation around the energy of chaos, and what the difference is between creating a mess and creating greater - and how our tools can actually work for us, even though it may sometimes look like they might not be.  What if using tools is actually not about controlling your life?  What if you could allow yourself to have way too much going on, too much fun, too much creation, too much beauty and joy and play in your life—by letting go of trying to control, and instead diving in to the waves of creation, chaos, joy, and everything that is fun for you?! What if the energy of chaos that has created the whole, beautiful universe, could actually be a grand contribution to you, your body, your business, your family, and your life?  What if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be? Join Heather Nichols for this dynamic and totally unconventional conversation of MORE in every way you never considered possible!! www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Do you try to control your creations? Do you create your life, business, body, etc based on the results you would like to see show up, rather than the possibilities that are available to you? Join Heather for an impromptu show birthed from chaos! This show takes a dive into the conversation of chaos and order than has been very alive in Access Consciousness recently. What is chaos, truly? What is order? When and how do you know what is actually required? What if chaos could be a space of intense ease with creation that truly allows you to receive everything you've been asking for an beyond? If you would like to play on her upcoming Telecall with Heather, just go here - www.heathernichols.com/chaosmage www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • How brilliant were you as a kid? Were you tenacious, explorative, creative and happy? Did you have unique ways of seeing the world, tricks for getting what you wanted and the ability to play with all possibilities? Do you still have access to that level of creative joy, wiliness and forward momentum? For whom or when did you give that up in favor of being an a-dolt? Would you like to not only reclaim those capacities but TURN THEM UP? Join Creating Beyond this Reality with host Heather Nicolas and guest Lauren Polly as they share discoveries on reclaiming your capacities from childhood and turning up the unique gift you be in the world! What’s right about your childhood you aren’t getting? And how can you utilize that now to create a life you love? Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like myself.” Are some of the things she hears every day. What follows are stories of how the communication breakdown led to undesirable results – loss of friendship, loss of a business deal, an argument with a loved one, or just the sense that you didn’t deliver what was possible. What if there was a different possibility?  You can learn more about Lauren at LaurenPolly.com www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • What if your body has information for you about what you are creating in the world, what you could create, and ways to create that are more easeful, elegant, delightful, and fun than you can imagine?  Bodies have a consciousness that can expand our life, living, and creative endeavors dynamically.  When we cut off our connection to, and awareness of, our bodies, we cut off creative and generative possibilities in our lives!  Is it time to acknowledge your body?  And perhaps even its brilliance?  What could you create if your body was included in everything you do and be? Join Heather in a juicy and inviting interview with Kass Thomas, speaker, facilitator, and body magician who travels the world facilitating more consciousness, more ease, more joy, and greater possibilities with embodiment!  Kass is an Access Consciousness facilitator, 3 day body class facilitator, speaker, author of ‘7 Steps to Flawless Communication,’ and joyful, creative being!  Find out more about Kass at www.kassthomas.com For more information about the upcoming classes with Heather and Kass - The High on Consciousness Tour with Kass Thomas www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • On last week’s show, we took a dive into the energetics of what actually creates a business that works for your life.  Commitment to your life, getting clear on what you actually desire, and the willingness to go for it are 3 energies that set the stage for creating a business and a life that work for you.  (more on all of that here, in part 1!  http://somolite.com/media/creating-a-business-that-works-for-you-with-heather-nichols/) What about the pragmatics of setting up your business in a way that works?  How many hours would you like to work each day or week?  What is actually fun for you?  What things can you create with your business that support and expand the life you’d like to have? Join Heather this week for part 2 of this diverse and expansive conversation of what would be truly fun, generative, and pragmatic for you to create in your business so that it will grow and expand—because you love what you are creating! Please feel free to call in to the show and ask specific questions, join us in the chat room, or send in questions ahead of time to [email protected]! #heathernichols

  • Have you been trying to set up your business according to what the ‘experts’ say?  What if a one-size-fits-all formula for business is a path to failure?  When you don’t take the rest of your life, your desires, and even what is fun for you into account with your business—you most likely will not create what you think you would like to create.  When you create a business that considers every aspect of your life—what you require with your time, your schedule, family, relationships, your body—etc, you are creating a business that is honoring of you and what you love.  When you create a business that truly works for you—you are much more likely to enjoy doing it, and to succeed! What if the 9-5 drudgery of business is a thing of the past?  What if you could have a business that thrives the more you thrive?  Join Heather Nichols, Joy of Business facilitator, for this generative and expansive conversation of the pragmatics of business.  Heather has set up her business to work for her life of travel, being a single mother, having a long distance relationship, and more!  She includes taking care of her body, having fun, and creating what is joyful for her as part of what makes her business successful, and her life way more fun than it is ‘supposed’ to be!! www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Are you a healer, coach, therapist, facilitator or a change agent?  Have you been struggling to fill your classes/workshops?  Have you always desired to create bigger events?  What would it be like to explode your business and increase your money flows? Join Heather Nichols in an interview with Pratima Nagaraj on how she went from being frustrated with the sizes of her classes and workshops, to creating global classes that consistently have 40-60 attendees with ease.  What if you could get out of the "need" to create classes and shift into desire, without any expectations attached?  What if it is about being a different energy and invitation?  How much fun can you have creating dynamic classes and workshops all over the world? Pratima Nagaraj is an author, speaker, hypnotherapist, transformational coach and an internationally known facilitator with the dynamic body of energy transformational work called Access Consciousness®.  She is a lifestyle entrepreneur with a Master’s degree in Business Administration and offers business coaching to new and aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners.  She travels the world facilitating personal development workshops and sessions that empower people to shift and transform any area of their life that’s not working for them, so they may create a life they truly desire.  You can learn more about Pratima here – www.pratimanagaraj.com www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • What if you are far more creative than you think you are?  Often our creativity shows up in ways we wouldn’t expect it to, or in ways we have never seen before, and we sometimes miss it!!  What if everything you have been asking for could show up with so much more ease if you allowed yourself to be in the play and the brilliance of what is true for you with creativity?  What if you could actually be a creative genius, in your own brilliant way?  When you unleash your creative genius, everything gets created with so much more ease, joy, and glory! Join Heather and Blossom Benedict, two creators extraordinaire, for what is sure to be a juicy conversation about creativity and creation. Blossom Benedict is an international speaker and transformational coach who has touched thousands of lives with the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®. She spreads the message that anything you desire can be changed – and that it can actually be done with ease, joy, lightness, and – heaven forbid – even a little humor.  An Access Certified Facilitator, co-creator of Right Voice For You and an Equity Actress – Blossom uses a unique combination of skills to get people out of their stories and into creating their life! To learn more about Blossom and Right Voice for You, go to www.blossombenedict.com www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • What if doing business like a man or a woman was not a wrongness or a judgment, but an acknowledgement of you and how you create?  When you get out of the judgments of what is the right, good, or correct way to do business and to lead a team, you can start to see what is actually true for you.  What is your leadership style?  What are the points of view that you have with business?  What if you could acknowledge those points of view and use them to create?  How successful are you willing for your business to be? Join Heather Nichols in a dynamic interview with Simone Milasas on this different, intriguing, and sure-to-be-illuminating topic! Simone Milasas is a dynamic leader who travels the globe demonstrating how to do business from a place of joy.  She has been at the forefront of cutting edge business creation and development for over two decades.  She sees the joy of possibility and future and knows that there is the prospect of possibility in every choice.  Simone has worked in many different industries around the world.  She has owned companies, created them, managed them and changed them all with an enthusiasm to invite people to a different possibility. Her target is to empower people to see how business is a source for creation.  Simone is the founder of Joy of Business as well as the Worldwide Coordinator for Access Consciousness. www.accessjoyofbusiness.com www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • Would you like to have a thriving global business that includes worldwide events, workshops, and classes?  Are you aware of what is required to create that for you and your business?  What if you could have a reach and an impact with your business that goes beyond your geographic location, and stretches out into the world to create a greater possibility for everybody who chooses? Join Heather in a conversation with Jonas Svensson, Access Consciousness Global Events Coordinator & Facilitator, Author, and Benevolent Leader in a dialogue around what is truly possible and required to have a business that can have a global reach. Jonas has a vast experience in marketing and sales, category management and market research within multiple companies and industries prior to his current position. Always aware of greater possibilities that existed beyond the norm, Jonas decided after a very successful and highly coveted corporate career of over 15 years, to follow his knowing as the source for creating his life the way he knew was possible.  Now working with Access Consciousness, he leads multi-cultural teams in over 20 countries developing a global business and organizing events that have attendance from across 170 countries. In addition to his work with Access Consciousness, Jonas is authoring his soon to be released book on Benevolent Leadership and is traveling the world over facilitating workshops on leadership, creation, finance and business. He also offers private sessions and tele-classes drawing on his keen sense of leading, managing and empowering people from different cultures while accommodating their individual sensitivities and sensibilities. Learn more about Jonas at www.jonassvensson.accessconsciousness.com www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols

  • What have you decided ‘normal’ is in business?  Does that light you up, or drain your energy?  What do you know about what is beyond ‘normal’ that might actually be a doorway to even greater success and creation than you have previously experienced?  When you begin to play out of bounds with business and creation—a whole new territory opens up where joy, dynamic creation, eccentricity, and success become more available to you than ever before!  What if you could truly be you in & with business?  What crazy creations would you like to birth into the world?  What if your willingness to play on that playground would create beyond everything you’ve been asking for? Join Heather in a potent and fun interview with Susanna Mittermaier, a psychologist, Access Consciousness facilitator, founder of Pragmatic Psychology, and brilliant, out-of-bounds business woman who has created a thriving business and life from her willingness to be a crazy, joyful, dynamic creator in every way!  Learn more about Susanna at www.susannamittermaier.com   and more on her book at  http://www.pragmaticpsychologythebook.com/ www.heathernichols.com #heathernichols