
  • Knowing what marketing efforts to focus on can be the difference between adding hundreds of thousands in sales or spinning your wheels on another "great" idea for your music career. Here's how to know the difference...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa break down how we added over $300k in annual revenue and 15x'd the sales of one of our agency clients at IndieX! Learn the levers we pulled to capitalize on their two album releases with paid traffic campaigns on social media, exclusive vinyl variants, and a calendar of profit maximizer sales promotions...

    If you're looking to pull out all the stops in using digital marketing in your music career, this episode is a MUST listen!


    How We Grew An Artist Revenue 15x

    Why Qualitative Engagement Is An Indicator For Monetization Potential

    How Release Cadence Impacts Sales

    What To Do When Your Merch Doesn't Sell Out

    How To Structure Your Sales Promotional Calendar For Profit


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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    — —

    About 300k fans across social

    Ran sales promotion first to existing fans: $11,834.07 total store revenue that month

    He did 8k the previous year in ecommerce sales

    He was doing around $2000/mo in ecommerce when he came to work with us

    Here's the levers we pulled to 15x his revenue to $312,158.12 total store revenue last year

    2 album releases in that time

    Cold sales ads for CDs and Vinyl (edited)

    Warm sales ads for CDs, Vinyl and soft cloth

    Sales promos every 6 weeks

    Sales promos alternate between new vinyl variants and new soft cloth launches

    Nurturing email every week

    sales promos as profit maximizes

    qualitative engagement as a monetization opportunity

    release cadence importance

    make more offers, let them be scarce, sell out

    sell out your stock on the road as extra stock

  • Ever wondered why some artists never seem to grow? The answer might be simpler than you think: they never start. Procrastination could be your biggest barrier to success...

    In this eye-opening episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa tackle the #1 reason artists don't grow—failure to take the first steps towards growth! Learn about the psychology of procrastination in a music career and practical strategies to overcome it, the importance of being willing to experiment with marketing, releases, and content, how to focus on actions that move your business forward!

    Whether you're debuting your first track or you’re an artist with millions of fans, this episode is packed with insights on how to take action on new opportunities, overcome limiting beliefs, and start pursuing your goals!


    How To Break Through Procrastination At Any Career Stage

    What Experimental Approaches Can Help You Move Past The Starting Line In Your Music Career

    Where To Focus Your Efforts To Propel Your Music Business Forward

    How AI Can Be Experimentally Used To Build Systems And Tools

    How To Learn To Effectively Use New Tools Fast

    Why Artists Fail To Act On Additional Opportunities As They Grow

    How Limiting Beliefs Can Hold You Back And Strategies To Overcome Them


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

    Join Us In The Indepreneur Discord Server!

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  • Lessons in the music industry show up through different paths…some are taught, some are fought through success and failure, and others are caught from experimentation…

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa unpack ten music marketing and music business lessons to help shorten the learning curve to success in your creative career! From picking the best music to lead your marketing to brand building, people problems, and capturing viral audiences, there’s a lot of ground to cover from our 8 years of running a music marketing agency.

    If you want a leg up that blogs and textbooks can’t give you, let the lessons in this episode point you in the right direction for navigating music marketing and the industry!


    Why Some Music Just Isn't Marketable and How To Select Your Best Music

    Where Music Videos REALLY Fit Into Your Marketing Strategy

    Why Social Media Virality Doesn’t Always Equal Easy Monetization

    How Repetition Is Key In Your Online Marketing

    Why People Problems And Bad Strategy Go Hand In Hand In Music

    Why The Belief That Music Is Recession-Proof Is A Myth

    How The Pareto Principle Applies To Artists


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

    Join Us In The Indepreneur Discord Server!

  • A simple trip to the grocery store today could change the course of your music career. Don't believe it?

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa talk all about how musicians need to tap into audience attention online and how tabloids and celebrity gossip can help! Learn why artists struggle to command attention, what terrible copywriting on social media looks like, how to write headlines that capture the attention of your fans, and tips for making your music releases, tours, merch, and content newsworthy!

    If you want to stand out online among all the content noise, apply the lessons from this episode to your social media strategy and finally bridge the gap between the attention of strangers and fans!


    Why Many Artists Fail To Grab Attention Online

    How Terrible Copywriting On Social Media Is Costing You Fans

    How Tabloids, Reddit and Celebrity Gossip Can Help You Write Amazing Headlines

    How To Make Your Music Releases Newsworthy

    Where To Find Inspiration Outside Of Music For Your Copywriting

    The Difference Between Capturing The Attention Of Fans Vs. Strangers

    Why Insane Clown Posse Is The "World's Most Hated Band"

    How To Use True Stories To Create Real Connection With Your Audience


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

    Join Us In The Indepreneur Discord Server!

  • For artists trying to build their music careers by growing and monetizing a fan base, improving the music itself is not always the best starting point...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa discuss how to reverse engineer your music business growth by improving the processes that help you create, capture, and monetize your fans' attention! Learn why only focusing on developing your product might get you stuck at the starting line, how to set achievable goals to release music and content, and to structure offers and promotional cadences based on real fan feedback!

    If you want to fine-tune the processes that will actually grow and scale your fan base and your career, the insights from this episode have you covered!


    How Circa Started Indepreneur With Personal Conversations

    Why Growth Isn't Solely About Creating Better Music

    How To Set Realistic Goals For Long-term Success

    How To Use A 9-word Email To Engage Your Audience Effectively

    How To Build And Reverse Engineer A Promotional Cadence That Fits Your Strategy

    What Artists Can Learn From Taylor Swift About Maximizing The Value Of A Release


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

    Join Us In The Indepreneur Discord Server!

  • Are you gearing up to release your next single? Don't pick your release date until you maximize your efforts in the stages before, during, and after the launch!

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa pick apart the foundations of single releases so that you can plan your waterfall releases to have the biggest impact. Learn about the myth of fast releases, dive deep into what assets and content you should have ready for both pre-release and ongoing marketing efforts, and best practices for distribution and effective pitching to playlists!

    Before dropping your next song, let this episode be your checklist with strategies and tips to make it your most successful release yet!


    What Assets And Content You Need For An Impactful Pre-Release And Post-Marketing

    Best Practices For Distribution And Timing

    How To Utilize Spotify For Artists For Playlist Pitching

    What Spotify's Audio Profiling Means For Your Tracks In The Recommendation Engine

    When To Consider Pre-save Campaigns

    Why Post-marketing Is The Most Critical Phase Of Your Release Strategy

    When To Consider Using Paid Traffic To Boost Your Visibility


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    How To Kick Start A Fanbase With Content

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Are bottlenecks in your creative business slowing down your progress? Identifying and removing these barriers can be the key to unlocking your creative output AND fan base growth...

    In this special episode of Creative Juice, Jack is joined by Jonah McLean (aka DUX), a lead strategist and coach from our IndieFounder program, to dive into the most common bottlenecks he finds in artists' creative businesses! Learn from Jonah's experience consulting and coaching hundreds of artists and explore the three biggest bottlenecks he's observed in music marketing, from the challenges musicians face after an initial burst of audience growth to the paralysis caused by indecision and overthinking!

    If you're stuck in your music career growth and not sure why, this episode covers it all. From simplifying your music business systems to managing your work and failing forward in your marketing, use these tips to get yourself back on track!


    How To Tackle The Three Biggest Bottlenecks Jonah Sees Musicians Face

    Where Artists Struggle After Initial Audience Growth

    How To Handle Indecision And Overthinking To Keep Your Projects Moving

    Why Failure Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool

    How To Simplify Your Music Business Systems

    What You Can Learn From Tim Ferriss and A Simple To Do List


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Work With An Indepreneur Coach To Build Your Music Career!

    How To Run Your Music Business and NOT Burn Out w/DUX

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

    Join Us In The Indepreneur Discord Server!

  • Feeling stuck in your music career? Not sure what roadblock is holding you back? If you're at a standstill, diagnosing the root cause is the first step...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa dissect the major reasons why artist careers slow down and how to diagnose and avoid these pitfalls. Learn about maintaining a consistent release cadence, keeping your enthusiasm to engage your fans, navigating the honeymoon phase of music marketing, and the common breakdowns in artists’ traffic systems!

    Don’t let your music career falter without a fight. This episode will give you a diagnostic approach to help you keep your career on a growth trajectory with strategy, tactics, and stories from our agency and coaching clients!


    What It Takes To Maintain Momentum With Your Music Releases

    How To Keep Your Engagement High And Your Fans Excited

    Why Navigating Past Early Success Is Crucial For Sustainable Music Marketing

    What Causes Most Music Career Stalls And How To Overcome Them

    Where Email Marketing And Tour Marketing Collide

    How To Overcome Revenue Slowdowns With Offers


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • For artists and bands looking to fuel their growth with effective music marketing strategies, there's a dizzying array of options constantly being advertised to you...how do you know what opportunities to focus your time, effort, energy, and budget on?

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa break down opportunities in the industry for marketing your music so that you can choose the best vehicle for your growth! Learn about the differences between digital marketing, influencer campaigns, playlisting, and PR and the pros and cons of each strategy.

    Whether you're looking to work on your own music marketing or build a team, this episode will help you you survey your options and choose the most effective ways for you to grow your fan base, revenue, and business from top to bottom!


    Why Having a Large Fan Base Offers More Leverage for Monetization

    How We Structured Our Agency to Seize Music Marketing Opportunities

    How Email, SMS Marketing, and Paid Ads Can Predictably Grow Your Career

    The Pros and Cons of Influencer Marketing

    The Risks Associated With Playlisting and How to Navigate Them

    Why PR Is Effective for Building Brand Authority


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

    Join Us In The Indepreneur Discord Server!

  • Visit the websites of your favorite artists and bands and you'll probably find a form with the call to action "Sign Up For Updates". Tough question: how many fans do you think actually sign up just for updates?

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa answer one of the biggest questions on growing your list of fans...how to actually get fans to sign up! Learn about the top email list-building offers we use with our IndieX agency clients right now, choosing the right offer based on your audience size, and what emails to send to your fans after they sign up for an offer!

    If you've tried email marketing before and want to give your fans a solid reason to sign up, this episode unpacks everything that we see working for artists in the wild today!


    Why It's Important To Properly "Bribe" Your Fans

    How To Build A Permission Offer Based On Your Audience

    Why Early Access Offers Perform For Email List Growth

    How To Craft An Effective Giveaway Campaign

    Where Email Marketing and Tour Marketing Collide

    How To Create The Ultimate Offer Around Your Album


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Will 2024 be the year that email marketing proves to be dead, buried, and useless for artists? The answer might surprise you...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa spill the beans about the future of email marketing for musicians with facts and figures, case studies, and client stories showing how email is one of the highest ROI channels! Learn why music industry folks think that email is a thing of the past, why poor strategy ACTUALLY makes email marketing appear dead, and how we've used email marketing at our agency IndieX to drive five, six, and seven-figure e-commerce campaigns and operations!

    Want to make email marketing work in your business? This episode dives deep into stories, strategies, and automation tactics so that you can transform your email marketing into a powerhouse!


    Why Email Is NOT Dead In 2024

    How Poor Strategy Leads to Unsuccessful "Dead" Email Marketing

    What Makes Email Marketing a 4200% ROI Channel

    How An IndieX Client Did $40k in Vinyl Sales In One Day Through Email Marketing

    Why Owning Your List of Fans Is Critical for Success

    What Offers and Email Automations To Use In Your Marketing


    Learn Email Marketing For Musicians Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Planning an EP or album release this year and overwhelmed with options for building the marketing strategy? There are two camps when it comes to launching an album in 2024...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa share album launch strategies that set our IndieX agency clients up for success so that you can apply them to your releases - and profit! Learn about the common pitfalls in EP and album launches, the interplay between singles releases and full album launches, how to get your fans excited about your launch, what you need to get started, planning a release timeline, and building an album launch funnel that converts!

    Don't release an album in 2024 without a roadmap for engaging your fans and maximizing sales! This episode is packed with strategy, tactics, and stories from successful launches to help you plan your most successful launch yet!


    Why Is There A Gap Between Production Costs and Marketing Budget For Artists

    How To Build An Effective Album Launch Funnel

    How To Engage Your Fans for a Successful Launch

    What You'll Need for a Successful Launch From Music and Tools to Content and Beyond

    How to Plan Your Release Timeline

    Why An Album Launch Funnel Has Long-term Benefits

    PLUS: Get Our Free Album Launch Workbook


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Get Our Free Album Launch Workbook

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Compared to every other industry around the world, the music industry is notably bad at data consolidation and artists suffer the most from it! There are a dizzying amount of digital marketing tools that can help artists capture and monetize fan bases...So where do you start?

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa discuss the marketing tools every artist should have in their arsenal and unpack the features that are non-negotiables! Dive into website platforms, email and SMS marketing tools, e-commerce platforms, funnel builders, and automation tools and learn why "music" specific tools often don't measure up to broader digital marketing solutions!

    Don't let the lack of the right tools hold back your fan base growth and revenue! This episode provides a roundup of the digital marketing tech that we use day in and day out for marketing for artists and bands of all kinds!


    What Essential Marketing Tools Every Artist Should Have

    Why Broad Digital Marketing Solutions Outperform "Music" Specific Tools

    How Email Marketing and SMS Marketing Should Differ in Your Strategy

    What Real Value Automation Brings Artists and Common Misunderstandings

    Examples of Simple and Complex Automation

    PLUS: An Inside Look at the IndieCRM!


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Ever felt like your music is the roadblock in your marketing journey? It's time to rethink, reassess, and re-strategize!

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa reveal what to do when your music marketing strategies hit a roadblock and how a critical evaluation of your music could be the key to unlocking audience growth. Learn why social content fails and how to diagnose yours, as well as when to fine-tune your music from gathering and analyzing feedback to refining songwriting, production, mixing to create a better product!

    Don't let your music hinder your marketing efforts. If your music needs some fine-tuning, this episode has you covered with tips to transform your music from a stumbling block to a spark for your career!


    The "Do Not Pass Go" Moment in Music Marketing

    Why Content Fails and How to Diagnose It

    What Steps to Take if Your Music Needs Work

    How To Gather and Analyze Feedback For Your Music

    When To Look Critically At Your Music

    How To Refine Your Songwriting, Production, and Mixing Processes


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • What separates a good artist from a great artist brand when it comes to merch? Here's a hint: It's all centered around customer experience...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, we're joined by special guest Seamus Menihane, founder of Down Right Merch to get his expert insights on merchandise and fulfillment for artists and brands! Learn about how Down Right Merch got its start in the industry as we discuss what artists often overlook about merch and fulfillment, how to create unforgettable customer experiences, and the pros and cons of print-on-demand, the different types of merch deals, and much more!

    If you're looking to make your merch operations great, the insights from Seamus on this episode will give you a dive deep into merch from design and product to fulfillment, bonuses, and beyond!


    How Seamus Built Down Right Merch After Time On The Road

    What Artists Miss About Merch and Fulfillment

    How To Create Amazing Customer Experiences

    What Pros and Cons Exist For Print On Demand Merch

    How To Understand Different Types of Merch Deals

    What You Can Learn Merch Operations of Artists Like ICP, Taylor Swift, KISS, Misfits, and More


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Learn More About Down Right Merch

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Wondering why the buzz around music NFTs seems to come and go? Want to know what's behind all the hype about web3 and the music industry? A lot has happened in the last few years...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack grills Circa on the latest developments at the crossroads of blockchain technology and music! Dive into the recent changes in web3, AI disruption, why blockchain became so attractive to the music industry and uncover the REAL reason web3 has become a hot topic in music!

    If future tech, monetization, NFTs, and the metaverse catch your interest or baffle you, this episode is a helpful primer on the basics of web3 and predictions of its future in music!


    What Is Web3 and How Does Blockchain Technology Play A Role In The Internet

    Why Blockchain Became Attractive to the Music Industry

    The REAL Reason Web3 is a Hot Topic in Music

    How Web3 Has Changed Over Market Cycles

    What The Future of Music NFTs Looks Like


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    A Crash Course in Web3 and Music

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Ever worry about aging out of a music career? Concerned that running ads will kill your organic growth on social media? Artists shouldn't let these myths get in your head...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa debunk common misconceptions that plague the industry and dive into the mindset of highly successful artists who keep their goals laser-focused! Learn how to build systems to prevent self-sabotage, how to attract attention without labeling your genre, tips for writing better hooks, and what you can learn from influencers and other industries about building a fan base!

    If music industry myths keep you from executing, this episode will help reshape your perspective on your music career!


    How Paid Advertising Does NOT Kill Organic Traction

    Building Fan Engagement Systems to Avoid Self-Sabotage

    How To Gain Attention Without Labeling Yourself or Your Genre

    What You Can Learn from Influencers Like Grant Cardone and Other Industries

    How To Write Better Hooks

    How to Smash Online Trolls Romantically


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • In 2024, your music distributor may not make or break your career, but knowing what opportunities are out there for you is critical to your success as an artist...

    So in this special episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa are joined by special guest Dame Ritter, the Director of Communications at the music distribution company Too Lost to talk about all things music industry, from distribution deals, to artist management, monetization, and more! Learn about the current state of music distribution in 2024, how Too Lost stands out among distributors, and Dame will share insights on what artists may not know about the opportunities they might be missing!

    Dame has worn many hats in the music industry, from running a record label to artist management, and now brings his wealth of knowledge to the Too Lost team. Don't miss this episode as a chance to learn from a seasoned music entrepreneur and professional!


    The Current State of Music Distribution in 2024

    How Distribution Became a Commoditized Service

    How Too Lost Stands Out In The Industry (and How To Get Involved)

    What Opportunities Artists Miss When Working With Distributors

    How Artists Can Adapt Their Mindset To Succeed

    What Advice Dame Passes On To Artist Managers Today


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Too Lost

    Keep Up With Dame on Instagram

    Launching a Digital Event and Offer with Dame Ritter

    EP178: How 6 Artists Made a Collaborative Album in ONE WEEK! w/ Damien Ritter

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Independent artists and bands are stacking wins and breaking records daily! They just need a bit more publicity...

    In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa share the stories of Indies both inside and outside of the Indepreneur community to inspire and show what's possible in your music career! Learn how artists are growing rabid fan bases, selling out shows, cracking chart positions, and building music businesses that support them full-time!

    If you're looking for inspiration on how to crush your music marketing from top to bottom, look to the artists highlighted in this episode as models and starting points!


    How LaRussell Created His Own Market Through Unique Offers

    What Artists Like RJ Thompson and Laura Kidd Do To Make The Charts

    How Greywind Mastered Their Marketing Hooks for Content

    Why Artists Need To Release Music Early and Often

    How Dropping The Barometer for Production Sets Up Audience Growth


    Learn Top Music Marketing Strategies Inside IndiePRO

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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  • Did you know that a fan who is a customer is 5 times more likely to buy from you again? Armed with that fact, it's mission critical for artists to convert fans into customers...

    So in this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa open up the strategy vault and break down the process of converting fans into customers using a Free+Shipping & Handling funnel! Learn how this strategy works for artists from pricing and costs, to upsells and the traffic sources to tap into, and get a first hand look at why providing value FIRST is the key to success!

    If you're looking to take your first steps at monetization in your music career, this episode will be your guide to taking your fan relationships to the next level!


    How a Free+S&H Funnel Works for Artists

    Why Giving Value Will Help You Succeed as an Artist

    The Math and Metrics Behind the Funnel

    How To Turn Warm Fans into Customers for the First Time

    What Traffic Sources To Use for Your Funnel

    How to Price Your Products and Create Upsells


    Learn To Build A Free+S&H Funnel Inside IndiePRO

    How Indie Artists Are Getting PAID to Grow a Fan Base

    Looking to expand your team or need marketing help? Apply to work with IndieX!

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