Everything we know about the media, marketing and advertising business is being completely upended thanks to technology and data. We're talking with some of the top industry leaders as they steer their companies through constant change.
פודקאסט שנותן הצצה להייטק - תפקיד בכל פרק
Welcome to the Positive Impact Podcast, where we discuss topics at the intersection of business, sustainability and social justice. With so many negative things out there in the world today, politically and with a pandemic, this podcast explores how we can break barriers and create positive impactful change with industry leaders and pioneers.
I’m Kevin Wilhelm, CEO of Sustainable Business Consulting, a firm that works with organizations to have a positive impact on the planet and social justice through the lens of business. -
PORT2PORT PODCAST deals with wide variety of topics in the field of logistics and supply chain, and is published and promoted through the PORT2PORT website to many thousands of importers/exporters and logistics service providers.
The podcasts will be hosted by Merav Ronan, editor and content manager of PORT2PORT. -
Интернет стал такой же первой необходимостью, как водопровод. Почти все компании хоть немного, но в чём-то уже IT или хотя бы стремятся к технологичности. И каждый человек, у которого есть профиль в соцсетях, — медиа.
Поэтому этот подкаст о том, что касается всех — о медиа, интернете, технологиях и бизнесе IT-компаний. Никита Лихачёв вещает из своей радиорубки в темноту эфира, рассчитывая, что аудиосигнал достигнет адресата, будет услышан и понят — и это сделает нас немного ближе друг другу.
Марк Цукерберг, Тим Кук, Джефф Безос и Илон Маск пока не послушали этот подкаст, зато вы можете сделать это прямо сейчас.
Still Updating is a podcast exploring how modern organizations can gain an advantage using technology, with a general bent toward data and AI related topics. Each episode highlights a unique perspective or story about how technology can be used to solve real problems. Join us as we cut through hype, debunk misconceptions, and uncover hard-to-find nuggets of wisdom amid a rapidly changing technology landscape.
The Duane Morris Class Action Defense Blog presents the Class Action Weekly Wire podcast:
Due to the growth of class action litigation over the past decade, counsel for defendants and plaintiffs alike have become more sophisticated, the statutory authority and case law precedents have continued to evolve, and parties on both sides have expanded their arsenal of tools to pursue and to defend these cases. As a result, class action litigation entails ever-changing guideposts, new playbooks, and innovation.
Our show delivers weekly episodes featuring insights and analysis of the latest class action cases and trends with some of the nation’s most experienced attorneys in defending class action litigation. Guest speakers share their expertise on case law, significant settlements, and developing trends in all areas of class action litigation, including artificial intelligence, antitrust, arbitration, biometric privacy, consumer fraud, cybersecurity, wage & hour, privacy, product liability & mass tort, and EEOC strategy and litigation.
Subscribe to our blog:
Follow us on Twitter: @DMClassAction
Subscribe on YouTube: @DMClassAction
Conversations about startups, technology and life.
Join host, Deo Arlo; as he explores on some of the most fundamental and interesting topics in the world of startups and technology – including entrepreneurship, hi-tech, science, philosophy, business, and more… together with world renowned experts from various domains.
ניתוחי עומק של הזירה הבינלאומית
פודקאסט לנדל"ניסטים עם ראש פתוח מבית מרכז הנדל"ן
Politics, technology and the pursuit of happiness. Twice a week, Bradley Tusk, New York-based political strategist and venture investor, covers the collision between new ideas and the real world. His operating thesis is that you can't understand tech today without understanding politics, too. Recorded at P&T Knitwear, his bookstore / podcast studio, 180 Orchard Street, New York City.
Product Nation is a weekly podcast by product managers in Silicon Valley covering how tech products get created and executed by some of the most accomplished product management superheroes in the world
How will machine learning, AI, hybrid clouds, IOT, open source, edge computing, and many other innovations solve some of the world’s biggest challenges? Sit down with some of the most innovative minds in technology to learn how they are disrupting the present, and what kind of impact they foresee for the future. Hear from companies like Google, AWS, Intel, Red Hat, HPE, Dell and new, hot startups. Hosted by Avishai Sharlin, Division President of Amdocs Technology.
מבית קשת, mako ו-N12: דני פלד, שותף מנהל בקרן Stardom ודרור גלוברמן, מגיש תכנית הטלויזיה next של קשת 12, מדברים על כל חדשות המדיה והדיגיטל שאולי פספסתם בזמן שעבדתם. כך תשארו עם אצבע על הדופק, גם אם לא הספקתם לקרוא את כל הכותרות שישפיעו על החיים של כולנו.
מגזין סוף השבוע של The-Marker
גיא רולניק וענת ג'ורג'י עם מבט מעמיק אל אחורי הקלעים של הנושאים ששולטים במחזור החדשות היומיומי -
אמיר גל-אור, יו”ר קרנות ההשקעה אינפיניטי וטייס קרב מאפשר למאזינים לקבל נקודת מבט ייחודית על נושאים מהותיים מעולמות בהם הוא מתמחה - הון סיכון, עבודה בסין והמזרח, גנטיקה התנהגותית ומגמות עתידיות. אמיר מראיין אורחים בעלי נקודה השקפה ייחודית ומוכחת בתחומם. השיחות מתובלות בסיפורים אישיים ותחזיות עתידיות הנותנות למאזין כלים ורעיונות ליישום אישי.
There are constantly new tokens, DeFi projects, NFTs collections and DAOs being launched – but how can you make sense of everything going on in the crypto space? From the hype to the scams, TechCrunch senior crypto reporter Jacquelyn Melinek explores the impact of crypto on finance, art, web3, and society as a whole. Whether you’re a fan or a skeptic, every Thursday, Jacquelyn chats with a crypto expert, learning alongside you to break down the nuance behind the wild world of crypto. Chain Reaction is produced by Maggie Stamets with editing by Kell Keller.
Subscribe to the Chain Reaction newsletter to dive deeper: -
Successful Amazon third-party sellers share their experiences on how to best succeed in the Amazon marketplace. We talk about how to attract and maintain a high volume of genuine Amazon reviews, how to do Amazon keyword research, how to compete in a competitive Amazon category, how to do Amazon PPC ads well, how to deal with a suspended Amazon seller account, and overall, how to compete in the worlds biggest marketplace! Join us and/or ask questions at [email protected].
Off the Record is an interview-based podcast about Leadership in which the journalist Alistair Bunkall speaks to some of the world's great leaders in politics, sport, military, business and religion.
פודקאסט בהגשתו של חגי גולן, המוקדש לכל מה שחם בתחום הנדל"ן